1981-10-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. • \./ THURS.. OCT. 8. 1981 I. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Lori Kirby called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday. Oct. 8, 1981. Chairman Hardt was out of town. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Kirby. D. Knaak. L. Pao]illo and C. Cea — QUORUM. Commissioners Absent: D. Hardt. B. Gihbs and P. Carr Building Department Representative: James D. Griffin. Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sept. 24. 1981 — P. 2 — Materials for Hoffman Models — sp. siding P. 3 — Strike "except on rare occasions." under ##2, Colors. Motion to approve with corrections made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com. Knaak. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Pao]illo. Knaak Cea Nay — None Sept. 21;., 1981 minutes approved. Abstain — Kirby IV. B171IHT SS A. Hoffman Homes — New Models Bob Russo and Jack Shum, Representatives — Harry Schuster. Landscape Architect #1. Landscaping of Model Area — Trailer Mr. Russo presented a plat and explained the plans for the Model Area. The 14 parkway trees have already been approved. They are Lindens and Maples. W. Schuster presented and described the proposed landscaping for corners with blank elevations, sales trailer and model area. The plantings around the sales trailer will be relocated after the models are built. The- trees will remain. A screen will be placed between the existing homes' and the model area. This will be put in as soon Rs nossib]-e. The front will be sodded, The side And rear will be seeded. Mr. Russo agreed to have a skirt around the trailer. The electricity for the trailer will be trenched in. They expect to be using the sales trailer for 3 to 5 months. The Commission asked that some of the trees now located in the side yard be moved to the rear to help screen the construction equipment from the- existing homes. Com. Paoli]lo made the following motion: I move we approve the Highland Glen Sales Trailer with these stipulations: 1. The trailer will be skirted. 2. Electricity running to the temporary sales office will be underground. (continued) Hoffman Homes (Motion continued): 3. Existing shrubbery on the corner of that parcel, be placed at the rear of the trailer. When the trailer is removed, the shrubbery is to remain somewhere on the property. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea, Knaak, Paolillo, • Kirby Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. 12. Lot 6 - Landscaping Screen between Model Area and Residential : Mr. Shum said he would prefer not to put the bushes in before the heavy construction is finished because of possible damage, which would be costly. Com. Cea suggested a snow fence as a temporary screen. Com. Knaak said he visited with the nearest homeowner. The neighbors are aware of the new building and understand that when the model area is com- pleted, the screen will be put in. He suggested planting as soon as the foundation is in the the house framed out. This will be in the early spring. Lots 1 5 and 6: and Landscaping: Imre Each model will be lighted with a single floodlight. Lisbon, sodium vapor, low pressure with a shield limiting from surrounding property. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move that we accept the Landscaping Plans for the models to be located on Lots 1, 5, and 6, as presented with the exclusion of the parkway trees. Also, to include the lighting for those three models as indicated on the plan, with the stipu- lation that the lighting will be installed in such a manner that it is directed upon the model only, and that it will not shine beyond the model onto the 'existing homes which are already occupied. Lighting to be: J. H. Spaulding Company - Lisbon fixture, 400 watt bulb, sodium vapor, low pressure. Com. Cea: Add: - Live screen be installed on Lots 1,5 &.6 when foundation is poured; no later than spring of 1982. After the trailer is removed, the area is to be restored and the side of Lot .gl be sodded. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea, Knaak, Paolillo Kirby Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. 13. Parkway Trees: Com. Cea made the following motion: \./ I move we approve 14 - 3 inch trees for the model area; Lots 1, 5 and 6 as the plan indicates: Little Leaf Linden and Norway Maple, per Foresters recommendation. (continued) APPEARANCE C0;'MISSION Oct. 8, 1981 - Page Two Hoffman Hones (motion continued): Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Knaak, Kirby and Cea Nay — Pone Motion Passed — 4 to 0. #4 — Corner Lot with Blank Elevation: Typical Landscaping Plan Con. Knaak commented that the plan should be approved with the freedom to diversify the varieties according to availability and price, etc. The plan presented included: 1 evergreen, 1 ornamental tree, 1 flowering shrub and a hedge. The developer will conform to the humber and height as indicated. Plantings to be basically as shown. