1981-04-23 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE. ILL. Thurs.. Apr. 23. 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. on Thurs., Apr. 23, 1981 at the Village Hall. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, L. Paolillo and D. Hardt. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent: L. Kirby. B. Gibbs. and P. Carr. Bldg. Department Rep. James D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 26, 1981 — Page 2, True Value Hardware (C) Item 3: Strike Security Lights It should be Identification Lights. Page 3, Paragraph 5: Strike the last part of the last sentence: and etc Page 4. Relative to "Banners" — The Sign Code does not allow for the use of banners except at Grand Openings. Strike Para.#1 Mr. Griffin was asked to notify Mr. Zimmerman of this mis—interpretation. Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the March 26, 1981 minutes as amended. Comm Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Paolillo, Hardt. Nay — None March 26. 1981 minutes approved and place on file. April 9. 1981 — Cannot be approved because Commissioners present at that meeting are absent tonight. _ IV, BUSINESS Before the Business started. Ch. Hardt commented on the V. B. decision concerning Allstate. He noted that the Office Bldg. is identified by two signs and all other businesses have their names stenciled on the window. He stressed great care should be taken to specify in detail all signs, especially with respect to Sign Packages. A. Medical Arts Center — Revised Landscaping Karl Hundreiser presented a revised landscaping plan for the planting of a line of Honeysuckles to be placed on the South property line. Due to an oversight. this was not previously noted. He also noted that 5 large trees were transplanted there also. The Code calls for such a screen wherever residential abuts com— mercial properties. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the Revised Landscape Plan for the Medical Arts Center along the South property line: the planting of a Honeysuckle Hedge, 6 feet high; interspersed with trans— planted Oak, Hickory and Apple trees. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo Knaak Hardt Uti.on Passed — 3 to O. Nay — None B. OLYMPIC TORCH — Paldo Sign Co. Mr. Joe Paldo presented the sign for-Olympic Torch, a store at Plaza Verde that is moving two doors East of its present location. Because the new store frontage is invaded by a decorative brick work, it was necessary to put the words on two lines. Three lines including the unlit portion. It was noted that all other stores in Plaza Verde have a maximum'of two lines of copy. Also the wording "An Arena of Sproting Goods" is advertising and according to the Sign Code, when a sign is moved it should be brought into conformance. Ch. Hardt read the Sign Package for Plaza Verde which indicates that secondary lettering is to be unlit. The original sign was,apprbwed- by Staff and did not 'come to the Appearance Cop. Its status is a legal non-conforming sign. The Sign Package calls for a Single Line of Lettering above the Store to be mounted 4 inches from the bottom of the sign facia and may not extend more than 18 inches in height. leaving 8 inches of Piaster exposed at the top of the sign. After measuring the proposed lettering, it was found to be much too large to comply with the Sign Package. Any secondary lettering should have a variance from the Appearance Commission. Mr. Paldo said that the Management of Plaza Verde has approved the sign. He was not aware of the Sign Package and he agreed that the sign would cover too much area allowed. He agreed to have the Sign Tabled until the next meeting. Com. Knaak made a motion to Table Olmpic Torch until the next meeting. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo Knaak Hardt Motion to Table passed. 3 to 0. Nay - None C. SENO Formal Wear - North Shore Sign Co. Mr. Lee Radke from Seno and Mr. Vic Laska from No. Shore Signs presented the SENO sign. - Lettering for SENO is a Logo type and does not comply with the Plaza Verde Sign Package. Mr. Radke said that the Management of Plaza Verde has seen the sign and will approve it if the Appearance Commission give a variation. Ch. Hardt said that variation must be requested by the Management (Mr. Hymen). The Commission cannot act pending Mr. Hymens consideration. He suggested that since the store front is 144 feet - SENO Formal Wear would fit and could be lit since that is the corporate name. Mr. Radke asked if he could make some phone calls and try to resolve the pro- blem. Ch. Hardt agreed to Table until later in the meeting. Com. Knack made a motion to Table SENO until later. Com. Paolillo seconded and the motion passed unanimously. D. BEEF n1 STEIN - North Shore Sign Co. Mr. Joe Oliveri, owner and Mr. Vic Laska from No. Shore Signs presented the new face change from Bergman's to read BEEF n1 STEIN. The letters would be Helvetica, Orange. The Commission had no questions or comments. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for Beef n1 Stein as submitted. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Paolillo, Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 23. 1981 - Page Two E. Trving's and La-Z-Boy - Country Court Pylon Cancelled because they need a ZBA Variation. F. PULTE Master Builders - New Model Mr. Dan Star and Mr. Dave Dugger presented a 3rd Model for Pulte's Sub-division explaining that when they started, they had 79 Tanglewood lots. They have been selling 2 Models and with the newly passed Mono- tony Cbde, they are now offering a new model Originally. Two 2-Story models were sold. Now only the story and a-half Amhurst #725 and Brittany-#735 are being offered. The new model, the Essex-#565 is a smaller 2-Story, with an optional basement. All will be built with a 2-Car garage and a family room in the rear. The fireplaces are options and are solid masonary with brick outside. The family room has 91 sliding glass doors. The dining room has an optional bay window. All materials. color packages. roofs. and trim colors will be the same as previously approved by the Appearance Commission for Pulte. The Essex has three exterior elevations. Garage doors are 16 ft. wide - single doors. paneled. The Essex has no garage window. Other models have windows but the Essex has no exposed sides. Windows in garages are easy •to:break into. Corner lots will be landscaped as previously approved. The problem of the length of the side of the house with the garage and family room, broken up only by the fireplace (when ordered), was discussed. It was noted that almost every buyer has taken a fireplace, and it was agreed that if a fireplace is not ordered, a window will be ilaced in the garage. If a window was added to the family room, it may interfere with furniture placement. Light fixtures will be the same as previously approved. Downspouts are drained on the sides, not front. Downspouts will match trim. Kickboards at doorways will be painted out. Flues are B-vents an the rear of each house, and will be painted out. No model will be built. A spec house may be built.in the field, but it Will not be furnished. There are 23 lots left to be sold. The new Monotony Code will be met. The three elevations for the Essex will be: 1 - all siding 2 - brick with board and bat.-.- ten siding. . _ 3 - brick with vertical siding ; with Com. Knaak made the following motion: optional brick. I move we approve the New Pulte Model - . The Essex - # 565 for the Tanglewood Sub-division as submitted . .with these stipulations: 1. A window will be provided in the garage when optional fireplace is not selected for the family room. 2. The Essex model will be built with a two-car garage. -3. B-Vents will be painted out to match the roofing material. 4. Exterior lighting being utilized will be the same as on the Brittany and Amhurst. 5. Materials and Color Packages will be the same as previously approved. APPEARANCE COMMI SSI Apr. 23, 1981 - Page Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye Paolillo Knaak • Nay - Hardt Motion Passed 2 to 1. `./ Ch. Hardt stated he voted against the request because Pulte has done nothing to alleviate the Monotony problems that they have created in the sub-division by submitting this plan. He does agree that this plan will, at the most, be used to build about twelve additional houses. Ch. Hardt said he believed that the Appearance Commission was misled in the past, by statements that were made concerning the number of models that were to be built. It was assumed that the 3 previous models were to be sold in addition to the 2. approved after Pulte took over the Green Knolls Sub-division. Green Knolls had agreed to meet the Monotony Code, and Pulte took over that agreement. Pulte agreed to meet the Code as well. Mr. Star stated that they followed the same interpretation that other developers followed in the past. He thought the problem was with what "identical model" means. Also, he believed that the Monotony Code was revised because of a change in interpretation. Ch. Hardt said the Monotony Code was written into an Ordinance and it has always been stated that way. It has been in effect and has been part of the Sub-division reviews-since before 1976. Reviewing the minutes from Green Knolls and Pulte's previous times here, Ch. Hardt believes the Appearance Commission has been misled because monotony was not reduced. In fact, there are 7 and 8 houses that are the same model next to each other. Mr. Star stated it was not their intent to sidestep the monotony code. Pulte believes that their elevations are significantly different, even on the same floor plan, to the point that it is difficult to tell if it is the same model inside, to a far greater degree than any of their competitors in Buffalo Grove. A survey has been made to find out how many other developers have tried to avoid doing just that, and there are not any that they could find. Pulte has gone to great lengths. because of the extremely different elevations