1981-08-27 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE CO:1MISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO DROVE, ILL. THURSPAY, AUG. 27,E 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hard called the meeting to order at the Village Hall, 7:38 P.M. on Thursday, August 27, 1981. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Kirby, Gibbs, Knaak, Carr, Paolillo and Hardt. QUORUM; Commissioner Cea was absent. James D. Griffin, ksst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. was present. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 23, 1981 — Motion to approve was made by Com. Carr and seconded by Com. Knaak. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Knaak, Paolillo, Kirby and Hardt Nay: None Abstain: Carr, Gibbs August 13, 1981 — Corrections: P. 1 — Add the word "units" (Line 1) after 22. P. 2 — Para. 6 — change know to "known." P. 4 — 4th line from bottom -- sp. "pylon" Com. Gibbs made a motion to approve with corrections and Corn. Knaak seconded. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Carr, Knaak, Gibbs and Hardt Nay:. None Abstain: Kirby, Paolillo IV. OLD BUSINESS Lexington Development Corp. — Letter requesting rear elevation to be changed back to the original brick on Buildings 38 and 39 was received by Mr. Griffin. Corn. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the rear elevations of the buildings on Lots 38 and 39 of the Commerce Center, to be entirely of brick as originally approved. The rear to be identical to the front of the buildings. Com. Knaak seconded the motion: Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs, and Hardt. Nay — None Abstain — Paolillo Motion Passed 5 to 0. 1 Abstain. A. Buffalo Grove Mall Entrance Signs - Frank Morelli Mr. Morelli presented photographs of the two Buffalo Grove Mall Entrance Signs requested they be allowed to remain. He explained that the owners hope to acquire a major tenant soon, remodel the building and take the signs down. Ch. Hardt reminded Mr. Morelli that in the past signs have been erected without permits. He asked for assurance that this practice would cease. Mr. Morelli expressed his opinion that since a sign existed over the two entrances when his corporation took over, they are entitled to have one now. He suggested tying the two entrance signs in with the recently approved rental sign and require that they come down when it comes down. Com. Knack asked about the sign that went up on the Pylon sign today (8/27) ? Hairmastert s Inc. installed a sign with black letters in the upper left-hand quadrant. It includes a phone number. Mr.Morelli said he told them not to put any sign up there without permission. He did not know about it and he will call them. It should be removed until the Appearance Commission approves it. Com. Carr made the following motion: I move we approve the two Buffalo Grove Mall Entrance Signs for a period of 90 days, contingent upon removal of the "Hairmastert s" sign on the pylon. Com. Hardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye- Carr and Hardt Nay - Gibbs, Kirby, Paolillo and Knack. Motion DENIED I. to 2. The petitioner was advised of his Appeal Rights. V. NEU BUSINESS A. Rainbow Path Learning Center - Dunell Center Arvid Olson, Owner and George Woock, WhIte Way Sign. Co. Mr. Olson presented the sign which will replace the small Early Learning Center Sign on the pylon at "unefl Center. Ch. Hardt explained that he felt this sign would eliminate two existing signs and would make the pylon more conforming to the Sign Code. Com. Paolillo and Com. Kirby did not like the figure of the child on the sign. Mr. Olson said he would eliminate the figure but he needs the arrow to direct people. Me recalled an incident when the Fire Dept. was called and could not locate the school. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we approve the sign as submitted for the Early Learning Center at Bunell Center with the stipulation: APPEARANC: COMMISSIO? August 27, 1981 -Page Two Stipulations for ^arly Learning Center motion: 1. The outline of the man be removed from the sign. 2. risconnect to be separate at the bottom of the sign, color to be red. 3. The sign to be installed on the existing pylon, and the third sign shall be taken down (ELC only). Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Kirby and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 6 to 0. B.l Plaza Verde - CompuShop - North shore Sign Co. Mr. John Clodner, Owner and Joe Channey,_ Sign Co. Mr. Channey presented the sign which will be located where Sun Directors used to be. The lettering, "CompuShop" is the registered trademark used on all their letterheads, billing, etc. It is very close to Helvetica style. Mr. Channey had samples of the letters. He asked that the color be changed from white to red. Ch. Hardt stated that since the letters differ from the Plaza Verde Sign Package, a variation is needed. Other businesses have presented letters which differed, such as Seno (different'S) and they complied. Other signs have been denied. Mr. Channey explained how important a trademark is to business. The sign has been approved by Mr. Hymen verbally. He will submit written approval if necessary. Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we approve the sign CompuShop as presented with the stipulation that the color be changed to #2283/Romanhaus. Disconnect to be painted out to match the background. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Kirby Nay - Gibbs, Paolillo, Knaak, Carr, and n rdt Motion DENIED - 5 to 1 Ch. Ilardt noted that the Commission is abiding by the precedence that has been established in order to treat everyone equally. He advised the petitioner of his right to Appeal to thc: Village Poard. I'ir. Clodner chose to go to the Village'Doard. B-2."For Sale" Sign -! orth Shore Sign Company hr. Channey presented a temporary sign to be erected between Datsun and Toyota. It is to be a twos-faced sign at 935 '1. Dundee Road. It is a v-shaped sign There were no objections and Com. Carr made the following motion: I move we approve the Ranner sign as submitted, Support poles to be blue, but height not to exceed 8 feet. Location: at least 10 feet hack from the property .line. Time limit of 6 months with renewal �./ on the condition that the sign is kept in good condition. - Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Kirby, Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs,. Carr and Hardt. Motion Passed 6 to 0. •.. Nay: None APPFARANCF COMMISSION August 27, 1981 -Page Three C. Commons - Formal Builders - Custom House Mr. Lou Gradishar Architect Mr. Gradishar explained that people have purchased some lots in the Commons Sub-division from Unity Savings. Formal will build two custom homes. He came to present plans for a Raised Ranch house to be constructed on Lot '2 and a Pi--Level House to be constructed cn Lot ;r49. The Commission expressed concern about the vacant median island and asked Er. Gradishar to speak to Unity regarding its appearance. The illegal signs on the Commons property were mentioned and I'r. Gradishar agreed they do not look good. Com. Kirby asked what happens after the Plan Commission approves a sub-division and then pulls out. Annexation Agreement gives a builder 5 years, Er, Gradishar presented the plans for Lot ;,'2 - A Raised Ranch. He described the building materials and basic construction. It is to be a rough-sawn cedar with panel brick. The colors are basically dark brown and beige. The windows are wood trim.Gutters and downspouts are to be aluminum. It will have a concrete driveway (not asphalt as proposed). The Homeowners from the Commons had no objections to the proposed house. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Raised Ranch as submitted for Lot i12 at the Subdivision known as The Commons; to be constructed of Rough Sawn Cedar, stained Dark Brown; Brick - Veneer Brick, manufactured by the Panel Brick Company of Ill. - Chocolate Brown Mortar - Beige Asphalt Roofing to be Brown. Fireplace - Brick to match Brick Veneer on house. Wood trim - Beige Aluminum Gutters - Beige Doors (Back, Front and Garage) - All Beige (Matching) Iron Railing - Around deck, to be Brown Wood Deck to be Redwood with Redwood posts. Concrete Drive Shutters - Beige; Plastic Cupola - Brown Vent in front - Brown Roof vents to be painted out to match the roof. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Knaak' Paolillo, Gibbs, Kirby and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 6 to 0. Lighting: Motion made by Com. Kirby: \./ I move we approve the International "484 Lighting Fixtures as presented for four locations. Clear Glass, Black Gold with Brass trim. Lot ff2 at the Commons. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 27, 1981 - Page Four Lighting for Lot # 2 at the Commons cont'd: Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Kirby and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 6 to 0. Landscaping Plan for Lot #2 at the Commons to be presented by Formal Builders at a later date. Lot #49 at the Commons, a Pi-Level was presented by Mr. Gradishar of Formal Builders. The colors will be White with Black trim. Materials are to be the same as presented for Lot #2. The plans will be changed to have the garage doors on the side and the windows will be changed to match the living room windows - Mediterrain Style. Concern was expressed that the lot was not wide enough to do this as presented, but if the plans were flip/flopped, the garage doors could be facing the street and the plan would work. The house is about 2,200 sq. feet. The Commissioners approved this alternative and there were no objections from • the Homeowners from the Commons. Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we approve the house, a Pi-Level, for Lot #49 at the Subdivision known as the Commons, with the • following stipulations: Colors to be White and Black Roof to be Black ��sphalt :hingles Brick, Mortar and Rough Sawn Cedar to be White Doors, trim and Garage Door - Black P•-Vents - White, pre=fabricated housing. The Builder has the option of putting the Bow Window in the Living Room and leaving the three (3) arch window panels onto what is the garage side of the house, and re-locating the garage door on the West side; OR will flip-flop. Driveway to be concrete as the other driveways throughout the development. Com. Triiaa): seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr, Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs, Hardt Nay - Paolillo Motion Passed 5 to 1. Lighting and Landscaping to be submitted at a later date. D. Chatham a Four Unit Building, Full Review \./ Kr. Mike Schwartz of 1st °idtrest Development Co. presented the plans for the 4-Unit Duilding. It will he constructed of the same materials, same colors, and same specifications as previously submitted and approved. APP EAR c: COI NIGGION Aubust 27, 1981 - Page Five