1981-04-09 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPER{=SCE COMMISSION • • Reco,::mendation Summary Project Title: DORIS Date: April 9. 1981 Developer: Plaza Verde (formerly The Junior Tree) . • 3�:oved by: Seconded Gibbs Seconded by• Com. Knaak I move we approve the ign for DORIS as presented. The sign is to be 78 inches long, • with 18 inch,-,White individual letters, • interior lit and centered over the storefront. The electrical disconnect is to be painted out to match the background. • Roll Call Vote — Aye — Carr. Gibbs,- • Knaak, • .Kirby. . Nay — None Motion Passed 4 to 0. • • • • • • • • • sb • • • • • • • • • - _ • • • • . VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COa 1ISSION • - Recommendation Summary • Project Title: Faces. Etc. • Date: April 9, 1981 Developer: Owner. Sam Witz :. - . Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Carr . - I .move we accept the sign for Faces. Etc. with the following stipulations: • 1) No face or_wording to be on the sign. . • - 2) Disconnect to be on the outside • _ and painted brown. . 3) Lettering is a variation from the _ existing Sign Package. - At) At the time a permit is obtained from the Village. a letter shall • - be brought in to the Villagefrom - . '., the Lieberman Management Corporation, - stating that the letter style is . acceptable. _ • . - _ 5) - Sign to be centered on the frontage - of the store. . 6) betters are.22 inch Caps and 131. inch - Lower case; Ivory. • Roll Call Vote:-- Aye — Carr • - Knaak . Kirby . - Nay r Gibbs • Motion Passed 3 to 1. sb • . • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPELRANCE • - Recommendation Summary • Pro ect Title: tagles To Go Date. April 9. 1981 Developer: O&YSE Signs Inc. _ - Moved by: Coin. Carr Seconded by: Coin. Knaak - I move we accept the sign for Bagels To Go as presented. • Electrical disconnect to be painted out. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr. Gibbs. • Knaak. • girby • - Nay — None • • Motion Passed 4 to D, • sb • • • • • • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE J Pr. y??CL COMF,ISSION • • - Recommendation Summary w . • a) Architecture Project Title: Lexington Development Corp. Date: April 9, 1981 Develover• Same, Rich Piggot and Jim Freiberg — Representatives Moved by: Corn' Knaak Seconded by: Corn. Gibbs I move we approve the Architecture for the Building "on Lots 38 and 39 of the Lexington Development Corp. as presented with these stipulations: - 1) Roof_top units painted to blend with the roof gravel color. • 2) Materials as depicted on the drawing and mentioned in the discussion. 3) Colors to be as depicted on the drawing. • •4) Internal drainage.. • 5) Roof top vents -to be painted similar to the roof top units. 6) Vron'e Plate Glas • 7) Lighting is not included. . . Roll Call Vote: Aye =- Carr. - • Gibbs. • Knaak, . • Kirby . - Nay — None • Notion Passed 4 to O. • . - - ' • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • • .kPPF P.AITCE •• • Recommendation Summary • b) Landscaping Lexington Development Corp.. Project Title: Date: ,4PI i t_ Developer: Same — Rich Piggot and Jim Freiberg- Representatives Moved. by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Carr I move we approve the Landscaping for the Lexington Development Corp. Building on. Lots 38 and 39 as presented with the following stipulations: l) Parkway trees as approved before- - with locations as per Village approval. • 2) Landscaping as detailed on the drawing. 3) Stockade fenct .to be 6 ft. - Cedar — across the entire back of the property. b) Trees and sod as indicated. - 5) Motion does not include exterior lighting. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak. • Carr; - Gibbs. . Kirby. • • e Nay — None• Notion .Passed 4 to 0. . • sb • • • . . • . •