1995-05-11 - Appearance Commission - Minutes Y 1 • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE,ILLINOIS THURSDAY,MAY 11, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. on Thursday,May 11, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: R. Gordon,F. Weissman,A. Viehman,M. Cea and E. Smith Commissioners Absent: L.Dorfman • Bldg. Dept Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector Ch. Gordon welcomed Dr. Eric Smith,newly appointed Appearance Commissioner and announced that Mr.Larry Dorfman has also been appointed,but he is not present. III. APPROVAL OF 1VIINUTES April 13, 1995 -Motion to approve as submitted was made by Corn. Cea and seconded by Corn. Viehman. The were no additions or corrections. Roll Call Vote: AYE-Weissman,Viehman,Cea and Gordon NAY-None • ABSTAIN-Smith Motion Passed-4 to 0,"1 abstention. Minutes of April 13, 1995 were approved as submitted. IV. BUSINESS A. Prairie Grove-Lot 4 on Jordan Terrace • Review of Model with 4-Car Garage Mr. Jeffrey Samuels,Developer, Samuels-Berens Associates,Inc.,2141 Mallard Dr. • Northbrook,IL 60062(272-8100)made the presentation. Mr. Samuels explained that they have a client who has requested a model change from a 3-car garage to a 4-car garage. When the plans were submitted to the Building Department,they were advised that it should be submitted to the Appearance Commission for aesthetic review. The front elevation of the basic model has a 2-car garage in the middle with a single car garage on the end. They have extended the single car garage into 2-car garage. The change does not alter the appearance of the house and does not affect the setbacks. There is approximately forty feet(40')between houses and the 4th garage will be an additional nine feet. Com. Viehman asked if this is a request for one(1)house or if it was for the whole development? \./ iiiitAftit; OPY Mr. Samuels said this request is only for this house. The first phase is almost sold out and they do not anticipate any other similar request. If other purchasers see the house and want to add a 4th garage, it would be submitted for Appearance Commission review. Mr. Samuels explained that the contract purchaser of this house has a company van that he wants to keep off the driveway at night and over the weekends. They have two(2) cars and they want to use the rest of the garage space for bikes, etc. The future neighbors have been advised of the proposal and the purchasers of the house directly across the street are present. The purchasers of the house immediately to the east were also advised. They could not attend the meeting but they have no objections to the proposed modification. The construction of the house with a 4-car garage will not alter the character of the neighborhood.. Com. Viehman said the Commission would not want to give blanket approval of 4-car garages on all models without review but they do not want to burden the developer with having to make multiple presentations if this is going to affect many designs. Mr. Samuels said they would consider future requests but it not an option at this time. Ch. Gordon said the request would be considered an exception to the approved models and should the developer want to make a future change, it will be submitted for review. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the 4-car garage revision as submitted by Prairie Grove for Lot 4 on Jordan Terrace. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE-Weissman,Viehman, Cea, Smith and Gordon NAY -None Motion Passed- 5 to 0. B. Town and Country Homes, Tenerife -Color Combination Change Mr. Anthony Kruschel,Construction Manager, Town& Country Homes, 3880 Salem Lake Drive, 3880 RFD,Long Grove, IL 60047(726-1020)made the presentation. Mr. Kruschel submitted a revised color chart and explained that the blue drivit was not selling so it has been replaced with a different color. He submitted samples of each color combination and said the list of Exterior Colors by Building would be revised to reflect the new packages, which are identified A,B, C, D and E. The Monotny Code would be met. The Commissioners agreed that color packages A and E would be considered similar and could not be constructed next to each other or across the street from each other. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 11, 1995 -Page Two Jit(AFT COPY Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Revised Color Combina- tions as submitted by Town and Country Homes for the Tenerife subdivision. Corn. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote:AYE-Weissman, Viehman,Cea. Smith and Gordon NAY-None Motion Passed-5 to 0. C. K. C. Masterpiece- 100 McHenry Road Wall Sign-Town Center, Recommendation for Variance Mr. Herman Hefter, Speedy Sign-A-Rama, 80 W.Dundee Road,Buffalo Grove,IL 60089(215-1535)made the presentation. He said the length of the all is 114 feet and sign, if installed on one line, would be 75 square feet and the sign would fit in the required sign area,but it does not look good. Mr.Hefler presented a drawing of the sign as it would appear on one line and a drawing • of the sign,as he recommends it,on two lines. It would 104 square feet. The capitol letters are 36" and the lower case letters are 23" and it only requires a length of eighteen feet(18'). K. C. Masterpiece will be white channel letters with Town Center red trim caps and returns. Barbeque and Grill will be Town Center red. The sign will be installed on the east elevation, facing Route 83. It will sit on the first bull nose brick course. The developer(Melvin Simon)has approved the sign. Signs on the south elevation and on the north elevation,over the door,are not being requested at this time. The Commissioners agreed the sign looks better stacked. Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the variance for the K.C.Masterpiece sign at 100 McHenry Road,Town Center, as requested. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote:AYE-Weissman,Viehman,Cea, Smith and Gordon NAY-None Motion Passed-S to 0. • D. Manchester Greens-Ground Sign, Church Road and Manchester Drive Color Change and New Logo-Recommendation for Variance Mr. Michael Larsen. Red Seal Development,425 Huel Road, Building 18,Northbrook, IL 60062,made the presentation. The sign was reviewed by the Appearance Commission, in 1994, and a variance was recommended,but the logo and colors have been changed. He requested approval of the changes. The new logo will be purple (Pantone 246)and Green(Pantone 354). The background of the sign will be constructed of aluminum with a grey drivit border. It is non-illuminated and will be installed within the landscaped area. Com. Viehman recalled that the change of colors on the temporary sign were approved and this sign will have the same design and colors. There were no objections. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 1 l, 1995 -Page Three iv 7 A variance is required because the sign exceeds 32 square feet,is over five feet(5')in height and will be installed within the required setback for Residential Districts. Com. Weissman made a motion to approve color change and new logo for the Manchester Greens ground sign as submitted and also recommends approval of the variance as requested by Red Seal Development. Corn. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE-Weissman, Viehman, Cea, Smith and Gordon NAY-None Motion Passed- 5 to 0. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS I. Com. Cea asked if a seventh(7th)commissioner would be appointed? Ch. Gordon said he has talked to President Mathias and Mr. Balling. They expect the vacancy to be filled soon. Qualified residents have submitted talent bank applications. The Village Board Liaison will be changed after the next Board meeting. 2. Max's Deli put out a hiring sign, but it was not legal and has been removed. 3. Corn. Cea noted that the management company of Plaza Verde has been changed. The sign should be removed and, according to the New Sign Code, should not be replaced without a variance. 4. Ch. Gordon observed that the brick on the Town Place Townhome building did not appear to match the original brick. When he met with Mr. Schar and the representative, he was infomed that after it was washed it will dry to match the original brick. It does look alright now. The garden walls at the front entrances are in bad shape. 5. Mr. Jensen confirmed that the third Town Place building will be constructed. The land is being cleared and Red Seal will be applying for permits. 6. Ch. Gordon said he was waiting for the light to change at the corner of Lake Cook and Arlington Heights Road and there was a car parked in the drive-up ATM at the First of America Bank . The lights from the car at the bank were shining directly into his eyes. There should be some way to screen the light. He suggested adding some shrubs at the base of the sign._ Mr. Jensen said he would report this to Mr. Schar. The lights can be shielded. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 11, 1995 -Page Four Nori Vt.. ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Corn. Weissman seconded the motion. Voice Vote-AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ZWIA/tiej-' Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb • • • APPEARANCE COMMISSION Mav 11, 1995 - Paee Five