1988-05-09 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation ITEMS XI. P — T ftrol TO: Mr. William R. Balling Village Manager FROM: Charles Matt Deputy Building Commissioner DATE: May 9, 1988 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: I. M. Lenchner Construction Company Shopping Center/Apartments - Buffalo Grove Road A. Elevations/Materials B. Landscaping/Lighting C. Construction Sign II. Covington Corporate Center Spec Building #30 A. Elevations/Materials B. Lighting/Landscaping III. Town Center A. Revised Landscaping B. Leasing Trailer/Landscaping C. Lighting Change for Phase I IV. Buffalo Grove Park District Emmerich Park Maintenance and Recreation Bldg. A. Elevations/Materials B. Lighting/Landscaping C. Signage V. Lou Malnati's Pizzeia (Old Buffalo House) A. Elevations/Materials B. Lighting/Landscaping C. Signage The above items may be placed on the Agenda for action by the Village Board of Trustees. The minutes, and copies of the supporting exhibits are attached. Please be advised that the minutes have not been approved. S3.ace harles Matt, Deputy Building Commissioner CM/sb enclosures xc: Frank E. Hruby, Jr. Director of Building and Zoning T 1 APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1988 I . CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Ed Bremner called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. at the Village Hall , on Thursday, April 28, 1988. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: B. Owens, M. Mc Call , D. Ehrhardt, C. Bruno and E. Bremner. E. Larsen arrived at 8:00 P.M. Commissioners Absent: None Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Charles Matt, Electrical Inspector Supt. of Public Works Operations, Raymond Rigsby was present for New Business Items A and C . ( Town Center and Public Works Bldg. ) I . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Deferred until after business meeting. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Landis and Gyr Powers, Inc. Ground Sign - Covington Corporate Center • Mr. Mark Christensen, Development Manager of HSA, Inc. made the presentation. The sign will be positioned upon a berm in front of the building on Deerfield Parkway. It will double-faced, perpendicular to the road. The colors will be White Lettering on a Brilliant Blue background. These are the corporate colors. The vertical struts and base will be Medium Gray as shown on the drawing. The sign is constructed with aluminum framing and painted with baked enamel lettering. Mr. Christensen was uncertain if landscaping is planned for the base, but he would not oppose this as a condition. This is the first building identification sign at Covington Corporate Center. The business has about 400 people working. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the Landis & Gyr Powers identification sign as presented, with the modification that landscaping will be provided around the base of the sign. Com. Owens seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Ehrhardt, Bruno, Owens, Mc Call , and Bremner NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Lenchner Square - M. Lenchner Construction Co. Full Review - Shopping Center/Apartments Buffalo Grove Road ( South of Schwinn Cycle Shop) Mr. Zorack Rabin, Architect, Rabin-Le Noble Associates, 4836 Main Street, Skokie, IL 60077 ( 312) 676-9090 made the presentation. He introduced Mr. Morris Lenchner, owner of the property, and Mr. Edwin Grevers, Landscape Architect, with Chalet Landscape Co. , 3132 Lake Ave. , Wilmette, IL 60091 . Mr. Rabin described the site which is located 425 feet South of intersection of Buffalo Grove Road and Dundee Road. The site is a unique shape, with exposure from the South. It is zoned B-2, which allows for general retail use as well as residential use. The building will have up to six stores on the first floor with four apartments on the second story. The Plan Commission gave approval in February 1987. The Village Board approved the plans in April 1987. Parking will be at the South and West ends of the property. An easement runs along the Western boundary, and at the Plan Commis- sions 's request, the only entrance will be off Buffalo Grove Rd. Four of the store spaces will have entrances facing the parking lot, and the remaining two entrances will face Buffalo Grove Rd. The entry to the second floor apartments will face the parking lot, with a rear exit facing North ( Schwinn Bike Shop building ). 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS: a. South ( Front ) Elevation - Lower level will have a Storefront system, with Dark Bronze Frames and insulated, tempered glass. Brick - Sunray; Driftwood Grey Valour; Kingsize, with soldier coursing at the street level . Masonry piers and bulkheads under the windows will be the same brick, but Engineer size. Canopy over the walkway area will project 4 feet facing the parking lot, and where it wraps around to the Buffalo Grove elevation, the canopy will project 1 foot to meet set back requirements. b. The apartment level will have a mansard roof. The canopy and mansard will be Kynor coated steel material , Dark Bronze, consistent with the storefront and brick. The mansard will project 1 foot. Windows will be be Anderson casement windows with fixed or casement operating lights, Permashield clad - Terratone Color. Entrances to the stores and apartments are the same with similar piers separating each unit. