1981-03-26 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. Thurs., Mar. 26, 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday, March 26. 1981. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, L.. Paolillo, P. Carr and D. Hardt. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent: L. Kirby and B. Gibbs. Bldg. Dept. - , Dominic Saviano was present. Carmelo -Cea, Prospective Commissioner. III., APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 12, 1981 - Page 4, Allstate Motion - Com. Knaak did not vote. Page 4, E. Highland Grove - Sign Package should be Color Pkg. Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the March 12, 1981 minutes as corrected. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Carr, Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Paolillo (absent) Motion Passed - Mar. 12, 1981 approved and will'be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Plaza Verde - Talman Home - Sign Change (Formerly Home Federal) Ms. Karen Smith, representative of Talman Home. Ms. Smith explained that Home Federal and Talman have merged. The new signs will replace the exist- ing signs. The letters will be individual, internally lit can letters. The colors are to be: Tatman - White Home - Black with White edges. There was some indecision as to whether the locations on the drawings is are correct. . Ch. Hardt asked that Mr. Griffin check to see that site plan is accurate and that the new signs will replace the old signs. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the Talman Home sign as presented The letters for Tatman are WHITE.' The- letters for Home are BLAGK outlined'in WHITE. The positions to be at the locations presently occupied by the signs for Home Federal. Three signs on the depicted elevations. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Knaak, Carr, Hardt \„� Motion Carried 4 to 0. Nay - None w:. B. Buffalo Grove Mall — Bernard Katz and Co. Discussion of future plans. Mr. Frank Morelli, Representative explained the problem of identifying the Doctorb .who are located in the rear section of the Buffalo Grove Mall. He rec'»ed that when signage was requested last year, the Commission denied their request and since then things have become worse. Patients cannot find the offices. nor can any new patients be attracted unless people know there is a Medical Center an the premises. A temporary sign has been attached to the bottom of the large Mall sign. The Mall has become a real problem because of the Buffalo Grove High School students who come during the day. A full—time guard has been hired. Changes are being planned that would empty the Mall of the present tenants, redesign the front of the building and attract; a major business. Five of the stores are soon moving out. Basically, the Mall does not function as a Mall. The stores in front now have signs. The sign will be blanked out and reworked when the whole building is changed. He prefers not to put the doctorts names on the sign. Ch. Hardt explained that the sign itself is a Legal Non—Conforming sign and concessions were made to allow it to be changed to its present state. Also, efforts were made at that time to get some comformity by means of a sign package for the existing facia signs on the front of the building. The AC also requested that the frame of the Mall sign be repaired and repainted. Landscaping was also compromised in order to get additional parking spaces. He also noted that it is not proper to put up a sign illegally and then come in and request that it be allowed. Mr. Morelli said that he would remove it and place the Medical Center up on the large sign if the Commission so desires. Ch. Hardt commented that whenever a sign is changed, every effort should be made to bring It into conformance with the Sign Code. Permits are required for all changes. This in NOT a reader board sign that can be changed at will. After considerable discussion, Mr. Morelli agreed to return on April 9, 1981 with a proposal for the whole large sign. The temporary sign will be removed. C. 8imass' i,.tetleVaalli"Baxxla " atinforal DiOCUSsical Mr. Geo. Zimmerman and his,two sons, George. r. and Lee.were present to discuss the problems that have been noted concerning the storage of seed, fertilizer,- and salt on the sidewalk in front of the store. Mr. Zimmerman expressed a strong desire to resolve all the problems and continue to serve Buffalo Grove with his business. Ch. Hardt outlined-the three area of concern that the Commission has: 1. The Salt Shed — No permit.- In front without approval. 2... Storage of Fertilizer (Black Bags). Because of fire hazard — and no room to the rear for storage, it was put out front. Covered with plastic for winter. 3. Security lights (interior spots) were put on roof. (Now down.) 4. In Spring — Banners advertising fertilizer put on front. