2020-02-03 - Village Board Committee of the Whole - Minutes MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE JEFFREY S. BRAIMAN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS, MONDAY,FEBRUARY 3,2020 CALL TO ORDER President Sussman called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman; Trustees Stein, Weidenfeld, Johnson, Smith and Pike. Trustee Ottenheimer was absent. Also present were: Dane Bragg, Village Manager; Jenny Maltas, Deputy Village Manager; Chris Stilling, Deputy Village Manager; Andrew Brown, Deputy Finance Director; Art Malinowski, Director of Human Resources; Brett Robinson, Director of Purchasing; Nicole Woods, Deputy Community Development Director; Rati Akash, Village Planner; Evan Michel, Management Analyst; Darren Monico, Village Engineer; Mike Reynolds, Director of Public Works; Geoff Tollefson, Director of Golf Operations; Deputy Police Chief Eisenmenger; Fire Chief Baker. The Committee of the Whole Meeting consisted of staff reports and Board discussion on the following topics. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE Mrs. Woods briefly introduced the status of the Comprehensive Plan, details of which are contained in her memo to the Board of January 28, 2020. Referring to a PowerPoint presentation, Lesley Roth of Ratio and Perry Geogrooplous of Ginkgo provided an overview of the draft Existing Conditions Report (ECR) in an effort to receive feedback and comments from the Board, after which they answered questions from the Board. 2020 CENSUS UPDATE Mrs. Akash reviewed the efforts Buffalo Grove is pursuing in partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau to bring about awareness and motivate residents to respond to the 2020 Census. Further details of this proposal may be found in Mrs. Akash's memo to Mr. Bragg of January 29, 2020. Board members commented on possible options to reach every member of the community. COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Mr. Michel provided an update on the creation and first meeting of the Buffalo Grove Community Foundation, details of which may be found in his memo to Mr. Bragg of January 29, 2020, after which he answered questions from the Board. r SUSTAINABILITY PLAN Referring to a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Robinson provided an overview of the draft Sustainability Plan, and also presented the goals list for 2020 and 2021, after which he answered questions from the Board. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE President Sussman reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight's agenda; there were no such questions. EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved by Johnson, seconded by Weidenfeld, to move to Executive Session to discuss Section 2(C)(1)of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the Public Body or against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to determine its validity; and to discuss Section 2(C)(11) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular Public Body has been filed and is pending before a Court or Administrative Tribunal, or when the Public Body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the Minutes of the Closed Meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Stein, Weidenfeld,Johnson, Smith, Pike NAYS: 0—None ABSENT": 1 - Ottenheimer Motion declared carried. The Board moved to Executive Session from 8:54 P.M. until 10:03 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Weidenfeld, seconded by Stein, to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 P.M. net M. Sirabian, Village Clerk-- APPROVED BY ME THIS 18th DAY OF February 2020 - illage Presi ent 3