1989-05-11 - Appearance Commission - Minutes • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, MAY 11 , 1989 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7:36 P.M. on Thursday, May 11 , 1989 at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: E. Bremner, R. Gordon and E. Larsen Commissioners Absent: D. Ehrhardt, C. Bruno, M. Silbernik and F. Weissman Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Charles Matt, Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Michael O'Malley, Trustee 13 III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. March 23, 1989 - Com. Bremner made a motion to approve as submitted. Com. Gordon seconded. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed: 3 to 0. Minutes of March 23, 1989 approved and will be placed on file. B. April 27, 1989 - Corn. Gordon made a motion to approve as submitted. Com. Bremner seconded. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed : 3 to 0. Minutes of April 27, 1989 approved and will be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Clifford Chrysler - Wall Sign, 925 W. Dundee Road Chuck Sheehan, Ahern Signs, 3257 S. Harding, Chgo - 60626, (254-0717) made the presentation. A special material is being prepared for the front, right and left sides of the building. The Blue color will match the pole sign; and the lettering, Clifford Chrysler, will be White. The returns will match the Blue background. The fascia height is 6 feet, letters will be on a 3 foot band with equal borders at the top and bottom. The colors of the band and existing fascia will be compatible. Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the addition of the fascia panel si.gnage at Clifford Chrysler on Dundee Road, with lettering as presented, with the stipulation that the aluminum retainers be Blue to match the background color of the plastic faces. The sign band will follow the radius bands at the ends of the canopies. White letters will be mounted as submitted. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. B. The Plaza at Buffalo Grove 1 . Pylon Sign on Dundee Road - Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals for Variance Presentation was made by Mr. Don Parker, General Partner of The Plaza at Buffalo Grove Partnership and Joe Cheney, North Shore Sign, 1925 Industrial Drive, Libertyville, IL 600.8 ( 81 6-7020 ) On March 23, 1989, the Appearance Commission approved a Plaza pylon sign to be located on Buffalo Grove Road. Mr. Parker requested an identical pylon sign to be located at the entrance on Dundee Road. The drawing presented reflected the stipulations of the AC motion made on March 23, 1989: 5 tenant panels only, tenant background color to be opaque Green to match the awnings and letters to be Yellow. Mr. Parker said the tenants listed on the Dundee Rd. sign panels will be the same as Buffalo Grove Rd. sign panels. Mr. Matt listed the variances required: a. Size with relation to frontage on Dundee Road. b. Distance between signs, closer than 250 feet to the Taco Bell Sign to the east. c. Setback from the side property line. The total height of the sign will be 17' 8", and the sign will be setback about 10 feet. Mr. Channey presented photographs of the site, depicting the existing Ranch Mart sign and the Taco Bell sign, etc. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 11 , 1989 - Page Two Com. Bremner made a motion to recommend to the Zoning Board of Appeals that the variances be granted for the entrance sign on Dundee Road for Plaza at Buffalo Grove, with the stipulation that it matches the previously approved sign on Buffalo Grove Road, in detail and number of tenant panels. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote= AYE - Gordon, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. 2. Building Material Clarification Mr. Lance Chody, General Partner, The Plaza of Buffalo Grove, recalled that when he made the presentation of the new building at the North end of The Plaza, the AC approved a Driv-it system to encompass the entire building This was never the intention of the owners. The north and west walls are service areas and there are loading docks. The Driv-it System would chip very easily and repairs would be costly. The material intended was concrete blocks painted to match the bonded Driv-it system. Mr. Mark Bi Ganci , Plaza Architect, presented samples of the actual Driv-it material and the concrete block with matching paint applied. He described the Driv-it material and explained that it punctures very easily, allowing moisture to seep in. The concrete blocks will be covered with a Thorough System, a sprayed on rubberized material . The joints will be hidden. Ch. Larsen said he has no problem with either material but the AC would be concerned because there are residential areas to the north and west. Also the rear of the building will be seen from Buffalo Grove Road. Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the proposed change of material for the north and west walls of the new addition to The Plaza at Buffalo Grove, from a Driv-it System to a Thorough System (concrete block ) with the stipulation that the joints shall be flush struck and not be seen. The finished color shall match the color and texture that was previously approved. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to O. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 11 , 1969 - Page Three C. Chevy Chase Business Park - Ground Sign, Lake/Cook Road Mr. John Johnson, Johnson Sign Co. , 9615 Waveland, Franklin Park, IL 60131 (678-2092 ) presented two signs. 1 . The Chevy Chase Business Park permanent sign will be located on Lake/Cook Road at the entrance into Johnson Dr. The existing temporary sign will be taken down when the permanent sign is erected. The sign will be constructed on a flagstone base with cast aluminum letters on an aluminum plate background. Lights may be added in the future. Ch. Larsen questioned whether the entire structure is a sign, or a wall with a sign. The height of the base is 6'4" and walls are limited to 6 ft. There is enough frontage on Lake/Cook Road for the a 60+ sf. and Mr. Matt agreed it could be considered a sign. Colors will either be Brown background with White letters and a Red line; or Green with Gold letters and a Red line. Both combinations are Hamilton Partners' corporate colors. _Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the permanent doublefaced sign as submitted by Hamilton Partners for Chevy Chase Business Park. Size will be 6'4" x 15' . Either color combination will be acceptable. Lighting may be added at a later date, if desired. Removal of the existing temporary sign to be coincidental with the installation of this sign. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. 2. 600 Lake/Cook Road, "Now Leasing" Sign - 8' x 15 will be located in front of the building. Colors will be the same as the other signs within the complex. The ends will be boxed and the posts will be painted. Mr. Johnson was informed that the sign must be 250 feet away frcm► the Zierk 's sign on Lake/Cook Road. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 11 , 1989 - Page Four Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the "Now Leasing" sign to be located on the East property in Buffalo Grove Business Park, in front of 600 Lake/Cook Road. Com. Brenner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. D. Federal Express - Ground Sign, Lake/Cook Road Mr. Mike Rolfes, Hamilton Partners, described the Federal Express permanent monumental ground sign to be installed on the west side of the entranceway on Lake/Cook Road. The sign will be constructed with the basic building materials: polished granite base with aluminum corporate letters that have a brass finish. The paint used will be Matthews gold/brass. Letters will be backlit and the lighting will illuminate the granite also, similar to Zierk's. The size of the sign will be 10 ' wide x 5'7". Ch. Larsen commented that the letter style does not illuminate well with the type of lighting proposed. He recommended ground illumination. Pir. Rolfs agreed that illumination is also a concern of theirs and they will run tests before the final decision is made. The letter depth is approximately 5 Inches with a standoff of about 3 inches. Faces will have clear lexan inside the seal for safety. Ch. Larsen suggested that if ground illumination is selected, the letters should be flush, so there are no shadows. Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Federal Express Ground Sign as submitted with the discussion about the illumination, as recorded, be included as part of the motion. Proper spacing of the sign is to be verified by Mr. Matt, with the further stipulation that removal of the existing temporary sign is to be coincidental with the installa- tion of the permanent sign. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 11 , 1989 - Page Five - E. Chevy Chase Business Park, West - Building No, 2 Full Review - Hamilton Partners, Developer Mr. Bruce Bingham, Hamilton Partners, Hamilton Lakes, 300 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143-2681 ( 250-4920 ) described the existing and proposed buildings at Chevy Chase. Building 2 will be constructed on Hastings Lane, with parking in front, the truck docks in the rear and the office portion facing the existing lake. Mr. Ed Snoble, V.P. of Wilson/Jenkins, Architects, 300 Park Blvd. , Suite 250, Itasca, IL 60143 (250-9100 ) described the elevations and materials. 1 . Architecture/Materials a. Brick - The canopy will be 2 shades of grey with a black inset between. (The other buildings in Chevy Chase Business Park are shades of grey with medium blue accents. ) b. Precast concrete wall panels will be off-white. (Matching the other buildings. ) c . Columns are poured-in-place concrete, painted off-white. d. Truck dock will be screened with a 60 foot long, 14 '10" concrete retaining wall . ( Building No. 3 will have a matching wail . ) e. Dock doors and all exterior metal will be painted dark grey. f. Windows - Frames will be dark anodized bronze with bronze glass. The building is designed for two other possible tenants. The roof is 25 feet and the small roof top units will be set back about 60 feet from the edge of building and will not be seen except from the highway overpass. Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Elevations and Materials for Building 2 at the Chevy Chase Business Park as submitted by Hamilton Partners. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 11 , 1989 - Page Six 2. Lighting: The lighting will be the typical Chevy Chase Business Park shoebox fixtures mounted on medium bronze posts, with 400 watt, HPS lamps. There will be wall mounted lights at the dock area. Ch. Larsen asked about using black posts because of the black building detail, but the representatives preferred to have all the Chevy Chase Business Park lighting to be the same. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Lighting as submitted For Building 2 at Chevy Chase Business Park. Corn. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. 3. Landscaping: Presentation was made Mr. Tom Hartman, By Design, Inc. , 8600 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631 ( 714-0500 ) Conceptually, the landscape design is the same as throughout the rest of Chevy Chase Business Park with natural groupings of trees along the parkways. At key areas, such as building entrances, loading areas, etc . , evergreens and clump trees. The lake will have additioual plantings of shade trees and flowering trees. The buildings entrances have plantings of flowering shrubs, evergreen shurbs and ground covering. No park area is being planned at this time, but removable picnic tables may be added. Mr. Hartman agreed to the Village Forester's recommenda- tions including 7 foot Austrian Pine trees and parkway trees along Hastings Lane. Parkway trees will exceed the minimum number required. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Landscaping Plan as submitted for Building 2 at Chevy Chase Business Park, subject to the Village Forester's Review of 5/4/89. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call. Vote: AYE - Gordon, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 11 , 1989 - Page Seven t - V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Matt distributed copies of the Lou Malnatis Pizzeria sign that was approved by the Wheeling Appearance Commission subject to the Buffalo Grove AC 's approval . Mr. Matt has been informed that the Wheeling Engineering Dept. has determined that the proposed location_ is on a floodway and before Wheeling will issue a permit, Mr. Malnati must obtain a permit from the Division of Water Resources. The Wheeling AC also stipulated that the colors match the colors of the sign that was approved for the walls of the building. The reason given the Lake/Cook Road sign being different than the sign approved for Buffalo Grove Road, was to give people a preview of the building materials and wall signage. Ch. Larsen commented that he has no problem with the sign except for the lighting fixtures and the possibility of light impacting drivers on Lake/Cook Road. Mr. Matt replied that this has been discussed with Mr. Malnati . If necessary, the fixtures can be redirected toward the sign, or the lights can be shielded. Mr. Matt has informed Mr. Malnati that he cannot feed power from Buffalo Grove into Wheeling. Power will probably come from the overhead ComEd light pole. Com. Gordon made a motion to approve the Lou Malnatis Pizzeria sign as submitted, subject to the Building Department 's review of the lighting fixtures, to protect the traffic from light projection. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 3 to 0. Ch. Larsen introduced and welcomed Trustee Michael O'Malley as the new Village Board Liaison to the Appearance Commission. Com. Gordon made a motion to adjourn. Com. Bremner seconded. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 9: 10 PM. Respectfully submitted, j/Z/ 3 ‘Z-Ze Y , Recording - Shirley Ba Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb • May 11 , 1989 - Page Eight