1981-08-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes % (94:4-1-1 '12;k1.144LI • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF, BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. �./ THURS., AUG. 13, 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:48 P.M. at the Village Hn11 on Thursday, August 13, 1981. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Knaak, Gibbs, Cea and Hardt. QUORUM Com. Carr arrived at 8:10 P.M. Commissioners Absent: Kirby and Paolillo. Building Department Representative: James D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. Village Planner: James Truesdell Village Consultant for Town Center: Jerry Brim and Bob Katz from Brim/Braum Assoc. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of July 23, 1981 were not approved because Commissioners present at that meeting are absent. IV. BUSINESS A. Town Center Sipe Package — Harold Eisenberg Rick Moses Consultant/Architect Jack Sitkoi'f Arrow Signs Craig Knoche and Tim Schwartz, Jowel roods , I. Store Signs Mr. Moses presented the site plan showing the proposed buildings. About 22 are being developed. Three out parcels are to be developed at a later time. The general idea behind the architectural plans is an old time Main Street theme carried out by using three different building styles. The signage presented for the three elevations: a. On 12 ft. canopy — Signs will be hanging. 9 ft. 6 in from walk. ' Light Ivory color box with dark brown letters b. Rectangular Box, dark background with light color letters. Ivory.color. c. Archway signs will be dark brown with light color letters. Ivory color. They will be internally lit cans. B 5 Ordinance calls for 30 sq. ft. maxi— mum size signs. They will be 2 ft. x 15 ft. Materials were presented. All signs will be the same two colors: Dark brown and Ivory or off--white cream. Two colors of brick: reddish brown and lighter blond brick. Beige color siding. Brown metal roofing. Five possible letter styles were presented to the Commission to select at least three letter types. Following the discussion of allowable copy, the AC chose four letter styles: Helvetica, Ronda, Antikva Margaret and Tiffany. Concerning allowable copy, Ch. Hardt explained the need for restrictions. He stated the problems that have arisen in the past when rental has depended upon compromise. Usually the sign packages have been granted variation. Tom.+.. • • • The B5 Ordinance allows the name of the establishment and/or the generic nature of the business; but no advertising is to be allowed. The Commission asked that, using the strictest language possible, at least 4 criteria be specified: Number of lines of copy, maximum size and mini- mum size of letters, letter style upper and/or lower case. Colors as indi- cated. The purpose of this discussion is to recommend a sign package. The Village consultants will make a recommendation. Staff will present these to the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission will make the final proposal to pre- sent to the Village Board. Discussion of the term: generic nature of business was defined to allow for a brief description of the major service or product. According to the Sign Code advertising is not allowed. Brand names are not to be used. Ch. Hardt noted that to allow the Town Center signage to differ from the Sign Ordinance would discriminate against all other Buffalo Grove businesses who have been denied the addition of advertising to their signs. -Therefore, . the AC can recommend that the Town Center not allow advertising apart from the business name. Otherwise, the Sign Code must be changed. The Town Center is important to the Village but should not be used to discriminate against all the other businesses. They are equally important. Commissioners Carr, Cea, Gibbs and Knaak all agreed that the copy should be limited to the business name know as the DBA (doing business as). After further discussion, Con. Knaak made the following recommendation to • the Village Consultant and the 'Elan Commission: I move we accept the Buffalo Grove Town Center signage ' _ - ._. -that will pertain-te the stores other than: a) The Out lots • b)) The easterly most tenant in Building A. c) Jewel/Osco Store Letter Styles: 1 - Helvetica • 2 - Antikva Margaret • 3 --Ronda 4 - Tiffany Letter Sizes not to exceed 12 inch - Upper and Lower case Maximum an 6 inch - Upper and Lower case.Minimum Copy: Up to two (2) lines of copy per sign Colors to be 1 - 02146 Ivory These two colors ONLY. 2 - #4218 - Dark Brown Verbage on the sign only to inlcude the name of the business to be defined as "DBA" - doing business as. Logos prohibited. Signs to be constructed as plans presented with internally illuminated cans. Motion seconded by Com. Cea. