1981-09-24 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS.. SEPT. 24. 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thurs., Sept. 24, 1981. ft III. APPROVAL OF MhuTES August 27, 1981 — Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Knaak and seconded by Com. Gibbs. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak 8ibbs Hardt Nay — None August 27th minutes approved. Abstain — Cea Sept. 10, 1981 — Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Gibbs and seconded by Coin. Knaak. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak Gibbs Cea Hardt Sept. 10th minutes approved. Nay — None *II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Knaak, Gibbs, Cea and Hardt. Paolillo — 8:15 P.M.** Commissioners Absent: Kirby and Carr Bldg. Department Rep. — James D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. IV. BUSINESS Bob's Hobby Shop — Forth Shore Sign Co. The sign was presented and Mr. Vic Laska explained that the shop is moving from its present location to the former location of Applegate Realty. The same letters will be used and they conform with the Plaza Verde Sign Package. They are Helvetica, individual, individua1ly lit letters. The disconnect will be painted out to match the facia. The landlord is responsible for refitoring the facia before installation of the sign. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the re—location of the Bob's Hobby Shop sign. Letters to be Red,#2157 — flat plexi—glass, back lit individual, Helvetica letters; 18 inches in height to be centered over 18 feet of the facia. Facia to be restored to its original condition prior to the erection of sign. The disconnect to be painted out to match the background. Com. Knack seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Gibbs, Cea \ and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed I to 0. r B. Headlines Family Hair Care Center - Sian 3 Ranchmart Plaza (Next to Hallmark) v • Steve Panzella, owner presented the -sign copy and explained that it would conform to the Ranch Mart Sign Package. ' The name is his DBA.. The sign will be a re-constructed, internally illuminated can, boxed in a wooden frame. The letters will be the same as Hallmark,'Columbia, and all the other newer signs. The sign will be Ivory letters on a Dark Brown background. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the new sign at Ranch Mart for Headlines Family Hair Care Center; to be a reconditioned internally illuminated can with the letters to march' Columbia in size and shape. The letters of Headlines to be no more than 14 inches in height; and smaller letters to be approximately 6 inches in height. Letters to be Ivory on a brown background. The sign to conform with the Ranch Mart Sign Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Gibbs, Package. Cea and Hardt Nay w Nona Motion Passed 4 to 0. Bob Russo and Jack Shum presented a new color package chart and explained that all materials to be used in Units 4 and 5 will be the sane as previously approved for Hoffman's development. Four new models will be presented with several elevations each. Ch. Hardt asked that the materials be reviewed first, then the elevations, and finally, the color packages. The materials will be the same for all models: Roofs - Asphalt Shingles Aluminum Sidign Face Brick B Vents - if exposed to be painted ottt to match_ the roof. Roof Vents - if exposed to public view, will be painted out. Tudor has masonite stucco Trim corners - some wood on the front, all rear corners are aluminum. Food trim will be painted. Shutters - Vinyl plastic• Buyers will have option for shutters Full masoncry fireplaces /on all windows. Decorative panels - Vinyl plastic Soffits and Facia - All Aluminum Wood posts will be woluanized. Porches and railings aro painted pine. Kickboard - without basement - concrete slab with basement - will be wolmanized kickboards Downspouts - All Aluminum - some contrasting colors Brick front - some stone and some rowlock course Landscaping of blank side elevations on corners will be submitted to Jim Griffin in a typical plan. Garage doors - all panel Muttons - all divided light windows APPEARANCE CO1?'tSSION Sept. 24, 1981 - Page Two The elevations were reviewed and the Commissioners were polled to determine the number which would be considered as significantly different for meeting the Motony Code. Unit 1 - Hickory Model: The point was made and confirmed that the model with the porch has a distinctly different roof line. All four elevations will be considered different. A, B, C, and D. * *(e:15 P.M. Coin. Paolillo arrived.) Unit 2 - Chestnut Model: Three elevations: A, B, and C. Unit 3 — Spruce: Three elevations: A and C; B, and D. Unit 4 — Redwood: Two elevations: A, B, and C; D j'Y -f dditional landscaping tin. • included on corner lots with blank elevations. A typical plan will be submitted to Mr. Griffin. #1. Com. Knaak made the following