1989-04-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes T ' APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1989 I. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Dennis Ehrhardt called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. at the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. on Thursday, April 13, 1989. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Ehrhardt (Acting Chairman) C. Bruno, and M. Silbernik. QUORUM. E. Larsen (arrived at 8:15 P.M. ) Commissioners Absent: E. Bremner, R. Gordon and F. Weissman Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Charles Matt, Deputy Building Commissioner Ed Schar, Building Inspector III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Tabled. (Absence of Commissioners who attended meeting. ) IV. BUSINESS A. Village Sign System Update Modification Lee Szymborski, Asst. Village Manager, and Bruce Daniels, Viscomlabs, made the presentation of the revised signage for the Village Campus. Mr. Szymborski commented that when the Village Board reviewed the first designs, the Trustees expressed their preference to have the traditional Village logo instead of the more contemporary buffalo. The Terra Cotta band will be wider and there will be a center post instead of the two posts that were previously shown. Hr. Daniels said the shield will be dark brown or black, with light copy; and at night the colors will be reversed. The signs will be internally illuminated. The Village Board has not seen the new design, but it complies with the directions that were given. Material Specifications for the electronic reader board, Sign Location: 1. - dated March 1 , 1989, were not changed, but a drawing was not included in the packet. Mr. Daniels said the material of the face will be changed to aluminum, and the copy will also include the Village logo. The message center will remain the same. Y Cam. Bruno made following motion: I move we approve the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Sign System, revision dated 3.22.89, be adopted, as presented. Construction of the signs will be changed from two posts to a single center post, and the Village Logo Shield will be incorporated on the Terra Cotta Band. Also included as part of the Sign System, is the Reader Board, designated Sign Location: 1 - which will also include the Buffalo Grove Logo Shield. Com. Silbernik seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Silbernik, Bruno and Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. NOTE: Following Item B on the Agenda, Mr. Szymborski returned to request a temporary sign for Chippers Restaurant at Sign Location: 2. The graphics will be the same, but the sign will be constructed with plywood. It will be double-faced and will be lighted with ground flood lights. The temporary sign is important because Chippers will soon be opened for full service. It will be replaced in 2 - 3 months, after the permanent sign has fabricated. Com. Bruno made a motion to accept the temporary Chippers Restaurant sign, constructed of plywood and illuminated with flood lights, as requested for Sign Location: 2; with the stipulation that the temporary sign will be replaced with the installation of the permanent sign. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Silbernik, • Ehrhardt, Bruno, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. Ch. Larsen suggested using the reader board sign to advertise Chippers. Mr. Szymborski responded that this has been discussed, but advertising of other businesses has not been permitted and the Village should apply the same standards to Chippers. Ch. Larsen noted that the Chippers Wall Sign - #9 is not designated in the correct location on the site plan. It will be on the truncated Hall nearer Lake/Cook Road. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 13, 1989 - Page Two B. Carlyle of Buffalo Grove - Edward Schwartz & Company West side of Prairie Avenue, 3 blocks South of Route 22 Sales Trailer/Landscaping/Elevations with 3-car garages Mr. Hollis Sangster made the presentation. 1 . Sales Trailer/Landscaping The site plan was reviewed. The Gelco Trailer will have an awning as depicted. The colors will be Light and Dark Grey with White trim. The existing house will not be used at this time and it will eventually be removed. There will be a construction trailer on the site. Mr. Sangster said they will comply with Mr. Rigsby 's review, dated April 3, 1989. Specifically, the parkway along Prairie will be sodded and parkway trees will be provided along Brandywyn Lane and Prairie Avenue. Com. Silbernik made a motion to approve the Carlyle Sales Trailer with the Landscaping as presented by Edward Schwartz & Co. , with the stipulation that Ray Rigsby 's recommendations will be followed. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Silber•nik, Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0 . Mr. Sangster was advised to submit any flood lighting of the sales area to Mr. Matt for AC review. 2. 3-car options for the Fairmont, Manchester and Whitehall models which have been previously approved. a. Manchester - Elevation A A 1-car garage with a single gable has been placed next to the house with an extended 2-car garage. The Commissioners discussed the revision and did not, like the single garage next to the house, or the setback of the double garage. They would prefer to have the garage doors flush, with the single garage on the outside. The overhang can be shortened and the gable brought out far enough to allow for the gutter. The brick portion should be unbroken. Ch. Ehrhardt noted that all the other models with the 3-car option have the 1-car garage on the outside. Mr•. Sangster agreed to alter the garages as proposed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 13, 1989 - Page Three le v V Ch. Larsen arrived at 8: 15 P.M. but did not chair the Carlyle Subdivision review. b. Whitehall - Elevation I3 The 3-car option is acceptable as presented. The Manchester could have the same modification. Com. Silbernik made a motion to approve the Manchester and Whitehall models, including the 3-car option, for construction in the Carlyle Subdivision with the stipulation that the fronts of garages are flush and that the single doors are toward the outside of the buildings. All other items pertaining to these houses have been previously approved, according to the letter, dated March 29, 1989, from Ed Schwartz to Charles Matt. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Silbernik, Bruno, Larsen and Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to O. Mr. Sangster was advised to submit complete new drawings to the Building Department; for, review. 3. The Fairmont - Elevations A and C . No 3-car option to be offered, Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the Fairmont model , as previously approved, for construction in the Carlyle Subdivision. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Silbernik, Bruno, Larsen and Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to O. 4. The Carlyle - Elevations A, B & C . The same materials and color selections will be used that were previously approved for the Devonshire and Windfield developments. All have masonry fireplaces with brick chimneys. There is no 3-car option. For Monotony Code purposes Elevations A and B will be considered the same, and Elevation C is different. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 13, 1989 - Page Four- Com. Larsen made motion to approve the Carlyle model, Elevations A, B and C as submitted for the Carlyle Subdivision, with the stipulation that for Monotony Code purposes, Elevations A and B will be considered the same and Elevation C is different. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Larsen and Ehrhardt NAY - Silbernik Motion Passed - 3 to 1 . 5. Oxford and Oxford II - Elevations A and B. The Oxford II is the same as the Oxford except for the addition of an angled bay window in the breakfast room. There are 3-car options with both front and side load garages for Elevation A. Coon. Larsen questioned the 6.5 ft. side yard with the side load garage. The zoning district is R-3. Side yard requirement. is 10M of lot width, but not less that 16 Feet combined. The Oxford has an optional fireplace in the center• of the house and the chimney is on the rear elevation. The fireplace is a pre-fab with an aluminum chimney which .is not seen from the front; of the house. For Monotony Code purposes Elevations A and B will be considered different, but an Oxford and Oxford II cannot; be built next to each other•. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the Oxford and the Oxford II models, as submitted for the Carlyle, as presented. Elevation A has a 2-car garage, with optional 3-car garage, with both front and side loads. Elevation B has only a 2-car front load garage. • Elevations A and B are considered significantly different for the Monotony Code, but an Oxford and and Oxford II cannot be built next to each other, because they are basically the same house. Cony. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote= AYE - Bruno, Silbernik, Larsen► and Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - . to O. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 13, 1969 - Page Five 6. The Westminster• - Elevations A and B. Elevations A and B ar•e to be considered the same for the Monotony Code. Elevation A is offered with only a 2-car garage. Elevation B has both front and side load, 3-car optional garages. Mr. Matt questioned the installation of the vertical siding because it is difficult to get a good water- tight seal. Mr. Sangster described their method of construction. A plywood sheathing is installed with either optional tieback, or a standard protective aluminum foil waterproof paper• under the siding. A different type of siding that is connected evenly_ Cedar shingles are also offered as an option. Com. Silbernik made a motion to approve the Westminster model for the Carlyle Subdivision, as presented with the 3-car option offered for Elevation B only ( front and side loads ) and the stipulation that. Elevations A and B are considered the same for Monotony Code purposes - Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Silbernik, Larsen and Ehrhardt, NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to U . Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the materials and color packages for the Carlyle, Westminster, Oxford and Oxford II new models to be built in Buffalo Grove as stipulated in the letter, dated March 29, 1989, from Ed Schwartz to Charles Matt. Com. Silbernik seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Silbernik, Bruno, Larsen and Ehrhardt NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0._ **NOTE: Ch. Larsen, who had been delayed at O'Hare Field, thanked Com. Ehrhardt for chair•i_ng the meeting. The rest of the meeting was chaired by Mr•_ Larsen, including the second Chippers ' motion on Page Two, APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 13, 1989 - Page Six. =-T V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Plaza at Buffalo Grove Sign Package Revision Ch. Larsen said he has reviewed a copy of the revision and it appears to have the suggested changes incorporated. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the revised Sign Package as submitted by The Plaza at Buffalo Grove. Com. Silbernik seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Silbernik ( He war; not present during the original discussion. > Motion Passed - 3 to 0, 1 abstention. Ch. Larsen said the revised copy should be checked with the AC minutes of March 23rd to verify the changes. B. A letter was received from Ms. Carol Smith, Lieberman Management Corp. relative to the landscaped buffer between Oak Creek II and the new Plaza construction to the North. The landscaping has already been approved. Ch. Larsen directed that a copy of the AC minutes and diagram should be sent to Ms. Smith with the recommendation that, if she has any questions, she should contact Mr. Ray Rigsby. C . Regarding the signs posted by recent: Village candidates, the duct tape that was used has left some residue on the Corten posts. The tape will not permit the posts to oxidize properly. Other signs were, put up with glue. Ch. Larsen commented that Mr. Raysa has been asked to draft language that would impose some constraints on future candidates. His recommendation will be referred to the AC for action. Some provision for permitting garage sale signs on the parkways is also being considered. The Commissioners noted that there was an overabundance of signs on light poles, etc. and they were in general agree- ment that staked signs on the parkways were preferable. The candidates are permitted to put up signs 30 days prior to the election and remove them within 7 days afterward. ID. Com. Bremner had called the secretary to ask that the minutes include a reference to the old Village Campus: directional sign on Lake/Cook Road, West of the Village Hall . The 4" x 4" post is leaning badly. The sign cannot be read and it should be removed. Mr. Matt will inform the Public Works Department. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 13, 1989 - Page Seven V. ADJOURNMENT Com. Silbernik made a motion to adjourn Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, "77 4047' Shirley Bates, Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 13, 1989 - Page Eight