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Gibbs, Cea, Hardt Nay Carr Motion Passed 4 to 1. APPEARANCE COMMISSION ON August 13, 1981 - Page Two. • #2. Jewel/Osco Signage and Pylon Signs Mr. Craig Knoche from Jewel Food Co. presented the facia sign for Jewel/ Osco and smaller signs over the doors that say Food/Drug one over the other. The color: The standard Orange Jewel uses and the letters are the new Jewel Logo type. A11 new and remodeled Jewels are carrying this design. The total height of the Jewel/Osco sign from the bottom of the "bar" to the top of the "J" is 8 ft. 6 inches. The square footage of the entire Jewel including the bar is 205 sq. ft. and Osco including the bar is 185 sq. ft. Food Letter height is 18 inches each and about 7 feet long. Drug The facia is approximately 90 ft. long and 15 1/2 high. Signage covers about 25% of the facia brick area. The color was chosen by the Plan Com. Letters are individually mounted, internally illuminated. Lights shall not be left on after 11 P.M. ( to be turned on about 7 A.M.) The store hours will most likely be from 8 AM to 10 P.M. The Commission discussed the Food/Drug signage and a poll was taken: Carr — opposed Cea — OK Knaak — opposed Gibbs— OK • Hardt — opposed Three Commissioners felt the Food/Drug is unnecessary. Two had no problem. - Pylons proposed for four locations: One at Lake/Cook Road Two on Rt. 83 One on Checker at. Buffalo Grove Rd. Mr. Eisenberg presented the pylon sign showing Town Center on top with Jewel/Osco below. A third portion would be attached for identification of the restaurants. The color of the J/0 would be standard Orange. The AC was concerned with future development and the request for future signage. The Jewel signs are 36 sq. ft. and since about 25% of Jewel business is impulse buyers who stop when they see the sign. - Mr. Brim, Consultant, said that they favor all signs to have Buffalo Grove Town Center. The one an Lake/Cook to have Jewel/Osco the full size. The other two signs could be reduced to 1/3 of the total each and leave 1/3 for future identification of offices or restaurants. Mr. Eisenberg explained the situation concerning the Jewel. It is necessary for the Jewel/Osco signage remain the size presented or there is a possibility that they will not build. Jewel has already compromised their location and feel that adequate signage is a must. The total size of the sign is within the Sign Code allowance of 200 sq. ft. If necessary, the restaurant signage can be dropped and the Town Center can be reduced, but Jewel stays 36 sq. ft. Ch. Hardt said he understood the need for Jewel/Osco to have signage as the major tenant, but as a recommending body, the Commission will express their opinions to the Plan Commission. He noted that the purpose of the Sign Code is to eliminate the problems that arise when people request signage on the basis of economic hardship. By applying the limitations of the Code, the Village benefits from an aesthetic standpoint. Mr. Brim .stated that the consultants will recommend that all pylons signs will be identien1.; and that these signs should identify by means of additional panels restaurants, offices, etc. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 13, 1981 — Page Three • • • The discussion continued for some time and centered upon the size of the sign panels. The design of the sign was acceptable and it was noted that the base could be landscaped for better appearance. The Commission also discussed the proposed sign locations. The Jewel Orange color was not favored by all Commissioners. In conclusion, the following poll was taken: Appearance Commission recommendations for the Pylon Sign: 1. Com. Carr — Reduce Town Center Sign on all sings. Full Size Jewel/Osco on Lake/Cook and Rt. 83 Reduce Jewel/Osco on Checker to allow for the Office Bldg. below. Speed Limit is 30 MPH at that location and the sign can be read. 2. Com. Knaak — Full Size as presented on Lake/Cook and Rt. 83 Town Center sign only on Checker. 3. Com. Cea — Full Size on Lake/Cook Rd. Reduced signs on Rt. 83 and Checker. 4. Com. Gibbs — Full Size as presented on Lake/Cook. Orange Color as requested. Reduced three—part on Rt. 83 and Checker 5. Ch. Hardt — Full Size on Lake/Cook and Rt. 83 Checker — No ' • Appearance Commission Poll on Jewel/Osco Wall sign, Orange on White Back— ground. Aye — Carr, Knaak, Cea, Gibbs and Hardt Nay — None Appearance Commission Poll an Food. Signs on each side of Jewel/Osco. Aye — Cea and Gibbs Nay — Carr, Knaak, and Hardt • It was noted that since the Shell sign is already at Lake/Cook Road that the Commission opposes having the Town Center sign too close to Shell. B. BUFFALO GROVE MALL Mr. J. D. Devine presented a 5 ft. by 10 ft temporary leasing sign to be located in the grassy place on Dundee Road just south of the Bell Liquor sign. Two other nearby -centers have leasing signs and the B.G. Mn11, wants to be