1981-01-19 - Village Board Committee of the Whole - Minutes ftwie SUMMARY OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS, HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1981 , AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS President Clayton opened the meeting at 9:20 P.M. , after the adjournment of the Regular Meeting at 9:00 P.M. President Clayton stated that this session deals with Buffalo Grove's Lake Michigan Water policy, and turned the meeting over to Mr. Balling. Mr. Balling stated that this is the first in a series of workshops on Lake Michigan Water. He stated that the Village is nearing a major decision point with the Northwest Suburban Water System, and several elements have changed since August of 1980, which the Board should review. Staff has scheduled three presentations for the Board. The first one to be discussed this evening is the Lake Michigan allocation, and the variance between the request and the allocation; the status of both the Northwest Suburban Water System (formerly known as Venture) and the Northwest Water Commission (formerly known as DMAP) . The Director of Public Works has prepared a unit cost comparison between the Northwest Suburban Water System and the Northwest Water Commission. Mr. Balling then highlighted the staff interpretation of the IDOT allocation. It is the staff's recommendation to the Village to use the water demand figures which were presented in testimony to the Department of Transportation as the basis for all system sizing, and rely on the modification of allocation procedures in the rules to deal with those conditions that arise subsequent to the year 2000. President Clayton asked if there were any questions on Mr. Balling 's comments. She then stated that, since there were no questions, she would take that to mean that the Board concurred with staff recommendation. Trustee Stone congratulated staff on an excellent job, which was brought out by the fact that Buffalo Grove did receive a full allocation. Mr.Balling brought the Board up-to-date on the status of the Northwest Suburban Water System and the Northwest Water Commission, summarizing his memo of January 16, 1981 , and updating same with information from the Executive Committee meeting held today. Mr. Balling stated that it is the strong desire of everyone to get water in 1985, and he is reasonably confident that that will be the policy that will guide Venture. He said that the Keifer study may or may not have an impact on the system. He then proceeded to answer questions from the Board on his previous comments. Mr. Balling highlighted information which is contained in his January 16, 1981 memo, and then answered questions specific to the NWC from Board members. The next item discussed was the cost evaluation of the system, and Mr. Balling reviewed Mr. Boysen 's memo on same of January 19, 1981 . Mr. Boysen then explained the methodology used in preparing the report. Discussion followed on the finances relating to both the NWC and NSWS. Mr. Balling stated that Buffalo Grove is the only community that he knows of that is actively doing price comparisons. 4 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 19, 1981 PAGE TWO Mr. Balling explained the status of Well #7. The Village has proceeded with interim design. Because of the slowdown in building, and the fact that the target date for Lake Michigan water has been moved up between 3 and 6 months (to mid-summer of 1984) , our exposure has been compressed by approximately 18 months; however, this does not totally eliminate the need for Well #7. Staff's proposal to the Board is to proceed with the reservoir pumping station as soon as possible, and to hold in abeyance the actual well plans, closely monitoring water consumption. Should it become imperative to have the well in operation, the plans and specifications would then be ready to act upon, and the well could be operating in a short period of time. Mr. Boysen pointed out that prompt property acquisition is very important. He also stated that the main problem with the above proposal could be meeting peak day demands. Mr. Balling stated that, if the Board is uncomfortable with the proposed plan , we are not behind schedule on Well #7, and could proceed with it as originally intended. Mr. Balling stated that it is very important for all Board members to attend the meeting in Palatine tomorrow night, as it will be a detailed workshop, and should answer many questions anyone might have. Mr. Balling stated that there will be a follow-up workshop on Jaivary 26, 1981 . President Clayton adjourned the meeting at 10:42 P.M. Jan M. Sirabian, Village Clerk 'w/