1980-11-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes • a • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. `./ THRUS., NOV. 13. 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER ' • Commissioner L. Kirby called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. at the Village Hall. 2. ROLL CALL - Commissioners Present: D. Knask, M. Holland, P. Carr, L. Kirby, L. Paolillo. Commissioners Absent: D.Hardt and B. Gibbs . Bldg. Department: _ James-D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. vas Present. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Oct. 23. 1980 minutes were deferred because of the absence of Commissioners - who had attended the meeting. • h. OLD BUSINESS _ a) Lieberman Realty Lighted Temborary Sign on Dundee Road. Marc Schwartz, Battler & Capitol - Attorney-for Lieberman Realty. Ch. Kirby asked Mr. Griffin if there was plat of survey shoving the set back of the sign. 'The-sign should be 10 feet back from the property line. Mr. Schwartz explained the situation is only temporary because The Arbors is about three-quarters sold out. He felt that if it were necessary to have.the - sign set back, it could be done easily. He expressed the need for lights be- cause it is dark so early now and the sign is their maior advertising source. It would be a hardship not to have lights because the bnik of traffic an Dun- dee Road is from L:30 P.M. on. Mr. Schwartz agreed to-having the 'lights off by 9:00 P.M. .le `noted that the sign is the gaily identificatjt they have. Ch. Kirby said there are three problems with the sign. -.1) The lights were added without the approval of-the Appearance-'Commission. -2) - The sign may not be in the proper location. -3) Lieberman Realty._has-failed• to'appear-at-mrevious - meetings. Ch. Kirby added that there are no other temporary signs in Buffalo Grove that have been permitted to have lights. The Highland Paint/Grove sign vas mentioned as an-example but it vas noted that When the Appearance Commission was made aware of:the lights, they came in and agreed to remove the lights. Com. Kirby explained that should the Commission deny the lights, an appeal to the Village Board can be filed. • Com. Holland noted that the Fireside Condos, lust vest of Arlington Heights Rd. are in an identical situation and do not have lights. He explained the problem that would occur if any permit was given for lights an a temporary sign. Then- all other developers could-come 3n and•reauest lightin%.. _Be asked that The Arbors be brought into conformance with the other 'similar businesses.in B. _G. Mr. Schwartz apologized:_for`i of•_comine-in'before--and said he -vas Just made aware :- of the situation recently._ Be- re-emphasized the need for__the_lights because of the severity of. he real-estate market today and said-denial.vould cause severe __ hardship. - Ch. Kirby said they understood the •situation and the Commission' feelings are that they cannot open a lighting to one person because it would be unfair to many others. The fact that The Arbors in on a commercial street cannot be considered to be unique. The Commission must be consistent. • Com. Holland made the following motion: • I move that the unauthorized lighting on the temporary sign for The Arbors Condominiums on Dundee Road be - removed immediately. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak. • Carr. Holland Kirby . = Nay-- None Motion Passed 4 to O. Ch. Kirby asked Mr. Gr.ffin to check the previous minutes and if in fact, the t sign is not in'the Proper locati on, that a variation from the ZBA be requested 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Poopint Fresh Pies ` - '- •Pylon Sign • Poppint Fresh vas represented by Frank Balogh , { Acme Wiley Corp. (Signs) vas represented by Carol Smith . • Drawings of the sian and photographs were presented to the Commissioners. Because the tree near the existing is a healthy tree and because there is a • =``' dead tree farther east near the driveway, )4r. Balogh asked that the new pylon y"?='` sian be erected at that location. • Mr. Griffin informed the AC that the ZBA has granted a variation to allow the removal:of the present .siea and -the erection of a nylon sign. The variatiion • was contingent upon'the increase.of-sales within one year or -the .nylon-would be taken down. : The variation was given to allow the sign to be closer to • the White Hen and Koenig & Strey signs than the Code allows. ,. • -. {Com. Paolillo arrived at 7.•55.B.M.) ' ` t �. • •e -�r ti. a- .b trx The sign was discussed and the small sign below the larvae -sign was auesti oned as to whether it was considered all one sign, etc. According to the Sign Code' a sign is measured by adding all sections together to reach the maximum of ' 120 sq. feet . Buffalo Grove Datsun and Gas statioafs were cited as examnlea. However, Restaurant and Bakery was considered to be advertising and Mr. Balogh agreed-to delete that portion of the sign. The proposed height was over the 20 foot requirement, and Mr. Balogh also agreed to lowering it to the specified height. The set back will also meet the Code reauirement of 10 feet from the property line. Coin. Knaak made the 'following moti on: I make a mots on that we accept the proposed pylon-si.ga for _-Poordnt Fresh Pies on-Dundee Road._ as follows:._ - a) = To :be a maximum--of -201 7 in height -frrom curb-line_ • b) - To contain__the:_Ponpint- Fresh Logo c) - Not to contain_the_sign -below .(Restaurant-_and-Bakery) - d) That the_sign be located 10 feet ck..from_the-vroDerty line in the area iidicated in the blue print provided.--- Com. Holland seconded the motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION -- Nov. 13. 1980 — Page TWO • • ' Ch. Kirby mentioned the Code requirement to landscape the base of pylon signs and Mr. Balogh agreed. The plantings around the present sign would be acceptable. Mr. Griffin was given the responsibility of approving the landscaping. Com. Knaak added the following to his motion: a) Appropriate landscardne will be placed at the - base of the pylon sign. • Com. Holland approved the addition. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo. Carr Knaak Holland ' Kirby _ Nay - None • Motion Passed 5 to 0. b) David Rosenblatt - Review of a single house in Green Knolls Mr. Rosenblatt explained that he has purchased a single lot (No. -119) - in the Green Knolls Sub-division and wants to construct a house. It is a house with similar style and size as the surrounding homes.. He Plans to build it himself. y: ,"I r-.{ • • - The house - will be constructed as follows: • a) Brick - dark brown; lover portion and chimney - b) Casement Windows - opening out c) Gutters and Downspouts -::Brown d) Cedar siding e) Front stoop - Concrete f Slight overhang —door is recessed g Bay windows - Front and Back h Light needed at back doors ' i :Vents- Through-attic; -painted -out - j Bathroom vents - On back side of house.' • k) New type furnace --Tented out of side all about 8.ihche s above ground; like a dryer. There'mill be two o-furnaces.• Mr. Griffin said that the furnaces vd11 have to be reviewed`•,;by the Building Department and must meet all Code requirements. - " The skylight will probably be framed with copper. The fireplace is a pre- fab with an aluminum cap. The fireplace is not masonry `but will be all bricked in on the outside. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we accept the model for Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenblatt's house on Lot #119 of the Green Knolls' sub-division as presented, with the stipulation-that the roof=- • vents be painted out to match the-=_- trim;- all utters aid downspouts be painted out-to match-the=trim; the chimney:-to have-a- masonry-aD..-= _ pearance on the exterior; --•the =--- gutters and cedar siding-as presented. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Nov. 13. 1980 - P_ Motion for David Rosenblatt continued: Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo. Knaak Carr Holland Kirby Motion Passed 5 to 0. 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS a) Mr. William Balling invited the Appearance Commission to attend a SeminRT _ Natural Area Study — on Nov. 20, 1980 at 8:00 P.M. in Long Grove. b) Dec. 3. 1980 at 7:30 P.M. a meeting is to be held at the Village Hall relative to the Revision of the Zoning Ordinance. The ZBA and the AC have been invited to attend this Planning Commission meeting. c) Arlington Toyota will go before the Zoning Board next Tues. Nov. 18th for a variati on of the Sign Code. They are reauesting two signs and require a_total of four. (4:) variations. Some of the Appearance =Com- - mi.ssioners expressed an interest in attending the ZBA meeting. • d) The Sign reinspection fees were discussed. NOTE: Item c) on Agenda — Little Italian Pizza was not represented tcrti Edit& 7. ADJOURNMENT Com. Holland made a motion -to adjourn at 8:50 P.M. Come Carr seconded the mot3.on. The meeting adiourned. Respectfully submi tted, (34)±2..a.) Shirley Bates ecretary . . Appearance Commission '+` Appearance Commi ea;on -- Qb Nov.- 13. 1980 — Page Four---