that they have. to avoid putting similar looking house next door: plus they have a significant number of color packages available. Mr. Star said he thought the outcome would be that their street-scape would be far less monotonous than some of the competition. In conclusion, Ch. Hardt asked that if they have any problem meeting the Ordinance when building upon the remaining 23 lots. to please see Mr. Jim Griffin. He wished the developer success:in Buffalo Grove. C: SENO continued: Mr. Radke returned ans asked for tenative approval of the sign, as presented. based on a letter from the management. Also, he has approval from the President of Seno who will call Mr. Hymen and get: the matter resolved Friday. Apr. 24th. They want to use the standard logo, and will meet all other criteria except,for type style. They are hoping to open within 3 weeks in time for the High School Proms. Discussion arose about the validity of the Sign Package for the C6nter. Ch. Hardt stated that since about 75% -of the tenants comply with the letter, style, etc. that the overall effect is better for the Village. Variations have been showed to sign packages with the consent of the owners. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 23, 1981 - Page Four Construction of the sign as presented was discussed. The center of the E will be connected because it would burn out too fast if such a small neon tube is used with the required 60 milliamp transformers for brighter letters. The color will be ivory and all previously used holes will be patched and re— painted. The sides of the letters are sheet metal, dark bronze. Formal Wear will be Ivory also, but unlit. Com. Knaak and Com. Paolillo both expressed opposition to the sign because it does not conform to the Sign Package. SENO will be recognized, if Helvetica. Ch. Hardt explained the procedure that could be followed. The sign could be tabled until the next meeting; the Commission can vote, and if denied'--you you •could._appeal to the. Vilage..Board. This' Hill- take some time. Com. Paolillo made the following motion:. I move we approve the-sign for SENO, Formal Wear as submitted. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — None Nay — Knaak. Paolillo, Motion DENIED 3 to 0. Hardt. • Ch. Hardt explained the appeal procedure. Request to go the Village Board should. be made to Mr. Balling. He also noted that other businesses have been denied Logos. Signage is designed with respect to architecture for ID. After further discussion. Mr. Radke asked if approval could be given tonight for a sign that complies with Sign Package. Ch. Hardt agreed based on the time restraints, of Seno's opening; and the fact that the second submittal is an alternative to an owner who is not present at the meeting, is in fact in keeping and does comply with the Plaza Verde Sign Package, I would at this time entertain a second motion for consideration, for approval of an alternate sign. A new sign was drafted, and presented with Helvetica style letters. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the alternate sign submitted by SENO, ,located at Plaza Verde as presented in the hand—drawn sketch. Color: Ivory — #2146 Romanhaus, Helvetica style. • Upper Case S — 18" — Lower Case "eno" — 12" and Formal Wear — 8" Uppers.. Dark Bronze trim caps; with cutoffs to be painted out white. SENO to be individually mounted internally illuminated. No raceway permitted. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo Knaak Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay — None Ch. Hardt asked that it be noted that this motion is contingent \./ upon the condition that they do not wish to appeal. . APPEARANCE COMMISSION . April 23. 1981 — Page Five V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Hardt asked a motion to approve an amendment to the Municipal Code, Section 14.20.070 Ground Signs A. He explained the error in wording that should be corrected. Com. Knaak made a motion as follows: I move we approve the amendment to the Municipal Code. Section 14.20.070 Ground Signs, to read: A. One ground sign is permitted 2 r each developed parcel having a minimum frontage of three hundred feet on a public right-of- way; provided, that no such sign may be closer than five hundred feet to any exist- ing sign. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Paolillo, Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. •Nay - None Ch. Hardt stated he had discussed this change with Com. Kirby and she is in full agreement. The absent Commission members (Gibbs and Carr) will be given copies to review. Several problems have been sited in the Village and Mr. Griffin will look into them. The Buffalo Grove Mall is scheduled to go to court on May 19. 1981. VI. ADJOURNMENT Con. Paolillo made a motion to adjourn at 10:40 P.M. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned by unanimous approval. Respectfully submitted. a414:1 ! Shirley Bate Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 23. 1981 - Page Six