1981-07-09 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THJRS., JULY 9, 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:36 P.M. at the Village Hall. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Kirby, Gibbs, Knaak, Paolillo, Carr, Cea and Hardt. Commissioners Absent: None! QUORUM PRESENT. Others Present: Frank Hruby, Building Commissioner James D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Commissioner III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 11, 1981 - Motion to accept as presented made by Com. Gibbs and seconded by Com. Knack. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Kna k, Gibbs, Cea and Hardt Nay - -None Abstain - Knaak, Paolillo, Carr and Kirby. June 11, 1981 minutes were approved. Placed on file. June 25, 1981 - Corrections: Page 1, B - second line - same should be save. Page 2, Top - Strike "There were no objections." Insert: "Ch. Hardt noted several potential problems, but Mr. Freiberg assured the Commission that if constructed properly, the problems would not exist." Motion to accept the June 25, 1981 minutes as amended was made by Com. Knaak and seconded by Gor.Carr. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Kirby, Carr, Gibbs, Hardt. Nay - None Abstain - Knaak, Cea, Paolillo June 25, 1981 minutes were approved as amended. Placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Plaza Verde Printing and Office Supply - Robert Dutton, Owner. North Shore Sign Co. - Ron Guthrie. Chairman Hardt informed the Commissioners who were not present June 11, 1981 the reason for tabling the sign as presented at that time. It did not con- form with the Sign Code in that the full store name was not used. Mr. Guthrie explained that the full store name Plaza Verde Printing and Office Supplies was too long to fit in the facia space and would be too expensive if all illuminated letters are used. He presented the sign with 7 inch, non- "Plaza Verde,,...„..Office Supply" and 18 inch, illuminated PRINTING. Color to be Orange #2564 - Plexiglas with proper disconnect. He also presented a letter from Mary Hymen indicating approval. Mr. Dutton explained he chose the name Plaza Verde, etc. before he realized there was a sign package and since quick 'printing is a local type business, he would even agree.to all nor-illuminated letters. The Commission discussed the store location and the problem of possible advertising if only Printing was illuminated. Mr. Guthrie explained that 7 inch neon tubes burn out quickly, and to light all 33 characters would cost about 3,600.00. Ch. Hardt noted that the sign does comply with the A.C.'s request to use the proper store name. Also, since the lease specifies an illuminated sign, it also complies with that requirement. The cost factor is important. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we adopt the Plaza Verde PRINTING Office Supply sign as submitted with the center word "PRINTING" to be 18 inch illuminated letters. The words Plaza Verde and Office Supply to be 7 inch non—illuminated letters. The sign to be according to the specifications per the drawing submitted by North Shore Sign Co. The. existing facia shall be patched and painted if deemed necessary when inspected by the signage inspector. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs, Cea. Nay — Paolillo Hardt Motion passed 5 to 2. B. Grove Terrace Condominiums — Full Review Rabin/Lenoble — Associate Architects Mr. Z. Rabin, Architect; Mr. Frank Morelli, Assoc. of Bernard Katz, Developer Mr. Jack Martin, Landscape Architect. ARCHITECTURE Mr. Rabin presented the site plans and described the proposed development. The plans call for three buildings, each building to contain 42 units. The buildings are four-story with underground parking garages; 45 ft. ht. There will be a 25 foot landscaped berm in front with the total setback to be 91 feet. The rear minimum setback is 35 feet. A fire lane will be built of two concrete ribbons with grass in between. The sidewalk in front will be 8 feet vide — 3 feet being a bike path. Parking for 64 cars will be provided inside each building and outside spaces total 72. Total parking, 264 cars is approximately 50 more spaces than the Code requires. Each unit has a terrace. The whole building will be BRICK — Kingsize, Brown Smoke Tone (or similar). Mortar will be GREY. All elevations will be treated as front elevations. Roof canopies — METAL Facings with ribs 12 inches apart. Aluminum siding — SPAN METAL CORP. — AP 4-64 Bronze (Standard bronze.) Soffits — White metal Entry — Bronze aluminum with tinted glass Balconies — Steel facia: painted bronze to match metal _ Railings — Bronze (All metal will be bronze.) Underside of balconies — Aluminum bar joists, metal decking — white metal. Poets at the ends of Terraces — Heavy tubes with ornamental verticle bars. Window sills and coping — Limestone �•/ Patio Doors — continuation of deck to make a concrete curb. (Ch. Hardt asked that a white concrete be used. Mr. Rabin said most people use carpeting on the patio floors. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 9, 1981 — Page Two Gutters and downspouts - All interior drainage. Two entrances on each building from the front into garages - Bronze metal doors. Garage doors - wood. Air Conditioners will be placed in groups of 4 and placed approximately 20 feet \./ back from the face of walls. They are 3 feet high and the parapet wall is 1-1/2 feet. Therefore the A/C units would not be seen from the street. They would be seen from about 600 feet away. Garbage disposal - Refuse rooms are provided in the parking area. Some garbage is to be compacted. Garbage men come into the building to remove. Windows - Double insulated clear glass. Ground floor railing - To be decided but it will not exceed the wall-rail height. Not over 3 feet above the deck area. Entire rear wall will be brick. Garage area - exposed concrete walls. Service doors in garage. Steel painted bronze. Com. Kirby made the following motion:, I move we accept the Architecture for the Grove Terrace Condominiums as presented. The developer agreed to these stipulations: 1. Waste containers are interior within garage area in a refuse room. 2. .A11 garage doors are wood -painted bronze to match bronze metal. 3. Roof drains are all interior collectors. 4. Roof units will be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the South elevation and shall not exceed 3 feet in height. 5. Windows and doors are wood painted to match the bronze. 6. Brick will be Kingsize, Smo$e Tone, as available. 7. Canopy - AP 4-64, Bronze (similar color). 8. Balcony - railings and rail tops are all Bronze to match basic bronze color throughout. 9. Aluminum soffits - White aluminum AP 300, White, Span Metal Corp. 10. Limestone sills and copings. /Pre-finished. 11. Railings on first floor between units will not exceed 3 feet, or the height of the masonary wall. 12. Entrance doors -Aluminum doors with tinted glass in the door and side lights. Store front material. 13. Mortar will be natural grey. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Paolillo, Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs, Cea, Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 7 to 0. LANtSCAPING - C. Mormino Company, _Inc. - Landscape Architects Mr. John Martin presented the landscape plan and described each proposed tree and shrub. The existing willow trees along Dundee Rd. will be saved except at the entry. Since they will eventrA»y die out, sufficient landscaping has been provided so that when mature, it will effectively screen the front of the area. It was noted that the quantity of trees previously submitted has been reduced, but the sizes have been increased. This will provide more mature landscaping initially. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 9, 1981 - Page Three Entry median strip is to be maintained with seasonal, annual planting beds. This was discussed and it was concern was expressed-about their upkeep. It would be the responsibility of the Homeowner's Assn. to maintain these beds as well as the beds at the each end of each building. Parkway Trees will last about another 15 years and since they are on a state right—of—way, it was not certain that they will be replaced. The planned landscaping will provide a sufficient screening. The berm in front is about 3 feet above the grading _(sidewalk);or about 5 feet above Dundee Road. Sodding will be planted up to the shrub beds. The concern of the Commission was that the screen be sufficient to hide car lights in the parking lots at night. Not many cars are expected in lot. Dentention area entirely sodded. A vista view was maintained. Gravel is planned for under the balconies ( which are over the garage ). Garage area entrances will be screened to break up the wall. At the rear, low shrubbery will be used to keep the open view of the golf A 6 foot stockade fence is planned for the East end next to homes. course. The developer agreed to stipulate that the front berm would be 4 to 4-1/2 ft. Com. Knack made the following motion: I move we approve the landscaping for the Grove Terrace Condominiums as presented, with the following stipulations: A 4-1/2 foot berm in front as measured from the sidewalk. Entire area to be sodded. 8 foot sidewalk area in front ofthe property to be concrete. Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Paolillo, Knack, Kirby, Gibbs, Cea, Hardt. Nay — None Motion reseed 7 to 0. LIGHTING Light fixture pictures were submitted. QL, Inc. Design 116 —fixture and Design 52 — alrminum square poles. Bulbs to be 150 watt — high pressure sodits: Because it was undecided what type of building fixtures would be used; also the plar-Pment and heights of each fixture was uncertain; after discussion it was suggested that the lighting be tabled until a later date. Com. Knaak made a motion to table — Grove Terrace Condominiums — lighting. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Paolillo, Knack, Gibbs, Cea. Nay Kirby and Hardt. Motion to Table Lighting passed 5 to 2. It is noted that the Commission is in favor of the type of fixtures and poles' as Presented with respect to the 10 foot and 18 foot designs. Each building has an elevator which is centered in the buildings directly behind the entryway. They are solid brick and will be approximately 45 feet in height. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 9, 1981 - Page Four C. Buffalo Grove Car Care — Wall Signs Mr. Ron Hayword, Owner 1r. Hayword recently purchased the car wash on Dundee Road and described some of the improvements he has been making. He has changed the outside light fixtures, moved the unsightly trailers to the rear, removed the phone booth and rewired the car wash equipment. He also installed new lights in— side the car wash section. He got permits for the electrical changes. Ch. Hardt explained the Village requirements concerning approval before any changes to signage is made. He noted the Goodyear signs have replaced the B. F. Goodrich signs. The General Car Care sign on the front has been re— moved but on the East side, it is still up together with signs over the doors describing various services. There are too many Goodyear signs. There is signage on the front islands. Gas prices are posted in two places. A Good— year sign has been added to the pylon sign. The pylon could lose its legal non—coaaforming status if it is changed without approval. Ch. Hardt suggested a complete review of all signs at the station. He said the Commission feels very strongly about treating all service stations egtmJly. He aommendsd'' Mr. Hayword on the condition of the reader board. Because of the tremendous amount of illegal signage, the Commission agreed that the best thing to do would be to review all signs and work with Mr. Hay— word toward making the whole station more attractive. Mr. Hayward was willing to come back and-discuss the situation. He agreed to bring in photos of all signs. He agreed to remove the General Car Care sign from the East side of the building. He is working to comply with the Village regulations and he stated that things do take time. Ch. Hardt suggested that Mr. Hayward review the Sign Code. He asked that Mr. Hayvord return to the next AC meeting, July 23rd when he would be first an the Agenda. Com. Knaak commented that he visited the site and counted 10 Goodyear signs He noted that there is also some signage in the rear which can be seen by homeowners to the South. He expressed appreciation for the efforts being made. Ch. Hardt said that Mr. Hayward had two options: A. Consider a complete review of signage and conform to the Sign Code. B. Go to the ZBA for a variation to allow so much signage. The Commission felt that if the signage was reviewed, it would be possible to effectively identify the station and its services. Com. Gibbs made a motion to Table Buffalo Grove Car Care until Thurs., July 23, 1981. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was Aye unanimously. I Ch. Hardt commented the Commission appreciates all that has been done. He said it would be OK to leave the Goodyear signs until the next meeting, but take the Goodyear sign down from the pylon. � APPEARANCE C0MUSSIOrT sb July 9, 1981 — Page Five c ' D. Buffalo Grave Mall Pylon Sign Changes Mr. Frank Morellis Bernard Katz & Co. Mr. Morelli presented plans for a second line of copy on the pylon sign. One would say Mars Juvenile Shops and the other Medical and Dental Offices. Ch. Hardt asked about the signs at the Shopping Mall Entrance. He noted that signs wore put up without permits and if tenants moved out, the names were painted over making the signs look bad. Now two more Entrance signs have been erected illegally. Mr. Morelli explained the need for entrance signs and noted that when the signs began to look bad he did change them. He agreed to take them down. Com. Paolillo reported Bell Liquors has been putting a sign outside, leaning against the building at Baskin and Robbins. Ch. Hardt noted the condition of the Pylon sign frame. Mr. Morelli said he would like permission to repaint the frame dark bronze. He repeated the desire of the owner to find a major tenant who will take over the whole mall, but it hasn't worked out. If it doesn't soon, then the stores will be rented and other signage changes will be made. Mars Juvenile Shop already has a wall sign, but it was determined that it also is entitled to space on the pylon. Other tenants have been allowed to use various letter styles an the pylon. The colors of the sign copy was uncertain, but it was decided that the new inserts should be the same color as the two existing signs. (White with red.) Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the Buffalo Grove Mall sign inserts for Mars Juvenile Shop and Medical/Dental Offices as presented, with the stipulations that the color (red or black) match the existing color. Also, the frame of the Buffalo Grove Mall sign to be painted Dark Bronze. Com. Paolillo, seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Paolillo, Knack, Kirby, Gibbs, Cea, Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed 7 to 0. Ch. Hardt asked that the Entryway signs be presented to the Commission. He also noted that there is an exposed neon light at Baskin and Robbins that needs attention. -� APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb July 9, 1981 — Page Six E. Westwood Homeowners - Request for fences in lieu of berms. Mr. Ed Pope and Mr. Tim Santay presented the request of 5 Homeowners from the Westwood Estates subdivision on Thorndale Court to change the original landscape plans to remove the berm.- At the present time, a covenant exists between the Village of Buffalo Grove and Central National Bank of Chicago that prohibits fences. However, these Homeowners feel they need more yard space and fear for the safety of their children.. The Village Board voted 5 to 0 in favor of amending the covenant if the Appearance Commission gives approval. Mr. Santay explained the situation to the Commission. The berm will create a very hilly situation in the rear yards.' About 1/3 of the yard space is to be used. The area is very low. By eliminating the berming, the low spots would also be eliminated, more area would be usable and it would be possible to install fences for security and privacy. Two and one/he1f parcels of land are involved. Lots 8 (A and B); Lots 7 (A and B); and Lot 6 (A). Com. Snack stated he had inspected the property and described the drainage situation. The Homeowners stated they were not aware of the berm or the covenant when they purchased their homes. In fact, they were told that "everyone would put up fences." Also landscaping has been proposed for each parcel and they want to put the fences outside the plantings. The Homeowners have been told by the developer that he',would co-operate with them regarding placement.of the_ shrubs. The Village Engineer told the Homeowners that the original plan did not show a berm. Modifications were made and the covenant written later. Ch. Hardt expressed concern about the appearance of the fence from the rear. The Homeowners agreed to planting of some shrubs on the outside the pro-,- Posed 6 ft.- wood stockade fence. The Commission asked that the crossbars face into the yard. This is specified in the fence ordinance. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move that the original. Landscape Covenant dated May 18, 1979; recorded in Lake County; No. 199511?; be amended to eliminate the berm on lots 6(A), 7 (A and B) and 8 (A and B). This amendment shall allow We erection of a fence, not to exceed 6 feet in height; across the East side of those lots, in accordance with all other provisions of the Buffalo Grove Fence Ordinance. The rails on the fence shall face the houses on the property. Finished side to face Weiland Rd. Landscaping to be placed on the street side of the fence to break up the monotony. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Placement of• the bushes on the outside of the fence was not clearly specified. Mr. Santay said that at the Village Board meeting the developer had stated, "no berme, no bushes." The Commission agreed that it should be stipulated that the builder be required to follow the approved landscape plan. It vas suggested that the Homeowners purchase and plant three flowering shrubs outside the fence. The motion was withdrawn. , , • APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 9, 1981 - Page Seven Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we recommend to the Village Board a variation of the landscape plan previously approved by the Appearance Commission: to eliminate the berm on the following lots: 6 (A), 7 (A and B), and 8 (A and B),; of Westwood Estates _Development. That the fence restrictions, for these particular lots, be removed from the Covenant (5/18/79 — #1995117) and a six foot stockade fence be allowed to be placed along the East . property line of those five lots. Landscape requirements, in number, size and species, will remain as per the original agreement and this landscaping will be planted interior to the fence that will be erected by the property owners. The property owners agree to plant a minimum of three deciduous, flowering shrubs per lot on the East side of the fence. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Paolillo, Knaak,. Kirby, Gibbs, Cea, Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 7 to.O. \./ ANNOUNCEMENTS V. Ch. Hardt informed the Commission that the Village Board had granted Mr. David Stein, Irving's For Red Hot Lovers, a variation which will allow the Country Court sign to be changed. VI. £DT+OURNMENT Com. Kirby made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:36, P.M. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Voice Vote was Aye unanimously. The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates, Secretary Appearance Commission sb 4PPEARANCE COMMISSION niLY 9, 1981 — Paee Eight