1981-03-12 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPEARANCE CO;•;XISSION • • • • ' Recommendation Summary . - . • • Project Title: All State — Plaza Verde Bate: Var. 12, 1981 Developer: North Shore Sien Co. — Vick baski, representative • • • Moved by: Kirby Seconded by: Cam. Gibbs I move we DENY All Staters sign as presented, . • as the siting and location of the sign is not compatible and harmonious with the architectural scheme of the development and does not comply • with the intent of the uniform sign ckage for •Plaza Verde.- (Sec. 4.6 of the Code Roll Call Vote: Aye — Can:, Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby and Hardt. Nay — None • . • • • • • • Notion to DENY passed 5 to 0. • • • • • • - sb • • •• • • • . - - . • - . • • . • - . - • • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • • • APPEARANCE .CO.tMISSION • - Recommendation Su-n_-nary . Project Title: B. J. s Vitamin Ranch _ Date: Max. 12, 1981 Developer: B. J. Jamison, Owner ' • • • • Moved by: Con. Knaak - Seconded by: Com. Gibbs Facia Sign I move we approve the sign face, change requested by B. J's Vitamin Ranch; colors to be dark brown with cream letters as per the surrounding signs — back lit. • Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Kirby,'Knaak, - Gibbs and Hardt. • Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. ' Under Canopy Sign - - Com. Knaak made the following motion: . I move a sign be approved for B. J.'s Vitamin Ranch — Under Canopy sign to read "Vitamins" — not to exceed . • 6 square feet; preferably 1 ft. by no more than '6 ft. in length, brown with white letters in keeping with all other signs of like nature. tom. Carr seconded the motion. • Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Knaai , Gibbs and Hardt Nay — Kirby Motion Passed 4 to 1. • - • • sb • • r ' - VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPEARANCE COMMISSION • • Recommendation Summary . �s • Project Title: Westwood Group Date- Mar. 12, 1981 • Developer: Westwood Group, Inc. Ben Weyuker and Robert.Caparilli • Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Carr Landscaping and Iighting: - I move we approve the Landscaping and Lighting . for the new Westwood Model to be located on . Lot 4 of the Model Area._ The Landacaping is to be as shown with the exception that the Center Light be deleted and the other two. • lights be moved closer to the center walkway. The entire area to be sodded. • The patios are to be concrete with redwood spacers • or poured agragate. , • Roll Call Vote - Aye - Carr, Kirby,'Knaak, `./ Gibbs and Hardt. • Nay - None - • • Motion Carried 5 to O.' • Sitiage: • . • Motion made. by. Com. Knaak to accept the two small "D" signs, 21 x 21 on 4" x. 4". posts, Com, Kirby seconded the motion. • • . ' • Roll Call Vote - Aye - Carr, Gibbs, Knaak, • • .Kirby and Hardt • • Nay - None - • Motion Carried 5 to 0. • • •sb • . VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • • • . APPEARANCE .CO:;r;ISSION • • • Recommendation Sunr ary _ . .• . \., _ • • Project Title: Westwood Group Date: i1ar_t• 12, 1981 • • Developer: Westwood Group, Inc. - Ben Weyuker and RcQbett Caparilli • Moved by: Corn. Gibbs • Seconded by: Com. Knaak I move we approve the Westwood Group, Inc. • ' Two New Models, which may consist. of Three (3) Configurations and Three (3) possible exterior- elevations: Colonial, Country Rustic and Tudor; as presented. The materials are to be the same as in Phase No. 1: • Siding - Aluminum siding of Masonite siding • with aluminum siding on the back. • Colors - Same for the painting and trim. • Roofs - Same - Site Selection - Pre-determined by Sliding Glass Doors - NO muttons. • • , . • • Flues and Louvers will be painted.out. . Downspouts - To be at the sides of the garages. • Monotony Code - Will be following using • • 9 possible combinations. • doll Call Vote - . Aye - Carr, Gibbs, Kirby, • Knaak and Hardt. Nay None • • r Motion Carried 5 to 0. • • sb • • • l./ . . _ . •• • • • . • • VILLAGE Oy BUFFALO 1ROV. • APPEARANCE COM;;ISSIOI'T • • Recommendation Summary • Project Title: Kick*s Shoes- Plaza Verde Date: Mar. 12, 1981 Develouer: North Shore Sign Co. — Vick Laski, representative • Moved by: Gibbs Seconded by: Carr • I move we approve the change from -D. J.'s Shoes to Kick*s Shoes at • . • Plaza Verdt as presented. - Color to be 712564 —. Orange Size to be as shown — 18" Helvetica letters. •The North Elevation sign to be re—centered. Trim to be bronze, Returns to be painted aluminum and disconnect to be left alone: • Rdll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Carr, • Gibbs and Hardt. - i 1 Nay - None • Notion Passed 5 to 0. • • • sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPE .RANCE COMMISSION • • • • Recommendation Summary . • Project Title: Chatham .Manor Homes Date: Mar. 12, 1981 • Developer: First Midwest Development Corp. — Diane W Iker . • Moved bycom.Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Carr Lobo: - I move we- accept the Logo as revised -for addition to the sign approved on • Feb. 26, 1981 for Chatham Manor Homes. Colors to be as submitted — Brown and Blue. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Carr, and Gibbs • - Nay — Kirby and Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 2. . Sales Office Signs on Trailer: , • Motion By: Com. Gibbs Seconded by; Com. Kirby ' I move we accept the identification and direction signage for Chatham Manor Homes - _ Development as presented. • Colors are to be as shown., Posts to be • stained brtnm the same as the frame of the sign. Location to.be indicated on the site plan. • Colors — Pantone nos. 301 C and140 C.. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs, Carr and Hardt. • - Nay — None • Motion Passed 5 to 0. . sb ' VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPEARANCE CO:;::ISSION • • • - Recommendation Su::nary, . - Pro;i ect Title: Chatham Manor Homes Date: Mar. 12, 1981 • Developer: First Midwest 'Dev. Corp. • •- Moved by: Com. Kirby Seconded by: Com. Carr #1.. Landscaping - — Model Area I move we approve the landscaping- for the. Model Area of Chatham Model Area; • The Parking Area and - Six (6) Trees on Weidner, excluding • - the median trees; • as presented with the stipulation that: To the North of theParking Lot, space is to be provided past the . • bumper stops for a walkway for • . pedestrians, with the access - _ . - • from that walk to Weidnes Court - - AND the area in front of the model garages, will be asphalt • or poured concrete (PCC) at the entrance to the Sales Office in the driveway of the Model Area. . . This motion does not include the entrance monument. Roll Call.Vote: . Aye — Knaak,-Kirby, Gibbs, Carr, end Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. #2. Median Strip • •- - Motion made by Com. Kirby Seconded by Com. Gibbs • I move that we accept- the plantings on the Median Strip at Chatham Manor Homes of Three (3) Marshall Seedless Ash and-Three (3) Shademaster Honeylocust trees as presented, with sodding. Roll Call Vote — Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Carr, Gibbs, Hardt \.,/ . . . . N. Nay None• . Motion Passed 5 to O. sb • - • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • • I►PPx RANCB COMMISSION • • - Recommendation Su mar- • • • Project Title: • Chatham Manor Homes Date: Mar. 12, 1981 Developer: First Midwest Dev. Corp. r • ?roved by: Com. Kirby Seconded by: Coin. Carr #1. Landscaping - — Model Area . I move we approve the landscaping' for the' Model Area of Chatham Model Area; The Parking Area and - Six (6) Trees on Weidner, excluding the median trees; as presented with the stipulation that: • To the North of theParking Lot, space is to be provided past the . • bumper stops for a walkway for • . pedestrians, with the access . • = - ' from that walk to Weidnes Court —• AND the area in front of the model garages, will be asphalt • . or poured concrete (PCC) at the • - entrance to the Sales Office- in the driveway of the Model Area. . • This motion does not-include the entrance monument. • • - Roll Call-Vote: . Aye — Knaak,•Kirby, Gibbs, Carr, - . and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. • #2. Median Strip • • Motion made by Com. Kirby Seconded by Com. Gibbs • I move that we accept- the plantings on the Median Strip at Chatham Manor Homes of Three (3) Marshall Seedless Ash and-Three (3) Shademaster Honeylocust trees as presented, with sodding. Roll Call Vote — Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Carr, Gibbs, Hardt • - - • - , Nay•—:None • Motion Passed 5 to.O. - sb , VILLtiGE OF BUFFALO GROVS • AP?E�R NCB COMMISSION • Recommendation Summary • Protect Title: _Bergman's Cafe Date: Par. 12, 1981 Developer: Joseph Oliveri, Owner.