1989-01-12 - Appearance Commission - Minutes s t • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1989 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. at the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. on Thursday, January 12, 1989. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: E. Bremner, D. Ehrhardt, R. Gordon, M. Silbernik, F. Weissman and E. Larsen Commissioners Absent: C. Bruno Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Ed Schar, Building :inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. December 8, 1988 -- Page 10, Lot 18 Klefstad, Landscaping: Motion should read: Landscaping to be approved "subject of Village Forester's Review and Recommendations." Motion to approve, as amended, was made by Com. Weissman and seconded by Com. Ehrhardt. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Ehrhardt, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - .Bremner, Gordon and Silbernik Motion Passed - 3 to 0, 3 Abstentions Klefstad will be notified of the amendment to minutes. B. December 12, 1988 - Motion to approve as presented was made by Comm. Silbernik and seconded by Com. Gordon. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Silbernik, Gordon and Bremner NAY - None ABSTAIN - Ehrhardt and Larsen Notion Passed - 4 to 0, 2 Abstentions IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Seigle's Home and Building Centers Architecture - Skylight and Fence; Landscaping and Signage Representatives: Mr. Marc Schwartz, Attorney Mr. Harry Seigle, President of Seigle's Mr. Joseph De Mercurio, Architect Mr. Richard Burton, Landscape Architect 1 . ARCHITECTURE - Retail Building: Mr. De Mercurio, JDM Associates, 35 Fountain Square Plaza, Suite 209, Elgin, IL 60120 ( 312) 695-4408, reviewed the previous discussion ( Dec. 22, 1988) and the decision to Table to allow Commissioners to visit the Barrington store to see the Barrel Vaulted Skylight and the amount of light that was visible at night. The second feature of the retail building that was Tabled was the proposed fencing of the northern portion of the front elevation to permit overnight storage of seasonal sale items, such as fertilizer, peat moss, salt, etc. There will be no storage sheds in this area. Because the PUD agreement prohibited overnight storage of any merchandise, the fence was referred back to the Plan Commission for recommendation. Mr. Robert Pfeil, Village Planner, subsequently referred the matter to the Village Board, and it was discussed on January 9, 1989. 1 . Skylight - Ch. Larsen asked for the Commissioner's comments: a. Coin. Weissman: Saw the skylight at the Barring- ton store, at night, and did not find the amount of light that was emitted to be objectionable. b. Com. Silbernik: Saw the skylight twice. Once when the store was open and once when it was closed. No problem when the store was closed and there was not as much light being emitted as he had anticipated with the store was open. His personal opinion is that the skylight is more of a type of signage, or identification feature and he is not in favor of it. c. Com. Bremner: Saw that the skylight did not spill much light, and therefore is not, offensive. d. Com. Gordon and Com. Ehrhardt had no problem with the skylight and did not comment. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Two 2. Fence - Mr. Schwartz advised the AC that he had made a presentation to the Village Board on Jan. 9, 1989, with regard to the proposed fence. He referred to the letter from Mr. Balling, dated Jan. 10, 1989, indicating the Trustee's agreement to treat the fence as a minor change to the PUD, with the following limitations= 1 . Merchandise must be seasonal in nature, intended for retail marketing. The area is not meant for storage purposes. 2. No cut lumber will be permitted for sale. 3. Outside display will be limited to the northern portion of the westerly elevation. This portion includes an enclosed cover, with a wrought iron fence and a 9 foot high brick wall . 4. No signs are to be displayed on the outside of the building. a. No merchandise is to be displayed outside the limits of the enclosed area. Mr. Seigle said he would comply with these limita- tions, and specifically #4, "no outside signage." Mr. De Mercurio said the enclosed area is 17 Feet deep and 64 feet in width. The first ti feet, next to the fence, is an aisle, so the bulk of the material will be kept near the building. The area has 3 gates which will be kept locked at night. He added that the area is about 350 feet back from the street. Con. Silbernik said he has visited stores with similar outside storage areas and the 8 foot fence would not be aesthetically consistent with the Town Center and the adjacent bank. He added that it would have been advisable for the Appearance Commission to have been represented at the Village Board meeting when the fence was reviewed. Mr. Schwartz responded that the issue was raised by the Village Manager because of the PUD requirement. Mr. Bailing has the authority to approve "minor" changes, but the Trustees did not agree that it was a minor change and asked for discussion. The recom- mended referral back to the AC for aesthetic review. The Village Board did not approve the fence on January 9, 1988. Mr. Seigle stated that, the seasonal material is left outside at night, without fences, at their• other centers. The brick wall with fencing is a new concept developed by the ACE Hardware stores and after a tour• visit to Mc Henry, IL it was decided to change the original presentation. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Three Mr. Schwartz added that Mr. Seigle has actually given up the use of the southern portion of the building for outside display of seasonal materials. The fence was discussed. (The petitioner had been informed at the Dec. 22, 1988 meeting that the wire at the top was prohibited by the Fence Code. ) If the fence is over 6 feet, it will require a ZBA variance. Mr. Seigle indicated that he would agree to more brick and less wrought iron fence. He also said he would agree to reduce the height of the fence to 6 feet, if the brick wall could remain at 8 feet as proposed, for aesthetic purposes. Com. Ehrhardt commented that with the setback of the building, the nature of the business, and the purpose of the fence, the AC should permit the enclosed area. Com. Silbernik suggested that the fence would be more aesthetically pleasing if it was painted to match the brick. Mr. De Mercurio and Mr. Seigle agreed to paint the wrought iron fence Butternut Brown to match the wood stockade fence. Com. Weissman made the Following motion: I move we approve the Seigle's outside storage area as submitted, subject to the petitioner's acceding to lowering the metal fence height to 6 feet, per the Fence Code, and subject to the Bldg. Dept. 's interpretation of the brick portion as a wail , with the petitioner's further agreement that the metal fence be painted a Butternut Brown Color, to match the tone of the mass of brick. The storage area is approved subject to the limitatior;5 set forth by the Village Board, per letter dated .Jan. 10, 1989. Con. Silbernik seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Bremner, Ehrhardt, Silbernik, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. Ch. Larsen complemented 1r. Seigle on the outstanding effort that has been made to achieve a most astheti- caily attractive home center in keeping with the Village's objectives. The building was described briefly for the benefit of the Commissioners who were not present on Dec . 22nd. The only change that was made was the color of the roof from Egyptian White to Classic Beige. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 22, 1988 - Page Four The mstN,./part of the skylight is 3 - 1 inch aluminum and the glass is tinted 25 -30% dark bronze. Com. Gordon made a motion to approve Seigle's Home and Building Centers Main Building, with materials as submitted, including the Barrel Vaulted Skylight, per the plan dated Dec. 7, 1988, with the stipulation that the roof color be Classic Beige. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Silbernik, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 2. LANDSCAPING: Tabled, Dec. 22, 1988 per R. Rigsby. Mr. Richard Burton, Land Consultants, Inc. , Suite 205 1151 Old Mc Henry Road, B.G. , IL 60089 ( 913-0400 ) advised the AC that he has met with Mr. Ray Rigsby, Village Forester and modifications have been made. Mr. Rigsby 's Report, dated Jan. 12, 1989, indicates that "the revised plan is acceptable and will provide an aesthetically pleasing buffer between the Seigle Home and Bldg. Center and the Woodstone Townhomes." Mr. Burton said they have agreed to use larger trees along Mc Henry Road and some trees have been added to the parking islands. Additional trees will also be provided along buffer area of the eastern boundary, and at; the detention site. Existing plant material will be used where possible. The landscaping in front of the outside storage area will probably be modified, but there will be room for some shrubs and ground cover. Mr. Rigsby is aware of this change. Com. Silbernik made a motion to approve the Landscaping for Seigle's Home and Building Centers as submitted, per Mr. Rigsby 's approval, and subject to modification of the outside storage area planting. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Silbernik, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Five 3. SIGNAGE: Off-premise Directional Sign. Mr. Schwartz distributed copies of a new design and asked for a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for• an Off-premise Directional Sign to be located on the North side of Bank Lane. A directional sign has always been shown, at this location, as a part of the plan. Traffic flow was one of the main issues when the project was discussed by the Plan Commission and the Village Board. One of the concessions made by Mr. Seigle was to agree that most of the traffic would be funneled through the Bank Lane entrance. Seigle's customers will be able to turn in from the south, but because this is a Right In/Right Out entrance, all traffic from the north must be made aware of the access into Seigle's and Burger King through Bank Lane. Mr. Seigle has entered into agreement with the owner of the property to the north to place this sign at the corner. Commissioner• Siibernik excused himself from the discussion of the Seigle's signage. Ch. Larsen asked why the petitioner is requesting a sign for a piece of pr•oper•ty that is outside Village limits? Mr. Schwartz replied that the property will eventually be brought into the Village and a variance will be required because it .is an Off-premise Directional Sign. The Sign Code addresses Off-premise Signs, Sec. 14.20.080: A. AC approval required and permit limited to 6 months with extensions subject to AC; and B. must be 500 feet from primary sign and Directional Signs ( Sec. 14.20. 