1999-04-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes t APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY,APRIL 8, 1999 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. on Thursday, April 8, 1999 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: F. Weissman, L. Dorfman, M. Cea and R. Gordon Commissioners Absent: E. Smith,M. Cea and C. Johnson Village Board Liaison: Edward Schar,Director of Building & Zoning III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MARCH 11, 1999 - Corn. Weissman made a motion to approve as submitted. Corn. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE- Dorfman, Cea, Weissman, Gordon NAY -None Motion Passed -4 to 0 Minutes of March 11, 1999 were approved as submitted. February 25, 1999 -Remained Tabled. IV. Eagle Country Market - 350 McHenry Road, Town Center Revised Colors of Panels on Entrance Towers at Lake Cook and McHenry Roads Mr. Terry Doyle, Doyle Signs, 232 Interstate Road, P.O. Box 1068, Addison, IL 60101 (630-543-9490) made the presentation. The request for entrance tower panels that were submitted March 11, 1999 with Eagle logo colors: blue,white, yellow and red,was not acceptable and the signs were Tabled. Mr. Doyle submitted revised drawings and said the signs would match the existing color(red)panels on the entrance towers on Lake Cook Road and McHenry Road. The Commissioners had no objections. Corn. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the revised "red" Eagle Country Store Panels on the entrance towers at Lake Cook Road and McHenry Road. Corn. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Cea, Weissman and Gordon NAY-None r tiih7 • `�✓ 6y r Motion Passed-4 to 0. Mr. Doyle presented revised drawings of the front elevations of Eagle Country Market showing the signs as they were recommended by the Appearance Com- mission on March 11, 1999, i.e. CLEANERS and OPEN 24 HRS on the east end of the building; and BANK SIGN and PHARMACY on the west end of the building. The Appearance Commission had specifically recommended that the PHARMACY sign was to be centered until a bank has been leased. Mr. Doyle said they have not yet secured a bank tenant, but it would be necessary to replace the panel in order to change the location of the PHARMACY sign and they might not match the existing panels. He requested approval to install three (3) signs as shown and install the future bank sign on the far west end of the front elevation. Eagle hopes to open April 10th. The Commissioners had no objections to this proposal. Com. Cea made a motion to revise the previous recommendation for Eagle Country Market wall signs on the front elevation and permit PHARMACY be installed on the west end of the south elevation and install a BANK SIGN on the far west end of the south elevation after a bank tenant has been secured. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE -Dorfman, Cea, Weissman and Gordon NAY-None Motion Passed-4 to 0. • B. Veterinary Specialty Clinic, Busch Parkway and Milwaukee Avenue Full Review: Elevations. Materials. Colors. Landscaping. Lighting and Signs Mr. Tom Dobbins, The Dobbins Group, 736 North Western Avenue, #158, Lake Forest, IL 60045 (847-295-0225) made the presentation. The building will be located at the corner of Busch Parkway and Milwaukee Avenue and will be part of a campus arrangement with the Highland Park Health& Fitness Center and the Extended Stay America motel. The project is to be presented to the Village Board on May 3, 1999 and requires a Special Use Permit. The Plan Commission recommended approval of the building. The Veterinary Specialty Clinic has an existing facility at the corner of Deerfield Road and Milwaukee Avenue that has a traditional 2-story appearance. The proposed building will have the same appearance, except it will be a 1-story building with a peaked roof and dormers. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 8, 1999—PAGE TWO a j A9 kj � iJ 1. Elevations,Materials and Colors: a. Brick—standard size dark red b. Base- artificial limestone, such as prairie stone a. Trim- white c. Shingles—40 lb. dark gray, resembles wood shingles d. Windows—commercial gray double hung e. Roof—Partly flat,partly sloped with dormers f. Some of the recessed areas will have drivit or stucco "window like"material. These rooms have services that cannot tolerate windows. The building resembles a traditional building. The specialty practice is unique and requires a high quality signature designed building . It is a 27,000 square feet building with the required 108 parking spaces. The detention area is amply landscaped. The floor plan was described. The existing practice is to be moved to this location. They will consolidate the emergency veterinary practice that is located in Vernon Hills. The floor plan was described. There will be a surgery center, a dermatology practice, a radiology practice. There will be an emergency service and a referral service. The administration and support features will be located at the rear of the building. There are multi-entrances around the building. The front entrance is where the majority of the parking is located and where most of the clients and animals will enter the building. The 24-hour emergency entrance will be at the southwest corner of the building. There is a screened service entrance at the rear of the building that will house the trash containers and will provide a walking space for the dogs. (Dogs will be leashed.) Mr. Schar asked for a description of the revised handicapped parking plan. Mr. Dobbins said the Plan Commission and Staff recommended the changes that were made. The required depth of the handicapped spaces is 18'6" if they are not in front of a curb. Five (5) handicapped parking spaces are required. There will be three spaces in front of the building and two on the side. The green area in front of the building was increased. Staff also requested an island be added on the south parking area on the side next to Extended Stay America. There will be 35 parking spaces along the lot line with the island that breaks up the lengthy appearance. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 8, 1999—PAGE THREE • \fto/ Ch. Gordon observed the 6' walk has a 2-1/2' overhang . Mr. Schar said Illinois Accessibility Code requires if there are ramps in the sidewalk that there be at least 3'of sidewalk beyond the top of the ramp that is set in the sidewalk for the handicapped. Depending on the length of the ramp at the end of the sidewalk, there must be three (3) more feet of concrete. Mr. Dobbins said there is some detail development work to be done on the site and they will meet this requirement when they complete the drawings. Corn. Cea observed that will be no visible roof top equipment because the pitched roofs will adequately screen the units. Corn. Dorfman asked about the maintenance of the drivit panels. Mr. Dobbins said they do not require much maintenance. They will not go all the way to the ground because there is a shallow concrete base at the bottom of the building. There are plantings next to the building so there will not be any damage caused by lawn mowers. Ch. Gordon asked if there would be panzer mesh next to the drivit and the answer was"yes." He questioned why the windows go down to the stone base and the drivit panels do not? Mr. Dobbins said this was an aesthetic judgement call to make the panels look different. They wanted to break up the massive look of the building and they thought the look of a normal window as compared to a larger drivit panel was a way to get a little more character in the building. Com. Dorfman wondered whether the drivit gave the effect of closing up an old window. It looks like there should be a window there, but that a decision was made to stucco it up. Corn. Weissman said the color of the drivit is similar to the color of the stone base and he suggested using stone with some brick work around the openings to give a contrasting color. Why not use glass? Mr. Dobbins said the reason they used the color of the drivit was because it has a richness to it that the linestone does not have. The difference between stone and drivit would not be detected from the street. The issue is well taken because they do not want the look of boarded up windows. They considered spandrel glass and this seems to be an artificial solution to the problem. They are not dead set on this treatment and will be happy to consider some other alternatives. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 8, 1999—PAGE FOUR i Mr. Schar suggested putting mirrors behind window glass that would reflect the landscaping. Mr. Dobbins said these are all possibilities, and they could look harder at trying to incorporate some real windows in the spaces,with a combination of a few windows and some panels might be enough to alleviate the concern. They are not using drivit to save money. They could possibly use a different color that would look less like plywood, or provide more texture. The rooms that are in those areas are used for radiology,X-rays and surgery. These services cannot tolerate daylight. Com. Weissman suggested using the same blacked out glass that is being used in the dormers. Corn. Cea agreed that the drivit would make the building look like it was boarded up. To eliminate the perception, could they make the inner panels brick and carry out the architectural stone so that it looks like a colonnade post? Mr. Dobbins said they would not be opposed to try to get rid of the plywood panel look. They would reconsider some real windows and incorporate some stone or brick in the design. Corn. Gordon summarized the Commission's objection to the drivit panels because of the boarded up look. He recommended tabling the elevation until April 22, 1999. There would still be enough time to include the whole project on the May 3rd Village Board Agenda. Corn. Weissman made a motion to Table until April 22, 1999. Corn. Cea seconded the motion. Voice Vote: AYE Unanimously Motion Passed—4 to 0. 2. Landscaping: Mr. Dobbins described the landscape plan that was prepared by David R. McAllen Associates, Inc. There is generous landscaping all the way around the building. They have provided ample screening along the south property line where the parking lot is next to the Extended Stay parking lot. A hedgerow interspersed with Spruce and Maple trees will separate the two parking lots. There is a variety of evergreens and deciduous trees along Busch Parkway with planting beds against the building to prevent damage to the building during maintenance. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 8, 1999—PAGE FIVE A A4111, f i• The fence around the dumpster/dog walking area will be screened with three (3) deciduous trees and evergreens. They will comply with the recommendations made by Richard A. Kuhl's Landscape Review, dated April 8, 1999. The concrete walk in front will have a joint pattern, but no pavers. Corn. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Review, dated April 8, 1999,that was submitted for the Veterinary Specialty Clinic, located at Busch Parkway and Milwaukee Avenue subject to the recommendations made by Richard Kuhl's Landscape Review, dated April 8, 1999. Com. Dorfman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE—Dorfman, Cea, Weissman and Gordon NAY—None Motion Passed—4 to 0. 3. Lighting: After the Plan Commission meeting,the lighting was revised as shown on the 11"x 17"plan. Light is evenly distributed with the minimum foot candle level .6 and most of the plan shows one foot candle level,just over a 4:1 ratio. Mr. Schar informed Mr. Dobbins that the Zoning Ordinance limits the candle power at the lot line at one-half a foot candle. Mr. Dobbins said this has been slightly exceeded because it is parking lot to parking lot. All the light fixtures match Extended Stay and the Health Club. The light source is 100 watt Metal Halide to maintain the campus appearance of the area. There are three (3) wall mounted fixtures along the south elevation, two (2) on the front of the building facing south and one (1) on the east side of the building. The lights are 100 watt metal halide and they are basically down lights that will give the building even light distribution. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 8, 1999—PAGE SIX Corn. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting Plan as presented for the Veterinary Specialty Clinic, at Busch Parkway and. Milwaukee Avenue. Corn. Dorfman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Dorfman, Cea and Gordon NAY—None Motion Passed—4 to 0. 4. Signs: There will be two (2) ground signs: The 10' x 5' sign, located on Busch Parkway, will be brick that matches the building with a stone base and cap. It will have dark bronze non- illuminated letters. The base will be landscaped and there will be ground lights. The small Emergency Entrance sign will be located at the rear of the building. It will be constructed to match the main ground sign. Mr. Schar informed the Commissioners that signs within the Corporate Grove Business Park are approved by the Village Manager and require no recommendation. Com. Smith arrived at 8: 25 P.M. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Mr. Schar presented the proposed surprise honorarium that will be installed on behalf of our-going Village President, Sidney H .Mathias. The station will be re-named Sidney H. Mathias, Commuter Train and Pace Bus Facility, Buffalo Grove, IL. The size, lettering and colors will not be changed. Corn. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the proposed Metra Station sign face change in the honor of Sidney H. Mathias, as presented. Corn. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE—Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Weissman and Gordon NAY-None Motion Passed—5 to 0. 2. Mr. Schar said the Grove Court ground sign is being reconstructed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 8, 1999—PAGE SEVEN rnd VI. ADJOURNMENT Corn. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Corn. Dorfman seconded the motion. Voice Vote—AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8:34 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 8, 1999—PAGE EIGHT