1981-09-14 - Village Board Committee of the Whole - Minutes SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS, HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 , AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS. President Clayton called the meeting to order at 10:00 P.M. Those present were: President Clayton; Trustees Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, and Schwartz. Also present were: William Balling, Village Manager; James Doyle, Assistant Village Manager; William Brimm, Finance Director; Richard Kuenkler, Village Engineer; Raymond Rigsby, Superintendent of Public Works; Paul Kochendorfer, Village Treasurer; and William Raysa, Village Attorney. TOWN CENTER President Clayton stated that this meeting is to review and discuss some of the financing alternatives necessary to proceed. Mr. Harold Eisenberg of Ken Tucker & Associates explained the financial problems which have beset the Town Center project. Discussion then took place regarding the financial alternatives outlined in Mr. Balling 's memo to the President and Board of Trustees of September 10, 1981 . Mr. Balling discussed the opportunity to place special service district or tax exempt bond financing on a negotiated basis through the principal finance service center. At the request of the Board, staff did examine financing alternatives; both the industrial revenue bonds and the special service district were investigated as a vehicle for financing. The preliminary investigation of the special service district showed that it was a reasonable concept; however, local banks showed no interest in securing a municipal rate. The Village's fiscal consultant showed that a public placement of bonds would not be recommended at this time. It was suggested that there may be feasibility into the Village creating the special service district, or possibly a tax- exempt industrial revenue bond that would be placed privately by the develop- ment group and could attain a municipal rate. If that were to occur, it would break the obstacle in dealing with the tax exempt financing issue. If the Village used either the industrial revenue bond vehicle or the special service district bonds, either sale could be structured in such a way to encumber only the property in question for the obligation. This concept would demand that the developer would be responsible for negotiating the sale and a competitive municipal rate with a financial institution. Mr. Eisenberg stated that industrial revenue bonds are not saleable today. Mr. Brimm stated that he had talked with a number of financial institutions, and there is basically no interest at all in tax exempt paper. Mr. Brimm also stated that there is absolutely no risk on the part of the Village with industrial revenue bonds. Discussion took place on the revenue which will be brought into the Village from the Town Center, as well as the possibility of the Village backstopping any type of loan or bond. Mr. Eisenberg stated that he did not think they would be able to secure any type of bonds without a backstop by the Village. There was discussion on the engineering fees, followed by further discussion on the financing possibilities. Mr. Eisenberg stated that the options on the property run through the end of September. Mr. Brimm stated that there is no risk to the Village with a special service district unless there is a backstop added; if there were a backstop added and there was a default, the debt service would have to be levied against all property in the Village. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 PAGE TWO Trustee Schwartz asked for a polling of the Board as to whether they would consider the alternate financing that has been discussed this evening, and if Ken Tucker & Associates is able to get some positive response, to call a special meeting to discuss that in detail , and use that as an alternative to move forward with the Town Center; this would include an industrial revenue bond or a special service district, with or without backstop by the Village. President Clayton stated that she would poll the Board separately on each of the possible alternatives . The first polling pertains to the Industrial Revenue Bonds : "Yes" indicates favor of same; "No" indicates opposition: YES: Marienthal , Hartstein, Schwartz NO: Stone, O'Reilly ABSTAIN: Gerschefske President Clayton stated that, in light of the fact that the final vote on an annexation requires a vote of 5, the affirmative vote of 3 Board members would not be enough to even look into the Industrial Revenue Bond possibility. The second polling pertains to a special service district with a backstop: "Yes" indicates favor; "No" indicates opposition: YES : Hartstein, Schwartz NO: Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly ABSTAIN: Gerschefske The third polling pertains to a special service district with no backstop: "Yes" indicates favor; "No" indicates opposition: YES: Marienthal , Hartstein, Schwartz NO: Stone, O'Reilly ABSTAIN: Gerschefske Trustee Hartstein stated that he is very much in favor of the Town Center, and urged other Board members to reconsider their views on the special service district, or to go along with one of the alternatives presented by the Village Manager in his September 10, 1981 memo. Trustee Schwartz stated that, although he does not agree with all of Trustee Hartstein's concepts of the Town Center, he would also urge other Trustees to consider alternative financing of this project. President Clayton stated that she agreed with the above statements. Mrs. Clayton also stated that she did commit to Ken Tucker that he would receive some direction frow the Board, one way or the other, at tonight 's meeting. Trustee Stone stated that the Board has already been told that two of the methods of alternate financing will not be saleable; the only possible method of financing is the special service district with a backstop, which Mr. Stone would not favor. Trustee O'Reilly stated that her main reason for not reconsidering is because \./ of the financing, but also because she is not in favor of the way the negotiations thus far have been conducted. \./ COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 PAGE THREE President Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" indicates favor of Alternative III as outlined in Mr. Balling 's memo of September 10, 1981 , and also requiring a dollar contribution of the proportionate share from this particular developer; "No" indicates opposition: YES: Hartstein NO: Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Schwartz ABSTAIN: Gerschefske President Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" indicates favor of Alternative II as outlined in Mr. Balling's memo of September 10, 1981 ; "No" indicates opposition: YES: Hartstein, Schwartz NO: Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly ABSTAIN: Gerschefske President Clayton stated that she regretted having to inform the developer that it appears there is no way that the Village is going to be able to accommodate them with financing. Mrs. CLayton stated that the Board is in favor of the Plan. Mr. Eisenberg stated that, on behalf of the Jewel Store, he felt that he should ask the Board how they felt about Jewel 's locating at another spot. President Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" indicates favor of consideration of the Jewel/Osco plus additional retail on the Henderson property; "No" indicates opposition : YES: Stone, O'Reilly NO: Marienthal (would like to have the Lake-Cook/Arlington Heights Road location be pursued) ; Hartstein (because of traffic consideration) ; Gerschefske ABSTAIN: Schwartz (does not feel he has enough information regarding that site) Mr. Eisenberg thanked the Board for their consideration on this project. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Stone, seconded by Marienthal , to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 17 P.M. '�`' fir' l �7u Janet kit Sirabian, Village Clerk