1981-04-09 - Appearance Commission - Minutes • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE'OF BUFFALO GROVE. ILL. THURS., APRIL 9. 1981 I. CALL -TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order at 7:42 P.M. by Com. Lori Kirby, Acting-Chairman. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Kirby, Knaak, Gibbs and Carr. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: Hardt, Paolillo. Bldg. Department Representative: James D. Griffin was present. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Com. Gibbs made a motion to table the minutes of March 26, 1981. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Motion Passed by unanimous=approval of Commissioner present. IV. BUSINESS A. "Bagles To Go" - deferred until later in the meeting. B. "Doris" - New Sign at Plaza Verde Doris Berman presented the sign which dill use letters from The Sun Director's sign. Ms. Berman explained that her store was formerly The Junior Tree, but the name is being changed because she is adding regular size clothing to her business. The letters will be individual, 18 inch white. and lit internally. The dis- connect will be painted out. All the previous holes have been filled in and new holes will be drilled. The apostrophy has been dropped from the name. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the sign for DORIS, as presented. The sign is to be 78 inches long, with 18 inch, White individual letters, interior lit and centered over the store- front. The electrical disconnect to be painted out to match the background. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby. Nay - None Motion Carried - 4 to. 0. C. Buffalo Grove Mall - Pylon Sign Cancelled until the next meeting. D. "Faces, `Etc." - Lieberman Plaza Sam Witz, owner and Warren Herbeck of Beck Sign Co. presented the sign. The discussion centered around the use of the Viviane Woodward advertising. Ch. Kirby explained the purpose of the Sign Code's limitation of signage to identification. The face is also a Logo, also prohibited by the Code. It was suggested that Mr. Witz use the store window for the display of his pro- ducts. The Code allows for up to 1/3 of the glass space to be used. The Lettering, although not Helvetica, ,is compatible with the other signage 7. at the center has been approved by the manager of the center. The color will be Ivory #7328. plexiglas. , A letter will be requested from the owner. Dom. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for Faces. Etc._ vi.th the following stipulations: 1) No face or wording on the sign. 2) Disconnect to be on the outside • and painted brown. 3) Lettering is a variation from the existing Sign Package. 4) At the time a permit is obtained From theVillage, a letter shall be brought in to the Village from the statangt ae�le�ter��y�e s' acceptable. 5) Sign to be centered on the frontage of the store. 6) Letters are 22 inch Caps and 13i inch lower case; Ivory. Com. -Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Inaak, Kirby. Nay - Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 1. A. "BAGELS TO GO" - Dunell Shopping Center Mr. Doyle - Doyle Signs Inc. presented the sign. He noted that Brian Pro- perties now manages the center and hopes to upgrade the signage as stores are rented. The pylon is handled by the Management. Additions to be approved. The sign will be Brown with Ivory letters, maximum ht. of letters - 3 feet. This is a can sign with cool white florescent tubes. • Com. Carr made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for Bagels To Go as presented. The disconnect is to be painted out. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote - Aye - Carr, Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby. Motion Carried 4 to 0. 4 • APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 9, 1981 — Page Two • E. Lexington Development Corp. - Architecture Jim Freiberg and Rich Piggot presented the Architectural Plans. Com. Knack asked about the sign advertising Top Soil and noted it was not approved by the Commission. Mr. Piggot explained it is not their sign and will see that it is removed. It will need a permit. Mr. Freiberg described the building to be built on Lots 38 and 39. Two one- acre lots. It will be located about 300 ft. North of Armstrong Drive. The property is about 7 feet lower that adjoining residential property. In the warehouse, Gas Heaters will be suspended for gas forced air. Offices will be gas forced air heat with air conditioners. Roof units will be kept back from the front of the building. out of the line of sight. There will be some plumbing vents in the front of the building. There is no parapet. only a 6 inch gravel stop. Doors are to be steel. painted Midnight Bronze baked on enamel - am Inland Byers Product. Service Doors and Overhead Doors to be Tan or Beige. Mortar to be light with bricks to be large. ranging in color from light to dark (Driftwood range). Canopy to be 2 .dnight Bronze. A sheet metal flashing to be used where the metal meets the bricks. _ Interior trash removal. If this changes. the containers are to be brought in for approval. They will comply with the New Iowa Ordinance. Glass area - Bronze tinted with Midnight Bronze frames. Doors and Window frames - Midnight Bronze. Masonary Control Joints to be light mortar. There will be a brick retaining wall. Sills at the entrance will be brickor stone. Entryway to be concrete. ?'here mill be soffit lights over the entry. Lights must be approved later. This is one building but could have two tenants. Roof A/C units will be visable to homeowners. They will be painted out. Com. Knack made the following motion: I move we approve the Architecture for Building on Lots 38 and 39 of the Lexington Development _ Corp. as presented with these stipulations: 1) Roof top units painted to blend with the roof gravel color. 2) Materials as depicted on the drawing and mentioned in the discussion. - 3 Colors to be as depicted. !+ Internal drainage. 3 Roof top vents to be painted similar to the roof top units 6) Bronze Plate Glass 7) Lighting is not included. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Gibbs, Knaak. Motion Passed 4 to 0. Kirby. 4 b. Landscaping - Lexington Development Corp. No lighting is planned for the parking lot unless required by Village. The corners of the building are sodded with Austrian Pines. They do not expect a problem with employees walling through. Asphalt buts up to the dirt. Sidewalk in front of property. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 9, 1981 — Page Three The rear of the building must be 60 feet from the lot line. No picnic tables are planned for employees. No bumper stops are needed. Village requires a slope of 5 to 1 for the birm. A greenspace of 30 feet must be maintained. There will be grass and a Stockade Fence so bushes would not be seen. Fence will be Cedar which will weather. Parkway trees were approved before. - - - The retaining walls are built of a double row of 8 inch bricks, reinforced with 4 inch verticle rods of concrete. Walls hold back the birm. Bricks will match the building bricks. Coma Gibbs made the following motion:- - I move we approve the Landscaping for the Lexington Development Corp. building on Lots 38 and 39 as presented; -with the following stipulations: • 1) Parkway trees as approved before — with locations as per Village approval. 2) Landscaping as detailed on the drawing. 3) Stockade fence to be 6 ft. Cedar. across the entire back of the property. 4) Trees and sod as indicated. 5) Motion does not include exterior lighting. Com. Carr seconded themotion; Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Carr, Gibbs, Kirby Motion Passed 4 to 0. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Griffin announced that Allstate will be going to the Board 4/20/81. Various sign violations were noted for Mr. Griffin's information VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn at 9:40 P.M. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Meeting adjouned by unanimous approval. Respectfully submitted. Shirley Bate Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 9, 1981 — Page Four sb