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the standard planting of corner lots with blank side elevations, with the stipulation that different types of shrubs, or plantings, may be substituted; depending on • availability, market value. Quantity and type will still be as shown on the typical planting design. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Knaai, Cea and Kirby Nay — None Motion Passed 4 to 0. `/ Y5 — Model Area Ground Sign Mr. Bob Russo presented the signage. The signs will be the same design as Highland Square. Size: 22" x 22" — redwood stained, then sandblasted with raised lettering. The frames are stained. The color of the models was discussed. Com. Knaak commented that the Homeowners would prefer earth tones — to go with the existing houses. They would not like red, green, yellow or blue. It was noted that the blue in the package is not a bright color and would be considered earth toned. The Com— mission asked that should blue be chosen — it be presented for approval. Mr. Shum agreed and also stipulated that red, yellow and green would be deleted. White would be 0K. This would be a marketing decision. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move that for the Model Area ONLY — Lots 1, 5 and 6 — from the approved colors, Red, Green and Yellow will not be used on Lots 1, 5 and 6. Mos. 4, 10 and 14 from the Color Package. IF Blue is slelcted by the builder to be used on one of those modelo, color renditions will be presented to the Village Administrator for Appearance Commission approval. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Knaak, u Kirby Nay — None Abstain — Cea j'cti nn P;;,gG,A,d — 3 hvrn, n "ay nna 1 Abstain APPEARANCE COM1 ISSION Oct. 8, 1981 — Page Three . Discussion returned to the Model Area Signs. Mr. russo explained his need for 2 Parking Lot signs to be located across the street at the Standard Pacific parking lot. Since this lot is near and paved, it can serve both developers. Mr. Russo proposes one sign to say "Parking" and the second to say "Models Across the Street." Size — 22" x 22" with 4 x 4 stained posts. Since there are already a couple of Parking signs on that lot, the Commission suggested a combined sign for Highland Glen and Highland Point. Mr. Russo agreed, but should Standard Pacific not rash to to this, he will come back. Mr. Russo said he should have thought to suggest this plan. Com. Knaak made the following motion: #6 — I move we accept the *three sign as presented, for the Highland Glen models. Signs to be 22" x 22" mounted on 1 Cedar Post, stained out to match the background of the sign. Signs to be positioned on Lots 1, 5 and 6 as indi— cated on-the plan. Total height to be about 40 inches. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, gnaak, Cea and Kirby Nay — None Motion Passed — l•_ to 0. #7 — Sales Office Si on the Spruce Model. It will be 33" x 33" — no office hours. f e pone number should change, no boards will be tacked on. Com. Knaak questioned the section of the Sign Code that would allow this sign. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we approve the Sales Office sign for Highland Glen as presented with the stipulations: 1) Any changes that should take place cn the sign, such as telephone number, the sign will be re— done as opposed to patching the sign; 2) The developer agreed to abide by the Sign Code with reference to size. Con. Cea seconded the motion. Com. Kirby said she would research the regulations regarding the size. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Cea and Kirby Kay — None Abstain — Knaak Mr. Russo requested that should Standard Pacific refuse to co—operate in designing a new sign, that Hignland Glen be allowed to identify their models. Com. Kirby stated that since there are already two signs on the lot, it be necessary to come back for approval of any sign presented. #8 — Trailer Sign — A 41 x 121 sign will be painted on exterior plywood and attached to the trailer. The same colors will be used as on other signs. Com. Cea: made a motion to approve the 4tx 12t sign for the Sales Offide s with the addition of Hoffman Homes which is not shown on the `.J drawing. Com: Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Knank, Cea and Kirby Nay — /Tone Motion Passed 4 to O. APPPARAHCF CO1177107 Oct. 8, 1981 — Page Four • :#9 - Production Lighting for houses. Thomas Lighting - Mfg. Company. Coach lights at front door and garage door. nifferent at rear doors. • Com. Cea made a notion to approve the outdoor lighting for the Highland Glen houses as presented for the Garage, Fron and patio doors. • Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Knaak, Cea and Iarby Nay - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. 