1981-03-12 - Appearance Commission - Minutes , f • t. t APPEARANCE COMMISSION • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS., MAR.. 12, 1981. • ' I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. on Thurs., Mar. 12, 1981. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, L. Kirby, B. Gibbs, P. Carr and D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent: L. Paolillo (Out of Town) Quorum Present. Bldg. Dept..Represented by Jim Griffin, Asst. Bldg. andZoning Com. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Feb. 26, 1981 - The following corrections were noted: P. 2. - Motion to Table Vote: Strike Kirby No - Ch. Hardt voted No. P. 3 - Item d) - "roof vents" not wood. Motion to accept the Feb. 26, 1981 minutes as corrected made by • Com. Knaak and seconded by Com. Kirby. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Kirby, Hardt Abstain - Gibbs • IV. BUSINESS A. Westwood Group. - New Model - Architecture and Landscaping Ben Weyuker and Robert Caparelli - Representatives Mr. Weyuker presented the proposed new models for the Westwood Group Development located on Pauline Avenue, between Rt. 83 and Weiland Road. The 1st phase is now complete. The project consists of 106 duplex units. . . Four models are constructed on Rt. 83. The new model will be a combination of two • new designs and will be built on Lot 4 of the Model Site. It will be a Two Story and a Split Level. Other possible configurations would be 2 - Two Story OR 2 - Split Levels. They will be constructed with three (3) different exterior elevations - Colonial, Country Rustic or Tudor. All materials will be the same, color combina- tions will be the same as previously approved. The discussion brought forth this •information: The new models are somewhat smaller than the others - about 1,550 sq. ft. all three bedroom with a finished family room. Fireplaces are optional and have encased B-Vent flues either masonite or • siding as the exterior of the house: Colonial - Aluminum siding; Country Rustic- - Masonite siding on three sides with aluminum siding in back. Tudor - Masonite siding (alum. rear also) There are seven (7) different color combinations and Westwood pre-programs the construction,location and colors .of the buildings. Each will be completely different appearance. Where the same colors are used, different materials are selected. All previous stipulations will be met. The canopy over the picture window is covered with roofing material. Downspouts are on either side of the garages, not down the center. Vents - Louvers are either wood or metal and will be painted out. Windows all have muttons. t:'ther elevation(4) is being considered, New England Style; but if they decide to go ahead it will be presented for approval. • • Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Westwood Group, Inc. Two New Models, • which may consist of Three (3) • and Three (3) possible exterior elevations: Colonial, Country Rustic, Tudor; • �! as presented. • The materials are to be the same as in Phase No. 1: Siding — Aluminum siding or Masonite siding with aluminum siding on the back. • Colors — Same for the painting and trim. Roofs — Same Site Selection — Pre—determined by Westwood. Sliding Glass Doors — NO muttons. Flues and Louvers will be painted out. Downspouts — To be at the sides of the garages. Monotony Code — Will be followed using 9 possible combinations. Com. Knaak seconded the Motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Gibbs, Kirby, Knaak and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Carried 5 to 0. Landscaping of Model Area • Com.-Knaak noted that he looked at the existing model area and it looks good with the exception of a few shrubs that need replacing. This will be done. • A farm is located behind Lot #3. The birms are to be sodded up to the parking lot. Trees will be as agreed to in the original landscape plan. Should any existing trees be damaged during construc— tion, they must be replaced with similar size and species. Patios will be concrete with either redwood expansion joints or agragate. No redwood fencing around new models. Front lights — Two will be used instead of the three shown on plans. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping and Lighting for the new Westwood Model to be located on Lot Four (4) of the Model Area. The Landscaping is to be as shown with the exception that the Center Light be deleted and the other two lights be moved closer to the center walkway. The entire area to be sodded. The patios are to be concrete with redwood sepa•. ters, or poured agragate. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Kirby, Knaak Gibbs and Hardt. Nay — None • Motion Carried 5 to 0. Signage for Westwood Corp. Two additional signs were requested which are identical to exinting signage. A question arose as to whether the street has been dedicated to the Village. If so, then any sign there must be removed. Mr. Griffin will check on .Sign B. Com. Knaak moved to accept the two small "D" signs, 2'x2' on 4"x4" posts. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote — Aye — Carr, Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby and Hardt. Motion Carried 5 to 0. Nay — None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Mar. 12, 1981 — Page Tw f • • • B. B.J.'s Vitamin Ranch - 'Ranch Mart, Sign Face Change Ms. B. J. Jamison, owner, presented the copy for the sign face change at the Ranch Mart Shopping Center. It conforms with the revised sign package for the center. The colors will be dark brown with cream letters. �✓ The Under-Canopy sign (sec. 5.5 d) will also be replaced and will read "Vitamins." The colors will be dark brown with white letters. • Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the sign face change requested by B. J.ts Vitamin Ranch , Colors to be dark brown with • cream letters as per the surrounding signs - back lit. • Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Carr, Kirby, Gibbs, Knaak and Hardt. Motion carried 5 to 0. Nay - None Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move a sign be approved for B. J.'s Vitamin Ranch, Under Canopy sign to read "Vitamins" - not to exceed 6 sq. ft.; preferably 1 ft. by no more than 6 ft. in length, brown with white letters in keeping with all other signs of like nature. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Carr, Knaak, Hardt. Motion carried 4 to 1. Nay - Kirby • C. Bergman's Cafe - Plaza Verde, Sign Face Change North Shore Sinn Com. Mr. Joseph Oliveri, Owner and Mr. Vick Laski, No. Shore Sign Co. The sign presented will be Color #2564 - Orange. Letters being used from the former owner will be cleaned up, and the holes left unused will be patched with stucco material. Disconnects are not to be painted out be- cause no others in the center are painted out. They are aluminum. Mr. Oliveri was uncertain whether he wants the accent mark in Cafe, so he will be given the option to delete it. His window signs do not have it. Coma Carr made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for Bergman's Cafe as presented with the option to have the accent, over cafes or to delete it. Disconnects are to be as the others in the complex. Color changed to #2564 - Orange. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye: ,Kirby, Knaak, Gibbs, Carr, and Hardt. Motion carried - 5 to 0. Nay:- None D. All State -Plaza Verde North Shore Sign Co. Com. Knaak excused himself from the discussion. �..i Mr. Vick Laski presented the proposed sign and explained that All State is moving from the retail section of Plaza Verde to the office building that fronts Arington Heights Road. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Mar. 12, 1981 - Page Three I • The letter A was given a variation when it was first submitted. The color of the letters will be changed from Blue to White with Blue edges. The man- sard is white. The letters are individual back lit - no raceway. • Com. Kirby expressed her concern that the sign will be on the back of the building and not over an entrance. Mr. Griffin said that according to: the Sign Code, if a business has frontage, it is entitled to a sign. The discussion continued. It was noted that many offices have frontage and could request signs that would not be pleasing esthetically. Mr. Hymen of Plaza Verde has approved the location and the letter style "A" - but it was noted that a new variation would be needed if the sign is moved. - The other businesses in that building have window signs and these are allowed. After further consideration, Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we deny All State's sign as presented, as the siting and location of the sign is not compatible and harmonious with the architectural scheme of the development and does not comply with the intent of the uniform sign package for Plaza Verde. (Sec. 4.6 of the Code) Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby, and Hardt. Nay - None Motion to DENY carried 5 to 0. ****Request not on Agenda. "Kick's Shoes" Plaza Verde - North Shore Sign Co. Mr. Vick Laski presented a sign face change for D. J.'s Shoes to Kick's Shoes, usine the same color #2564 - Orange - Helvetica style letters. The sign facing Dundee Road (north) will be moved so that it is centered. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the change from D. J.'s Shoes to Kick's Shoes at Plaza Verde as presented. Color to be #2564 - Orange. Size to be as shown - 18 inch Helvetica letters. • The North Elevation sign to be re- centered. Trim to be bronze. Returns to be painted aluminum and disconnect to be left alone. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Kna.ak, Kirby, Carr, Gibbs, • and Hardt. Motion carried 5 to 0. . Nay - None Com. Gibbs commented that signs (or other business) should not be presented if it does not appear on the Agenda. E. Highland Grove - Variation of Sign Package \-w Mr. Andrew Babirer requested permission to have his recently purchased home constructed according to a color package not approved by this Commission. He would like a White basic color with Brick and Dark brown trim. All the other colors approved are earth tones. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Mar. 12, 1981 - Page Four. i It was unclear if the Commission denied White or if the Developer did not request White. The minutes did indicated that White was eliminated. Mr. Balbirer said that the Development is nearing completion and his lot will be next to the Bike path and two other homes. Ch. Hardt requested that Highland Grove come in and ask for the color be L./ approved and that surrounding neighbors be notified to see if there is any opposition. Com. Kirby made a motion to Table the requested Color Variation to the Highland Grove Color Package until the - developer (Hoffman Group) can be here with a site location and surrounding residents are notified. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Knaak, Carr, Gibbs, Kirby, and Hardt. Motion to TABLE carried 5 to 0. Nay — None F. First Midwest Development Corp. Chatham Manor Homes 1. Logo — Ms. Diane Walker presented the Logo which has been selected for the development. It is a Blue and Brown Shield. A color render— ing will be submitted to the Building Dept. Ch. Hardt noted that the Logo will be added to the sign previously approved by the Commission for erection on or about March 181 1981. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the Logo as revised for addition to the sign approved on Feb. 26, 1981 for Chatham Manor Homes. Colors to be as submitted. Brown and Blue. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Com. Kirby noted that the billboard can be left up until Phase #3 of the development is sold out. (It will be changed from time to time.) The Chatham property is bounded by a strip that belongs to the Church - and a portion still belonging to the Happ Farm. Unincorporated! Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye: Knaak, Carr and Gibbs. Nay: Kirby and Hardt. Motion carried 5 to 2. • • 2. Sales Office Signs on Sales Trailer. Ms. Susan Bartells, Michael L. Ive2 — described the location and con— struction of the proposed signs. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: • I move we accept the identification and direction signage for Chatnam Manor Homes development as presented. Colors are to be as shown. Posts to be stained brown the same as the frame of the sign. Location to be as indicated on the site plan. Colors--Pantone Nos. 301C and 140C. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Carr, Gibbs, and Hardt Motion Carried 5 to 0. Nay — None 4ppEARANCE COt`MISSION 1c r. 12, 1981 - Page Five 4 t • 3. Model Area Landscaping - • Mtn Bartels -d the plans for the street trees which have been :e := , Yorester's recommen i "h craned Arcot trees 4440 i et e t The Median has been approved by theEngineering Dept. Only the trees on the Median are on the Right of Way. It will be handled separately. Com. Knaak noted that a sidewalk is needed to direct people to the models instead of using the planted areas. A solution would be to leave an • area of the parking lot as a walk by placing the bumpers back somewhat and adding a short walkway (of stone) to direct people into the Cul-de- sac. Agreement was reached. The species of trees and other landscaping was acceptable. #1. Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we approve the landscaping for the Model Area of Chatham Yodel Homes, the Parking area and 6 trees on Weidner; excluding the median trees; as presented with-the stipulation,that: To the North of the Parking Lot, space is to be provided past the bumper stops for a walkway for pedestrians, with access from that walk to Weidner Court; ' Also, the area in front of the model garages will be asphalt or poured concrete (PCC) at the entrance to the Sales Office in the drive- way of the Model Area. `./ The motion does not include the entrance monument. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Kirby, Carr, Gibbs, and Hardt. Motion carried. 5 to 0. Nay - None #20 Median Strip. Como Kirby made the following motion: I move that we accept the plantings on the Median Strip at Chatham Manor Homes of 3 Marshall Seedless Ash and 3 Shademaster Honeylocust as presented with sodding. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Kirby, , Carr, Gibbs, and Hardt. Motion Carried 5 to O. Nay - Hone 4. Lighting The lighting on the Median Strip was discussed because when that median is dedicated to the Village, maintenance would become the responsibility of the Village, and lighting is generally not allowed. If approved, it must be .stipulated that it will be removed upon request at acceptance by L.,i B. G. There will be two (2) lights, with shrubs, on the Model. It was agreed that should additional lighting be needed in the parking area it will be provided. The Village Code will be met. Fixtures are Cat. 114015 NV - 175 watt mercury APPEARANCE COMMISSION vapor with ground cover - Sargent Iunipers liar. 12, 19S1 - Page Six t Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we accept 'the following as presented by Chatham Manor Homes`in lighting for the median and model area: - • a) Five (5) buried lights locatedon • the Median Strip. These lights are to be removed at the time of acceptance of the median by the Village, at no cost to the Village — at the descretion of the Village • b) Two (2) lights in front of the model area — #4015MV floodlights, as presented • - to be'located within the planting of 3 Sargent Junipers which are not indicated on the original landscape plan. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby and Hardt. Nay — Carr Motion Passed — 4 to 1. Com. Carr objected to the Median Lights. 5. Entrance Monuments The description of the monument: Bronze finish plate — CHATHAM is with 9 inch capitol letters, satin finish. — Behind the monument is a retaining wall with a birm - 3' to 44' high. — The wall is a total of 37 feet in length — two 10 ft. sections; two 6 ft. sections and the center section of 5 ft. It is about a foot to a foot and a half thick with weep holes — made of stone. — Mortar will be grey to beige. • — Stones will be one of the approved stones to be used on the houses. There will be a Homeowner's Assn. to maintain the monument site and they will carry insurance against damage due to accident or vandalism. Association documents will be given to each buyer. The monument is part of the common area and residents must accept the conditions set forth by the association. The Commission discussed a possible bond, set aside for maintenance and the stipulation that if it is not kept looking good, it must be removed. • Lighting was requested. Since the proper wattage must be determined, it was decided to exclude the lighting at this time. Ch. liardt requested that when lights are installed, that they be locked so that they cannot be turned onto Dundee Rd. • Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move that we accept the Entrance Monument for Chatham Manor Homes and the landscaping for the same as presented. Referring to the Entrance Monuments and Sign as presented with the stipulation that these two monuments on either side of Weidner Road will be maintained by Manor Homes of Chatham Assn. • continued.... APPEARANCE COMMISSION Mar. 12, 1981 — Page Seven That this Assn. accepts complete responsibility for ' the maintenance and insurance of the monuments; and that this stipulation be made a part of the Assn. Document which will be attached to this motion. • At this time, First Midwest is 100% of the Home— owners Association known as Manor Homes of Chatham. Lighting of the monuments is excluded at'-this time. Plantings are as indicated on Page 3 of the plans and all these plantings will be per the specs on page 1. Species and size. The dimensions of the monuments are 10' x 6' x 5' x 6' x lo'= 371 Height of the wings are 3 ft. with the main sign portion to a height of 4-1/2 ft. and will be 1-1/2 ftikthick Monuments will be made of river rock stones and the Chatham sign will be 5 ft. by 1-1/2 ft. — Poured Bronze. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Com. Carr commented that she believed maintenance would become a problem. Ch. Hardt noted that this is a sign and as such, if is is not maintained, it must be removed. • Ms. Walker said there are future plans for an office complex to be built and that they would definitely want the monuments. Com. Knaaicrrcpea+ed his concern that the monument presents a potential hazard because of the proximity to the High School and the possibility of • vandalism. Com. Kirby noted that should major vandelism occur, as a sign it could be removed by the Village at the expense of the Homeowner's Assn. Amendment to the Motion: This is in fact a sign and falls under the jurisdiction of the Sign Code; and that lack of maintenance and disrepair as governed by the Sign Code could result in its being taken down by the Village at the expense of the Assn. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs and Hardt. Nay — Carr Motion Carried 4 to 1. G. Grove Meats — Curt Richards, owner. Because of signage covering more than 1/3 of the window and banners flying Mr. Richards was asked to come in and give an explanation to the Commission. He explained that with the competition of Kohl's and Jewel — he is running a sale with the hopes of improving his business. His exposure to the late after— noon sun, the meat cases warm up and meat could spoil. He noted that he has been using large signs from time to time for the past four years. Ch. Hardt explained the intent of the Sign Code which has been in effect from 1978 concerning signage being meant to identify businesses, not to advertise. Mr. Richards said he would remove the pennants and would try to comply with the Code hereafter. V. AP:NOUPICEMENTS — Various sign problems were noted for Mr. Griffin's attention. VI. ADJOURNMENT — Com. Knaak made a motion to adjourn at 11:45 P.M. and Com. Gibbs seconded. The meeting adjourned by unanimous content. Respectfully submitte t �Shir cy Bates, Sec. APPEARANCE COMMISSION �'rY►-��,� ( — March 17, 1981 --F.iaegit Ch ft�_