150 ): Area not to exceed twelve ( 1 2 ) .:q, feet and maximum height shall be four ( 4 ) feet. The proposed sign meets i:.he requirements for• both sections. It is 2 ' 11 " x 2'6" = 5.49 square feet and will be 4 feet high. ' Ch. Larsen said he spoke Lo Mr. Raysa and it is his opinion that; this is an off-premise sign, with the 6 month permit subject to renewal after• AC review. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Six Mr. Schwartz said he also spoke to Mr. Raysa and was told that if the AC approves the sign, they will seek variances for placement and to make it a permanent off- premise sign. Ch. Larsen said that an additional variance will be required for spacing, tantamount to the sign being in B.G. The sign will be double-faced and internally illuminated Ch. Larsen said he viewed the original off-premise sign with TO and the arrow > to be a directional sign for trucks delivering materials, but with the explanation of the traffic pattern, the ZBA would determine if hardship has been established The new sign has added the Burger King Logo and he would prefer to have only wording. Mr. Seigle responded that they have been talking with two major fast service restaurants, but have no lease with either one of them at this time. Burger King was used as an example and Mr. Seigle stated that he thought the Burger King people would be agreeable to eliminating the logo and using horizontal lettering. They would need the entrance identification. Ch. Larsen said the AC would want the opportunity to approve the final copy and asked for a motion to the ZBA. Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend to the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Village Board of Trustees, that variances be granted to Seigle°s for an Off-premise sign, subject to final AC approval of copy. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote= AYE - Weissman, Bremner, Ehrhardt, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Silbernik (Conflict of Interest) Motion Passed - 5 to 0, 1 abstention. B. Dartmoor - Landscaping/Canterbury Fields Mike Schoppe, Hitchcock Design Group, 221 W. Jefferson, Naperville, IL 60540, ( 312 ) 961-1787 made the presentation The street tree program has a variety of trees, Maples and Ash, with some Lindens and some Hackberry. They are arranged primarily with two ( 2) trees per lot and lots that have more frontage will have three ( 3 ) trees. They are spaced about 50 feet apart. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Seven Detention Basins B & C will be sodded andSeive additional trees. Detention Basin A will be sodded and will be deeded to the Park District. The parkways and medians will be sodded. There will be a six (6) foot aluminum, picket fence along both sides of Buffalo Grove Road, set back at the inter- sections so there will not be any visibility problems. It will have bars spaced 4 inches apart and will be Black. Buffering was to have been included along the south property line, but after Zale's Woodlands Commons plan was developed with berms, fencing and landscaping, Dartmoor's buffering was eliminated because it was unnecessary. Mr. Schoeppe agreed to comply with Mr. Rigsby 's Review and Recommendations, dated Dec. 8, 1988; if they are required by Village Code. Mr. Rigsby has asked for the parkway trees to be 40 foot on center; trees to be added to the median along Buffalo Grove Road and trees added along the rear yards on the south side of Port Clinton Rd. The Code requirements will be discussed with Mr. Rigsby. Mr. Schoeppe agreed to change the Poplar trees to River Birch and the caliper of the pine trees will be increased from 6 to 7 inches. The question was raised as to who will be responsible for putting up the street lighting? Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Landscaping for the Parkways and Streets for Dartmoor's Canterbury Lane subdivision, subject to the petitioner's acceding to the review and recommendations of the Village Forester. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Silbernik, Bremner, Gordon, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Eight V. NEW BUSINESS A. Illinois Products Corporation - Temporary Sign Presentation 14as made by Mr. Gordon Stapanak. He described the temporary sign to be located on Lot 27 at the Arbor Creek Business Park parallel to Barclay Blvd. It will be single faced, 8' x 4' and the height will be 8 feet. The two posts will be Green to match the sign background. There were no questions or objections. Com. Silbernik made a motion to approve the temporary sign as presented for Lot 27 at the Arbor• Creek Business Park. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Silbernik, Bremner, Gordon, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. B. Town Center - Signage Representatives: Mr. Marc Schwartz, Attorney Mr. Glen M.Johnson, Project Coordinator and Mr. Greg Kreegar, Asst. Project Coordinator from Melvin Simon & Associates, Merchants Plaza, P.O. Box 7033, Indianapolis, Indiana 46207 ( 317) 2 63-7 045 Phil Kupritz, Architect 1 . Temporary "PROPERTY AVAILABLE" Signs: Mr. Schwartz recalled that the Town Center consists of 55 acres of land. Some of this land is still available for development. Nine (9) signs will be located along Rt. 83 and Buffalo Grove Rd. They will be removed upon sale and development of the property. Com. Ehrhardt asked if the plans that have been seen by the Appearance Commission are going to be changed? Mr. Schwartz responded that after• the Village Board had approved the proposed residential development, the plan was modified when another developer came in. Now when the out lots are being