1980-10-09 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • • • 7 ' VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPEJ RANCE COMMISSION • • Recommendation Summary . _ Project Title: VILLAGE CENTER Date: Oct, .9, 1980 Developer: Diamond Signs - Ken Middleton r" = ` Moved by: Cora. Gibbs Seconded by: Corn. Holland I make a motion to approve the sign as presented for the repainting of an existing sign located at- Buffalo Grove Rd. and Checker. The colors to be white and green as per the sketch presented. " Log4 allowed under Sec. 11.2 of the Sign Code :The .permit to be allowed for six months or until sold _ , or fully leased,. wtih the option of an additional six - f - - monthe renewal by the administrator. If in one year's time after the- center is opened, if it is not fully 'leased the sign is to be brought back to the. Commission r Roll Call Vote,- - lye: Kirby, •bs, Holland Hardt. Nay: None • • • :Motion Passed - 4 to 0. - . -1- • 4 , - • Li sb • . a r • VILLA,3E OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE CONXISSION • - Recommendat ion Summary Prol ect Title: BUFFALO GROVE DATSUN Date: Oct. 9, 1980 Developer: Datsun, Bob Stavin • Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by: Corn. Kirby • I make a motion to allow Buffalo Grove Datsun to illuminate the American Flag, presently flying on a 30 ft. flag pole. Illumination to be erected at the top of the present pylon sign. Such illumination to be shielded so that light does not show beloy to the pavement. on . Roll Call Vote - Aye: Gibbs, Holland, Paolillo, Kirby and Hardt \./ Nay: None• - Motion Passed - 5 to 0 • • • • sb • . . - - • .