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Two A rubbish area will be located at the West end of the parking area. It will be enclosed with a solid 5 foot cedar fence with a gate. ( Ch. Larsen arrived at 8:00 P.M. ) Com. Owens asked why there is a parapet wall on the North elevation? It is not an aesthetically pleasing detail and would be difficult to reconcile with the coping. Mr. Rabin said the Fire Department usually requires a parapet wall at the property line, but if it is not necessary, he agreed to eliminate this feature, and substitute an dark bronze aluminum cap. Mr. Matt said he could not speak for the Fire Department, but he did not see the need for the parapet. Ch. Larsen agreed that the parapet wall would be unnecessary. Mr. Rabin said the roof top equipment will be set back about 40 feet from the face of the building. He submitted a line-of-sight sketch showing that a person would have to be about 190 feet away from the building in order to see the top of the compressor units. Com. Mc Call commented that brick sills under the apartment windows would add more interest than stone sill . Mr. Rabin responded that they want the storefronts to be recognized as stores and the stone sills on the upper level will not be seen from the North because of the Schwinn Shop. People will not be drawn to the upper floors. Because the two metal roofs are not at the same angle, Com. Mc Call and Com. Owens suggested that a flat fascia board would be more appropriate. Mr. Rabin responded that his main purpose is to have a change of materials, and he would not oppose a flat metal surface. He has not used the metal on the North and West elevations. At Ch. Larsen 's suggestion, the metal fascia will be carried around the ends of the building to give a finished look. Mr. Rabin agreed and proposed a 10 foot return on the North elevation and approximately 1 - 2 feet on the West elevation. The rear doors will be painted out to match the brick. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Elevations and Materials for the Lenchner Square Shopping Center/Apartment Bldg. with the modifications as agreed to by the petitioner. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Three Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno NAY - None ABSTAIN - Larsen ( Not opposed, but was not present during entire presentation. ) Motion Passed - 5 - 0, 1 abstention 2. LIGHTING: A photometric layout chart was submitted. Two 25 ft. high pole lights will be installed in the parking area. One wall mounted fixture will be installed on the West elevation at a 14 ft. height. The manufacturer is Spero, and the bulbs are 400 watt HPS. Standards and fixtures are bronze. The lights will have cutoffs so that light is kept on the site. There will be recessed under canopy lighting by Spero - Oasis Style, 150 HPS. These fixtures would be located at the store entrances to give light to the storefronts and sidewalk around the building. These fixtures will also be dark bronze to match the window frames. The Code will requires lights on the North elevation over each store entrance. They will be small fixtures with incandescent bulbs. Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Lighting as submitted for the Lenchner Square Shopping Center on Buffalo Grove Road. Com. Mc Call seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call, Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 3. SIGN PACKAGE: A sign criteria was submitted with the packet, but it was not complete, so the signage was deferred until a later date. 4. LANDSCAPING: Mr. Grevers described the landscaping. The 8 foot hedge on the West side behind the Schwinn Bike Shop will be continued out to the South property line. In addition, there will be four - 4" caliper Locust trees for shade. The area will be about 4 feet in width and will be sodded. There is not enough room for landscaping next to the building. There will be five Crimson King Maple parkway trees and six Green Leaf Maples along the West side of the sidewalk. All the trees will be 4 inch caliper. • The area near the Northeast corner of the parking lot will be bermed and planted with Austrian Pines. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Four U There will be a Spirea hedge in front of the stores at the Northeast corner of the site along the detention area, with a berm and two flowering Crabs at the center. This plan reflects some of the April 5, 1988 Village Forester's Comments and Recommendations. It will be submitted for further review. The hedge along the West property line, #6, must meet the buffer requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Also, #3, suggests that some foundation plantings could be added. Com. Mc Call made a motion to approve the Landscaping for the Lenchner Shopping Center as submitted, subject to the Supt. of Public Works ' Review and Approval . Com. Owens seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call, Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 4. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SIGN: The leasing sign will be 4 ' x 8 ' mounted on 4" x 4" posts, double faced and positioned per the the site plan. The posts will be positioned to box the ends of the sign. Colors will be White, Red, Blue and Black. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the leasing sign as submitted, for the Lenchner Square Shopping Center on Buffalo Grove Road. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Five C. Amberley ( Not Northland Park) - Hoffman Homes Pauline Avenue, between Weiland Rd. and Route 83 Representatives: James Truesdell - Hoffman Group, Inc. , Director of Planning and Zoning 1501 Woodfield Drive, *315 W, Schaumburg, IL 60195 Joe Piro, Vice-President, Hoffman Group Ms. Donna Kalata, Marketing/Sales Coordinator Mark Vierck, Landscape Architect Mr. Truesdell gave an overview of the project. The site is 22.3 acres, located North side of Pauline, West of Weiland Road. The site has been approved for 64 units. Zoning is R-4, minimum lot size would be 8.750 square feet, but the average lot size is in excess of 10,000 square feet. 1 . LANDSCAPING, STREET TREES: Overall street trees are in conformance with the Village Ordinance on Weiland Road, Pauline Avenue and Thorndale Drive. The original plan, showing trees located 65 -70 feet apart, has been modified to conform with the Village Ordinance. A new site plan was submitted showing trees located 45 ft. apart. A bike path runs through the subdivision connecting the duplex subdivision to Highland Grove and Astor Place and North to the school site. This area will be bermed and landscaped with shade trees, ornamentals and evergreens. Around the dry detention basin, the same basic materials will be used. The Village Forester 's Report indicates that the materials are good selections. Street trees will be spaced at 45 ft. Mr. Rigsby requested an inventory of existing tree lines. Mr. Truesdell said there are no trees along the West property line, and the larger Oak trees to the North are not on the subject property. In conversation with Mr. Rigsby, it was agreed that care be taken when grading, so as not disturb these trees. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Street Tree Landscaping plans as submitted, subject to the Village Forester 's, 4/5/88, recommendations. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen. NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Six 2. SALES TRAILER AND MODEL AREA The Sales Trailer will be 24' x 48 ' and will be located on Lot 1 , Block 2 with the models on the adjacent lots, 2, 35 and 34. There will be approximately 10 parking spaces in front of the sales trailer and these will remain for the model area when the trailer is removed. The Gelco trailer will be skirted, with an awning over the door and a deck in front. The trailer will be cedar sided. Colors of the awing will be Taupe and Burgundy. Landscaping will consist of evergreens and shade trees. The model area will consist of the Stratford, Talbot and Waterford units. They will be landscaped with flowering material for color. Optional decks will be featured on the models. A fence will enclose the model area and return to Pauline Ave. The sales trailer will be removed when the models open. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Amberley Sales Trailer and Model Area, with Elevations as submitted. Com. Owens seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call , Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 3. LANDSCAPING, MODEL AREA: Village Forester's Review did not include the permanent material around the model area. Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Landscaping of the Three Models at Amberley and the Sales Trailer Area, as submitted, subject to the Village Forester 's Review and Recommendations. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Seven 4. "AMBERLEY" TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SIGN The sign will be 10 ' x 12 ' with 3-dimensional letters. Colors: Border - Dark Gray, 409 C Background - Light Gray, 407 C Trim and Lettering - Burgundy, 209 C Base - 5 feet, cedar Sign will be 15 feet high, and will be positioned near the sales trailer on Pauline Avenue. Setback requirements of the Sign Code will be met for residential areas, 35 feet off Pauline and 30 feet off Thorndale. It will not be lighted. Ch. Larsen commented that the 35 foot setback requirement is for a permanent sign, and he stated that as a Special Sign, it could be positioned 15 feet from the lot line. He asked Mr. Matt to review the Code with Mr. Hruby and make an interpretation. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the Amberley Temporary Sign as submitted, subject to the Building Dept 's research, as to exact placement. Height of sign to be 15 feet. Sign will be non-illuminated. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 5. ELEVATIONS AND MATERIALS: Ms. Donna Kalata made the presentation. There are 8 units, and each unit has 3 elevations. There are 24 color packages. Drawings of each unit and color package were submitted, with samples of Brick, Siding and Roof Shingles. Colors packages were listed, and paints will be Benjamin Moore. Color packages are interchangeable, but color packages will not be varied by Hoffman. Basic materials: Brick, with natural mortar Asphalt shingles Shutters - Vinyl Windows - Wood, double hung Patio doors - Wood Roof vents - Rear elevations Options - Fireplaces, all masonry ( no pre-fabs). Skylights, each model has different possible locations, but it was agreed to not place any on streetscape elevations. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Eight Each model was reviewed. The Princeton and The Amhurst each have a 4-bedroom option which would change the elevation. It was agreed to have these elevations submitted for AC review at a later date. Because some of the drawings differed from the architectural plans, Mr. Piro stated that the drawings are superceded by the architectural plans. Not all the models were presented with architectural plans, but complete specs for all buildings will be required by the Building Department. No changes should be made to these approved elevations. Mr. Matt confirmed that the Building Department will compare the prints with these plans. Questions were answered concerning details and features of each model . Com. Owens objected to the use of siding over the garage on the Carlyle Model , No. 9. He said it will look unfinished, and it is an incongruous use of materials. The color package as shown (Grey siding ) is not good. Mr. Piro responded that this is an awkward detail to carry the brick beyond the gable. The garage structure will not sustain the brick. The one dimension rendering does not give a true feeling of what it will look like. No decision was made. To expedite the review of each color package, the Commissioners were asked to express objections only. Com. Bruno questioned the use of Blue and Red front doors. Ms. Kalata responded that the colors are very subdued, and are used to accent the siding and brick. The Blue is a Teal shade and the Red is really a Burgundy which is a very popular , traditional color for Colonial homes. Ch. Larsen asked that a Benjamin Moore Color Chart be included when the final plans are submitted to the Building Department. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the 24 Elevations and Color Packages as submitted for the Amberley Subdivision, with the following stipulations: 1 . No skylights on front elevations 2. Muntins shall be included on windows with street side elevations ( on corner lots ). 3. All masonry chimneys 4. 4th bedroom model options to be submitted for AC review. ( Not included in approval . ) Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call, Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Nine 6. MONOTONY CODE: The elevations of each model were reviewed and the only two elevations considered too similar to be located next to each other or across from each other were the TIFFANY, #10 & #11 . 7. LIGHTING: Cuts of two light fixtures were presented. Two coach lights will be located at each side of the garage doors and one coach light will be located at the front door. The smaller fixture will be located at the rear doors. Com. Mc Call made a motion to approve light fixtures as submitted for Amberley. Com. Owens seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call , Owens and Larsen Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . D. Spec Building #30 - Full Review Covington Corporate Center Mr. Sheldon Dobrin, Architect; Friedman, Dobrin, and Assoc. Ltd. , 105 Revere Drive, Suite A, Northbrook, IL 60062; 564-5480. • Mr. Dobrin described the 30 , 000 square foot building to be constructed on Lots 24 thru 27 at Covington Corporate Center on Deerfield Road. The site has been layed out to provide for 58 parking stalls, but initially only 36 stalls will be put in. ' 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS: a. Brick - All 4 elevations - Dark Gray ( Same as Komax Env. ) with soldier coursing around the top of the building and windows, with a recessed band in between. b. Windows - Continuous across front/wrap around each end c . Entrance - Greenhouse projected out into a triangle, with a round metal columns at the point and half/round columns at corners. d. Rear - East elevation, depressed docks e. Mortar - Dark Gray to match brick (monolithic tone) f. Glass - Insulated with green tint g. Frames - Natural anodized aluminum h. Exposed metal and doors - Either natural aluminum or painted dark gray. i . Roof top units will be screened in accordance with the Corporate Grove Covenant. Type of equipment will be determined by the requirements of the tenants who lease space in the building. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Ten Com. Mc Call made a motion to approve the Architecture and Materials for Covington Corporate Center Spec Bldg. #30, as presented. Com. Owens seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call , Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 2. LIGHTING: Lighting will consist of pole mounted and wall mounted shoebox type fixtures, to match the rest of Corporate Grove, except that the color will be Black Metal. Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Light Fixtures as submitted for Covington Corporate Center, Spec Bldg. #30. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Mc Call , Owens, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 3. LANDSCAPING: William James, Camiros Ltd. , described the proposed landscape plan. The required landscaping along Deerfield Road and at the bermed rear of the property will be continued throughout the site by using the same plant varieties. The entrance will be curved into the site and planted with flowering shrubs and evergreens. Shade trees in the parking lot will provide a canopy. There are plantings along the side of the building where there are no windows. The 4 Paper Birch trees will contrast with the dark brick, especially in the winter. Ground cover areas and flower beds provide color in the summer. Year round color interest has been provided. It was noted that Mr. Rigsby 's Review, April 12, 1988, specifies sodded parkway; but the developer's annexation agreement includes the use of hydroseed. Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Landscaping as submitted for Spec Bldg. #30 , subject to the Supt. of Public Works report and his approval of hydroseed for the parkways. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Eleven Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . Ch. Larsen complemented the developers for the quality of Spec Bldg. #30 . RECESS Ch. Larsen acknowledged the services of Commissioners Brian Owens and Mike Mc Call . He announced that this is going to be their last meeting because of heavy business commitments. The Appearance Commission will miss their architectural expertise and would welcome them back at a future time. Ch. Larsen expressed personal appreciation for Brian's and Mike's contribution of time, as well as their interest in the welfare of the community. Com. Hy Riebman resigned when he moved to Arlington Heights. A letter of thanks will be sent to him. Prospective commissioners are being interviewed. Ch. Larsen also announced that Mr. Dominic Saviano is leaving the Building Department to serve as Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau. Dominic has been the Building Department Liaison and the AC has. valued his guidance through the years. He is wished success. Charles Matt, the new Deputy Building Commissioner, was introduced and welcomed as the new liaison. The AC looks forward to working with Chuck. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Town Center - Signage, Leasing Trailer, Lighting, Landscaping Mr. Phillip Kupritz, Architect; 714 S. Dearborn/Rowe Bldg. , Chicago, IL 60605 ( 663-0466 ) introduced: Mr. Marc Schwartz, Attorney for the Town Center Project Ms. Lynn Johnson, Project Administrator, Melvin Simon & Assoc. Ms. Terry Ryan, Jacobs/Ryan Associates, Landscape Architects Mr. Kupritz reviewed the site plan and added that the project is under construction, with some minor detail changes to the retail portion being considered at this time. He commended the Village for giving them "incredible cooperation." Foundations have been poured and the walls will be going up within a couple of weeks. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Twelve 1 . SIGNAGE: a. TENANT 'S SIGN CRITERIA: Diagrams of the desired signage in accordance with the B-5 ( Town Center ) Ordinance was presented in May of 1987, and now the written language has been prepared for AC consideration and approval. Also presented were 2 diagrams giving specific dimensions of the actual sign area with relation to the length of the store frontage. The Sign Criteria has been written in general terms to be in agreement with the AC request not to be placed in the position of having to police shopping center signage. The owner will see that the signage is enforced properly. Signage will be made a part of the lease, so owners cannot come to the Village for variations. The Sign Criteria was reviewed and various changes made. The document will be rewritten and resubmitted for final AC approval . See attached Exhibits A-1 & A-2, B-2 and B-5. Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Town Center Sign Criteria as presented with the agreed upon modifications noted on the attached Exhibits A-1 and A-2. Revised copy to be submitted for AC approval. Com. Mc Call seconded the motion. • Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call , Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 2. PYLON SIGNS: These pylons were previously submitted, and will eventually be used at 6 locations. The site plan, ASK #6, dated April 10 , 1988, places 1 at the Lake/Cook Rd. Entrance; 1 on Route 83, near Lake/Cook Rd. ; and 2 at the Primary Entrance, North on Route 83. Also, see attached Exhibit G. The possible need for variances for these towers has been eliminated because the structures are to be designated "Street Furniture." This feature has been thoroughly discussed and has been approved by the Building Department. Ch. Larsen asked if the set backs are acceptable? ( No answer. ) The lettering has been changed slightly, but needs AC approval . Mr. Schwartz asked that the Street Furniture be TABLED until the next AC meeting (May 12, 1988 ). He will submit a written recommendation with approval from the Building Department. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Thirteen 3. LIGHTING: Exhibits attached - Aldridge Electric, Inc. cut sheets and diagrams. Previously the San Jaun square cut off fixture was submitted and approved. Mr. Kupritz asked that the circular cut off fixture be approved. All the standards will have single heads and the lights are recessed into the head. Photometrics are the same. This type of lighting is more efficient. These lights will be used throughout Phase I , which is the retail portion of the Town Center. When each phase is submitted, specific lighting will be presented to the AC . Com. Mc Call made a motion to approve the Lighting change as submitted for Phase I of the Town Center. Com. Owens seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call , Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 4. LEASING TRAILER: A Gelco Trailer, Designer Series, will be . set up at the South end of the Town Center, Sheet ASK #6, ff. The trailer is 12' x 44 ' and the front will be away from Lake/Cook Road. The trailer will be in place for about 6 • months, and will be removed when the building can be used for leasing. The area will be landscaped per Sheet ASK no. 2. SIGNAGE: The front elevation will have a leasing sign, approximately 5' x 8 ' - Melvin Simon & Associates, Inc . - and the sign will not be seen from Route 83. Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Signage for the Leasing Trailer as submitted. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call , Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Town Center Leasing Trailer with Landscaping as submitted, for a period of time not to exceed 1 year. Com. Mc Call seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call, Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Fourteen U U 5. LANDSCAPING: Ms. Terry Ryan reviewed the revisions to the Landscape Plan which have been approved by Mr. Ray Rigsby, Supt. of Public Works Operations - Sheet dated Apr. 20, 1988. Mr. Rigsby was present during this presentation. The changes were made during the planning process after the final engineering layout was done, after the utility lines were located and the IDOT approval of sight lines, etc. The actual geometrics of the parking lots were also considered. Only exterior landscaping is being presented. None of the plaza landscaping is included in this plan. The out lots will be temporarily seeded until these parcels are developed. After meeting with Mr. Rigsby to review all the proposed changes, 4 items were requested: 1 . Sod is required for parkways - AGREED. 2. Spruce trees should be 7 ' minimum height - AGREED. 3. 3 Crab Apple trees at the entryway were inadvertently left off the plan. AGREED. 4. Sugar Maples should be removed from the parkways because of possible salt damage. AGREED TO RELOCATE. Many of the original shrubs were eliminated because of their location within the bermed buffer area where they would have been under the overhang of cars. Others were eliminated because they would have had to disturb the root system of existing, off-site, existing evergreen trees which form a good buffer Mr. Rigsby has suggested that the addition of 10 evergreen trees in this area would be acceptable to the Village. It is not necessary for these trees to be located within the required 12 foot buffer area, but can be located elsewhere on the site. There are some areas along the buffer strip that where the additional trees would be effective. Mr. Rigsby gave his verbal approval of Ms. Ryan 's statement. A field drawing has been made and a copy is in the AC file. Where quantity was deleted, quality was increased. Some other minor changes were made. Available plant material is very limited at this time. Other changes may be necessary if if the desired quality materials cannot be obtained. Exhibits include Sheets L-2, L-3, L-8, L-9 and L-10 , all dated 2/16/88. Written summary of changes dated 4/20/88, Town Center, Phase I and II . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Fifteen 1 • Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Landscape changes for the Town Center with the concurrence of the Supt. of Public Works Operations Ray Rigsby 's statement that he will continue to work with the Landscape Architects. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Mc Call, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . B. Buffalo Grove Business Park Buffalo Monument - Hamilton Partners Not submitted. No representatives present. C . Buffalo Grove Park District - Full Review Emmerich Park Maintenance and Recreation Building Mr. Dale Ducommun, Supt. of the Park District was present. Mr. Jeff Braun, Cody-Braun and Assoc. , Inc. - 4513 Lincoln Ave. Lisle, IL 60532 (960-1333) described the proposed expansion. 14,000 square feet will be added to the West side of the existing building. The addition will be 21 feet in height and will house current equipment and allow for 10 years of future expansion. The existing building will be remodeled to provide for handicapped facilities, office area and program area. Air-conditioning and a sprinkling system will be added.' 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS: 1 . Brick - Match existing building 2. Exterior wood - diagonal wood siding, stained gray. 3. Interior construction - metal deck, joists, roof. 4. Windows are high to deter breakage and entry 5. The water tower will be removed in the future. 