1988-01-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1988 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7:42 P.M. at the Village Hall , 50 Raupp Blvd. , on Thursday, January 28, 1988. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: M. Mc Call , E. Bremner, D. Ehrhardt, H. Riebman, C. Bruno and E. Larsen. QUORUM PRESENT. Commissioners Absent: B. Owens Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Mr. Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. Deputy Building Commissioner Others Present: Mr. Frank E. Hruby, Jr. Director of Building and Zoning Mr. Charles Matt Bldg. Dept. Electrical Inspector Mr. William Raysa, Village Attorney III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 14, 1988 - Com. Bremner made a motion to approved as submitted. Com. Mc Call seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Riebman, Bremner Mc Call and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Ehrhardt Minutes of January 14, 1988 were approved as submitted and will be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Barry 's - Ribs and More Illimination of Ground Sign Mr. Steve Goldzweig, Best Neon Sign Co. and Mr. Bill Pritts, Manager of Barry 's at 195 W. Dundee Road, were present. Mr. Goldzweig recalled that the ground sign was approved in 1985, and now they are requesting the addition of red neon tubing within the lettering and white neon tubing around the border of the sign. The reason is to make the sign more visible. Ch. Larsen stated that there is not problem with the design or effect of the neon, but there is some concern about giving approval for something that is dangerous. The sign is very low profile, in comparison with Barry 's sign in Schaumburg. The letters can be reached from the ground and there will be 15,000 volts of electrical current in the exposed wires. The AC is actually only responsible for the aesthetics of the sign and the Building Department is responsible for the approval of the electrical aspects of the neon lighting. Mr. Goldzweig explained that all the electrical is internal , and only a small amount external wiring will be seen going into PK housings at each end. A trap door will be cut into the wood, and the sign is deep enough for all the electrical work. A few spots of exposed wiring will be around the border where the double-backs are located. Ch. Larsen commented that the AC has never approved an outdoor neon sign before, and the Sign Code does not prohibit them. Some previous AC Commissioners have had personal objections to exposed neon lights. The location of the sign was discussed. Mr. Saviano said that it is only about 5 to 6 feet away from the sidewalk in front of the building. Mr. Goldzweig commented that the sign is surrounded with a rock garden and shrubbrey. They intend to eliminate the two existing flood lights. He asked that "Ribs and More" also be included in the request for red neon tubing. Ch. Larsen recalled his original suggestion was to have a brighter sign because the dark letters would not be seen. Mr. Pritts responded that the man who designed the sign had assured him that it would give them exposure from the street, but it does not. People who know where Barry 's is have said they go past it because the sign is not visible. APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 28, 1988 - Page Two The Commis i-iers considered the expla 11on of the electrical constructio?1''and the effect of the neon on the sign. There were no objections. Com. Mc Call made a motion to approve the addition of neon to the Barry 's Ribs and More sign as submitted: Barry 's Ribs and More to be Red Tubing The border to be White Tubing, about 5 inches in from the edge of the sign. Recommendation is subject to review and approval of the Building Department with regard to the electrical safety of the sign. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Ch. Larsen suggested the use of 60 miliamp transformer on the White neon because in cold weather the lights won 't go on. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Riebman, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. B. Hamilton Partners, Buffalo Grove Business Park FULL REVIEW - Phase 8, 4 Story Office Building Presentation was made by Mr. Tim Beechick, Hamilton Partners, One Pierce Plaza, Suite 770, Itasca, IL 60143. Mr. Beechick described the site plan and the proposed 4 Story Office Building, which will have 95,000 sf. of rental space. 