--- North Shore Sigh Co. . (Vick Laski) • � Com. Carr Seconded by: Com. Gibbs i,• Moved 3�:. •I move we accept the sign for Berman's Cafe • as presented with the option to have the • accent, over cafe, or to delete it. Dioconnects are to be as the others in -the complex. • Color changed to ,f 2564 = Orange. . RollrCall Vote: Aye - Kirby, Knaak, Gibbs, Carr and Hardt. • • Nay - None - • • Motion Carried - 5 to O. • • sb . • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPERANCE CO>;:�,ISSION • - Recommendation .Summary • Project. Title: Chatham Manor. Homes • Date: Mar. 12, 1981 Developer: First Midwest Dev. Corp. • ..• .- • - ' - Moved by: Com. Kirby - • Seconded by: Com. Carr . #1. Landscaping . — Model Area _. . I move we approve the landscaping' for the' - - - Model Area of Chatham Model Area; The Parking Area and Six (6) Trees on Weidner, excluding the median trees-; ' . as presented with the stipulation that: . . To the North of theParking Lot, space is to be provided past the bumper stops for a walkway for . pedestrians, with the access . ' ' from that walk to Weidnes Court - - AND the area in front of the ' model garages, will be asphalt ' • •• .or poured concrete (PCC) at the . entrance to the Sales Office in the driveway of the Model Area. . - This motion does not -include the entrance monument. • - Roll Call•Vote: . Aye — Knaak,•Kirby, ' ' Gibbs, Carr, • • • and Hardt. Nay — None 0 Motion Passed 5 to 0. - . #2. Median Strip .. Motion made by Com. Kirby Seconded by Com. Gibbs • I move that we accept- the plantings on the a Median Strip at Chatham Manor Homes of Three (3) Marshall Seedless Ash and-Three (3) Shademaster Honeylocust trees as presented, with sodding. Roll Cs11 Vote — Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Carr, Gibbs, Hardt - • - • • ,• Nay-.-None Motion Passed 5 to.O. ' - • sb - ' - . - VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 1, • • APPF JR NCB CO;•1:iISSION - Recommendation Summary . . • • Project Title : Chatham Manor Homes . " Date: Mar. 12, 1981 . Developer: First Midwest Development Corp. ' • . ?;owed by: Com. Kirby Seconded by: Com. Knaak - - Li tin :. I move we accept the following as presented by Chatham Manor Homes in Lighting for the median and model area: . a) Five (5) buried lights located on • . the Median Strip. These lights • are to be removed at the time of acceptance of the median by the Village, at no cost to the Village — . - at the descretion of the Village. • • b) Two (2) lights in front of the model . area — #4015 MV floodlights, as -• - presented, to be located within the . • planting of 3 Sargent Junipers, which are not indicated on the original landscape plan. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs,Knaak, - Kirby and. Hardt . Nay-- Carr (objects to . . the median lights) • Motion Passed 4 to 1. • sb - • • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE •COMMISSION • • • Recommendation Su:nnaiz Protect Title• Chatham Manor Homes nate. Mar. 12, 1981 • Developer: First Midwest Dev. Corp. s ' • Moved by: • Comp Kirby _ • Seconded by: Com. Knaak Entrance Monument - I move that we accept the Entrance Monument for 'Chatham Manor and the. Landscaping for the same as presented.: • Referring to the Entrance Monuments and Sign as presented with the stipulation that these two monuments on either side of Weidner Road will be maintained by Manor Homes of Chatham Assn. • That this Assn. accepts complete responsibility • • for the maintenance and insurance of the monuments., and that this stipulation be made a part of the Association Document which will be attached to - • • this motion, `/ At this time, First Midwest is 10C% of the • Homeowners Assn. known as Manor Homes of Chatham. Plantings are as indicated on Page 3 of the plans and all these plantings will be per the .specs on Page 1; Species and .sizes. • • • -Lighting of the monuments is excluded at this time. • The dimensions ofthe monuments are: • 10' x 61 x 51 x 6' x 101. = 37 feet in length. • - Heights of the wings are 3 ft. with the main sign portion to a height of 4-1/2 ft. and will be 1-1/2 feet thick. Monuments will be made of river rock stones and the Chatham sign will be 5 ft. by 1-1/2 ft Of Poured Bronze. • Discussion followed concerning vandelism, and the following • • Amendment was made: This is fact a sign and falls under the jurisdiction of the Sign Code; and that lack of maintenance and disrepair as governed by the Sign Code could result in its being taken down by the Village at the expense of the Assn. ( Manor Homes of Chatham) c/ • _ Roll Ca1� Vote,: . Aye = Knaak, Kirby • Gibbs and Hardt • Potion Passed 4 to 1. " • Hay — Carr • sb