motion: MOW ainareve is losthulet for Highland E v4ve oeng ►..._fgemerg commute concern a4A models: B Vents to be painted the same color as roof. Roof vents when exposed to public view to be painted the same color as the roof. Landscaping plan to be submitted to the Village Administrator for approval by the Appearance Commission for blank side elevations wlien they occur on corner lots. This applies to ALL models with a secondary frontage. Hickory Model - 4 Elevations: A; B; C; and D. Chestnut Model - 3 Elevations: A; B; and C. Spruce Model - 3 Elevations: A and C; B; and D. Redwood Model - 2 Elevations: A, Band C; and D. utter will be offered an an option for side and rear - • of all elevations. Materials and brick selections as submitted. All support posts on porches will be treated wood Con. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Gibbs, Cea and Hardt Ray - Hone Abstain - Paolillo Motion Passed 1. to 1 Abstention. #2. Color Packages were reviewed and discussed. Each selection will be made available for all houses. Colors will not be interchanged except on rare occasions. The Commissioners were in general agreement with all selections. Ch. Hardt felt that so many color combinations could be a potential problem. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we accept the Color Packages for Eighland Grove, Units 4 and 5 as presented. Color Scheme identified as Exhibit A as per attached chart. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call. Vote: Aye - Knaak, Gibbs, Cea and Paolillo j4otion Passed 4 to 1. Nay -Hardt APPEARArCE COM tSSIO"? Sept. 24, 1981 -Page Three D. Steepleview Billboard Sign Change Mr. Carl Johnson of Art & Sign, Inc. Barrington presented the proposed sign face and explained that Steepleview will be converted from Condos to rental apartments. The sign will be repainted with "Now Renting" to be added in Red. Also requested is a Now Renting for the Wall facing West. Mr. Griffin stated that the sign structure is good. It leans a little. Ch. Iiardt noted that the sign presented is 81 x 161 which totals 128 sq. ft. not including the Steeple. This is larger than the Code allows. If the sign has been constructed this size, it is illegal. It is unlikely that the Commission approved a sign that large, but if so it should be allowed to be repainted. Section 10.1 of the Sign Code was cited and the Commis- sion felt that if a smaller sign was approved then the sign should be cut down to 120 sq. ft. with the steeple enclosed within the sign. Sign copy was discussed and the Commission did not think adding "Now Rent- ing" in Red would be compatible with the browns and beiges that exist. Several suggestions were made. One was to change the colors completely and the other was to change the color Red to Burnt Orange which would be in the same family of colors. Mr. Johnson agreed to Burnt Orange. Wall Sign change - the Commission was opposed to having two signs on the side of the building. Now Renting is OK but without the Information Center sign that now exists. The Commissioners also suggested making the color Burnt Orange instead of Red. also. Mr. Johnson agreed. No. -1 .: Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the re-painting of the Steeple View Sign, provided the size of 128 sq. ft. was previously approved by the Appearance Commission. The sign copy and colors are to be the same; • with the adding of "Now Renting" in Burnt Orange. If -the_sign is legal, non_-conforming, it.grill be allowed'to be we-painted because the -change requested coos,•not•dramat ;cally change .'tie principal. sign .copy. The sign is to be repainted completely. . • The sign structure is to be inspected for stability. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, . ; , Knaak, Gibbs, Cea and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. No..2 Cog, Gibbs made the following motion: • I move we allow the Now Renting sign to be erected on the wall at Steeple View. Color to be Burnt Orange; and the Information Office sign is to be taken down prior to the placement of the new sign. Size to be 21 x 61 as submitted. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Knack, Gibbs and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 1 Abstention. Abstain - Cea APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 24, 1981 -Page Four E. Medical Arts Center — nonstruction Sign Carl Hundreiser presented the proposed sign and explained that with con— struction nearing completion on the outside, there is much to be done to finish the interior of the building. This office furnishing is expected to continue until sometime in 1982. The sign is needed to identify the location when contractors come to work. Ch. Hardt voice objection to the phrase 'Medical Offices Serving Buffalo Grove and Surrounding Communities' on the sign; and he also felt that it should not be up after the permanent signs are erected. He noted that the Medical