710 - Entrance Sign on Pt. 83. Mr. Russo presented a picture of the existing sign and explained that it would remain the same, with Highland Point and Highland Grove left and Highland Square replaced with Highland Glen. He said that leaving Highland Grove on the sign would' benefit the Homeowners. Com. Knack stated that the sign was not initially erected as a permanent sign and in giving directions, people would look for the sign as it would be if it read only Highland Point and Highland Glen. The lower portion of the sign will be removed and new panels constructed. The Commission agreed with Com. Knaak's opinion that the_ sign would look better with only two letter styles indicating Highland Point and Highland Glen. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the pylon sign for Highland Glen, to be added to the existing Highland Point, etc. sign at the entrance to the sub-division on Rt. 83. The Highland Glen Logo will be used without the trees - also eliminate Highland Grove and Highland Square. Change to be made by replacement of the lower panel. `Style of letters to be as presented. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Knaak, Cea, Kirby May - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. B. Plaza Verde Sign Package '?iscussion - Mot present because of Jewish Holiday. C. Wok Inn - Hall Sign - Not presented because owner decided against sign. D.- Chatham Manor - On site instructional signs - Not presented because signs were not distributed to Commission. E. Buffalo Grove Mall - Relocation of "For Lease" sign. When the sign was originally presented, it was to be located at the East end of the property. When it was so placed, it could not be seen and was moved to a new location west of the large pylon sign. It is set back 3 ft. from the sidewalk. The Code specifies such signs be placed 10 ft. from the property line. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the change of location for the temporary "For Lease" sign at the Buffalo Grove Mall - \./ to be located West of the entrance, 10 feet back from the property line, as per the Code regulations. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo , I!naak, Cea and Kirby Nay - Hone APPrAR MCF, QV Hrr sIor 'lotion Passed /. to O. Oct. S, 198 - Page F F. Hair Masters Inc. - -Buffalo Grove Mall Pylon Sign • Theda Loudermark explained that the sign was originally installed before they were aware of the procedures Buffalo Grove requires. She said that Frank Morelli told them they could put anything they wanted in there. He told them the marquee is for the tenant's use and he had nothing to do with it. They ordered black on white be- cause there was a "Space For Rent" sign in black already on the pylon. Com. Kirby noted the problems: 1. Approval of the Appearance Commit- tee is necessary 2. The color should be red on white. 3. The phone number is not allowed. 4. Copy is not just identification: His and Her, etc. is considered advertising. Ms. Loudermark requested His and Her, Hair Designs because it is important to identify their business as hair styling, not wigs or other hair products. Com. Kirby explained the function of the Sign Code and the Sign Pack- . age that has been requested by Buffalo Grove Mall owners. She noted that advertising is usually done through the newspapers and phone books, as well as other forms of notification. Com. Paolillo explained the option of going to the Village Board for an appeal and present the sign. The Appearance Commission cannot ap- prove the sign as presented because it violates the Sign Code and the Buffalo Grove Mall Sign Package. Com. Kirby suggested the alternative is to re-design the sign to read Hair Masters Inc. in Red Letters on White. Ms. Loudermark noted that a new sign is very expensive. The Commission was understanding of the hardship, but could not make the decision for her. Ms. Loudernark considered the placement of the name on a new sign, because it would not fit if larger letters were used. "Inc." could be Com. Cea made the following motion: eliminated. I move we approve a sign for the Hair Masters Inc. for the Buffalo Grove Mall pylon, eliminating the words: "His and Her Hair Designs" and the phone number. Inc. can be eliminated. Letters to be Red on White background. Letter size can be up to 12 inches. Cora. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Knaak, Cea, Tirby May - '?one Motion Passed 1. to 0. Con. Kirby asked that a copy of the sign be given to the Village Adminis- trator for the file, before the permit will be issued. Mr. Griffin asked that a copy be brought in for approval before the sign is fabricated. V. AITHCUIICBM 2 TS - 2?one `./ VI. AIITOtT'IMPIHT Con. Knaal. made a motion to adjourn and Com. Cea seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:37 P.M. Res,ect 'ull y submitted, Shirley Bates, Secret3ary APPEARANCE C0?t'Q^,`�I0fl e sb & _ 0i . Oct. 8, 1981 - Page Six