competitive with them to successfully find suitable tenants. The colors of the sign are Blue letters on White background. The time limit requested is six months. The Commission prefers 90 days with renewal possible. The space for rent sign on the large pylon has not been successful. As the leases lapse at the Mall, hopefully a major tenant will be found. A suggestion to put the proposed sign on the large pyloy was not agreeable. Mr. Devine said a separate sign would be more effective, The Commission reconizes the need for tenants as well as the potential problem of vandelism when school reopens next month. APPEARANCE CO!! ISSION Aug. 13, 1981 — Page Four Questions arose concerning the signage discussed with Mr. Morelli at the 7/9 meeting. Mr. Katz had agreed to remove the signs at the entrance to the Mall because they were put up without a permit. Mr. Devine was uninformed and could not consent to their removal. Also the large sign is to be re— painted. Mr. Katz did agree to removal of the space, for rent sign on the pylon. The following motion was made by Com. Knaak: I move we approve the Retail Space For Rent sign for Buffalo Grove Mall as indicated, Size of sign — 10 ft. by 5 ft. Letters: As indicated Colors: Blue on White Background. Posts to be painted out White. Double Faced Sign — no back braces. Time Period — Not to exceed 90 days, at which time it will come back for review for potential renewal. Stipulations: Arcade signs over the entrance be removed, and The "For Rent" sign on ' the pylon sign be removed — PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT AND ERECTION OF RENTAL SIGN. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Votu: Aye - Carr `./ Knaak Cea Gibbs Nay — Hardt, because it will add to the proliferation of signs in the area. Motion Passed 4 to 1. C. Steepleview — Dumpster Screening Cancelled until a later date. D. Sandpiper Condominiums — Ground sign Vigilante Builders Irving Lowenthal, Larendo and Lowe, Inc. presented the sign which will announce the opening of Sandpiper Condominiums in two weeks. It is 15 ft. by 6 ft. double—faced constructed with exterior masonite. Com. Knaak listed the existing signage: Sandpiper Rental Office, Information Office, Rental Information Parking, Security Parking Only, Taw Away sign, and two on Dundee Road. Sandpiper, East of Terrace Drive and Sandpiper Rental and Information Office, West of Terrace Drive' . The Commission would put a 6 month time limit on the sign, with renewal if units are not filled; and would expect all other signage to be removed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 13, 1981 — Page Five • The Commission discussed the sign itself. There were objections to the use of the interest rate, because should it change, it would be difficult to change the sign. There was too much copy for the traffic on Dundee Road. Office hours - too small and not necessary. Too many colors - too bright. �./ Mr. Lowenthal was not familiar with the existing signage and did not have the authority to make commitments to remove it. He was willing to make compromises on the sign. There isn't time to have other signage approved before the opening of the models. Ch. Hardt explained the necessity to have all signs brought before the AC and permits must be issued. A suggestion was made to Table. Or the .sign can be brought to a vote and if denied, an appeal to the Village Board can be made. Mr. Lowenthal said that although his authority is limited, he would prefer to discuss possible alterations. He asked for a poll to determine the feel- ings of the Commission on the financing: All Commissioners were opposed. Com. Carr brought up the question of State Law requiring financing terms. Mr. Lowenthal asked for a poll to determine what exact objections the Com- mission had to the sign copy. He would like to keep the 12.5% Financing. It was generally agreed that the sign looks cluttered, the lines dividing portions of the sign were not necessary, too many colors, office hours and double Logo. Also, the number of additional signs was objectionable. Com. Carr suggested changing the Black copy to Brown. This is C . The dividing lines can go. The Lower Logo can go. No office hours. After further discussion, Con. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the sign presented by Sandpiper Condominiums based on the fact that all existing signs be reviewed and:all that do not have permits shall be removed before this sign is placed into position, with the following stipulations: to All Black copy be changed to Brown 2. All horizontal lines to be removed. 3. The lower Logo to be removed. • 4. Telephone number be centered. • 5. Office hours be removed. 