1987-10-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFLALO GROVE , ILLINOIS THUR SDAY, OCTOBER 22 , 1987 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddie Larsen called the meeting to order at 7; 36 P. M, at the Village Hail , on Thursday, October 22 , 1987 . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present; B. Owens , M. Mc Call . D. Ehrhardt, E. Schar and E. Larsen WORM_ Commissioners Absent; E. Bremner and B. Bollero Bldg. Dept, Liaison; Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. , Deputy Building. Commissioner III. APPRDV.ALO _MINUTES O ictobet' 8 , 1987 - Com. Owens made a motion to approve as submitted. Com. Ehrhardt seconded. Roll Call Vote; AYE - Mc Call , Owens , Ehrhardt. Schar and Larsen NAY - None Minutes of Ontoiic_r 8 , 1987 approved and will be placed on file. TV. OLD BUSINESS A. OldFarm _ Landscaping Mr. Raymond O. Ri.gsby, Superintendent: of Public Works Dept. summarized his attached memo dated October 16 , 1987. During a walk-through inspection of the landscaping of Units I and II of Lexington Development of Old Farm Village , it was discovered that some of the plant materials were substitutions . and some of the trees are not on the approved list in the Development Ordinance. When the developer was informed , Mr. Rigsby was referred to the Landscaper Architect who said he did not know that any substitutions were being made. Work has been stopped until the matter can be resolved. Mr, Sig-by recommended that the AC authorize the Village Forester to have the developer remove the 11 Poplar trees and 3 Silver Maple trees and replace them with one of the approved varieties , The trees were positioned properly. •• Mr. Rushy also inspected the foundation plantings. Because there had been a building design change. some of the materials had to be changed , and the result is actually better. Mr. Rigsby asked the AC to authorize the Village Forester to approve the minor changes to the foundation landscape plan, and to authorize any similar future design changes throughout the multi-family project as they occur. Ch. Larsen complimented Mr. Rigsby on the work he has done for the Village. As the Village officer responsible for enforcing. the Development Ordinance , he has acted within his purview. After landscape plans are approved by the AC . the Commissioners • rely upon the Village Forester to follow through and see that the AC recommendations are carried out. It is quite a_ppr'opr'iate that. the AC give permission for future minor changes to be made without farther AC review. Mr. Saviano added that these steps are being taken to avoid conflict, should the AC discover some alterations from the approved plans. Giving the Village Forester authority to _approve changes and require the use of approved varieties will "cover all the bases . " Com. Owens made a motion to concur with the findings of the Village Forester, and to authorize the Village Forester to have the developer of Old Farm Village remove the 11 Poplars and the 3 Silver Maples es and replace them with a species selected from the list of approved trees , detailed in the Village of B. G. Development Ordinance , Sec. 16 . 50. 120. Com. Mc Call seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Schar, Ehrhardt, Mc Call, Owens , Larse n NAY -- None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to authorize the Village Forester to approve plant material substitutions as they apply to the landscape plan for Old Farm Village , from the approved plant material list for the remainder of the development. Com. Schar seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Owens , Ehrhardt, Schar, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to O. Ch. Larsen thanked Mr, Rigsby for coming and asked him to take a look at Lincoln Properties . to see if the plant materials on the North sidee are the sizes that were stipulated. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1987 - Pane Two V. OLD BUSINESS A, Feder_- l- F p r '=== Temporary Gro n Sign Representatives were not present. Delayed until Announcements. B. R roc__Marti - ij.ev_iaed sign Package Mr. Dan Murphy, Towers Associates . owners of Ranch Mart Plaza. American Heritage Corp. 199 S. Addison Rd. Wood Dale , IL 60191 Mr. Murphy recalled that the original sign package called for sign lengths. of 18 feet. He has been informed by Mr. Saviano that the ordinance calls for 16 feet , because when signs are longer, they run together and cause confusion. The two story portion of the building is divided by :3 "6" brick columns which would allow for 18 foot lengths. All other spaces can be 16 feet long and maintain a 4 foot separation between signs . Ch. Larsen suggested running the sign band all the way between brick piers and limiting copy area , Mr. Murphy responded that they do not want the signs to run together. He would agree to a continuous sign bank on the two story portion. He has requested White background with Red or Blue copy, and Red or Blue Backgrounds with White copy. Exceptions would be Glidden and F & M. There will be 1 tenant between columns. The signs will hang down from 6" -- 8" farther than the drawing indicates because the sign company has requested the extra