1988-05-12 - Appearance Commission - Minutes s k' .vl APPEARANCE COMMISSION_ VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1988 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ed Larsen called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. at the Village Hall, on Thursday, May 12, 1988. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: E. Bremner, D. Ehrhardt, C. Bruno, R. Gordon, F. Weissman, E. Larsen • M. Silbernik arrived at 8:30 P.M. Commissioners Absent: None Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Charles Matt, Deputy Building Commissioner III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 28, 1988 - Paragraph 2, change drawings to "renderings" in the 1st and 2nd sentences. Can. Bremner made a motion to approve as amended. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. C Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon and Weissman (Not appointed until May 2, 1988) Motion Passed - 3 to 0, 2 abstentions Ch. Larsen introduced Mr. Richard Gordon and Mr. Fred Weissman and welcomed them as new Appearance Commissioners. The third new commissioner, Mr. Martin Silbernik, arrived at 8:30 P.M. VI . BUSINESS A. Cherbourg - New Elevations Pulte Home Corporation Mr. Tim Hernandez, AICP, Dir. of Planning, Pulte Home Corp. , 2500 W. Higgins Road, Suite 770, Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 and Mr. Devin Crimmins, Project Manager, were present. Mr. Hernandez summarized development of Cherbourg which has been open for 6 months. They have been able to gauge the market and have decided to introduce two new models. One is a larger ranch house, Gentilly and the other is a new 2-story, Bordeaux. The style is Country French and both models are very compatible with the previously approved models. Cherbourg is -a development of townhomes, and the new models will be mixed with the previously approved models in the 3 and 4 unit build- ings. Only one building will have 5 units. r` The same two color"ackages will be used. Th�r4 are two brick colors - White and White with some red. All chimneys are masonry, with a cedar decor cap. All the other materials are the same as previously approved. Two of the three lakes are built with some of the vegetation planted. They mill complete the lakes as much as possible by June 15th, and they must will wait until Fall to plant again. They have had about 30 sales, but the market is for "empty- nesters" and these people tend to wait until the model area and entryway is completed to see if they will enjoy the environment Bordeaux Front Elevation - Curved detail over the double window of Elevation 1 ; and the single window of Elevation 2 are wood moldings and only project about 4 - 5 inches. The doorway of Elevation 2 is a canopy over a porch, and the curved detail projects 3 - 4 feet, with a roofing material on top. The glass lights at the entryway door are the same as the other models; and the shutters are pine or cedar wood. Matching units will not be placed next to each other. They try to alternate roof lines Com. Bruno made a motion to approve the new elevations for Cherbourg as submitted, with the notation that on the Bordeaux, Front Elevations, there is no projecting of the curved feature above the windows. The doorway projects over a porch. (l Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Weissman, Gordon, Bruno, Ehrhardt and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0. Mr. Hernandez presented a rendering and plans for Clustered Mailbox Structures. The Post Office has requested that there be no single mailboxes. There will be one structure for from 2 to 4 buildings, located strategically around the subdivision. There will be 15 to 16 mailbox units, with no more than 16 individual boxes per unit. Shingles will match the townhomes. The posts are encased with cedar. The boxes will be metal with painted finish and main- tenance will be the responsibility of the Homeowner's Assn. The color will match the nearest building. Mr. Hernandez presented a photo of a completed structure that was built as an example. This structure in photo has a back and Mr. Hernandez said this is the way they propose to build them. The width will be increased so the mailboxes will not project. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 12, 1988 - Page Two Mr. Matt infirmed that the base shot either side of the posts mill be trimmed with cedar. This detail is shown in the top right diagram. Com. Larsen commented that he preferred the open design, but the decision mould be left to the developer. Mr. Batt requested new plans be submitted to the Building Department, if the mailboxes are going to be constructed as shown in the photograph. Cam. Weissman asked if there will be shrubbery planted around the base of the structures? Mr. Hernandez responded that there will usually be some land- scaping in the vicinity, such as parking areas. They instruct their field people to be sensitive when locating the boxes. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Cherbourg Mailbox Structures as revised and shown in the photograph Exhibit A, with new plans to be submitted to the Building Department. Each Mailbox Structure is to be a single color, chosen from the previously approved trim colors. Cam. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Bruno, Ehrhardt, Weissman, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None CMotion Passed - 6 to 0. B. Arbor Creek - Leasing Signs Representatives not present. Reviewed following Item C. C. Highland Oaks Shopping Plaza - Sign Criteria Southwest Corner, Weiland and Busch Road Martin P. Norkett, Nordon Realty Co. , 1603 Orrington Ave. Suite 1155, Evanston, Illinois 60201 (312) 866-6590. Commissioner Gordon is the architect who designed the center and therefore recused himself from the discussion. r. Norkett presented a rendering of the shopping center and escried the construction of the proposed signage. This center is similar to Strathmore Shopping Center at Route 83 and Arlington Heights Road and the signage mill be the same. Signage mill be mounted on raceways and centered over the arches. The Sign Criteria mill be included in the leases. The specifications were reviewed and revisions mere made. Changes are noted on attached copy of Sign Criteria, dated April 1 , 1988, and are included in the motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 12, 1988 - Page Three r Com. Bruno made ttielfollowing motion: I move we approve the Sign Criteria for Highland Oaks Shopping Plaza with these modifications: Item 2 - Second sentence: delete "aluminum" and insert "letter" side returns, etc. Item 3 - Add: If two lines of copy are required, letters not to exceed 10 inches would be used. Where descenders are required, they may increase the overall height of the sign to 30 inches. Item 4 - Should read: The content of each Tenant's identification sign shall be limited to the store name and nature of the business conducted therein. National trademark logos may be used, but all other logos must have the Village of Buffalo Grove Appearance Commission's approval. Item 7 - Delete entirely. Re-number Item 8 to Item 7. A revised copy of the Sign Criteria shall be submitted to the Building Department. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bremner, Weissman, Bruno, Ehrhardt, and Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon and Silbernik Motion Passed - 5 to 0, 1 abstentions. Mr. Norkett asked the AC about the possibility of using the one mansard portion of the building for signage. They are negotiating with a major tenant who is requesting this exception. Ch. Larsen responded that according to the Sign Code, mansards are treated as walls for signage purposes. He suggested incorporating something into the Criteria that would permit this signage: Item 8 - Modifications to these specifications may be granted by the Landlord, subject to the Village of Buffalo Grove Appearance Commission's approval. Mr. Norkett agreed and the Commissioners did not object to this addendum to the preceding motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 12, 1988 - Page Four B. Arbor Cr84 - Leasing Signs Baird & Warner for Klefstad Co. § Inc. Ch. Larsen suggested review of the leasing signs without the 1 presence of representatives. Arbor Creek is requesting 32 sf. leasing signs at 6 locations within the Business Centre, per the site plan submitted. Ends of the signs are to be boxed. Signs are single face. Colors - Ivory background with all Navy Blue lettering. Back of signs are faced and painted Ivory. Skirt will be Navy Blue. These signs are permitted under Sign Code Sec. 15.32.040 - Construction Signs. One sign per construction project. Mr. Matt advised Mr. Larsen that new permits will be necessary when these signs are moved to different locations within the center. Can. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the 4 foot x 8 foot Leasing Signs as submitted for use in the Arbor Creek Business Centre, on Lots 5, 7, 9, 16, 18 and 21 . Signs shall be set back 30 feet from the lot line, subject to the Bldg. Dept. •s determination of classification and proper permitting for this type of signage. Cam. Bruno seconded the motion. C Roll Call Vote: AYE - Ehrhardt, Bruno, Gordon, Bremner, Weissman, Silbernik and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed 7 to 0. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS_ Ch. Larsen introduced Commissioner Marty Silbernik and expressed appreciation for all three new commissioners. He gave a brief description of the functions of the Appearance Commission as they relate to the Village Zoning requirements and the Sign Code. The AC is a recommending body to the Village Board of Trustees. Petitioners who are denied by the AC can appeal directly to the Trustees for an immediate- decision, without the delay of resubmit- ting projects to the various commissions. An orientation meeting will be scheduled after a Village Board Liaison has been appointed. Also, a meeting will soon be scheduled with Ch. Larsen, Mr. Balling and the AC Trustee Liaison to clarify the issues regarding Shopping Center Sign Criteria. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 12, 1988 - Page Five Mr. Hatt was asked to SW4eck on the following sign wAround the Village: 1 . Top Soil Sign near Colfax Envelope Co. 111 2. Itasca Construction Sign near Zierk's Furniture on Lake/Cook Road. 3. The "Build Illinois" sewer project sign across L/C Road - Should it be removed or relocated to the new construction site? Mr. Matt reported that he has received the corrected Town Center Sign Criteria. Should the AC review the changes before it is included in the Sign Criteria Book? Ch. Larsen said that since it was approved subject to the changes being made. After it has been approved by the Village Board (on the Consent Agenda - June 6, 1988), copies should be distributed for insertion in all Sign Criteria Books. V I . ADJOURNMENT Corn. Bruno made a motion to adjourn. Com. Bremner seconded. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, -LPG = Shirley Bates, Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 12, 1988 - Page Six