1988-07-06 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation ITEM XI. (F) (G) TO: William Balling Village Manager FROM: Charles Matt, Deputy Building Commissioner DATE: July 6, 1988 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: I. Chevy Chase Business Park - Bldg. #5 A. Elevations/Materials B. Landscaping/Lighting II. Bentley Place - Townhomes, Weiland and Busch A. Elevations/Materials B. Landscaping/Lighting The above items may be placed on the Agenda for action by the Village Board of Trustees. The Minutes and copies of supporting information are enclosed. Please be advised that the minutes have not been approved. Sincerely4-7 i 2 � '/ Charles Matt, Deputy Building Commissioner sb enclosures APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1988 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7:42 P.M. at the Village Hall, on Thursday, June 23, 1988. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: E. Bremner, C. Bruno, R. Gordon, F. Weissman and E. Larsen Commissioners Absent: D. Ehrhardt and M. Silbernik Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Charles Matt, Deputy Building Commissioner III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 9, 1988 - Ch. Larsen made the following clarifications: Pg. 2 - Para. 3 - Sent. 3 - s/b electric signage Pg. 3 - Para. 8 - Sent. 1 - s/b sign industry; and Para. 9 - Sent. 2 - s/b twenty degrees below zero. Pg. 9 - LIGHTING: Para. 2 - Sent. 1 - change "at center" to in the development Cam. Bremner made a motion to approve the minutes of June 9, 1988 as amended. Com. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Bremner, Gordon, Larsen NAY - None ABSTAIN - Bruno Motion Passed - 4 to 0, 1 abstention. Minutes of June 9, 1988 approved and will be placed on file. * IV. ' BUSINESS A. Chevy Chase Busijness Park - Building *5 John F. Baxter rrepresented Hamilton Partners, Inc. , (250-4925); Hamilton Lakes, .300 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143-2681 . Ifti Azam with WLilson/Jenkins & Assoc. , Inc. , Architects; 300 Park Boulevawrd, Itasca, IL 60143 (250-9177) Tom Hartman withi Landscapes By Design, Inc. , 450 E. Devon Ave. , Itasca, IL ( 2503-8440 ) Mr. Baxter gave aa general description of the site. Bldg. *5 will be situatedi in the middle of the Chevy Chase Business Park, off of Johnson Drive, East of the lake. Parking will be com- bined with the huiilding to the North. Building 5 is approximately 56,500 square feet and will be an office/research facility. The site was very difficult to work with, because of its beauty. The developers wanted to give the employees, as weal as people driving through the park, a view of the lake. 1 . ' ELEVATIONS/PTATER I ALS: Mr. Azam described the architecture of the building. It was designed with respect to the location of the lake. The length of the building was minimized with the stepped back entrances and with the use of two colors of brick. The darker brick is used at the top and extends down to highlight the entrances. Double height glass has been added over the doorways. a. Dark Brick - Type *2 - Ramm *10---828, Dark Pink Wirecut Similar to C.C.B.P. Bldg. *2, next door Mortar *2 - Flamingo M-411 Chocolate b. Lt. Brick - Type *1 ,- Brann Clay *511 Big Falls Velour Mortar *1 - Flamingo C-411 c. Split face C. M. U. - Off white with uncolored mortar; band at top, between the two bricks and at the corners, Note: Fascia and gravel stops are not Kynar 500 finish as stated on the Elevations/General Notes, Sheet A5.1 d. Pre-cast concrete with natural mortar - around windows and around entrance. e. Windows - Tinted bronze f. Mullions - Bronze, standard doorfront system g. Overhead doors and mandoors - Painted dark bronze Ch. Larsen recalled the discussion of the previous buildings that will abut the golf course. The truck docks were located on Johnson Drive to keep the exposure to the golf course open. He also noted that Toshiba's truck docks are off Johnson Drive. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 23, 1988 - Page Two 4 Mr. Baxter r -,00nded that this was die seed and the decision was made to 1...etture the lake in front t.e€ause the golf course is only open in thee summertime. There is heavy vegetation between the golf course and the building site. The view from the offices was an importantt consideration. This will be a Research/ Development Buillding and approximately 50% of the space will be rented. Ch. Larsen observed that the rear of the building will be a very long white wall.. He asked if trucks would be coming around the building to the Worth. Mr. Baxter respounded, "No, they cannot physically come around the next buildirris and must use the driveway to get to the rear." He submitted a molder with site plans to Mr. Matt for the file. Mr. Baxter suggeasted painting the split face block some color, but not brown. Mr. Asam suggestm d a Warm Buff color with the Bronze doors. Ch. Larsen agreed this would break up the length of the wall. A poll was takem to determine if the Commissioners also agreed? All Commissioners responded, "Yes." Com. Bruno made as motion to approve the Elevations/Materials for Chevy Chase BuiLaiing No. 5, with the agreement of the petitioner to change the Split Face Block color on the East Elevation to a Warm Buff, to compliment the Bronze doors. All materials are listed on the pr'.nt ( A5. 