1981-01-08 - Appearance Commission - Notice of Cancellation . VI I✓I✓rA.0 iui Vir ' N` :':f'. �\, , �TI IrA L ��O , f e (l. F �� _ , �f_ 'cr/o 4egit L. j . 6'0090 January 5, 1981 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to inform you that the regular meeting of the Buffalo Grove APPEARANCE COMMISSION, scheduled for January 8, 1981, has been CANCELLED. The above notice was posted in the lobby o::'the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. this date and was mailed to the following: Countryside Reminder/Barrington Press Paddock Publications/ Daily Herald The Suburban Trib Independent Register Keystone Printing Journal Topics Newspapers Lerner/Life Newspapers WYEN and WWMM (Radio) WLS — TV ` The next meeting is scheduled for Thurs., Jan. 22, 1981 — 7:30 P.M. Yours truly, VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE le s D. Griffin, D Aost. Bldg. and Zonind Adm. JDG/sb