1980-12-04 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS., DEC. 4, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at the Village Hall at 7:39 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, L. Paolillo, L. Gibbs, P. Carr and D.__Hardt. Commissioners Absent: L. Kirby and M. Holland. O UORUM PRESENT Building Department Rep. — James D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. 30 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Nov. 13, 1980 Deferred because of the absence of Commissioners who had attended the meeting. 4. BUSINESS a) Steepleview — Ted Henderson Dumpster Location and Sereeni. Mr. Henderson informed the Commission of the consultations he's had with the Buffalo Grove Disposal Ser. (Mr. Raupp) and presented the site plan showing the locations of the dumpsters. After much discussion, it was concluded that they should be in the parking areas arid should be accessible to the tenants of the buildings as indicated. Also includ3d are two locations in Phase #2 — which is yet to be built. The dumpsters will be enclosed with wood stockage fences and will be further screened with green plantings from the street side. Each enclosure will hold four — 1 1/2 yard cubic foot containers and each will have a closed gate. The question of Apollo Drive was discussed, but further development of that street is in the distant future. The Commission discussed the locations with reference to which buildings they would serve and Mr. Henderson agreed to be flexible as to the actual sites. Various problems were discussed such as the possibility of refuse blowing out from under the enclosures; durability of thu stockade fence; and the danger of cars hitting a gate if it were left open. Masonary was suggested. Mr. Henderson was open for compromise as to location, but the cost of masonary enclosures was too high. It would be approximately 6 times as much as stockade. Ha stated that maintenance would be a necessity required by Steeple View. Also, Mr. Griffin added thrt B. G. Regulations require that fences be in good repair. After a prolonged discussion, Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we'accept the proposal for the Steeple View Sub— division refuse containers, with the following stipulations: 1. An additional area be set aside on Apollo Drive for the four buildings r , in that area. 2. That the fence be lowered to the ground level. X Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs Nay — Knaak, Carr Paolillo Hardt The Commissioners voting Nay gave as the reason — the appearance of the enclosures. Also, the durability of the stockade fences. It was agreed that it is an efficient plan from the standpoint of garbage collection. Chairman Hardt stated the Motion was DENTED. Er. Henderson has two options: 1. To return with a different proposal. 2. Go to the next Village Board meeting and appeal. The Village Board will review the recommendations of the Appearance Committee. b) Steepleview d "Fos Sale Sign" — Ted Henderson Mr. Henderson said that he would present the sign at a later date. c) Toyota w Pylon Sign Mike Krasny and Bud Sheahan represented the Toyota Corp, The ZBA variation was reviewed: 1 — the size and height of the sign has been reduced. I' 2 — the second sign has been eliminated. I. 3 - the location was granted a variation so that the concrete pad used by Dodge can be used and the landscaping utilized, Mr. Krasny explained that under the terms of their lease, no facia sign can be attached to the building. Negotiations are under way to purchase the building. Toyota only allows the use of the corporate name on the pylon sign. The pole will be a dark brown to match the sign frame, The electrical disconnect will be located about two feet from the top of the pole. Com. Knaak reported on the ZBA meeting and since there was no discussion, the following motion was made by Com. Knaak: I move we accept the Toyota sign as presented; to be located West of the West driveway — at the entrance of the dealership, Color of pole to be dark brown as indicated. The electrical disconnect located two (2) feet from the sign on the pole; and painted out to match the pole. Sign will be double—faced, illuminated; and erected perpendicular to Dundee Road. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Gibbs, Carr Knaak Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 4, 1980 0 - Page Two. 7 d) !4edioal 4fts 7ui,lding — Architecture Carl Hundreiser and Bert Chotner, Representatives for Northwest Community Hosp. Phase Two of project located on Lake—Cook Road, East of the Ambulatory Center. Ch. Hardt commented before the discussion of the new project, that the Ambulatory Center is excellent with the exception of the temporary sign. The supports are very unattractive and the sip is not in keeping with the rest of the premises. Mr. Chotner said he realized this but that the sign is temporary and will come down shortly. Com. Paolillo also mentioned the appearance of the garbage disposal recepticle., Mr. Hundreiser began the presentation by reviewing the previous meetings that have been held with the Planning Commission and the Engineering Staff. The site plan that was submitted has been modified by moving the driveways in order to save six more trees. A garbage compactor will be enclosed with a brick wall. The materials are essentially the same as the Ambulatory Center: Brick — reddish brown, field brick Four foot facia with 8" x 8" brick. Piers of the same large brick give the appearance of columns like the Ambulatory Center Glass — Bronze tinted with bronze aluminum frames Canopy — Same with light beige soffet and bronze aluminum underneath with the same type lighting. Note: The lights will not be on all night. There will be one curb cut on Lake—Cook Rd. The building will be used for doctors offices. There will be 25 suites with an X—Ray Lab and Pharmacy. Roof equipment is not certain but the roof top units will be screened by the parapet well . The Commission was concerned about the Steeple View Apts. If the units need screening they will be adequately hidden. The screening for the trash compactor has not been completely designed as yet, but it will be a four sided enclosure with a locked gate. The building will have a manager and a janitor who will have keys. The gate will be locked at all times. Com0Knaak suggested that the roof top screening and the compactor screening be postponed until definite plans are submitted. Sidewalks are concrete. Piers are to simulate the pillars of the Ambulatory Center and will be 4" projections of the same brick as the building. The building has a steel frame with face brick. The building is 301 high. Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the plans for the Medical Arts Building to be located on Lake—Cook Road — Pancel Two of the project. Building materials as indicated. Excluding the compactor area and the roof :;op units at this time. Building materials will be similar to those used on the Ambulatory Care Center. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs Carr Knaak Paolillo Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay — None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 4, 1980 - Page Three 1 Medical Arts Building — Landscaping The site plan shows the location of existing trees that will be saved. Some of the 4" to 6" trees will be moved. The Village will also take some of the smaller trees .to move them to parks and will share the cost. Some foundation plantings will be added, similar to the Ambulatory Care Center but there will be more variety. If any trees are damaged, they, will be replaced. The area around the building will be sodded. The rest will be seeded. The parking isles will be sodded, The berme will possibly be eliminated if trees are moved to that location. There will be the same light level as the Ambulatory Center in the parking lot. Flower beds will have no ground cover. Around the bushes, bark will be used. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping Plan for the Medical Arts Center, located on Lake— Cook Road — Parcel No. Two as submitted in accordance with all the agreeme_zts made with the Planning Commission and saving as many trees as possible. Trees to be moved to the Eastern edge on Weiland Road. Sod in the areas indicated around building and parking islands. The other parts to be seeded. Choice of trees as indicated. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call 'tote: Aye — Paolillo Knaak Carr Gibbs Hardt Motion Passed 5 to O. Nay — None Ligpting ( Medical Arts Building' Com. Gibbs made a motion to accept the Lighting Plain as indicated on Parcel Two of the Medical Arts Building on Lake/Cook Road, Sketch No. SD 1, with lighting indicated as L 1 and L 2. Lights will match t'iose at the Ambulatory Center. Bronze head on silver poles — 20 feet high. The Street Lights will match those on Lake/Cook Road. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo Knaak Carr Gibbs Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay — None Signage ( Medical Arts Building) The sign on Lako/Cook Rd.will be modified and a second sign will be requested that will need a variation. The Commission preferred to see all the signage at one time after the variance is approved. Com. Paolillo moved to Table the consideration of the signage of the Medical Arts Building. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. The Voice Vote was Aye Unanimously. Signage tabled. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Deco 4, 1980 — Page Pour sb 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS Com. Knaak gave a recap of the Plan Commission meeting (Dec. 3, 1980) at which time the revision of the Zoning Ordinance was discussed. He related that the Staff will make a study of the Codes and will make a recommendation to the Plan Commission, Appearance Commission and ZBA. The three Commissions are also to review the Code and make recommendations. The Zoning Board has the authority to act under Article XIII. When the Ordinance is presented to the Village Board, if all differences are not resolved, the minority opinions will be heard. The Staff hopes to have their recommendations available by April or May 1981, One area which will be discussed is parking. Another unrestricted area is tie ac— cessory building height. Also it was felt that developers should not be able to obtain variations for entire subb•aivision.s. Some power will be shifted from the ZBA to the Planning Commission, Some Zoning Ordinances will go to the•Mus cipal The Appearance Commission will get copies of all documentation and its imput Code. is sought, Representatives will be sent to the Staff meetings. The following signs were recommended to Mr. Griffin for review: Meat Store at Grove Court has signs covering most of the windows, True Value has skids out front with fertilizer, etc. Also there is a lot of merchandise stored out side for sale, etc. Lieberman's have not left the lights off the Arbors sign. A site plan has not yet been submitted. Dunen — There is an empty/broken sign and, should be removed. The Car Wash sign is not being kept in good shape, Mr. Griffin said the panels are replaced if they are broken, etc. Dominick's at the Buffalo Grove Mall has never repainted the sign. Also, the prospective sale of the Mall is no longer being discussed. At the Comrons — Applegate appears to have an illegal sign. 6. ADJOURNMENT Com,. Paolillo made a motion to adjourn at 9:56 P.M. and Com. Carr seconded. The next meeting will be on the second Thursday in Janeary — 1/8/ 1981. The meeting adj corned. Respectfully submitted, )( Shirley Bata,; Secretary APPEARANCE CON.MISSION APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Dec. 4, 1980 — Page Five