2020-08-03 - Village Board Committee of the Whole - Minutes MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE JEFFREY S.BRAIMAN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD,BUFFALO GROVE,ILLINOIS,AND VIA AUDIO/VIDEO CONFERENCING MONDAY,AUGUST 3,2020 CALL TO ORDER President Sussman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. This meeting is being conducted in person as well as via audio and video conferencing. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present: Trustees Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith and Pike. President Sussman was present via audio/video conferencing. Also present were: Dane Bragg,Village Manager;Patrick Brankin,Village Attorney;Jenny Maltas,Deputy Village Manager;Chris Stilling,Deputy Village Manager;Chris Black,Finance Director;Evan Michel,Management Analyst;Julie Kamka,Deputy Clerk;Fire Chief Baker;and Deputy Police Chief Szos. The Committee of the Whole Meeting consisted of staff reports and Board discussion on the following topics. FEES &FINES UPDATE Ms.Kamka,Chief Baker and Deputy Police Chief Szos presented staff recommendations to update current fees and/or fines that will impact the FY 2021 budget,details of which are contained in Ms.Kamka's memo to Mr. Bragg of July 30,2020,Chief Baker's memo to the Board of August 13,2020,and Lieutenant Anderson's memo to Chief Casstevens and Deputy Chief Szos of July 24,2020,after which they answered questions from the Board. SUNSET HOME RULE&UTILITY TAXES Mr.Black reviewed the staff recommendation for the continuation of the additional 0.5%Home Ruse Sales Tax, Municipal Natural Gas Use Tax and Municipal Electricity Use Tax in fiscal year 2021. The total$4.81 million or 10.6%of the General Fund revenue budget is subject to sunset provisions. Based on the current service levels,lack of surpluses in other revenue streams,and no new sources of revenue,staff recommends no changes to Home Rule, Electricity or Natural Gas Use Taxes. Further details are contained in Mr.Black's memo of July 27,2020 to Mr. Bragg. TWENTY YEAR WATER RATE PROFORMA Mr.Stilling reviewed the Twenty Year Water Rate Proforma which reflects the latest rates and capital expenditures, further details of which are contained in his memo to Mr.Bragg of July 29,2020. FY 2020 SIX-MONTH BUDGET REPORT Mr.Black reviewed the June 30,2020 mid-point of the fiscal year,which provides an overview of current year performance measured against the approved Budget and makes a comparison against the previous year's totals, further details of which are contained in his memo of July 27,2020 to Mr.Bragg,Ms.Maltas and Mr. Stilling. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE President Sussman reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight's agenda;there were no such questions. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Johnson,to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6-Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0-None Motion declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 P.M. et M.Sirabian,Wage Clerk- J _ APPROVED BY ME THIS 17th DAY OF August 2020 - V. ge esident 3