6. Access doors will be on the East and West. This will allow for equipment to be pulled in at night from the West and pulled out without turning around Originally, there was a 3rd door to the North, but it was eliminated at the Plan Commission 's request, because enough landscaping could not be provided. 7. Roof shingles on existing building will be removed and replaced with shingles to match the new roof. Budget does not allow for the two roofs to be tied together. 8. Doors will be grey to match the siding. 9. There will be two small roof top units with two exhaust fans and the civic defense fire siren. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Sixteen Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the addition to the existing Park District Building as submitted. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call, Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 2. LANDSCAPING: Mr. Rigsby stated that revised plans have been submitted. They reflect his recommendations, and they are acceptable. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the Park District revised Landscape Plan as reviewed and approved by Mr. Ray Rigsby, Supt. of Public Works Operations. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 3. SIGNAGE: A color rendering of the new design for all Park District signs was presented. The maximum size will be 4 ' x 8' mounted on posts, and will be • a maximum of 5 feet in height. They will be made of redwood and will be sandblasted. Most of the signs will be single-faced, but if necessary, V-shaped signs will be constructed because they are not symmetrical in shape. They were designed by the landscape architect. The first sign will be for the Raupp Memorial Park and Museum. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Park District signage as submitted. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 4. LIGHTING: Cut sheets of the proposed light fixtures were reviewed. Wall lights will provide light for the entire perimeter of the building. They will be installed as high as possible, mounted on the wood. The lights are for security and will provide light for the man-doors. The fixture is dark bronze - HPS. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Seventeen Com. Mc Call made a motion to approve the Lighting for the Park District Building as presented. Com. Owens seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . D. Lou Malnati 's Pizzeria ( Old Buffalo House) New Elevations/Lighting Landscaping/Signage - Full Review Mr. Mark Malnati , Owner; 439 N. Wells, Chicago, IL 60610 and Douglas Lasch, Architect with Tabb Assoc. Inc . ( Same address ) were present. Mr. Malnati reviewed the historical value of the property. They want to restore and maintain the character of the building. The main dining room will be converted into a vestibule. A 1 ,300 square foot addition will be constructed, at the South side. This area will seat about 190 people. They hope to open in August 1988. 1 . ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS: a. Exterior of Building: Repaint the cedar siding. Color will be Blue/Gray - Semi solid stain to expose grain. Entrance will be moved to the South end of existing building. Porch will be rebuilt and there will be a handicap ramp. A Yellow/White striped awning will replace the existing roof overhang. Windows on street level will be changed. b. Interior of Building: Building will be gutted and the low ceiling will have exposed joists, and exposed duct work. c. Second Story: Basically the same as existing structure. d. North Elevation: Existing patio area was never given final approval by the Building Department. This area is to be torn down and rebuilt as a screened porch area for summer use. It will be an open frame structure will have removable screens. It will have tables for dining. The roof will be a tent-type awning that will be removed for the winter months. The colors will match the porch awning. Wood will be stained to match the main building. Mr. Malnati said they plan to remove the concrete slab and replace it with brick pavers set into sand. Mr. Matt said that this method may not be acceptable to the Village Health Officer. The reason the Building Department did not give approval for the existing patio was because it was different from the original plan that was submitted. It was to have been Mexican Clay Tile and the area was to have been more of a dining area, not a stand around gathering rail . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Eighteen Mr. Matt continued: The Health Office may object to the use of sand under the tiles because it is an eating area. He suggested that consideration be given to keeping the concrete for support. Com. Owens agreed that the concrete is actually a good surface, and said it is possible to create a brick appearance by putting a Bomanite stamped finish on it. There are other similar good finishes for concrete that are easy to keep clean. Mr. Malnati was open to these ideas and will consider them e. West Elevation: The awning canopy will be between two roofs. All roofs will be a Slate Gray, fiberglass shingle material , made by CertainTeed. A cut sheet was included. The filigree at the top of the building is part of the original structure. f. Parking Lot: The parking lot will not be paved at this time. Mr. Dick Kuenkler, Village Engineer, has suggesting waiting until he has worked out some of the flood plain problems with Wheeling. When the parking lot is paved, a retention area will have to be added even with the creek next to the property. g. Roof Top Unit: To be painted out to match the roof. h. Balcony Rails and Stair Rails: Cedar stained match wood. i. South Elevation: Carry Out Shoppe with matching awning. 