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 26. 1981 — Page Two. Ch. Hardt complimented Mr. Zimmerman on his establishment. Regarding the True Value facia sign, Ch. Hardt recalled that originally Mr. Zimmerman chose to have it unlit and asked for the two oval signs on each side. Mr. Zimmerman responded as follows: 1. He will remove all banners, and signs. 2. The black plastic covering the fertilizer is as eyesore, but because of the weather, they waited until spring. Requested that the sidewalk in front be used for tempor— ary sales. These products are needed for their business. Also, wheelbarrows, lawn mowers and snowblowers are put out during business hours. The sidewalk area is large. They felt that 7 months of the year would be sufficient. They have over—ordered in the past, but will not do so now. 3. Salt shed is only sitting on the sidewalk. It will be moved and perhaps painted to make its appearance better. The Commission discussed the situation. ::It was determined that sidewalk sales are permitted. They are unique to the hardware business because of the size of equipment sold. There are no actual regulations against side— walk sales. (Mr. Fabish was present to testify on behalf of the owners.) Under the circumstances, the Commission agreed that because the sidewalk is wide.`_if equipment is moved indoors each night and if storage of fertilizer, etc. is kept on pallets — one deep; that the area could be used as long as it is kept neat. Mr. Saviano said Zoning is being checked. If variation is needed for the shed, then it would be brought to the AC. The_ suggestion was made that it should blend in with the building. Lighting was discussed. Mr. Zimmerman explained that the building is very dark at night and he presented photos of some lighting fixtures for approval. Three would be on the front and one on the'aide. They would be on a timer to go an at dusk and off at closing. = 4 i u d aa4,popeAmaiwAkavAt t lagovItipseging The Police have suggested this be done and the Police Dept. does overrule the Appearance Commission. Brian Properties has talked of more lighting for the entire center. but do not proceed. Mr. Zimmerman has waited a long time and needs lights now. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the Four (4) Quartz Lights, 500 Watt as submitted for True Value Hardware, on Buffalo Grove Rd. with three (3) lights to be on a timer. Shut off time to be 1/2 hour after closing. One (1) light an the North side to be an from dusk to dawn. Stipulations: a) North light to be reviewed4if something were to be constructed on the property currently owned rat course. woe* .101 " - °..'.YES?k IA.at the $ Com. Carr sect thevietton. Rbfl Gn31 Puts: Aye — Paoliulo, Carr. Nay — None Knaak and Hardt. Motion Carried 4 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 26. Mr. Zimmerman requested permission to use Banners to advertise special sales at spring and fall, etc. Ch. Hardt said that there would be no objection to the use of banners, if used about twice a year for 15 day periods. D. Review of Final Draft of Monotony Code Ch. Hardt stated that a Public Hearing was conducted last month. Mr. Raysa vas . present and gave:.his advice concerning clarification of terms, etc. Comments that were made have been taken into consideration. The new draft has been pre— pared. _ Ch. Hardt said he believes the original verbage with reference to building _!identical models' directly across the street from each other. He prefers the term 'regardless' or 'identical' to the word different. The Commission discussed this and agreed. Com. Paolillo made a motion to this effect and Com. Carr seconded it. To the Village Board: Having conducted a Public Hearing, The Appearance Commission recommends that an Ordinance be passed to amend the Appearance Plan specifically relating to the Monotony Code; provided that the verbiage is hanged in Section B; Paragraph 9 — Sub—sections (a) and (b): "Identical models "regardless" bf elevation shall not be constructed directly across the street Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Knaak. Carr and Hardt Nay — None Motion carried 4 to 0. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Copies of`Ahe "Tempe, Arizona" sign code will be distributed to the Commissioners. Note p. 82 — regarding political signage. Several Commissions expire this year. Ch. Hardt, Com. Paolillo, Com. Gibbs and Com. Carr. Request for re—appointment will be made. Mr. Cea was interviewed. VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Knaak made a motion to adjourn. Com. Paolillo seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates, Secretary f sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 26, 1981 — Page Four