6. Any changing of financing or prices, will necessitate return to this Commission for approval and to indicate how the changes are to be made. 7. Sign to be approved for a period of 6 months. Motion was ;mended as follows: a) All other signage on the property to be removed. b) If the law on signage requires additional verbage, this motion is null and must be reviewed by the Commission before the sign is given a permit. OR all financing must be removed and the sign copy balanced. Com._ Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr and Gibbs `..� Nay - Knaak, Cea, Hardt Motion Denied3 to 2. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 13, 1981 - Page Six • Ch. Hardt explained the appeal rights to Mr• Lowenthal and after some consideration, Mr. Lowenthal decided to make some revisions tonight and present it after the next item of business.. E. Industrial Building in Commerce Center Mr. James Freiberg, Lexington Development Corp. — Building No. 7 The architecture, building materials and colors were presented. There were no objections and Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Industrial Building for Lot No. 7' with the following stipulations: 1. Brick — Homan, Buckeye Color. To be used on all four elevations 2. Mortar — Grey in color. 3. Sheet Metal — Fabrel Tan No. 10 Steel with baked enamel finish. 4. Doors to be painted out to contrast • with the brick— earth tone — all doors • the same color. 5. Bronze anodized storefront on the South and West elevations. 6. Interior downspouts. 7. Air conditioning units to be located • on the South elevation, moved back from V the front of the building. Unite are approximately 24 inches high and are to V be painted out a light blue/grey color • 8. All Bumper posts around the receiving and shipping doors to be painted out the same color as the doors. 9. Facia sheet metal to be painted out to match the facia, as closely as possible. 10. Glass to be bronze tint. Com. Ynaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Ynaak, Gibbs., Cea, Hardt Nay None Notion Passed 5 to 0. ' 11r. Freiberg recalled the change in the previously approved building from the rear elevation brick to cinder blocks painted out, has been changed again, back to brick. Ch. Hardt asked him to write a letter to the Building Department stating the change, and the Commission will approve it. All lighting will be presented at a later date. Wall packs are proposed. #2. Building Mo. 5 - Industrial Building at the Commerce Center V Mr. Freiberg presented the architecture, materials and colors for this two tenant building. There were no objections or questions. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 13, 1981 - Page Seven I move we 'approve the Industrial Building for Lot 5 with the following stipulations: 1. Brick — Homan, Gran Tully, or equal if that particular brick cannot be obtained. To be used on all four elevations. 2. Mortar — Grey in Color 3. Front part of the building to be a bronze aluminum. Trade name — Shadow Form. 4. Doors to be painted Off—White. 5. .Interior downspouts. 6. Roof unite to be set back approximately 17 feet from the front of the building, and are to be painted out a light blue/grey color. 7.. Bumper posts to be painted out — Off-White similar to the overhead doors. 8. . Facia sheet metal to be painted out to match the bronze facia color. 9. Glass to be bronze tint. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote — Aye Carr, Knaak, Gibbs, Cea, Hardt. Nay — Hone Motion Passed. 5 to 0. . • SANDPIPER CONTI .J D: - Mr. Lowenthal submitted a sketch of a new sign eliminating the lines, logo, percentage and efice hours. Colors: Brown, Red and Yellow on White. Be agreed to the stipulation that all other signs will be removed. Com. Knaak suggested that the ground sign, East of Terrace Drive would be a help to the project. The Commission agreed to leave it. Coma Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the hand drawn sign submitted by Sandpiper Condominiums as presented with the following stipulations: • Colors: Brown, Red and Yellow on White Height: Not to exceed the height of buildings. Time Period: Six Months ALL other signage to be removed with the exception of the low Sandpiper sign' (grey and white) prior to issuance of permit. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Snack, Cea, Gibbs . ' . Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay — Hardt V. ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mr. Balling was contacted regarding a Workshop with.the AC. He suggested waiting until after vacation time. He will call Ch. Hardt to arrange a time. He suggested the Commission give y„S the Board some questions to review as background for discussion. Chatham has painted a sign on the frame of a building, VI. ADJOURNMENT — Com. Knaak made a motion to adjourn. Com. Gibbs seconded and the motion adjourned at 11:35 P.M. Respectfully submitte APPEARANCE COMMISSION Shirley Bates, Sec Aug. 13, 1981 — Page.Eiaht.