1989-01-26 - Appearance Commission - Minutes ` , . APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1989 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. on Thursday, January 26, 1989 at the Village Hall. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Ehrhardt, E. Bremner, F. Weissman and E. Larsen Commissioners Absent: C. Bruno, M. Silbernik, and R. Gordon Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Charles Matt, Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 12, 1989 - Com. Weissman made a motion to approve as submitted. Co. Bremner seconded. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Ehrhardt, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 4. Minutes of January 12, 1989 were approved. IV. BUSINESS A. Common Edison Company - TDC 237, Landscaping Removed from Agenda at the request of Ray Rigsby, Village Forester and Bill Darling, Com Ed Representative. V. B. Space Available Sign - Dundee Road ( Striker Lanes Bldg. ) Michael Prost, Tenant Coordinator for Joseph Freed and Associates, 100 Capitol Drive, Wheeling, IL 60090 ( 312) 215-5383 ) made the presentation. Ch. Larsen reviewed the history of the Striker Lanes building on Dundee Road, East of Buffalo Grove Road. The 22 year old sign was due to be removed because of the Amortization Schedule in the Sign Code. The property was sold and the sign has been removed. The proposed "Space Available" sign is 36 sq. ft. Height and setback will be 10 feet. Colors to be: Primary Copy - - - Burgundy Maroon Logo image ( JF) - White Phone number - - - Dark Red Background - - - Light Grey Subordinate copy - Dark Grey Posts White Sign Code Section 14.32.020 permits leasing signs remain for six months with six month two extensions granted by the administrator. Mr. Prost agreed with this section. Mr. Matt said a variance may be required if the distance between the proposed sign and the existing Ranch Mart pylon sign is not 250 feet. The distance on the site plan is 244.91 feet. Ch. Larsen recalled the discussion of the sign code revision committee and questioned whether the 250 foot distance was intended for permanent signs only? Construction signs have remained after permanent signs are erected. He said the Building Department would be responsible for placement of the sign. Mr. Prost was not certain if the sign could be located on the West side of the driveway. Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the leasing sign as proposed by Joseph Freed and Associates on Dundee Rd. with the stipulation that location of the sign is subject to the approval of the Building Department. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Ehrhardt, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 26, 1989 - Page Two • C. Rit~v s Cafe'- ( Formerly Spikey Milane's ) - Lake/Cook Rd. Mr. Art Holland, Holland Design Group Inc . 1090 Brown St. Wauconda, IL 60084 ( 312) 526-8848, made the presentation. George Katsoulis, co-owner, 442 Cunningham, Palatine, IL ( 312) 991-9145 and Joan Buttitta of Trammell Crow, Itasca were also present. Mr. Holland described the proposed signage. The existing awnings will be removed. New awnings, of illuminated translucent material , will be installed. Colors to be: Ivory at the top, a Dark Blue center with a Light Pink trim strip at the bottom. More light will shine through the Ivory. The Blue and Pink will have less intensity. A corner awning will be added to join the two existing awnings together at the intersection of ( Arlington Heights Road and Lake/Cook Road. The domed awning at the entrance will be extended 7 feet to a total of 12 feet. This will give patrons more protected area. The metal supports will be painted beige. The awning will have enclosed white florescent lighting. The company logo will be located on the end of the balloon awning over the door entrance. The size of the logo is 2' .x 3 ' = 6 square feet. A new awning will be installed on the elevation facing the parking lot: and the logo was requested for this feature. . Ch. Larsen suggested using the logo on the corner awning also, as permitted by Section 14.20.120 of the Sign Code. There would be a total of three logos on awnings: south side, east side and on the southwest corner. Mr. Holland and Mr. Katsoulis appreciated this advice. Mr. Matt stated his approval as "awning" identification. Wall signs will read Ritzy 's CAFE' - White plexiglas letters with Red or Rose/Pink Neon lighting to give a Pink color. The color will definitely not be Orange. Com. Bremner- commented that this type of awning requires maintenance. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 26, 1989 - Page Three 1 . Wall Signs: Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the Ritzy 's Cafe neon illuminated letters on the South and West elevations, as submitted. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Ehrhardt, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. 2. Awnings: Com. Weissman made a motion to approve the illuminated awnings on the West (corner), South and East• elevations, as submitted; including the domed awning over the entranceway, with signage as indicated. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Ehrhardt, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Windsor Ridge on Dundee Road - Lexington Homes has asked to appeal the Appearance Commission 's recommendation relative to the elevations and the Monotony Code. The next Village Board meeting will be February 6, 1989. The Appearance Commission will be represented by Com. Fred Weissman. B. J. B. Winberie's Restaurant and Barry 's Ribs and More have displayed some neon beer signs. Advertisement of products is permitted, i.e. beer; but not brand names. Mr. Matt will discuss this issue with Mr. Hruby. C. Zierk 's Furniture Store ground sign has been changed. The sign, originally approved by the Appearance Commission, has been installed with back lighting. Ch. Larsen commented that the illumination should be approved by the Appearance Commission. He added that the "I" does not have enough neon, or has a faulty piece of neon. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 26, 1989 - Page Four The original permit was issued for a non-illuminated sign, with copy to be ZIERK'S Home Furnishings. Mr. Matt was told by the sign contractor that there was a problem obtaining the plexiglas faces, so they put up a temporary sign that read only Zierk 's. When the sign faces were completed, they were installed with lighting. Mr. Matt has requested an electri- cal permit, and he will address the quality of the neon before the permit is issued. Wall signage has been requested for the West elevation and will be submitted for Appearance Commission review. The area will be limited, per Section 14.20.090 and lighting will be permitted. Lighting of the monument sign can be discussed when the wall sign is submitted. D. Federal Express Kiosk - It has been determined that the whole kiosk, including signage, was approved by the Village Board. E. Dartmoor Subdivision Sign has been removed from the right-of-way and is now located on Dartmoor property. F. Siegle's Home and Building Center - It has been deter- mined by Mr. Hruby and Mr. Raysa that the off-premise sign requested would not be on Village property. It may require a permit from the County, but Buffalo Grove would have no jurisdiction over any signage before the property is annexed. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Weissman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ///46-a:c,/ Shirley Bates, Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 26, 1989 - Page Five