1 ). Roll Call Vote: AYE - Bruno, Weissman, Gordon, ,Bremner, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 2. LANDSCAPING: Note: Since the Forester's Review was not available, the Landscaping will be approved subject to Mr. Rigsby's Review and Recommendations. • Mr. Tom Hartman said the general landscape design is similar to the rest of the business park. Plantings are placed in their natural form and natural groupings to break up building lines. Shade trees, ornamental trees and evergreen trees are used and they will also help to screen parking areas. At the building entrances, flowering shrubs and more evergreens shrubs will be added, with ground cover. There are existing trees along the lake, and more Clump trees and shade trees cwill be added. The entry walk will have brick pavers, compatible to the building bricks. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 23, 1988 - Page Three 3 Lawn areas 1..4l be seeded, at the rear`oild away from the buildings. Areas near the building and along the parkway will be sodded. There are no berms at the rear. Ch. Larsen expressed the opinion that some plantings could be added to the parking area near the truck docks. Mr. Hartmann said the existing trees are quite dense. After discussion he suggessted the addition of some low shrubs, and small ornamentals, in the open spaces. Mr. Baxter agreed. Can. Gordon made a motion to approve the Landscape Plan for Chevy Chase Business Park, Building No. 5, as submitted; subject to the Village Forester's Review and Recommendations; and with the addition of groupings of low plantings along the East border within the seeded lawn area. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. a Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Bruno, Bremner, Gordon and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. 3. LIGHTING: Mr. Baxter said the Lighting would be the same as the rest of the Chevy Chase Business Park Development. Cam. Bruno made a motion to approve Light as submitted on the Site Plan, with the stipulation that it is the same as the existing lighting throughout the development. Can. Gordon seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Bruno, Gordon, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. B. Bentley Place - On Weiland, South of Busch Road. Mr. Ray Skiera, Project Manager for Shannon Assoc. , Developers, Kensington Place, 6441 Bush Place, Downers Grove, IL 60516 Larry Peterman, with Landscapes By Design; and Ms. Shannon were present. ntley Place is a townhouse development. There will be a total of 11 buildings, consisting of 38 units. There will be 4 models: • 1 . Auburn, 2 story, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths 2. Brynwood, 2 story, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths 3. Chelsea (Ranch), 2 bedrooms, 2 baths 4. Dunbery, 2 story, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths APPEARANCE COMMISSION Junee 23, 1988 - Page Four I Mr. Skiera scribed the mix of the bu lings. There will be: 14 units (Auburn) �✓ 11 - B Units (Brynwood) 8 - C Units (Chelsea ) - Ranch 5 - D Units (Dunbery ) C - Ranch units and D - 2 story units are always on the ends of a building; 19 units have basements and 19 are slab on grade. Renderings of the buildings were presented, showing all possible combinations. Brick portions are shown on the front elevations. Chimneys are on the rear and end of units. Fireplaces are an option and there are two chimney options. The standard finish is aluminum siding with 1 x 6 trim on the corners; or buyers can choose brick. There are only a few rear street views. People are not buying as many fireplaces in Downers Grove. Ch. Larsen informed Mr. Skiera that the AC has not permitted a mix of fireplaces. Either siding or brick is acceptable. Mr. Skiera said he would stipulate all aluminum chimneys, with cedar corner boards. 1 . MATERIALS: There will be 5 exterior color packages and the buildings are pre-selected. See attached charts. The cedar corner boards and soffits are stained a lighter color than the doors and shutters. Vents on gable are a decorative feature, painted to match the trim color. Skylights are standard in the master bathroom; and other locations are optional, such as over loft/stairway/bedroom. Sizes are optional : 24" x 24" or 24" x 39" Ch. Larsen said the AC has kept skylights away from front elevations, and since the B - Model has the master bath in front, he asked that it be limited to the smaller size. Mr. Skera agreed to this stipulation. Frames are dark bronze, anodized aluminum and will blend with roof colors. There are gable vents on the soffits and roof vents on top. Elevation - Plan B has a projecting shadow box window. Cam. Weissman made a motion to approve the Bentley Place Elevations, Color Packages and Materials as designated for specific building groups, as presented. (Charts attached. ) with the following stipulations: 1 . All optional fireplaces will have matching aluminum siding and wood trim boards 2. Only B-model will have 2' x 2' skylight visible from the street - Bentley Court APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 23, 1988 - Page Five 1 - Com. Bremner zeconded the motion. � U Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Bruno, Bremner, Weissman and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 2. LANDSCAPING: NOTE: Since the Village Forester's Review was not available, the Landscaping will be approved subject to Mr. Rigsby's Review and Recommendations. Mr. Larry Peterman described the Landscaping for Bentley Place. The developer requested the use of the top soil from the site be used for berms within the development. The berm along the back of the shopping center will be from 6 feet to 8 feet in height. Berms undulate throughout the site and there is berming along Weiland Road. Privacy entrances have been created for the end units. Court yards have been created along patios. Mr. Peterman has discussed the proposed landscaping with Ray Rigsby. Ray asked for sod to be used in accordinance with the ordinance and parkway trees will be added on Weiland Road. Because of the overhead lines along Weiland Road, the usual shade trees cannot be used. Larger oraamentals, such as Crab Trees may be used. The open view along the detention area has been broken up with berms, planted with evergreens, ornamentals, shade trees, and shrub masses. A list of plant materials was submitted with Plans L-1 and L-2. Com. Bremner made a motion to approve the Landscape Plans are submitted for Bentley Place, subject to the petitioner 's working with the Village Forester and his final Review. Selection of plant materials is usually made with the assistance of Mr. Rigsby. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Weissman, Bremner, Bruno and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. NOTE: No signage was presented at this time. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 23, 1988 - Page Six 3. LIGHTIN Detailed lighting system specifications were submitted, but must be approved by the Village Engineer. There are 5 street lights. Coach lights will be located at all exits. Each unit will have a decorative front light fixture, with smaller rear fixtures, and optional double lights at the garage doors. Petitioner agreed to submit cut sheets for exit lights to Mr. Matt for AC approval at a future date. Cora. Bruno made a motion to approve the Street Lighting as submitted for Bentley Place subject to the Village Ordinances and the Village Engineer's approval. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Bruno, Weissman, Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Spoerlein Commons - Chiropractor sign. Mr. Matt reported that the permits were issued in March and they seem to be in order with respect to the Sign Package. Ch. Larsen said box signs were not meant to be allowed on the sign band. The bronze frame on the band would not look so obtrusive if the frame was White. The Sign Package stipulates White frames. If so, Mr. Matt will approach the doctor and request that the frame be painted White. B. 1st Nationwide Bank - Arlington Heights Rd. and Old Mc Henry Rd. Ch. Larsen had requested the minutes to be reviewed because the petitioner had agreed to put a brick column around the post. It has been quite some time. Mr. Matt was asked to make contact with the bank people. C. Dunell Shopping Center - Electric signage canopy Will be presented to the Zoning Board in August. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 23, 1988 - Page Seven C. Town Center, ______wers These towers have been approved by the Building Department and the Village Manager's office as an architectural feature. They will not be restricted to a height of 20 feet. The towers will look nice, but the AC will want to control the amount of signage that goes on them. D. Covington Corporate Center - Bldg. 60 The AC approved the plans for Spec Bldg. 60 on May 28, 1987, but permits were never requested. Mr. Mark Christensen has now indicated that they want to proceed with the building. A question arose about whether, or not, the AC would want to have the petitioner submit the plans for a second review. Nothing is being changed from the original presentation. Ch. Larsen said that the Trustees have already approved the Building on the Consent Agenda, and unless the Village Board would want to have a second review, the AC review would stand. Com. Bruno made a motion to re-affirm the Appearance Commission approval of Covington Corporate Center, Spec Bldg. 60, as submitted on May 28, 1987, with the stipulation that no changes to the Architecture, Materials, Lighting and Landscaping. Com. Bremner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Gordon, Bruno, Weissman, Bremner Bremner and Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Bremner made a motion to adjourn. Com. Bruno seconded the motion. Ch. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates, Secretary Appearance Commission sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 23, 1988 - Page Eight I