developed, each one will have to be approved by the Plan Commission, Village Board and Appearance Commission. There is no intent to make any changes to the original plan. • APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Nine Two large parcels are available: the office area and the congregate care facility. Mr. Kupritz added that the building designs and character of Town Place has been established. If a developer chose to deviate from this character, the plans would have to be approved. Mr. Schwartz said that the concept will remain the same. It is a question of economics and development of the land. Mr. Kupritz said that the Melvin Simon Associates are working diligently to maintain the character of the land. Their goal is to develop Town► Place as it was submitted and approved. Mr. Schwartz stated the entire B-5 Ordinance requires certain ,consistency. The Village Board will maintain the overall character. The land will not be developed piece- meal. The overall concept was approved, but each portion must be approved as it is developed. Com. Silbernik comments that he understands there are a number of different out parcels He added that it is the _ general perception of the community is that the Town Center was a parcel that is being developed by Melvin Simon and Assoc. and Stan Lieberman. It is his opinion that fewer signs strategically placed would serve the same purpose of informing the public of "Property Available." Mr. Schwartz responded that the frontage is very long and the property has been plated into 4 parcels: all retail, residential, office and congregate care. Ch. Larsen informed the petitioners that temporary, construction and leasing signs carry permit of one year. If the property is sold or leased, the signs can be changed to identify its use. Based on frontage of each 250 feet, the Code allows for a certain number of signs. The signs proposed are 4'x 8' = 32 square feet and will be 8 feet tall. Posts will be Lt. Grey to match the base, and the copy will be White on Darker Grey. Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Property Available signs as submitted for Town Place, subject to spacing and code review by the Building Department. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Silbernik, Bremner Ehrhardt, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Ten 2. Street Appurtenance (Pylon Signs )- Additional Signage Mr. Kupritz described the pylon signs and requested the addition of one primary tenant's identification sign per pylon face. There could be two different primary tenants on each of the three signs. Mr. Schwartz recalled that the presentation of the Street Furniture (Appurtenance) on Oct. 13, 1988 included the discussion of additional signage for primary tenants. Ch. Larsen asked if additional sign bands are going to be requested in the future? The representatives stated that it is their intent for only this one additional tenant band to ever be requested. The secondary sign will be no larger than the space between one 2 foot brick design. The color will be consistent with the Town Center color, but company letter style may differ. Logos will be permitted, but signs with logos will be submitted for AC approval. Mr. Kupritz said the location of the sign band, above the beam, was an aesthetic decision, chosen after review of several other locations. Ch. Larsen said that the usual restriction of signage from 70% down to 33% where there is a pylon sign, does not apply to centers with an established Sign Criteria. Com. Bremner made the following motion: I move we approve the additional tenant sign panels as submitted For the Town Center Street Appurtenance, with the following stipulations: 1 . Only one tenant per sign facing will be allowed. 2. The color of the sign and copy will match the Town Center identification. 3. Height of the additional signage is not to exceed the height of one feature strip which is approximately 2 feet. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Silbernik, Gordon, Ehrhardt, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Eleven 3. Multiple Tenant Signs: Mr. Kupritz described the architecture of the Town Center and requested. The building has a great deal of depth and some tenants will have corner spaces. Will these tenants be permitted to have multiple signs. The B-5 Ordinance states that "More than one wall sign may be permitted as a variation to this Title. . . .upon recommendation of the architectural consultant and approval by the Corporate Authorities." Ch. Larsen recalled that the Sign Criteria actually states, under General Requirements: "Each tenant shall be allowed one illuminated wall sign per street or lot facade" etc. The section was worded this way to permit the signage being requested. Ch. Larsen suggested that, where there is a plaza, consideration be given to an additional Street Appurtenance, listing the stores in the plaza. The representatives thanked Ch. Larsen For clarifying the issue. No motion was necessary. VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS Ranch Mart's facade is being remodeled as presented last year. Ch. Larsen remarked that with the colder weather, signs that require maintenance are obvious. White neon does not light. VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Bremner made a motion to adjourn. Com. Silbernik seconded the motion. Voice Vote: AYE - Unanimously The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bat , Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 12, 1989 - Page Twelve