1989-07-27 - Appearance Commission - Minutes -e-- APPEARANCE U1fl VILLAGE OF DUFFALO GROVE, iLLINUfl.-:: THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1989 CALL TO ORDER Con 1..1 Bremner chaira,d the nee . in and called it to order at 1..11, at the Vilate Hail , .O aupp Blvd. on Thursday, sJ ! ;'77 1989. ROLL CALL Cummtsioners Present.: E. Bremner, R. Gordon and F. Weissman. Commissioners Absent: E. Larsen, D. Ehrhardt, C. Bruno and Ti. Silbernik Bldg . ,:;e0t. Liaison Charles Matt, • Deputy Buildin "tommissioner Schar, Building inspector VZIlage Board Liaison: 1. O'Malley, ''rlistee AiTROVALoFMINUTES .5nly 1 ::3, 1969 - Deferred Lecause ot al147ence of Commissioners. • IV. DuSINESS A. Talman Home Federal. .Savings and Loan ATiltlac4ine f, j t7.9Pg Curt Hezner, 3ank Structures, Inc . , P.O. Box 575, High land Park, L 0035 ( 312 ) 43::;-7300 made the presentation. The p; i,ins and a photograph of f.he ATM ,-,xtender with signage was dencr3oed. The ex. sting ahsolet e 'i1 machine will be removed and !Ale brick repaired. The new ATM ": mar* Unit" will located at lAle iirst dr- v -np window 4 ,r frc%m a car. of unit.. is .1JJ iiecause tt 1.4.4111,7. ro)ng inntalted diCf-lrent Jnclding Des Plaines, Arljngton Heights, Melrose Park and Skokie. Installation will take about four days . ]'he new unit_ wi l i. he put, in se'fore :he existing a:tacnine.3 is removed. The sign n box ?..- 10'• with approximately Z" lettering. The background et the Sign will be whii,e w th the neua3. green Cash Statiou, and Tatman blue log including the "Pius," indicating this is a nationwide network. Each end will have 24 Hour Banking in Green. Co'. Weissman made a motion to approve the new ATM machine with signag e as presented, for ?'almaei home Federal Savings 11< Loan on Dundee Road. Com. Gordon seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Wei c maaa, .13r raer NAY - None Motion on Passed - 3 to O- B. Zie-•rtc 's Furniture - Wall Sig i oni..a}==_ i uok Road T j.a}a .Beechick, Hamilton Partners, .t n..- . , Hamilton Lakes, Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 601 't i..- 681 ( 1123 250-4920 made the presentation. Mr. Beechick described the wall sign . The letters will be Aluminum, with baked on green en;wie t to match the e'anopy.. The "L" is 4 feet ) high and the width of the sign is 6' >' The sign w=_j be installed on the high part of the west face of the building to alert people traveling east; to watch for the next place to turn in, because there is no way to enter from the west . The letters will be non-illuminated. 'There ere some berms on that side of the building and ground lights will be hidden within the berm. dr. Beechick said that back lihting of the letters would not give adequate illumination because of the dark brick background. The same problem exists with the ground sign. Originally the sign had a dark background , but it was changed to ,old. Coo. Weissman comamentt.ej that fare should to Laken to shield the light from oncost i.ug traffic Lc :yn.Sig .4est. Mr. eecia is;k eaI d they were ; ware of t.h_ e end have planned ' to ,add 1andsc;:.piag including an Austrian Pine tree for year around c:ruen.iaag. i f . AIU NCE CGMN T.>SION .ire j. v t?,/J , - Page:_' Two S. Mr. iiatt said t'io sign can be illuminated from the ground with an electrical permit. He sul.‘;esLed using cone shaped rixenrk,s with recessed bulbs, no that the light-- is thrown in a straight line. A double ifi4-7,ture may be needed- Mr. heechick agreed and appreciated the suggestion. Coin. Gordon made a motion to approve the Zierk 's wall sign -on the west slde of the building, with the proviso that an Austrian Pine be installed to prevent light spillage. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AVE - Gordon, Weissman and Bremner NAY - None lotion Passed - 3 to O. C. Shell. Oil Station - 55 W. Dundee Road Now ion Sign - Recommendation for 713A Variance Mr. Joe Rategan, Corkill Electric Co. , 1645 E. Carboy Rd . Arli.ngton Heights, IL 60005 ( 312 .) 228-7000 and 3ill Fell , Manager of Shell made the presentation. The new pylon will replace the voneonforming sign. The e of the sign will be 54 square Feet, 12 feet in height. The size meets the requirements of the Code and they can meet the 12 Foot setback from Dundee Road. The reason for the variance is for the distance from the west property line which is the entrance to the car wash. • The ign will be setback only 3 feet From the west property line. Colors will be the Shell logo colors, red background for the yellow shell and yellow background with black letters. Mr. Matt commented that the proposed sign is a distinct improvement over the existing sign. Com. Gordon observed that the Car Wash is not indicated on the sign. Mr. Rategan responded that the car wash can be seen when car z.; enter and apparently the owner has not requested that it to included or; the sign. Com , Weissman made a motion to x•ecuounend approval of the new .; ell pylon on Dundee Road as presented, I.e the Gordon seek:nded the motion. Roil Call Vot,-“ AYE - Gordon, Weissman And are-inner NAV - None NoLion Passed - 3 i () APPEARANCE mnmissION 19 - Page Three / V _ AN?3i1tIi�FCFMENT - . Cherbourg berms were inspected and '•;t4,ey are all landscaped on both sides. The Crossings Center wa.; pulled from the Village Board Consent Agenda and will be discussed at the Village Board meeting on Monday, August; V, 1989. AC Commissioners were invited to attend the Board Meeting and make comments. The Trustees wanted to confirm that the drawings presented to the AC are the same ones ,_at proved by the Plan Ccmr. As Ear as Mr. Matt and Mr. Pfeil can ascertain, they are the same exhibits . The AC minutes wt ~e uncertain as to whether- each building is to be submitted for AC eev:: +_.w and approval. Mr. O'Malley commented that the Crossings residents who have been present at the meetings ;want assurance as to exactly what has been approved s'or construction. The ;" x 4" posts of the Vila Vilaee directional sign on Lake/Cook Road was sign was straightened, but the sign has : ''.en removed. 4. tom. Gordon commented that the Chrysler Blue band that has teen added to the top of the building is not compatible Lb the color of the original fascia panel . The color is to oe researched. The panel may possibly be repainted. Spi_er.tei.n Shopping Center tenants have been informed about Lite .:3% window sign limitation. 6. Some of the posts at The Plaza at FAilfa_io Grove seem to be in the middle of the sidewalk area. This will be checked. The trees have been installed north and south of the new driveway, but: the final grading has not been done. The Plaza at- Buffalo Grove py ton sign on Dundee Road was Tabled because of size. The ZBA Basked that it be reduced. .II . ;{t=,sr?t=l;Nt1FNT C_;ir . Weissman in mde ca motion to adjourn. i'<_•nr. t;c ruon seconded the motion. Ch. i<r emner- adjourned the meeting at. 8:30 i'.;1. Respectfully nui.'ariLteezi, Shirley Bate Recording Secretary APPEARANCE CC1t1I:;:;ION •.iraiy ��, , ?8r4 --- Y''.ne Four.