1980-12-04 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • • VILLA.E OF BUFF.U.JO GROVE • APPEARANCE COILI:,,ISSION Recommendation Stramar;z • I' eci Title : Steeple View — Dumpsters Pate : Deco 4.9 1980 Developer: Henderson Moved �y Corn , Knaakby: Come Gibbs Seconded • . I move we accept the proposal for the Steeple View Subdivision refuse containers with the following stipulat:.ons: 1. An additional area be set aside on Apollo Drive for the four buildings in that area, • 2. That the fence be lowered to the ground level. • • Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs Nay -- Knaak, - Carrg Paol llo' Motion DENIED Hardt. The Appearance Commission will recommend to the Village Board that the Motion was denied on the basis of the appearance of theenclosures. The AC agreed that they were efficient from the standpoint of garbage collection. • • sb ' • • • . • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE . J FPEI'_RANCE COMMISSION • \./ - Recommendation Summary • Project Title : Toyota — Pylon Sign Date: Dec. 4, 1980 ._ Developer. : Mike Krasny Vice President of Toyota Bud Sheahan — Ahern Sign Corp. — Darian Moved 1j7. Com. Knaak Seconded by: Corm Carr • I move we accept the Toyota sign-as presented, to be located West of the West driveway. at the • entrance of the dealership. Color of the pole to be dark brown as indicated. The electrical disconnect located two (2) feet from the sign on the pole; and painted out to • match the pole. Sign will be double—faced, illuminated; and erected perpendicular to Dundee Road. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo • Can. Gibbs Knaak • Harct • • Nay :-- None - Motion Passed 5 to 0. • • • • sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE CON::ISSION • • Recon endation Summary Medical Arts Building " Archi tectu a� Dec. 4, 1980 Protect T .t1^ � D a e : Developer: Car]. Hundreiser, Architect • Moved bv• Comp Knaak Seconded by: Com. Paolillo +^ I *move we approve the plans for the Medical Arts Building to be located on Lake—Cook Road - Parcel Two of the project. Building materials as indicated. Excluding the compactor area and the roof top units at this- time. Building materials will be similar to those used on the Ambulatory Care Center. Roll Call Vote: Aye = Gibbs . Carr • • Knack Paolillo Hardt • • Nay -- None • • Motion Passed 5 to 0,. Signage — Because a variation is needed for one of. the two signs requested — • Corn. Paolillo made a motion to Table until after the variance is approved. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. • Voice Vote was Aye Unanimously • • • • • sb • - VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROV.;. J PEZ_RANCF COMISSION - Recommendation Summary Palo e c t Title : Medical Arts Building — Landscapi t Dec. 4, 1980 Carl Hundreiser, Architect Developer: Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Knaak 'I move we approve the Landscaping Plan for the Medical Arts Center, located on Lake/Cook Rd, Parcel No. Two as submitted in accordance with all the agreements made with the Planning Commission and saving as many trees as possible. Trees to be moved to the Eastern edge on Weiland Road. Sod in the areas indicated around building and parking • islands. The other parts to be seeded. Choice of trees as indicated. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo Knack Carr • Gibbs - Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Lighting-2edica-1 Arts Building Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the Lighting Plan as indicated on • Parcel Two of the Medical Arts,Building on Lake/Cook Rd. Sketch No. SD 1 with lighting indicated as L 1 and L 2. Lights will match those at the Ambulatory Center. Bronze heads on silver poles — 20 feet high. Street Tights will match those on Lake/Cook Road. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo • Knaak Carr Gibbs - Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay — None • �,! sb •