25% of business is carry out. There are no deliveries. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the ELEVATIONS/MATERIALS for Lou Malnati 's Pizzeria Building with the addition to the existing Buffalo House as submitted. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call, Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. 2. LANDSCAPING: Plantings will be added around the new front entrance and around the pavilion, as well as around the perimeter of the site. There will be curbing next to the building and precast bumpers to accommodate parking for 71 cars. Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Landscape Plan for Lou Malnati 's Pizzeria as submitted, subject to the Village Forester 's Review and Approval Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Nineteen 3. LIGHTING: Lighting will be added within the new landscaped areas. It is shown on the Landscape Plan and cut sheets, Exhibit A. The existing parking lot lighting will remain and it is assumed that it meets Village requirements. The building will be illuminated with Types A and B. The sign will be illuminated with gooseneck fixture Type C. Pedestrian lighting along the pathway will be on 8 foot posts. Ch. Larsen suggested using polycarbonate globes because they do not break as easily as the acrylic globes. ( Tradename is Lexon) . Com. Mc Call made a motion to approve the Lighting for Lou Malnati 's Pizzeria as submitted. Com. Owens seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Ehrhardt, Bremner, Mc Call Owens and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 4. SIGNAGE: a. One painted sign will be on the West elevation and one painted sign will be toward the rear of the South elevation for the Carry Out Shoppe. In keeping with the old rustic character of the building, the signs will be painted on the building. They are within the required 20% area. The signs will be lighted with gooseneck fixtures. Colors are Yellow, Red and White. Ch. Larsen commented that the downlights may create shadows because of the overlap of the wood siding. He suggested painting the sign on thin plywood, or putting the goosenecks out farther. b. Two ground signs will be located on Buffalo Grove Road and Lake/Cook Road, where it would be on an easement. They will be wood carved, sandblasted signs ground lit. Lettering is consistent with the logo on the napkins. The word Cocktails may be a problem since it is not part of the name of the business. The Code specifies Name and Nature. The word liquor has been permitted on drug and grocery stores. Ch. Larsen asked that Mr. Hruby and Mr. Matt review the sign and make an interpretation of the Sign Code. Two ground signs are permitted by the Sign Code. Height is measured from the curb so the signs are actually higher if viewed from the ground. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Twenty Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Signage for Lou Malnati 's Pizzeria as submitted, with the stipulation that the Building Department review the word Cocktails on the two ground signs. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner, Ehrhardt, Bruno and Larsen. NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Approval of Minutes - March 10 , 1988. Page Two, Paragraph 3 - should read "Ms. Janusz explained that the timber wall would be used at the driveways and the cobblestone walls would be used for the main entrances of the buildings and the entrances near the road. An alternate bid will be taken for using the Keystone system in lieu of both the timber and cobblestone retaining walls." This changes is per letter from Land Consultants, March 24, 1988. Copy of letter attached to minutes on file. Com. Owens made a motion to approve the March 10, 1988 as amended. Com. Mc Call seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Ehrhardt, Mc Call , Owens and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bruno and Bremner Motion Passed - 4 to 0 , 2 abstentions. B. Approval of Minutes - March 24, 1988. Com. Bruno made a motion to approve as submitted. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Owens, Mc Call , Bremner and Ehrhardt Motion Passed - 2 to 0 , 4 abstentions. Note: Com. Riebman was present to make Quorum, but has resigned. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Twenty One 1 VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Owens made a motion to adjourn. Com. Mc Call seconded. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 12:35 A.M. Respectfully submitted, -21,. e ?-- ,ga-V e:,-.7 -- Shirley Bate Secretary Appearance Commission sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1988 - Page Twenty Two