1980-11-13 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE - - APPEhRANCE COMMISSION • • Recommendation Summary • Project Title: David Rosenblatt - Lot #119 Date: Nov. 13. 1980 - Green Knolls Sub►.divi sign - Developer: _ . }Coved by: Coma Holland Seconded by: Com. Carr - I move we accent The model for Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenblatt's - house on Lot #119 of the Green Knolls! sub-division - as presented With the st oulation that the roof vents be • • painted out to match the trim:. _all gutters and down- sbouts be painted out to match the trim: the chimney to have a masonry appearance on the exterior: the gutters and cedar siding as presented. . Roll CA11 Vote: Aye Paolillo. . Knack • Carr - • AollBnd Ki.rbv • Nay None: - _ u e.. a: it ..t • .� • • • • • • sb • • • • • • - _ J - t • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPEARANCE COMMISSION • • Recommendation Summary • Project Title: Lieberman Realty Date: Nov. 13. 1980 • Lights'on Arbors Sim _ Developer: • Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by: Coin. Carr I, move that the unauthorized lighting on the temporary sign for the Arbors_} Condominiums on Dundee Rd. by " - • removed emmediately. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak : . Carr . Holland _ • Kirby _ • Nay - None Motion- Passed 4 to 0. • • • - - sb - _ . . • • • • • h ' AGE OF BUFFALO GROVE J PPEA P.ANCE COMMISSION - - Recommendation Summary . _ \./ • Tr `: Project Title: Ponnin'Fresh Pies Date: NOV. 13. 1980 • • Developer: by: ' - Seconded Moved by: Com. KnaakCom. Holland 'I move that we accept the Proposed pylon slims _ for Poppin1 - Fresh Pies on Dundee Road; as • follows: : • . a) To be a maxi mum of 201 in height from curb line - b) To contain the Povoint Fresh Logo c) Not to contain the sign below (Restaurant - ' • _ a - and Bakery) _ _ - - _- -d) That the sign be located. 10 feet back from - the property_line -i n the area indicated 3n the • =' - 'blue Print•Provided. - . - Amendment made: after di acuasi on and -made -Dart •of moti on:•- e) - Appropriate landscapane will be Placed.` _ y at the ease of the pylon sign. .Roll Ca31 lots: Aye - Panlillo . '7 Car:• . .. . Knask , Holland - Kirby Nay-Z. None • • • Notion Passed 5 to 0.