1958-07-10 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1958, AT 8:00 P.M. , IN THE OFFICE OF BUFFALO GROVE HOME BUILDERS, INC. AND U. S. POSTOFFICE SUB- STATION, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS. The President called the meeting to order. On roll call the following were found present: President Clohesey; Trustees Dorner, McGahan and Frank. Absent: Trustees Miller, McHugh, Conti The President announced that a quorum was present. Trustee Frank stated that Trustee McHugh would be in later. Mr. Bauer was asked to telephone the absent trustees. He reported that neither Trustee Miller's nor Trustee Conti's phones answered. Trustee Dorner moved that the minutes of the previous meeting held on June 5, 1958 be approved. Trustee McGahan seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. President Clohesey read a letter dated June 16, 1958 from William J. Mortimer, Superintendent of Highways, Cook County, (Doc. No. 10) Uhich stated that signs designating the village limits would be posted. The President stated that the signs have been installed. The President read a letter dated June 26, 1958 from J. P. Tuthill., District Engineer, to D. S. Magowan (Doc. No. 11) re directional signs in the vicinity of the Village. The President read a letter dated June 30, 1958 from D. S. Magowan, (Doc. No. 12) stating that direction arrow signs will be erected on state maintained highways at the intersections with local high- ways leading directly to the Village. The President announced that Ordinance No. 0-58-10, being the Gas Ordinance, has been accepted by the Northern Illinois Gas Company and that a bond in the sum of $5,000.00 has been filed with the Village Clerk. A building permit for the erection of a garage by Robert Grizzell, Lot 45, Brucewood Drive, was presented. Trustee Frank moved that the building permit be granted subject to the condition that the garage must be 10 ft. from the rear lot line and 10 ft. from the side yard line. Trustee Dorner seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. The proposed zoning ordinance came up for discussion. Trustee Frank read the Zoning Commission Chairman's report (Doc. No. 9) . After further discussion, Trustee Frank moved that action on the proposed zoning ordinance be tabled until the next meeting so that additions to the zoning ordinance could be taken under con- sideration. Trustee McGahan seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. The President called for reports from the standing committees. Trustee Miller, Building - absent. Trustee Conti, Zoning - absent. Trustee Frank, Public Safety. Trustee Frank reported that he has more information on civil defense and has turned it over to Paul Ciccione. As yet he has had no report from Mr. Ciccione. Trustee Frank brought up the matter of Chief of Police. After much discussion re appointing a township constable or one of the residents as a police officer, the subject of insurance on the officer, using a private car as a squad car, renting or purchasing a squad car and other matters pertaining to the duties of a police officer were brought up. Trustee Dorner moved that the matter be tabled until these various problems could be resolved. Trustee McGahan seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Trustee Dorner, Street Committee. Trustee Dorner stated that the census has been taken, and that all the forms have been filled out and sent to the Division of Accounting for the motor fuel tax allotment. Attorney Matthews informed the Board of the latest action of the legislature in setting the speed limits for village streets at 20 miles per hour. Trustee Dorner moved that Ordinance No. 0-58-13 amending Section 1 of the Traffic Ordinance (No. 0-58-5) be passed. Trustee Frank seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Dorner, McGahan, Frank and President Clohesey. NAYS: None. Trustee Frank moved that the Village Clerk be authorized to purchase 4 20 mile speed limit signs and 2 25 mile speed limit signs, the latter to be posted on Buffalo Grove Road. Trustee McGahan seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Dorner, McGahan, Frank and President Clohesey. NAYS: None. Trustee Dorner moved that DeSoto B. McCabe & Associates be appointed Village Engineers and further moved that they be paid the sum of $1.00 per year for their services. Trustee McGahan seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Dorner, McGahan, Frank and President Clohesey. NAYS: None Trustee McGahan, Planning Committee. Trustee McGahan read his report (Doc. No. 13) on the neighboring territories petition to incorporate. After discussion, Trustee McGahan moved that this petition be tabled for action at a future date when more infor- mation may be available. Trustee Dorner seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried, with Trustee Frank voting present. A plan drawn up by DeSoto B. McCabe & Associates, which is the first step in making a master plan for the Village, was presented. Discussion re appointing a Planning Commission followed. Trustee Dorner moved that a Planning Commission be appointed consisting of five members, including three members of the Planning Committee to act ex-officio on the Planning Commission, and two other members to be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board. Trustee McGahan seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. The President then appointed Joseph Davero and Paul Scharringhausen as members of the Planning Commission. Trustee Dorner moved that the appointments be approved. Trustee Frank seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. The President then appointed Trustee McGahan as the head of the Planning Commission. Trustee Frank seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Trustee Dorner moved that the President be authorized to accept and sign The Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago' s Permit No. 1958-143, authorizing the installation of a sewerage system in Unit II. Trustee McGahan seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Trustee McHugh, Finance Committee, presented Ordinance No. 0-58-14 being an Appropriation Ordinance. Trustee McGahan moved that Appropriation Ordinance No. 0-58-14 be adopted. Trustee Dorner seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Dorner, McGahan, Frank, McHugh and President Clohesey. NAYS: None Trustee McHugh was advised of the action of the Board on the neighboring territories petition to incorporate and read Trustee McGahan' s report. Trustee McHugh wished to go on record that he is in full agreement with the Board' s action. There being no other business to come before the meeting, Trustee MoGahan moved that the meeting adjourn. Trustee Frank seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. 1 Village Clerk Time: 10: 50 Li gY G