1981-06-25 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS., JUNE 25, 1981 I, CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt 'Ailed the meeting to order at. 7:44 P.M. on Thursday, June 25, 1981 at the Village Hall. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Kirby, Carr, Gibbs -& Hardt. Quorum. Commissioners Absent: Knaak, Paolillo and Cea. Also Present: James D. Griffin and Trustee Marc Schwartz III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 11, 1981 - Postponed. Commissioners who attended the meeting are not present at this meeting. IV. BUSIN 1SS A. Chatham Manor Homes —Landscaping, Phase #1. Michael Ives and Assoc. - Sue Bartels and Diane Walker `./ Ids. Destolls presented the landscaping plan of the pruduction area of Phase No. 1 at Chatham Manor Homes on Dundee Road. She described the proposed plantings and answered questions regarding the specific loca. tions. There were no objections. Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we accept the landscaping presented for Chatham Manor Homes - Phase #1 as submitted. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Gibbs, Kirby and Hardt. Nay .- None Motion Passed 4 to 0. ) .3 • Ch. Hardt asked about the landscaping that was approved for the sales trailer. He noted that none has been put in. Na. Bartels explained that due to rain, they were not able to plant before the planting season was over. When the model::area is complete, it will be landscaped as proposed. The same shrubs that were approved for the sales trailer are to be planted at the models. /1-1:----C;;;;Ce Center- Lexington Development Jim Freiberg presented a request to change the material on the rear of the building from brick to painted cinder blocks. This will�are a considerabl\ amount of money and will•not be seen because that elevation is far below the £ VE homes that abitt the property. About 4,000 square feet is involved. They plan to seal the cinder blocks and use two Coats of paint. ����� d' 00/ ��� • The Commission discussed the situation with Mr. Freiberg. There were no objections. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the change in materials for the Lexington.Development Corp. Commerce ll Center; Lots 38 and39. The chang.being from brick to building blocks on the rear elevation (West) only. Blocks to to by painted out metallic bronze, to closely match the siding material and doors, with the stipulation that the blocks be given a base coat and two coats of print. • Ctn. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Gibbs, and Kirby — — — Nay — Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 1. C. Cedar View — Dave Haller, Developer of proposed project. Yr. Haller presented the site plan for a project he is hoping to build. He will need a variation of the buffer area. The Codes call for a 50 foot set back with screening. He would need :a 10 ft. variation but he feels that there is already substantial planting in the area and they have a �/. landscape Plan that is adequate. The Plan Commission has already approved the proposal, but requested the Appearance Commission's recommendation to the Village Board. Questions were answered , to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, Com. Kirby made the following motion: 1 move we recommend to the Board of Trustees approval of a 40 foot setback. This will give sufficient space for a suitable screen on the West side of the Cedar View Office Plaza. - Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Gibbs, Kirby and Hardt. Nay I- None _ Notion Pacsed 4 to 0. V. ANnotr7030E?TS Ch. Hardt presented a letter to the Village Board regarding the Commission's decision relative to Irving's For Red Hot Lovers request for a change of the Country Court sign face. Commissioners Kirby, Gibbs and Carr approved the letter and recommended it be given to Trustee Schwartz for presentation to the VB. Various signs were discussed with Mr. Griffin. Irving's will go to the VB on July b, 1981. VI. ADJOURNMENT Con._ Kirby made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. All were in favor. Respectfully submitted,: Shirley Bti, es, Sec. APPEARANCE CO1;MISSION sb - June 25, 1981 — Page Two.