1999-05-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes t 11 1 -e APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1999 I. CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Richard Gordon,the meeting was called to order and chaired by Corn. Mel Cea at 7:40 P.M. on Thursday, May 13, 1999 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Dorfman, E. Smith, C. Masure, C. Johnson and M. Cea. Commissioners Absent: R. Gordon and F. Weissman Bld.. Dept. Liaison: Richard Jensen,Building Inspector Village Board Liaison: Jeffrey Braiman, Trustee III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 22, 1999 -Had to be Tabled. IV. BUSINESS A. 55 Park Avenue, Chris Walsh Custom House -Elevations and Landscaping Mr. Chris Walsh, 45 Park Avenue, Buffalo Grove, IL (847-821-0651) made the presentation. The Plan Commission has recommended approval of his proposal to construct a new home at 55 Park Avenue. The Landscape Plan will include existing trees, one new 2-1/2 inch caliper tree and shrubs along the front of the house. The lot is surrounded by 100 year old houses in Prairie View. These houses have porches and they want to maintain this concept. The porch will be an open trellis with a solid center gable. The house will be basically earth tones. The windows will have aluminum clad wood frames. The trim will be cedar. Siding will be Hardi-Board, a concrete material that looks like wood and has been approved by the Appearance Commission. The Commissioners had no comments or objections. Corn. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the elevations, materials, colors and landscape plan, as submitted, for the single family home to be constructed at 55 Park Avenue, subject to Staff review and approval. Corn. Smith seconded the motion Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dofiivan, Smith, Masure, Johnson and Cea. NAY -None Motion Passed- 5 to 0. ! 14 ; ti ., B. 75 Park Avenue - Custom Home. Elevations and Landscaping Mr. Ronald Dunbar, TRJ Development , Inc., P.O. Box 125, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 (847-438-1557) made the presentation. This lot is next to Lot 55 and the proposed house will be a 3,400 square foot Colonial brick structure. The lot is 104' x 200' Brick will be a range of red, Streator Soft Tone 7725. The roof will have 0/C Oakwood Two Dimensional shingles - Driftwood colored shingles. The trim, soffit and fascia will be Olympic Navajo white. The landscape plan was described. There are 29 existing mature trees on the lot that will be saved. Shrubs and trees will be added. The Commissioners had no comments or objections. Corn. Dorfman made a motion to recommend approval of the elevations, materials, colors and landscape plan, as submitted, for the single family home to be constructed at 75 Park Avenue, subject to Staff review and approval. Corn. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE- Johnson, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Cea NAY-None Motion Passed- 5 to 0. C. 800 W. Lake Cook Road- Cafe Winberie Revised Elevations, Materials and Colors Ms. Leigh A. Maraviglia, Managing Principal, Amuller Youngquist, P.C. 111 E. Busse Avenue, Suite 603, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 (847-253-3761) made the presentation. The existing Winberie restaurant is being changed to Cafe Winberie and the elevation will be changed to reflect the new color scheme. The green awnings will be replaced with Jockey Red awnings and the white stucco will be changed to cream. The green copper roof will be changed to a standing seam roof metal that has a more subdued patina. The clay shingles will not be changed but they will be repaired, where necessary. A portion of the patio area will be enclosed. The 327 sq. ft. addition will be constructed with brick to match the existing brick. The window frames will be dark bronze anodized aluminum and the trim will be brown to match the existing trim. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 13, 1999 - PAGE TWO Li/ kip ti)). A sign face change is anticipated,but it will submitted at a later date. The landscaping will not be changed. Corn. Masure made a motion to recommend approval of the revised elevations, materials and colors as submitted for Cafe Winberie at 800 W. Lake cook Road. Roll call vote: AYE- Dorfman, Smith, Masure, Johnson and Cea NAY-None Motion Passed- 5 to 0. D. 1080 - 1090, Johnson Drive -Nextel Ground Sign Face Change and Wall Signs Recommendation for Variance of Sign Code Mr. Charles Zenn, Olympic Signs, Inc. 1130 N. Garfield, Lombard, IL 60148 (630-424-6120) and Mr. Mark Maleski, Operations Manager, 1082 East Park Avenue, Libertyville, IL 60048 (847-247-2585)were present. Mr. Zenn described the proposed signs. A non-illuminated panel will be added to the existing ground sign that will indicate 1080 and 1090 -NEXTEL. The sign on the front elevation, facing west(Johnson Drive)would have two foot(2') letters, but it could not be seen by traffic on Lake Cook Road. Mr. Zenn requested a variance that would permit installation of six foot(6') NEXTEL signs on the south and east elevations that would be seen the Lake Cook overpass. The ground sign and the sign on the west elevation are in compliance with the Sign Code and the Commissioners had no problem with these signs. The Commissioners agreed that they would not recommend six foot(6') letters on signs on both the south and east elevations, but would recommend one (1) five foot(5') sign on the south elevation only. No sign on the east elevation. Mr. Maleski said this would be reasonable and he agreed to amend the request. Corn. Johnson made a motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of a variance that would permit installation of a five foot (5')NEXTEL wall sign on the south elevation of the building at 1080-1090 Johnson Drive. Corn. Dorfman seconded the motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 13, 1999 - PAGE THREE f. • Roll Call Vote: AYE - Smith, Dorfman, Masure, Johnson and Cea NAY -None Motion Passed- 5 to 0. Item will be on the June 15, 1999 Zoning Board of Agenda. E. 15 North Buffalo Grove Road - Walgreen's Ground Sign and Wall Signs Recommendation for Variance of Sign Code. Walgreen's was not represented. Reviewed was Tabled until May 27, 1999. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS None VII. ADJOURNMENT Corn. Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Corn. Masure seconded the motion. Ch. Cea adjourned the meeting at 8:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb