1981-01-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes f. z. APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILIAGE OF BUFFALO DROVE. 1I. THURSDAY, JAN. 22. 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order, at 7:34 P.M. at the Village Hall, on Thursday, January 22, 1981. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Lou Paolillo, Dana Knaak, L. "Bud" Gibbs and Don Hardt. Commissioners Absent: Lori Kirby, Pat Carr and Mike Holland. Note: Mr. Holland has been transferred to New Orleans and will be resigning. Building Dept. Representative: James D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 -10/23/80: Motion to approve made by Com. Knaak and Seconded by Com. Gibbs. Roll was called and minutes approved unanimously by those present. 2 -12/4/80: Motion to approve made by Com. Knaak and Seconded by Com. Gibbs. Roll was called and minutes approved unanimously by those present. IV. BUSINESS A. Sign, face change at Plaza Verde - ABC Kitchens and Baths Mr. Ron Guthrie of North Shore Sign Co. presented a photograph of the existing sign and described the new sign. It conforms to the sign package at Plaza Verde and will use some of the same letters as the former ANN BROOKS store. The old letters will be removed and the holes filled in with a special material that will match the old background. Letters will be 18" Helvetica style let- ters - color # 2283 - RED. The old letters may be repainted to match the new letters. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I will move that the sign presented by ABC KITCHENS AND BATHS be approved as submitted; with the existing disconnect switch; color to be #2283 - RED, 18 inches high letters, Helvetica style to be stretched over 25 ft. 6 inch length. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Paolillo - Aye Knaak - Aye Gibbs - Aye Hardt - Aye B. •Public Service Sign forthe Village John Kloempken , Pres. of the Buffalo Grove Jay Cees said that in looking for projects that they might undertake for the Village has consulted the Village President, Verna Clayton; the Fire Chief, and Police Chief Walsh. Some scholarship funds will be raised for post ,graduation education for the police. Also, Mrs. Clayton suggested a Village sign to be used for Public Service an- nouncements such as Arlington Heights and Mt. Prospect have near the RR tracks. The sign being proposed would be an illuminated billboard type sign to be used for Village activite.s such as the Blood Drive, Christmas Tree sales, Haunted House and Buffalo Grove Days. The schools also could use it, etc. The Jay Cees would seek the cor.operation of other non—profit organizations in the Village for financing the expected cost of $25,000. They also need to determine who will service the ign, pay for the electricity and also do the drawing of the design to specifications. They have the names of four sign companies who have done work in the Village. Such signs can be leased. Some of the points discussed were ownership of the sign — probably the Village would be the owner and would pay for the electricity. The Eire Dept. could change the letters. It could possibly be placed in front of'the Village Hall. It was noted that there are at present several other reader boards in the Village that may advertise the type of events being mentioned, they are located at a) Plaza Verde on Dundee Road. b) St. Maryis on Buffalo Grove Road. c) Service station on Dundee Road at Car Wash. d) Service station on Hwy 83. After some discussion, the following points were summarized by Ch. Hardt and it was suggested that when decisions are made, then the sign would be further reviewed by the Commission; a) Location b) Sign Code must be followed: Height, size, etc. c) Landscaping at base. d) Who will change letters. e) Type of copy must be defined f) Village ownership or who will pay electric? g) Ownership involves permit costs, etc. h) Appearance Com. must see the sign A:straw poll was taken: L. Paolillo said he does not favor such a sign. D. Knaak said that if such a sign would fill a need and be effective he would agree to it. B. Gibbs agreed that if it would be effective he would approve. Ch. Hardt would agree provided the sign is not to be used to advertize the Jay Cees, etc. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Hardt read a letter from Pres. Clayton concerning the need for good attendance at all Commission meetings. Monotny Code — A draft of the new code has been prepared and a public hearing will be held either Feb. 26, 1981 or March 12, 1981. It was noted that the Bldg. Dept. Staff will decide home location, color, etc. on cul—de—sacs and curvilinear streets because there are so many dif— ferent possibilities. Buffalo Grove Days — A meeting will be held Jan. 29, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. to choose a theme,etc. Milwaukee Ave. Buffer — A plan has been submitted by Riverwoods and Lincoln— shire that would provide a natural buffer of trees along Milwaukee Ave. from Lake/Cook Road to Rt. 22. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Inn 77 io ri — D—r. m,.n Pictures of the proposed buffer, which will be 80 feet wide wherever possible, were included in the plan and it was noted that at points it would be only about 10 feet wide. Jim Trusdell made a comment that Buffalo Grove would have to approve the plan if any land along Milwaukee Ave. was annexed to Buffalo Grove, the Village would be responsible for providing the plantings and main— tenance of that portion of the strip. Since there was only one copy of the plan, it will be passed around to the Commissioners and discussed again later. Jim Griffin noted that at the next ZBA meeting — Thursday, Feb. 19th, a discussion of the amortization section of the Sign Code would be held. As a guide, the sign code of Palo Alto, Cal. will be used. Copies of this Code are to be sent to the Appearance Commissioners. VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn at 8:50 P.M. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates, Secretary ige sb Appearance Commission Jan. 22, 1981 — Page Three