1995-02-23 - Appearance Commission - Minutes f 4 n lr A C : 7 fi; APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 23 , 1995 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7 : 35 P.M. on Thursday, February 23 , 1995 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Boulevard . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F. Weissman, M. Cea, S . Trilling , R. Lundine and R. Gordon QUORUM Commissioners Present : A. Viehman Bldg . Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar , Deputy Building Commissioner Also Present : Richard Jensen, Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Deferred until after the business meeting. IV. BUSINESS A. St . Paul Federal Bank - 1 West Dundee Road New Parking Lot , Drive-Up ATM and Landscaping Mr . Robert A. Bell . Architects , Ltd. , 115 N. Marion, Oak Park , IL 60301 (383-0890) made the presentation. Mr . Bell described the site plan consisting of the existing building , the proposed new parking lot to the south with landscaping and the new lighting. The ATM machine will be located on the west side of the property , southwest of the existing drive-up windows . 1 . LANDSCAPING: The vacant lot to the south will be developed as the new park- ing lot . Three (3) Summit Ash trees will be planted along the Buffalo Grove Road parkway and three (3) Hawthorn trees will be planted west of the existing sidewalk . The new storm water detention area will be surrounded with a concrete block retaining wall , a split rail fence and flowering shrubs . The kiosk area will be screened with Viburnum , Juniper and Spirea shrubs . Ch. Gordon suggested that the concrete curbing between the existing drive-up exit lane and the new parking lot be widened and/or wheel stops added to prevent damage to cars overhanging the driveway . Mr . Bell agreed to make this adjustment . He said there is not enough space for any plantings , so there will be a pea gravel strip next to the curbing. • Ray Rigsby' s Landscape Plan Review , dated February 8 , 1995 , states : "All plant material proposed is acceptable. " Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan for St . Paul Federal Bank . 1 West Dundee Road , as sub- mitted with the stipulation that the curbing be widened or wheel stops be installed. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea , Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 2 . DRIVE-UP ATM KIOSK WITH SIGN: Mr . Bell presented a colored rendering of the proposed kiosk . It will be the Cash Station colors : green and silver with a non-illuminated sign on one end. The kiosk will be screened with shrubbery , as depicted on the Landscape Plan. There is one standard bumper post to protect the kiosk. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Cash Station Kiosk at St . Federal Bank as submitted . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea . Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 3 . PARKING LOT LIGHTING: Mr . Bell said the existing lights on ten foot ( 10 ' ) pole lights will be replaced with twenty-five foot (25 ' ) bronze anodized aluminum poles with 400 watt metal halide bulbs . The photometrics depict the light values from the posts but not from the property lines . Neighboring property will not be adversely affected by the proposed lighting . One new Village street light post will be installed at the southwest corner of Buffalo Grove Road as required by the Village Engineer . Com . Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Site Lighting for St . Paul Federai Bank as submitted . Com . Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman , Cea , Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 , 1995 - Page Two ; (111; B. Saggio (formerly Chipper ' s) - 51 Raupp Boulevard Ground Sign and Wall Sign Face Changes Deferred until after the last item of business . C. 600 West Lake Cook Road - 'Ground Sign Face Change Mr . Rodney Menna , National Signs , Inc. , 511 S. Vermont , Palatine , IL 60067 (934-1616) described the new signs that will replace the faces on both sides of the existing brick ground sign. The new signs , which are the same size as the existing signs , will have a green background with a gold border and white copy. The signs have vinyl graphics and tenants ' names can be easily replaced. Silhouette neon lighting will be added to the existing gold numerals to give them a halo effect . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the sign face changes for 600 Lake Cook Road , including the silhouette lighting of the numerals , as submitted . Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea , Trilling, Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . C . Kingswood United Methodist Church 401 West Dundee Road - Addition, Full Review: Site Plan , Elevations , Materials . Lighting and Landscaping Mr . Bruce Hoffman, Chairman of Administrative Board , United Methodist Church at 401 West Dundee Road , Buffalo Grove . IL presented photographs of the existing building and described the site plan. The proposed addition. Phase I , will increase the size from 16 , 000 to 26 ,900 square feet . Phase II is depicted but it will be a future addition. The number of parking spaces will be increased from 133 to 219 . 1 . ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS : a . The materials for the addition will match the existing building , i . e . the same brick , siding and asphalt shingles . b. The windows are aluminum clad over wood with clear insulated glass . c . The entrance will be projected forward and the entry doors are anodized aluminum with clear glass . • d . Additional heating units will be installed . Mechanicals are located inside the building and there are no roof top units . The condensers will be on the ground on the north side of the building and they will be screened with shrubbery . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 , 1995 - Page Three f< C a. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials as submitted for the Kingswood United Methodist Church at 401 West Dundee Road . Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea , Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 2 . LIGHTING: a . There will be building mounted fixtures at each door . b . There will be four (4) Ballard lights at the entrances . c . There will be four (4) pole mounted lights in the center of the parking area approximately thirty-five feet 05 ' ) from the street . Photometrics were reviewed. The light is pro- jected downward and there is very little light spill at the property line. The existing wood poles with vapor lamps will remain. Mr . Hoffman agreed to match the light source. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the lighting as submitted for Kingswood United Methodist church with the stipulation that the light source match the existing lamps . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea . Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 3 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Hoffman explained that no vegetation is shown on the south property line , bordering The Coves of Buffalo Grove , because of the screening provided by Edward Schwartz & Company. Ray Rigsby gave Mr . Schar the following oral recommendations : a. Additional landscape material along Park View Terrace b . Parkway trees required along Park View Terrace - Mr . Hoffman described the existing parkway trees and said they plan to install three (3) Honey Locust trees and a row of Arborvitae shrubs inside the property line . c . Parkway planting along Dundee Road requires State of IL permit approval - Mr . Hoffman said there is one ( 1 ) existing parkway tree on Dundee Road . He has been advised by the Village Manager to request a variation of the Developmental Ordinance to eliminate any other parkway trees because there is not enough space in which to plant them. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 , 1995 - Page Four Mr . Lundine asked for consideration of additional screening of the garbage dumpster? Mr . Hoffman said there is an existing three foot (3 ' ) wood fence with some shrubbery surrounding the dumpster , but the area does not get enough sunlight for more plantings . He agreed to install a higher board-on-board fence to enclose the dumpster area. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan submitted for the Kingswood United Method Church subject to the Mr . Ray Rigsby' s acceptance , with the stipulation to enclose the dumpster area with a higher board-on-board wood fence. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . E. International House of Pancakes - 51 McHenry Road (Formerly Shoney' s ) - New Colors and Signs Robert Jessen, Robert Harry Jessen & Associates , Inc . 4242 Kirchoff Road , Suite B, Rolling Meadows , IL 60008 359-7720 described the conversion of the former Shoney' s Restaurant at 51 McHenry Road into an International House of Pancakes . The parking lot , lighting and landscaping will not be altered . and there will be no addition to the 4 , 700 square foot building. 1 . ELEVATIONS AND COLORS: The exterior of the building will be painted the IHOP corporate colors which are two shades of blue , white and red , The roof will be the darker blue, the trim will be the lighter blue and the awning will be red . The awning , which may be retractable , will cover the slope of the glassed-in atrium area on the west elevation. There will also be a red accent line around the building below the gutter . The brick will be painted white . The interior will be remodeled and repainted . The ceiling fixtures and furniture will be replaced . The kitchen area will remain similar to the existing kitchen. The rooftop with the IHOP sign will be one foot six inches ( 1 ' 6" ) higher than the existing rooftop which is approximately one foot ( 1 ' ) above the metal roofing material . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 . 1995 - Page Five • 2 . SIGNS: The drawings show the name of the restaurant on all four sides of the rooftop and they would like to have it this way , but most likely the name will only be on the west elevation. Mr . Schar informed the commissioners that some of the signs will require a variance . Only one ( 1 ) sign is permitted on the elevations that face a right-of-way and since there is one ( 1 ) sign over the door and another sign on the roof of the west elevation facing McHenry Road , they need a variance for one of these signs . They also need a variance for the sign that is shown on the north elevation, facing the parking lot of the shopping center . The ground sign on Lake Cook Road is located within the required setback so the face change will require a variance to permit the existing sign to remain. Mr . Jessen said that the face of the existing ground sign is slightly larger than the corporate sign, and he did not know how the corporation will want to make the conversion. The IHOP sign over the door is depicted as white on blue and the sign on the roof is shown to be blue on white . Mr . Jessen said that the sign over the door will probably be red letters on the blue background and the rooftop sign will also be red . Com . Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials as proposed for the International House of Pancakes ( formerly Shoney' s) at 51 McHenry Road, including the raising of the parapet . Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea , Trilling , Lundine . Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the sign package as submitted for the International House of Pancakes with the stipulation that the letters on the box sign on the parapet of the west elevation will be red with a white back- ground . Motion includes the ground sign face change . two (2 ) signs on the west elevation. one ( 1 ) sign on the north elevation and the change from Shoney' s to IHOP on The Grove identification sign located at the entrance on McHenry Road . Variances are recommended to permit the IHOP sign over the door on the west elevation, a sign on the north elevation and the face change of the existing ground sign on Lake Cook Road that is within the required twenty-five foot (25 ' ) setback . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 . 1995 - Page Six r^s tt4 1py Com. Lundine seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine, Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. F. Arbor Creek Centre IV - 1278 to 1300 Barclay Boulevard Full Review: Site Plan, Elevations . Materials , Lighting and Landscaping Ms . Stephanie A. Hayford , Barclay Partners , L. L. C. affiliated with Klefstad Companies , 1655 Barclay Boulevard , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (459-82000) ; Mr . Reno J. Masini Associates , Architects , 5004 Louise Avenue , Skokie , IL 60077 (676-8384 ) and Carl Christiansen, Rolf C. Campbell & Associates , Inc . Landscape Architect , Carriage Point , Suite 1000 , 101 Waukegan Road (Route 43) Lake Bluff , IL 60044 (735-1000) were also present . Ms . Hayford described the site plan. The 39 ,000 square foot building will be constructed on Lot 19 of the Arbor Creek Business Centre , which is a 2 . 8 acre site. It will be a multi-tenant spec building with a capacity for up to twelve ( 12) tenants . There will be 114 parking spaces . 1 . ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS: Mr . Masini presented a colored rendering of the proposed building and samples of the following materials: a . Brick - Utility size , Dove Grey Blend. A two foot (2 ' ) high vertical soldier course of identical brick , will surround the building above the window ledge. b. Canopies above each entrance will be covered with matching brick colored drivit (Chocolate Mousse) with a maroon circular design in the center . The area sur- rouding the circle is recessed one inch ( 1 " ) for shadow effect . The top of the gables will be drivit . c . Windows and entrance ways will have one inch ( 1 " ) thick insulated glass , tinted bronze , with bronze anodized aluminum frames . d . Accent squares above the windows and next to the entrances will be made up of four (4) 8" x 8" ceramic glazed blocks , alternating green and maroon colors . e . Coping will be custom colored to match the brick . f . Small roof top condensers will be two feet (2 ' ) in height and they will be screened by the parapet . g. The heating and air-conditioning units are inside the building . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 , 1995 - Page Seven .aCf_. CUIi f 4# i h. Window sills are cut limestone. i . Overhead doors are enclosed in the receiving area. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials for Arbor Creek Centre IV, at 1278-1300 Barclay Boulevard , as submitted. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea, Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 2 . LIGHTING: a. Canopies each have two (2) recessed can fixtures . b. Six (6) pole lights in the parking areas . Two (2) each on the north and south sides and one ( 1 ) each on the east and west sides . The square anodized aluminum poles are twenty-five feet (25 ' ) in height and the light source will be high pressure sodium to match the lighting within Arbor Creek. The photometrics were reviewed. (The canopy lighting was not included in the photometric plan. ) It was noted that several areas close to the building , including the handicapped parking spaces and the truck docks , had very little lighting. After discussion the solution agreed upon was to add one ( 1 ) pole light in the center of the south parking lot . Security around the truck docks was also an issue , so the lights , which will be on timers , will remain on longer . and one light at each truck dock is to be left on all night . Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting submitted for Arbor Creek Business Centre IV, as submitted and discussed , with the stipulation that one ( 1 ) pole light be added to the center of the south parking area and the light source is to be high pressure sodium. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea, Trilling , Lundine . Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 3 . SIGNS: Signs for Arbor Creek are submitted to the Village Manager , Mr . William Balling . for review and approval . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 , 1995 - Page Eight • } _ kl } 4 . LANDSCAPING: Mr . Carl Christiansen described the Landscape Plan. The berm on Barclay Boulevard will be up to five feet (5 ' ) in height to screen parked cars . It will be planted with Pine trees and shade trees . The base of the permanent identification sign, located in the center of the berm, will be landscaped. A shrubbery hedge will surround the base of the building and there will be a variety of ornamental trees with ground cover and flowering bulbs at each entrance. Six (6) Sunset Maples will be added to the existing trees , along the driveway of the north property line , to screen the truck docks . Ray Rigsby' s Landscape Plan Review, dated February 21 , 1995 , was discussed. a. Some Linden trees will be included pursuant the recommendation to add variety to the deciduous trees . b. The Dwarf Burning Bush shrubs will be replaced with "standard" size Burning Bushes. c . Prefer to keep the linear planting beds with sod around the foundation of the building under the windows . Some shrubs could be added. Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan submitted by Arbor Creek Business Centre IV subject to Mr . Rigsby' s approval , with the stipulations that some Linden trees will be added to the entrance varieties and the Dwarf Burning Bushes will be changed to standard size . Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea, Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . G. Tenerife - Town and Country Homes on Route 22 Revised Front Elevations and Materials of Townhomes Mr . Mark Malouf , Division President ; Mr . Greg Crowther , Project Manager ; and Mr . Tony Kruschel , Construction Manager , represented Town and Country Homes , 3880 Salem Lake Drive , 3800 RFD, Long Grove , IL 60047 (726-1020) . Mr . Malouf reviewed the original materials for Tenerife , which were going to be aluminum siding with brick veneer on the lower level of the front elevations . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 , 1995 - Page Nine to They will keep the diversity of colors among the thirty-five (35) buildings and in order to carry through with the Mediterranean theme of the community, suggested by Tenerife , they want to combine the aluminum siding with drivit . They have incorporated the Building Department ' s recommendations in their proposal . A colored rendering was submitted. Character has been added by the use of the drivit material on the piers and over the window areas . The drivit will be reinforced with mesh in areas subject to damage. There will be ceramic type tiles above the drivit piers for more accent . Town and Country offers a two (2) year extended warranty with their homes and thereafter , a condominium association will be responsible for maintenance. Examples of the five (5) color packages were put together . The brightly colored ceramic tiles will match the doors and shutters . The garage doors will typically match the trim. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the material modifications on the front elevations as submitted by Town and Country for the Tenerife Townhome Community. Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea , Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. H. Mirielle - Town and Country Homes on Route 22 , Model Area: Site Plan, Elevations , Materials . Lighting and Landscaping Mr . Mark Malouf , Division President ; Mr . Greg Crowther . Project Manager ; and Mr . Tony Kruschel , Construction Manager represented Town and Country Homes . 3880 Salem Lake Drive . 3880 RFD, Long Grove , IL 60047 (726-1020) and Mr . Carl VanCura represented Land Consultants . Inc. 1151 Old McHenry Road , Suite 205 , Buffalo Grove , IL 60089 (913-0400) . Mr . Malouf described the Site Plan for the Mirielle Model Area which will be located on the west side of the entry from Route 22 on Apple Hill Lane . Seven (7 ) single family models will be constructed around a cul -de-sac with the parking area on the north side toward Route 22 . The models of the Mirielle Community will reflect different life styles in Buffalo Grove. There is a total of 135 possible elevations . The basic models have a lot of flexibility for upgrading including 3-car options with larger secondary bed- rooms above the 3rd garage . Renderings of each of the basic models were presented and described. The ranch is primarily offered with maintenance free aluminum siding but there is optional wood siding. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 , 1995 - Page Ten Many of the elevations are accented with various colored drivit material . There is a variety of door styles to give the houses a custom look. All the entryways are covered. Wood shingles are offered as an upgrade. The standard first floors are nine feet (9 ' ) in height and there is a feeling of volume upon entry, some are a story and a half . All of the basic houses have some brick. Some models have front porches . Double family rooms are optional . Dens can be used as offices . Master bedrooms have retreat areas for the adults . The "Big Boy" is model #10. It has an optional 3-car and 4-car garages that can create a courtyard between two garage areas . There is also an optional sport court where the basement level is opened up to the second story and the family room has a glass wall so that the sport court can be seen. The 5th bedroom option can also be a den with a glass wall facing the sport court . There are 34 different exterior color packages but there are no optional color selections . Colors are controlled to create a total community look. All together there are over 4 ,500 different possible combinations of elevations and materials so meeting the Monotony Code will not be a problem. Samples of the materials were presented. The models have been targeted for various lifestyles , from play equipment for children to a putting green complete with a sandtrap. The average lot is 70 ' x 132 ' and 3-car garages will fit on every home site. There are two (2) standard exterior light fixtures in black & brass . One on each side of the garage and front door and one by the rear door . Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations and Materials , including the light fixtures , as submitted by Town and Country Homes for the Mirielle Single Family development . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea, Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 2 . LANDSCAPING: The landscaping has been designed to create quality of life in Buffalo Grove . The model area walkways have incorporated the Mirielle logo into paver brick or stamped blocks . These details will be removed when the sales program is complete and sidewalks will be installed. The well-landscaped site from the parking area to the sales office can be seen from Route 22 . There are patio/deck combinations , similar to what is expected of the Mirielle buyers . Patio details including : brick paver designs , play equipment , flower pots , etc . are shown. APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 , 1995 - Page Eleven .1 Val e. ;=.1 Ili All the model area features will be permanent except for the walkways. Lighting of the model area will be similar to Tenerife with quartz fixtures , on timers, surrounding the models. Ray Rigsby ' s Landscape Review, dated February 21 , 1995 , recommended favorable approval of the plan with the stipu- lation that "after the build out is complete, the developer submit a landscape plan for this court and the Route 22 buffer area for Appearance Commission review and approval . " Com. Cea made a motion to approve the Landscape Plan for the Mirielle model area for Town and Country Homes as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea, Trilling, Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 4 . SIGNS: The sandblasted signs are similar in terms of size and design to the Tenerife signs . There is a double-sided directional welcome sign at the entry that has a skirted apron and a double-sided Information Center sign. The individual model signs , mounted on posts , do not require permits. Com. Lundine made a motion to recommend approval of the Mirielle Model Area signs C and D as submitted by Town and Country Homes . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman. Cea , Trilling , Cea, Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS B. Saggio (Formerly Chipper ' s) - 48 Raupp Boulevard Ground Sign and Wall Sign Face Changes Mr . Schar presented the proposed signs . The colors of the ground sign at the corner of Lake Cook Road and Raupp Boulevard be red "Saggio" and green "Ristorante Italiano" over a green box sign with white lettering "Buffalo Grove Golf Club" and a green arrow. The "Saggio" wall sign will be red . • Com. Trilling objected to the Golf Club identification portion within the box on the ground sign. It looks like two signs . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 . 1995 - Page Twelve T • 01, Com. Cea suggested removal of the box, change the color of the Golf Club lettering to green, separate the two (2) sections of the sign with a red line and change the shape of the arrow. This design was preferred by all the Commissioners . Coma Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the red Saggio wall sign as submitted; and approval of the ground sign as modified: delete the box and change the color of Buffalo Grove Golf Club from white to green, insert a red line between the two (2) sections of the sign and change the shape of the arrow. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea, Trilling , Lundine , Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. II . APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 8 , 1995 - Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Weissman and seconded by Com. Cea. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Cea, Trilling , Lundine and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon Motion Passed - 4 to 0, 1 abstention Minutes of February 8 , 1995 were approved as submitted VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Com. Trilling seconded the motion. Voice Vote: AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 11 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 23 , 1995 - Page Thirteen