1981-11-09 - Village Board Committee of the Whole - Minutes SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS, HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1981 , AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS . President Clayton called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. Roll call indicated the following present: President Clayton ; Trustees Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, and Schwartz. Trustees Marienthal and Gerschefske were absent. Also present were William Balling, Village Manager; William Raysa, Village Attorney; James Doyle, Assistant Village Manager; William Brimm, Finance Director; Gregory Boysen, Director of Public Works ; Richard Kuenkler, Village Engineer; Carmen Molinaro, Director of Golf Operations; and Paul Kochendorfer, Village Treasurer. FY 82 DEPARTMENT OF GOLF OPERATIONS PROGRAM BUDGET Mr. Balling introduced the FY B2 Department of Golf Operations Program Budget, which totals $472,830.00. The entire budget, as well as correspondence relating to same, are on file in the Clerk's office. Mr. Balling pointed out one error in the budget presentation; the proposed replacement of the Toro Sand Pro is actually replacement of only the engine, and not the entire piece of equipment. Mr. Balling explained the proposal to rotate a 1-ton dump truck, which was involved in an accident and incurred extensive damage, to the Golf Course, and purchase a new vehicle for Street and Bridge use. Mr. Balling also detailed the proposed reconstruction of the 15th hole. The debt service for next year will be the largest debt service of the retirement schedule; however, only $25,000 will be from taxes , which is the lowest amount ever to be used from tax money. Mr. Molinaro explained the rationale for the reconstruction of the 15th hole. There was discussion by the Board on this reconstruction project, and it was requested that there be a specific breakdown on the exact cost of the reconstruction. There was also discussion on the extent of the damage and repair of the truck which is proposed for Golf Course use. The necessity for new bar stools in the Club House was also discussed. There was a comment regarding the difference in fees between residents and non-residents. Mr. Balling stated that staff would have the information requested by the Board for the November 16th meeting; he also requested that authorization to bid on vehicle 420 be placed on that agenda. There was no objection from the Board to this request. Mr. Brimm highlighted his memo of November 6, 1981 , outlining the steps which have been taken to secure a new food and bar lessee for the Golf Course; he also explained the reasons that the proposed partnership was chosen to be the new lessee for the Golf Course. Mr. Balling commented on the possibility of purchasing some equipment from the current lessee at a reasonable price, and also the steps which will be taken to ready the operation for the new lessee. PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Mr. Robert Dempsey and Mr. Robert Close, of Novak, Dempsey & Associates , reviewed the Pavement Management System report which they prepared for the Village. This report, as well as Mr. Balling's memo to the Board of November 5, 1981 highlighting the findings of the study, and Mr. Boysen's memo to Mr. Balling of November 5, 1981 , are on file in the Clerk's office. Discussion took place regarding the three levels of improvement presented in the study: Optimal Improvement Schedule, Least Initial Cost, and Present Level by Maintenance Only; and the most cost efficient method for this project. \ , \ea, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE NOVEMBER 9, 1981 PAGE TWO Mr. Balling stated that the next step in the process would be to present an implementation plan, the first step of which would be a recommendation on design services . He suggested that the Board identify and accept as a matter of policy the targeted implementation program. Mr. Novak explained the differences between the Optimal Improvement Schedule and the Least Initial Cost; he stated that the Optimal Level will return more than the proportional amount of the dollar spent. Mr. Balling explained that the 70 level is recommended in order to get the highest targeted level for the least dollars. Mr. Novak pointed out that if the Village were to let a larger contract, there should be a price break, and it may be possible to get the Optimum level for the Least level cost. It was decided that the following should be explored: different financing strategies; prioritizing the necessities; determining the cost of a 60 or 65 level rather than a 70; and creating a special service district, providing that dollars for each county remain in that county. Mr. Balling stated that the most cost effective strategy would be to get the streets up to standards now, and then maintain them at that level . Mr. Novak stated that it is impossible for the Village to maintain all the streets at their present level with the funds currently available. Mr. Balling stated that this subject would be on the agenda for the November 23, 1981 Workshop meeting, and the information requested by the Board would be available at that time. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Schwartz, seconded by O'Reilly, to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss litigation. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. The Executive Session terminated at 10:30 P.M. Janet I'1: Sirabian, Village Clerk