1 . MATERIALS AND ELEVATIONS: a. Granite Stone Skin, with 2-Tone Finish The main color will be polished swedish mohogny granite, and the lighter color accent stripe is the same stone with an unpolished finish. b. Glass will be reflective glass is Fire Opal , a reddish bronze tint. It is installed with a butt-joint glazing system. A small seam will be seen between each piece of glass. c . Over the building is a heavy mullion, bronze in color, similar to the framing systems in the rest of the Business Park. APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 31 , 1988 - Page Three d. The front ,pry is also bronze reflecJe glass, heavy hori'Z'6nal and vertical mullions. e. The height of the building is 50 feet, with a higher area of penthouse screening over the center. ( The Federal Express Building is approximately 65 feet. ) The granite stones, called a Vista Wall System, are installed by the glazing contractor. They come pre-assembled and pre- cut ready for installation. The color is the same color-tone as the rest of the Business Park buildings. The Federal Ex- press Building has a redder color. The building will face South, with the golf course is to the North. Mr. Beechick commented that they do not expect much glass breakage from golfers because the setback is sufficient. Com. Mc Call made a motion to approve the Materials and Elevations of the Phase 8, 4 Story Building, at the Buffalo Grove Business Park, as presented by Hamilton Partners. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Riebman, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 2. LANDSCAPING: Mr. Mark Poliak, Assistant Manager, Brickman Industries, Inc . , Long Grove Rd. , L. Gr. 60047. . Mr. Poliak described the overall landscape plan of the Buffalo Grove Business Park and added that the landscaping of the 4 Story Building is similar. There is a mixture of evergreens and decidious trees. Berms have been used to raise the trees and to better screen the golf course and the parking lot from the golf course. There will be a sidewalk from the street to the building. One change was from two islands in the parking lot to one large bermed island with trees. The dumpster area will be screened with a Pine Tree and 3 to 4 foot shrubs to create a solid wall . With reference to the Village Forester 's Review, dated January 27, 1988: 1 . All existing trees have been previously installed as parkway trees, and all varieties were approved. Some will be transplanted, and some used as driveway trees. There are no scrub trees on the site. APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 28, 1988 - Page Four 2. rway Maples will be subs ,.uted for Sugar Maples inpleking lots. Sugar Maples‘Will be kept on the berms where salt will not affect them. 3. Sizes and species of trees have been mixed to give variety, including a grouping of large Character Pines. They will be accented with flowers. 4. Agree to Mr. Rigsby 's Recommendations. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Landscaping, including the Trash Enclosure, for Phase 8 ( 4 Story Office Building ) at the Buffalo Grove Business Park, as submitted, subject to the Village Forester 's Review and Recommendations dated Jan. 27, 1988. Com. Riebman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Bremner, Bruno, Reibman, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 3. LIGHTING: Mr. Beechick noted that the site plan submitted did not show the proposed location of the parking lot lights. He brought corrected plans for submission. There will be three types of exterior lighting: a. Parking Lot Lights will meet Village standards with regard to foot candles, etc . They are consistent in height and quality with the rest of the Buffalo Grove Business Park. The height of the standards will be 30 feet, not 35 feet as shown. This will conform with the Buffalo Grove street lighting on Weidner Road. Winberries and Federal Express will also have 30 feet parking lot lights. Lights in the parking lots will be on concrete bases and not on the islands, because of the landscaping. Bases will be 2-1 /2 feet and pole height 29-1 /2 feet. k b. Entry Lights on the West, North and Southeast sides of the building, will be 42 inch square shaped decorative Bollards, with High Pressure Sodium bullbs. ( Cut sheet incorrectly shows Mercury Vapor bulbs. ) c . Private Driveway Lights will be 30 foot poles with a shoebox fixture, to match other Business Park lights. APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 28, 1988 - Page Five Com. Mc Call �e a motion to approve the` jghting Fixtures for se 8 ( The 4 Story Office ilding ) at the Buffalo Grove Business Park, as submitted. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Riebman, Erhardt, Bremner, Mc Call and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . ZIERK 'S FURNITURE STORE - Parking Lot Lights Mr. Beechick said they have re-considered the Lights on the islands in the parking lots and have decided that it would be better to re-locate two lights so that the landscaping will not interfere with the landscaping. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the re-location of two parking lot lights at Zierk 's Furniture Store, as proposed. Com. Riebman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Riebman, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . C . Subway - Sandwiches and Salads Wall Sign - Country Court, 161 W. Dundee Road Representative was not present, but Mr. Saviano said the reason he has denied the sign is because the letter style, color, and lights do not conform with the Country Court Sign Package. The landlord has approved the sign. The sign was discussed, and the Commissioners concluded: 1 . Illuminated signs are not included in the Sign Package, but they are not specifically excluded. Also, there are two neon signs on the new atrium portion of the building. 2. The letter style is a nationally recognized logo. 3. Yellow is not a specified color, but the AC is not restrictive of color. Sandwiches and Salads would not be illuminated. The Yellow neon would not be exposed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 28, 1988 - Page Six ;p ti Ch. Larsen ,3ed that the sign is tota within the Buffalo Grove Sign dinance. Mr. Saviano noted that he added the letter heights, 12 inches for Subway and 6 inches for Sandwiches and Salads, because these are the sizes specified in the Sign Package. If the size requested meets the Sign Code, could the height of the letters be different? Ch. Larsen replied, "Yes." Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Sign as submitted, for Subway, Sandwiches and Salads: 1 . Subway - 12" internally illuminated, Yellow letters 2. Sandwiches/Salads - 6" non-illuminated, Yellow letters Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Bremner, Bruno, Riebman, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . V. ORIENTATION WORKSHOP Com. Mc Call made a motion to Adjourn to Workshop at 8:40 P.M. Com. Riebman seconded the motion. Voice Vote: AYE Unanimously Participants in The Workshop were introduced. The Village Board Liaison, Ms. Melanie Kowalski was present. A. Ch. Larsen began the Workshop by explaining that it is being held to enlighten the new commissioners about the function of the Appearance Commission and to outline its limits. One purpose of the AC is to keep up the Village's fine aesthetic image and maintain controls. B. Mr. Frank Hruby, Director of Building and Zoning reviewed the Appearance Plan, which provides guidance to the Commission relating to the objectives and criteria for aesthetic review. He said the character of buildings should relate to the site as well as to adjacent sites. Landscape buffers are to be provided. Scale is .important, and design should be similar to the surrounding area. Lighting is kept under control by photometric studies and review by the Village Engineer. Signage must meet the Sign Code Criteria and be compatible with the building and surrounding areas. APPEARANCE COMMISSION January 28, 1988 - Page Seven Landscape Designs are viewed by the Village Forl ;er for quality, durability ar�✓use. \•/ C . Mr. William Raysa, Village Attorney began by saying that he works very closely with Mr. Hruby. He gave explanations of the following Village Ordinances: 1 . Home Rule Municipality - Buffalo Grove has the authority to enact rules that go beyond State Statutes. 2. Open Meeting Act - Prohibits Commission meetings without a quorum. Discussions of issues must only be carried on at the published meeting times. 3. Freedom of Information Act. 4. The IRMA - Intergovernmental Insurance Pool . 5. The AC is governed by and Ordinance passed by the Village Board. All Ordinances will require some amount of interpretation. 6. Sign Code - Litigation sometimes occurs, and then it is necessary for Mr. Raysa and Mr. Hruby to make a written interpretation and if necessary, change the Sign Code ( or Fence Code, etc. ) . It is possible to take the authority of review of signage out of the hands of the AC, by including it in the annexation agreement. 7. Mr. Raysa concluded with an overall explanation of the annexation process and reviewed some of the current and past court cases involving disputes with neighboring municipalities. Ch. Larsen concluded the Workshop with the statement that the AC is no longer an adversary of the business community, but it is now considered a friend who works with petitioners. He said the AC Commissioners are welcome to speak their own opinions. It is the purpose of the Commission to act as professionals, and it should not antagonize petitioners. Mr. Saviano added that if AC Commissioners will take a look at the location of the properties to be reviewed, it will facility the conducting of the meeting and eliminate unncessary questions. VI . ADJOURNMENT Ch. Larsen thanked the participants and expressed his apprecia- tion to the Commissioners for their attendance and service to the Village. He added that when an AC decision is appealed to the Village Board, it would be helpful if Commissioners were notified so they can attend the Board Meeting and express opinions. Mr. Hruby remarked that he and Ch. Larsen have a good working relationship. The AC is important to the functioning of B.G. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 10 : 10 P.M. Re,p ctfully submitted, Shirley Bate Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb January 28, 1988 - Page Eight