Arts Building has already been granted a variation and has one more sign than the Sign Code specifies. Mr. Hundreiser agreed to drop the 'Medical Offices etc" and asked that if a time limit was put on the sign, that extensions could be granted. The land belongs to the owner, but the building belongs to. the contractor who rents out portions of it to the owner, until it is fully completed/or leased. Section 11.4 applies and specifies that construction signs be removed with— in 5 days after completion. Ch. Hardt said that the Code is to be inter- preted as it was written. He recalled that when the two entrance signs were • granted it was because that would solve the problem of people locating the building. He believes that most folks will be able to see a 2 story build— ing and said when the Code was written "completed" meant when the outside was finished. There was some discussion, then Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we accept the sign submitted by the NW .Com. Medical . Center as presented with these stipulations: a) Medical Offices Serving Buffalo Grove and Surrounding Communities be deleted; b) The duration of the sign,. as per Sec. 11.4, to be the earliest of: 1. Completion of the exterior of the building or, 2. The erection of the permanent signs on the site. Con. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Paolillo Hardt Nay — Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 2. Cea Ch. Hardt stated that should Mr. Hundreiser wish an extension for the sign, he would be required to get a variation from the ZBA. Ch. Hardt further stated he Would normally be opposed to additional. sigriage on this parcel, because of the extensive amount of existing ground signs. However, a con— struction sign is allowed by the Code. That is the reason for his Aye vote. Because of this extensive signage, Ch. Hardt does not believe any extension of time should be granted. APPEARM!CE CO!!!IISSIO"I Sept. 24, 1981 — Page Five I F. Kinder Care - Light Fixtures for Parking Area Mrs. Janet Degner, !i.rector recalled for the Commission the previous light which was put up by Commonwealth Edison Co. to ilium mate the parting lot. The AC had voted against this light and it was removed. Now is the time of year when lighting is needed early in the evening and Mrs. Degner presented drawings showing a plan to install fixtures on the bell tower. The light fixtures would be brown to match the roof and the number of lights needed to light the parking lot was left open. Lights would be controlled by a timer. The Commission discussed the position of the bell tower and the proposed lights. Because Mrs. Degner did not have a picture of the fixture. She did not know the type of bulbs (sodium or mercury; high or low pressure; etc.) and was not certain of the number,. oa location of the fixtures. It was difficult to determine how much light would be needed. The Commissioners felt it would be better if some research was done by a lighting contractor and better presentation be made at a later date. Ch. Hardt suggested that Yrs. Degner decide what style and color of fixture, number of lights, type of shields to be used so that light does not effect any neighbors property, wattage, and location on the tower be submitted, Com. Knaak made a motion to table. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Mrs. Degner asked if she could submit the information to Mr. Griffin for approval. She mentioned the lateness of the hour and her limited time. The Commission agreed this would be acceptable; or suggested the lighting man come. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs Cea and Hardt Nay - None \./ Kinder-Care Tabled until proper information is submitted to Mr. Griffin. G. Commerce Center Temporary Sign Pae.kage Mr. Jack Metzger, Diamond Outdoor Advertising; presented three (3) types of signs. Lexington would like to post signs on individual lots giving the size of the lots. He proposed 12 signs to begin with and as the lots sell or lease, they would be removed and relocated to a different lot. Secondly, he proposed a sign for Lot #1 which is 6' x 12' for the Corporate Headquarters Site. Third, a sign, 41 x 81, on Lot 39 which is a warehouse building for sale or lease. All the signs will be 7-56 Blue background with Uhite letters. Posts to be a dark color preferable the same blue as the sign; and the back of the signs to be grey or blue for the benefit of homeowners. A time limit of 1 year with renewal upon written request at least 30 days prior to expiration of permit. Signs can be moved if Mr. Griffin is given a request, the Commission will approve them, provided they are in good con- ' dition. Section 11.1 of the Code did not originally allow for multiple signs on a site Because this is a commercial project, not in a residential district,somz. Commissioners felt these signs would be acceptable. APPEARANCE CONI•asSIow Sept. 24, 1981 - Page Six