space. Ch. Larsen suggested using an all white or ivory background, with a wider spectrum of colors , such as Orange , Yellow, Red , Blue , Brown and Black. A white sign band will give more light to the walkway at night. It is quite dark now. Com. Owens agreed and suggested increasing the letter styles . Ch. Larsen said this would reduce the necessity of requesting variances for tenants who are nationally known by a logo . etc. Often the Village has been placed in a position of enforcing a sign package that is move restrictive than the Sign Code, After consideration, Mr. Murphy agreed to make the following changes to the Ranch Mart Sign Regulations: ADMINISTRATION: Paragraph 4 - delete Century : j , last sentence no change s /b no charge. MATERIALS: 1. Change Plexiglas to "acrylic or polycarbonate" (or equivalent strength material) . APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1987 - Page Three 4. COPY COLORS: . . . confined to " Ivory Background" with the following color lettering.: Red, Blue , Orange , Brown, Black with the appropriate Spraylat Lacrvl numbers . (Ch. Larsen suggested acrylic paint with the Ivory background. ) LOCATION and SIZE: 2 . HEIGHT - Over s /b i_verali Height. 3. LENGTH - copy area length of (delete 17 '8 " ) 18 " . . . and. . . center where (insert) copy spacing shall be. . . Also, may add "Sign band at two story portion will be continuous. GRAPHIC COPY: 2. Delete "Only upper case lettering, etc. " EXTERIOR SIGNAGE: 1. Delete section. The ground signs are not to be included in the sign criteria. Mr. Murphy said he would resubmit Century 21 later and a new tenant who has requested temporary signage , for a Framing Business , as of. November 1st. Ch. Larsen requested a new copy of the SIGN REGULATIONS be written and submitted to the AC for final approval. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the revised Ranch Mart Shopping Center Sign Regulations , with the stipulation that the petitioner resubmit a copy, with the changes , for final AC approval. Com. Owens seconded the motion. Roll Call_ Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Owens , Schar, Ehrhardt, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. C. W. W. Granger - 125 Busch Parkway New Parking Facility A dition. with Landscaping Mr. Steve Thelander, Thelander_ , Nelson and Associates , Inc. 300 Knightsbridge Parkway, Lincolnshire, IL 60069 and William Strauts , representative or W. W. Granger, Inc. The proposed parking lot addition will consist of 25 spaces , with 10 , 000 sf. of paved area to the West end of the property. The office needs are growing quicker than the warehouse por- tion, but they hope to add-on to the building later. Additional lighting and a security camera will insure employee safety. Light fixtures to rnat.ch the existing fixtures. Village Forester Review, dated October 16 . 1987 states the plant material for proposed for the expansion is acceptable. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1987 - Page Four v v Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Parking Lot Addition, submitted by W. W. Granger, with Landscaping as presented, with the stipulation that the plant materials are the same as previously approved for the main building. Com. Mc Call seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Owens . Ehrhardt. Schar, Larsen NAY - Nne Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Com. Schar made a motion to approve the additional lighting as submitted by W. W. Granger, with the stipulation that they match the previously approved light fixtures and structures . Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Owens , Ehrhardt, Schar, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. D. Sterling Green - Jacobs Homes , Inc_., Northbrook„_IL 60062_ Mr. Joe Jacobs , President of Jacobs Homes . Inc. reviewed the proposed 20 custom and semi-customs home which will be built on a section of the Fiore Property, next to the golf course. Buyers are given a selection of pre-designed homes and they may re-design the floor plans and exteriors. Also . custom homes will be designed and built by Jacobs , Homes. The scope of exteriors includes Traditional , Colonial , French Provential, French Mansard, or any other preferred design. Materials include many brick and siding selections. 90% of the siding is cedar, but some people may request aluminum. All buildings are a minimum of 1 story height of brick, with siding allowed on the second story. Customers select their own light fixtures. No landscaping is included. Lots are rough graded with top soil. Driveways are usually blacktop, but some purchasers will want concrete. Others will select pavers or aggragate. Front doors and garage doors are chosen that will complement the style of house , i. e. contemporary with contemporary, colonial with colonial , leaded glass with leaded glass , etc. Hardware is selected from what is available or from whatever source the purchaser chooses. Jacobs will install any kind. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1987 -- Page Five r Ch. Larsen asked if specific houses are pre-determined for any of the lots? Mr. Jacobs responded that they will meet the Monotony Code , but locations are chosen at random by the purchasers. All chimneys are masonry, and no pre-fabs are allowed except in the master bedroom or on an interior wall. The sales office will be the Citadel , II and a new model will be introduced in Buffalo Grove , the Briget. 10 houses have been pre-sold, including: 3 - Citadels with modifications . (Exteriors are: 2 Traditional and 1 Contemporary) 1 - York II Contemporary 1 - La Tour, with end loading garage and window in front 1 - Jr. Citadel with Contemporary Front 1 - French Regency with Contemporary Front 1 - Oxford, Tudor with Elevation A 1 - Durham III with special chalet exterior 1 - Ranch with Contemporary Front If siding is used, it is usually chosen for a Colonial houses , such as Sussex II and French Provential models , with brick. Red cedar is too Red , and will bleed through the White paint, so buyers will go to the aluminum siding. On the Sussex, it would go on the two sides and the rear. Ch. Schar asked how much latitude is given buyers if they start to make real drastic changes. Mr. Jacobs responded that buyers are guided, but -they are not prevented from doing anything. Sometimes , buyers are informed of incorrect choices , and most will not build a White Elephant. These homes are averaging $400 , 000. and they are long term investments. He directed the Commissioners to consider the brochure and see that there are no outlandish designs . Skylights were discussed. The AC has been resistant to skylights on front elevations. Mr. Jacobs said people want skylights. They are usually located in master bathrooms , and interior bathrooms. Some of the bath- bathrooms are located in the front, with the master bedroom to the rear, facing the golf course. Com. Owens said some of the front skylights are unpleasant. He cited the one aver the entry of the Citedel Contemporary has a lot of glass , and he suggested that it would be better to have a flat sub-divided design instead of the raised bubble. Another is too large for the roof area. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1987 - Page Six V V Ch. Larsen commented that these homes fall into a different category for the Village and Buffalo Grove appreciates the up-graded level of homes. The marketing of larger homes on larger lots is entirely different. The Appearance Plan and the Zoning Ordinance have been changed to reflect exceptions , such as custom and semi-custom homes. There does not appear to be a problem with the number of homes to choose from for only 29 lots. The one conflict he can see is the skylight issue. Com. Owens commented he would have preferred not to have had to review these homes. Most of the models will never be built. It is "wheel-spinning" to review architecture and pass judgment on houses , when every design can be changed. Com. Mc Call suggested reviewing the materials in general. After the units are sold and the changes have been made , they could be submitted for approval. He would like to see the elevations and materials for each house. Mr. Jacobs said the majority of people will choose a house from the designs being submitted and mostly minor changes are made. Mr. Saviano , in response to Com. Mc Calls suggestion, said that individual review of these homes was not the Village Board 's intent, and that is the reason for the Ordinance Amend- ment. It states that if a proposal meets established criteria, then it will not require AC approval. Only if a design is inferior, or radically different in the opinion of the Director of Building and Zoning, will the house be submitted to the AC. Regarding skylights , Com. Owens said they are only compatible with contemporary home designs , and they are incompatible with most other eclectic designs , such as Georgian or French Regency, or French Provential homes. In his opinion, skylights on these models are ridiculous. His earlier comment about the Citadel skylight, was that it is not a good design. If the AC has not authority to make recommendations , why look at any of these models? Mr. Jacobs responded that the Buffalo Grove Code, nor the BOCA Code , nor any other code restricts skylights. It is a matter of personal opinion. The majority of buildings being built today may be traditional on the outside, but 90% of the interior decorating will be eclectic or contemporary design. Com. Owens expressed his understanding of an Appearance Com- mission is to maintain a degree of reasonableness in the designs of anything that is brought before it. Commissioners try to work with developers to achieve this by making them aware of better ways of doing something. If the AC is not permitted to accomplish this , then it is a waste of time to review the houses. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1987 - Page Seven } 40/ Mr. Jacobs response was that these are the homes many people have requested to be built. Ch. Larsen read the definition of Custom Home from Ord. 87-65: A single family detached dwelling unit which has an individual design and which also has a floor plan unique to that home. This type of home would be reviewed by the Administrator only. The Sterling Green homes have been determined by the Adminis- trator to have common floor plans and common exteriors , and therefore do not fall under the definition in the Ordinance. Ch. Larsen asked the Commissioners to continue the review of the elevations and materials , with the motion stipulating that the AC does not approve of skylights on the front elevations. The developer can then make an appeal to the Village Board in accordance with usual AC procedures. Using the booklet submitted , Mr. Jacobs presented each Color Selection relating to the general brick color. In a few instances , additional alternate complimentary siding colors were added. (See copy of exhibit in AC File. ) There were were no objections , questions or comments. Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Color Selections as submitted, with the stipulation that any changes must be approved by the Administrator. Com. Schar seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Owens , Ehrhardt, Schar, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Mr. Jacobs added a comment that some purchasers will probably select a shake roof , or a timberline roof of the same color as the shingles . They have not done any red tile roofs on stucco homes. They have done tile roofs in darker shades. Ch. Larsen asked that the skylight on the front of the Citadel II be changed from the bubble type to a flat type , because there is a lot of • glass on the front elevation already. Mr. Jacobs said he would be happy to comply with this request. He also pointed out that on Blueprint No. 7921 , The Atrium, a French Provincial , which has an optional skylight on the front bathroom when the master bedroom is moved to the rear. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1987 - Page Eight Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the elevations as submitted for Sterling Green Subdivision, corresponding to the plans submitted October i , 1987 by Jacobs Homes , with the stipulation that any deviations or changes from these designs , will be submitted to the Administrator for review and approval. Com. Schar seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Owens , Ehrhardt, Schar, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to O. L RP CAPE PLAN FOR_._TWO MODELS: _ The developer will grade and add topsoil , but does not provide any landscaping. Mr. Saviano said that Model Area Landscaping will be presented in two weeks. Ch. Larsen asked Mr. Saviano consult Mr. Rigsby to see if there will be any parkway trees . Mr. Jacobs said there is an agreement with Fiore that every lot will have no less than 12 trees , but he is not aware of any parkway trees because there are no sidewalks. • MODELS; Citadel (Sales Offiese - 441 and Bridget - Lot 440 There is a notation to move existing trees to various locations on each lot, but no height or caliper is mentioned. There are some existing Pines and Spruces on the lot, but Mr. Jacobs did not know exactly what the plan calls for. Com. Mc Call asked if fences will be allowed in Sterling Green? Mr. Saviano said he knows of no restrictions , except that if there are any swimming pools , fences are required. Mr. Jacobs that usually people who live near golf courses want ornamental fences . Com. Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the Citadel II Model on Lot 441 at Sterling Green as submitted. Com. Mc Call seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Schar. Ehrhardt, Owens , Mc Call , Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 . 1987 - Page Nine • V Com. Owens made a motion to approve the Bridget Model on Lot 440 at Sterling Green as submitted. Com. Ehrhardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Mc Call , Owens , Ehrhardt, Schar, Larsen NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Mr. Jacobs said the Color Selections for the Citadel Model will be as listed on Page 8: English Manor Brick with Chamois Cedar Siding, and Walnut Roof. It will be a Traditional elevation. Color Selections for the Bridget are listed on Page 6: Midland Light Brick with Chocolate Siding and Charcoal Roof. It will be the Contemporary elevation. Signage will be brought in at a later date. V I. ANNOUNCEMENTS. New Business Item A. Federal_ Express!_ Temporary Ground Sign- Representatives did not arrive and there were questions regarding size , based on frontage , and the site location. Ch. Larsen asked that the sign be resubmitted at the next meeting. Com. Mc Call made a motion to Table until Nov. 12 , 1987. Com. Owens seconded. Voice Vote was AYE Unanimously. Mr. Saviano said that Franklin Printing will be going -in at Chase Plaza, East of Dominick's. The signage reads Printing and Office Supplies instead of the proper name. The Camera store at Chase Plaza closed, but the sign is still illuminated at night. Mr. Saviano will see about it. Com. Ehrhardt asked Mr. Saviano to check with Ray Rigsby about the caliper of the trees at the Buffalo Grove Town Center. They look smaller than what was approved. Wizard 's Ice Cream has not changed the color of the sign on the Country Court Sign. Mr. Saviano plans to issue a citation. V I I. ADJOURNI ENT Com. Owens made a motion to adjourn. Com. Mc Call seconded. The meeting was ad,idurned at 9: 50 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 22 , 1987 - Page Ten