1981-02-12 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPRARAN(;F nnmmTSSZUN VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE. IL. THURS., FEB. 12, 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting of the Appearance Commission to order at 7:45 P.M. on Thursday, Feb. 12, 1981. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Paolillo, P. Carr, B. Gibbs (8:00 P.M.) and D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent: L. Kirby, D. Knaak Bldg. Department: James D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. andZoning Adm. Ch. Hardt announced that Com. Mike Holland has resigned because of a job transfer to New Orleans. III, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of Jan. 22, 1981 were deferred because of absence of Commissioners who were present at that meeting. IV. BUSINESS A. Medical Arts Center — Northwest Community Hospital Karl Hundreiser, Architect Mr. Hundreiser presented plans for the Screening of Roof Top Units and for \./ .41e Dumpster Enclosure. — He described the construction of the Roof Top Units first. He presented a photograph showing the fence to be baked enamel on steel. Units painted out. The units will be screened on the North and both ends. — He designated the location of the Dumpster to be on the West Side of the building on Lake/Cook Road. It will be screened with a brick wall to match the building and screened with low shrubbery. Large trees also enclose the area. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we accept the plans for the Dumpster and the Roof Top Units for the Northwest Community Hospital — Medical Arts Bldg. as submitted on the schematic with the following stipulations: a) Roof Top Units will be painted out to match the building. b) Brick wall surrounding the Dumpster will be screened with low shrubs Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Paolillo, Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed 3 to 0. B.G. APPEARANCE COMMISSION _ THURS. FEB. 12, 1981 • /\ • Medical Arts Center - Northwest Community Hospital Signage - Corner of Lake/Cook and Weiland; - Entrance on Weiland Mr. Hundreiser explained the reason for securing a variation for the sign to be placed at the intersection of Lake/Cook and Weiland. He said the pro- blem as being for the benefit of people traveling South on Weiland and West on Lake/Cook. The purpose is to identify the building. The sign will serve as a means of slowing people down in order to enter the property. The sign proposed for the South entrance on Weiland will be obscured by the trees on the property. Signs located on the site plan as S 1, S - 2 and S - 3. Ch. Hardt questioned the need for the sign on the corner, noting that the ZBA Variance allows the sign. There was no other discussion and Com. Carr made the following motion: I move we accept the Sign Package (S - 1,2,3,) as proposed with the revision of the sign at the corner of Lake/Cook and Rt. 83 -(S-1); including the interior directional sign. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote - Aye - Paolillo, Carr Nay - Hardt Abstain - Gibbs Motion Passed. Chairman Hardt clarified his vote by stating that he is in favor of the sign to be erected on Weiland Rd. on the Southernmost entrance of the Medical Arts Bldg. and the revision of the sign on the corner of Lake/ Cook Rd. and #83; and the interior directional sign; but hs is totally opposed to the erection of the Medical Arts Center sign at the inter- section of Weiland and Lake/Cook Rds. because hardship has not been proven. B. Sign Change at Country Court - Dundee Road near Ellen. David Stein -Irving's For Red Hot Lovers Chuck Forcey - La-Z-Boy The sign package for the center was reviewed. The provisions of the new Sign Code were reviewed. The sign, Country Court, is a legal non-conforming sign because of the proximity of the Bonanza sign and the Poppin' Fresh sign and the Koenig & Strey sign. Page 49 of Sign Code.(c. 1) specifies: if a non-conforming sign is made less non-conforming - it can be denied. The Hot Dog is not on Irving's wall sign and the test is whether or not the Logo could stand alone as identification. Also if the ground sign is allow- ed, Irving's and La-Z-Boy could have only 20% for a facia sign. The question arose concerning the other stores in the center, and the possi- bility that they too would like a ground sign in the future. Mr. Forcey said the stores had all been sent a letter last November and only Irving's replied. Mr. Forcey stated that the volumn of sales from the Dundee Rd. store is down 40% as compared with the other stores which are down about 6% -20%. The lease expires on May 1, 1981 and without a ground sign it will not be renewed. Appearance Commission Feb. 12, 1981 - Page Two The colors proposed were discussed and the Commission felt that to allow the sign as presented would be less in compliance with the Code and would therefore require a variation from the ZBA before approval could be given. Ch. Hardt outlined the possible procedure: a) Table b) Vote and appeal be made to the Village Board if the sign is denied. The gentlemen preferred the sign be tabled. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move the request for sign change at Country Court be tabled inasmuch as the sign needsa variation from the ZBA, and recommends the petitioners proceed in that manner. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Gibbs, Paolillo and Hardt Nay - None Recommendation to refer the sign to the ZBA for variation Passed 4 to 0. Discussion of the proposals the Commissioners made regarding the sign: a) The Hot Dog is not acceptable b) No other signs have been allowed with advertising. c) Identification only should be1e11owed. d) Colors are not compatible. The Country Court sign is a very "High Class" sign and the Proposed sign would degrade the whole center. e) The change would set a precedence which must be considered. d) The Commission agreed that location of the stores is a problem. Ch. Hardt also informed Mr. Stein that if the ZBA grants a ground sign, he would also need a variation for the facia sign he now has. The area of La-Z-Boy was not certain. The Sign Package should be checked out. C. Applegate Realty Co. - Signs at the Commons - Bob Verbic, Pres. Mr. Verbic explained that Applegate Realty is not the sales agent for Commons. They are now marketing the new homes and need the identification for callers who are interested in the homes. In lieu of applying for a permit for a free- standing, they all felt it more appropriate to cover the existing telephone information on the existing Commons sign with an Applegate Sign. Ch. Hardt explained that to erect a sign would be prohibited because it would be an off-premise sign. He suggested that a solution would be to repaint the sign using BLUE letters, giving the telephone number. No apple. People who are interested in the Commons house would be accomodated. Mr. Verbic felt the Applegate name and Logo are essential. However, they are fulfilling a function at the Commons and they will apply for a separate permit if necessary. The Commissioners were in general agreement that the sign is offensive as it is. They favored a new sign or repainting of the existing sign. Discussion of the Sign Code - Section 11.1 and 11.2 were discussed. Clarification was requested and it was decided that Section 11.1 (c) applied. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 12, 1981 - Page Three Mr. Verbic asked that he have time to meet with Mr. Lou Shassian and return in two weeks with a decision. He requested that the sign be allowed to stay until that time. The Commission preferred that the sign be removed because it has been up for several weeks now.illegally. The Sign Code should be enforced. They also reminded Mr. Verbic of his option of going to the Village Board to appeal a decision of the Appearance Commission. Com. Gibbs made a motion to Table. the Applegate Sign dt tue toomo4se Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Gibbs, Paolillo and Hardt. Nay — None Motion to Table passed unanimously — 4 to 0. D. Midwest Development Corp. — Happ Farm Property Diane Walker, Sue Bartells — Michael Ives Signage — Mr. Griffin noted that the sign presented is not the correct size because they are proposing to repaint one of the large existing billboards; as per the pre—annexation agreement. Ms. Walker presented a new drawing of a temporary sign to be erected for a period of three weeks. At that time, three new signs will be requested. The Logo is being devised and colors are being finalized. Because the sign they wish to use is on an angle, Ms. Walker requested that a V—shaped, double—faced sign be allowed. This request was discussed at length, and the suggestion was made that they be allowed to move the rear post and re—locate it so that the sign will be perpendiciflAr to Dundee Road so that it can be double—faced. Another possibility was to use the sign they are allowed and erect another 10! x 12! sign located at the other end of the property. After further discussion, Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move that the temporary sign requested by Midwest Development Corp. be allowed. The sign to be 10 ft. by 20 ft., a legal non—conforming sign subject to Paragraph 12 of the Annexation Agreement. The sign to be unlit. Copy to be as indicated in the colors shown. That before the sign is put ups all other four signs must be removed. The Appearance Commission also allowed this 10! x 20! sign to be moved perpendicular to Dundee Road. And a second face to be allowed making it a double—faced sign. Any other signage to be approved for this development must be brought before this Commission. The 10! x 20'/sW'being approved with the stipulation that no other ground sign be erected for the advertising, sale, lease or development of this parcel; and does not include any interior directional signage. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Gibbs, Paolillo and Nay — None. Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 12, 1981 — Page Four First Midwest Development Corp. - Sales Trailer Ms. Walker presented the Site location for the temporary sales office trailer with landscaping. It is to be a Standard Trailer, Beige, with an Apron, a wood deck to be brown, wood-stained. Three windows in front and Four in the rear. The Dumpster will be located in the rear of the traler. .Landscaping will be adequate as shown and will be moved to the permanent location. Lighting and Signage must be approved for the Trailer. Security lighting will be allowed. Twenty four hour lighting is discouraged. Com. Carr made the following motion: I move we accect the . Landscaping Plan and the Sales Trailer as submitted by the First Midwest Development Corp. as per the Site plan. The Trailer will be beige, skirted, with a brown stained deck. (Natural) The Dumpster will be located at the North end of the trailer. The parking lot will be gravel. Temporarily. All signage and additional lighting, other than security lights, must come in before the Appearance Commission. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo Gibbs Carr Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 - The next meeting, Feb. 26, 1981, is to be a PublicHearing for review of the Monotny Code. 2 - Pres. Verna Clayton will be contacted for a new Commissioner. 3 — Reception on Sunday for all B. G. Commissions - Letter from Pres. Clayton stating concern about proposed sign for Village activities. There is a possibility that such a sign would violate the Sign Code but the Trustees are in favor of such a sign. 5 — Check new sign if Buffalo Grove Home Center is rented. (Dunell Center) 6 — Check enrollment sign at Kinder-Care Nursery School on Arlington Hts. Road. VI. i`.51URNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn at 10:30 P.M. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned by unanimous agreement. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates ecretary Appearance Commission February 12, 1981 - Page Five sb