1961-08-03 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR METING OF THE PRESIDENNT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 1961, AT 8:00 P.M., IN THE LOUISA MAY ALCOTT PUBLIC SCHOOL IN BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS. The President called the meeting to order. On roll call the following were found present: President Bunescu; Trustees Bochniak, Farrington, Frank, Huxhold, Gillen Absent: Trustee Walters Trustee Huxhold moved that the minutes of the previous regular Board meeting held July 6, 1961 and the adjourned meeting held July 13, 1961, be approved as corrected. Trustee Farrington seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Gillen, Huxhold, Frank, Farrington, Bochniak NAYS: None Trustee Bochniak read Warrant #42. Trustee Farrington moved that the Board authorize the paymeht of the $75.00 premium for the Treasurer's bond. Trustee Bochniak seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Bochniak, Farrington, Frank, Gillen, Huxhold NAYS: None Trustee Bochniak moved that Yfarrant #42 in the amount of $2134.30 be approved as read. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Gillen, Huxhold, Frank, Farrington, Bochniak NAYS: None Chief Barnett read the Police Activities report for the month of July. Trustee Frank stated that he has seen the police car in the parking lot of the Arlington Country Club, and feels that this practice of using the club as a turn-around by the police car should be discontinued since there are now areas within the Village limits which can be used as a turn-around. A heated discussion followed. Trustee Frank stated if the police are providing patrol service outside the Village limits, this should be done on a contractual arrangement, and requested the President to direct the Chief of Police to discontinue this practice and that the vehicle remain within the Village limits except when on official business. In further discussion it was stated that this parking lot is a place where the vehicle can turn around and where the men on duty can get out and walk around; that they are still within range of the Village; that under the law the police department is confined to jurisdiction of the Village, but under certain circumstances they can go outside the area; that a special policeman is not allowed to carry his uniform or gun outside the Village. Thereupon, Trustee Frank moved that the President direct the police to remain within the official limits of the Village of Buffalo Grove except when on official business. Trustee Farrington seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Frank and Farrington NAYS: Trustees Gillen, Huxhold, Bochniak The President announced that the motion is defeated. Police Magistrate Bauer gave his report for the month of July, 1961, stating he had 9 cases in July; 3 dismissals; 3 convictions; 3 continuances to August; and that $32.00 was turned in to the Village. Trustee Farrington questioned the Police Magistrate on three fence violations. The Magistrate stated that 2 have been settled and 1 is still pending. A lengthy discussion followed and the Police Magistrate invited the Board to • come to his home and look at his records and sit down and talk to him. In response to a question, Mr. Raysa stated that the Magistrate reports to the Village on the fines, convictions, dismissals, etc., but his interpretation of the ordinances and the fines he levies is his jurisdiction. On the status ofthe radar equipment, the Police Chief reported that they still do not have the license. Mr. Racette, Chairman, read the report of the Plan Commission (Doc. No. 115). He further stated they are awaiting some legal recommendations before acting on a request for a special use rezoning for the Utility Company. Mr. Schmalzer, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission stated that the playground and foot bridge was up by the 14th of July; that 421 hours were put in by 1$ men; and that they hope to have more men for the coming Saturday and will get the baseball field ready. He requested $50.00 from the Board to acquire chicken wire and lumber to put up a back stop. Trustee Farrington suggested that it may be too late in the season to put up a back stop because it will get a limited play, and Mr. Schmalzer agreed. Mr. Schmalzer further stated that Mr. Garbacz will put in 500 lbs of seed on the baseball diamond and picnic area this fall. The President read a letter from Derek Palmer resigning from the Park Commission. Trustee Gillen moved that the resignation be accepted. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Report from Public Improvements Committee. A letter from the Public Improvements Committee thanking Buffalo Grove Home Builders and Skokie Valley Asphalt Paving Co. for hard surfacing the parking lot of the park was read. The President was asked to thank these companies. Mr. Guihan of the Civic Improvement Committee stated that enough donations of labor and material have been received to put in the slab for the Municipal Building. He hopes this will be completed by the end of September. Public Safety Committee Report. The President stated that the most pressing point has been the Rescue Squad. He stated the Safety Committee has discussed this at length and has had a meeting with three representatives of the Wheeling Township Fire District. He stated the main reason for setting up this organ- ization as a volunteer fire department is so that the men may join certain State and County organizations and reap the benefits of association with these groups. He also stated that Wheeling is selling their panel truck, which they have converted to a rescue vehicle, for $400.00. He stated the Rescue Squad is a non profit organization and will try to expand with con- tributions. The Village will start them out with a vehicle and inhalator, at an expenditure of approximately $700.00, and that insurance must be obtained. The President stated that the Police Department has formulated their rules and regulations, and that copies of these have been given to the members of the Board. A motion of the Board is required to approve these rules and regulations. It was decided to wait until the Board can review these thoroughly. On the recommendation of the Chief of Police, the President appointed Joseph Wieser to the rank of Lieutenant in the Reserve. Trustee Bochniak moved that the appointment be approved. Trustee Farrington seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Bochniak, Frank, Farrington, Gillen, Huxhold NAYS: None Upon the written recommendation of the Chief of Police, the President permanently certified the following men to the position of Special Policemen: Charles G. Kramer Michael J. D'Amore Raymond P. Karling end appointed Kenneth E. Williams to the office of Special Policeman with a probationary classification. Trustee Bochniak moved that the appointments be approved. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Huxhold, Gillen, Frank, Farrington, Bochniak NAYS: None Upon the va'itten recommendation of the Chief of the Police, the following men were appointed to regular reserve officers by the President: Henry E. Walker William F. Davis Trustee Huxhold moved that the appointments be approved. Trustee Bochniak seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Gillen, Huxhold, Frank, Farrington, Bochniak NAYS: None The President reported that at the Safety Committee meeting the hiring of a full time policeman was discussed and it was decided that this appointment be limited to a group of men now in the Police Department. However, the Finance Committee has since stated that the Village is not financially able to hire a full time policeman. The vehicle stickers mere raised; however, only $2.50 out of each sticker can be used to pay the salary of a full time policeman. Approximately 600 stickers have been sold, netting $1500.00 for this purpose, which is not sufficient. The President stated that James McGahan is out of town a great deal of the time and as a result has been unable to attend the Public Safety Committee meetings. He, therefore, would like to remove James McGahan from this Committee and appoint Mrs. Pat Breson, who has attended every meeting, to the Public Safety Committee. Trustee Bochniak moved that the Board approve the removal of James McGahan from the Public Safety Committee. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion. Trustee Frank stated that this is the first time anyone has been removed for cause and suggested that the matter be taken up with Mr. McGahan before action is taken on the motion. The President stated that nothing detrimental was meant because it is a known fact that he travels a great deal. Trustee Frank moved that the motion be tabled. Trustee Gillen seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Gillen, Huxhold, Frank, Farrington, Bochniak NAYS: None Trustee Bochniak moved that the appointment of Mrs. Pat Breson to the Public Safety Committee be approved. Trustee Frank seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Bochniak, Farrington, Frank, Huxhold, Gillen NAYS: None ,;?k)4 Discussion was had on writing to the County to post signs at Bill's Buffalo House. Public Relations Committee Report. Trustee Gillen stated that the small phone book which is distributed in the Village would be a good place in which to print the information as to the time and place of the Board meetings, office hours of the Clerk, committee meetings, and such other pertinent infor- mation. He stated that the printing company who puts out this book will be soliciting ads the end of this month and the new book comes out in October. They will donate the inside front page free for this information. They will sell extra copies of the book to us so it can be given to new residents. Trustee Frank reported on the de-annexation petition which was heard in the County Court that morning. He stated that the petition which was filed was signed by a majority of the property owners and a majority of the electors; that the surveyor testified that over 50% of the area was requesting this de-annexation; that the Sanitary District made no objection to the introduction of this evidence; and that he hopes the de-annexation order will be entered this week. The President announced that the Cook County Fire Bureau is going to conduct a survey which should reduce our fire insurance rates about 30%. The President read proposed Ordinance No. 0-61-18, being an Ordinance creating and establishing a volunteer fire department in the Village of Buffalo Grove. Trustee Bochniak moved that Ordinance No. 0-61-18, being an Ordinance creating and establishing a volunteer fire department in the Village of Buffalo Grove, be adopted. Trustee Gillen seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Bochniak, Farrington, Frank, Huxhold, Gillen NAYS: None In response to a question, it was stated that the Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad will work hand in hand with the Wheeling Fire Department. The residents of the Village of Buffalo Grove will continue to call the Police Department where a man from the Rescue Squad will be on duty. The Rescue Squad will then answer all emergency calls. If the vehicle is tied up, then the Wheeling rescue squad will be called in, and the reverse will be true if the Wheeling rescue squad needs assistance. Trustee Bochniak moved that the Board authorize the purchase of an inhalator- resuscitator at a cost not to exceed $325.00. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Huxhold, Frank, Farrington, Gillen, Bochniak NAYS: None A discussion was had on th proposed purchase of the emergency vehicle from Wheeling, and it was suggested that Mr. Breson have some disinterested person check it over. Trustee Frank suggested that the Board consider buying the police a new vehicle and giving the Rescue Squad the present vehicle. The President suggested that the newly formed Fire Department test the hydrants. The President read proposed Ordinance No. 0-61-19, which is an Ordinance amending No. 0-58-22 relating to building permit fees. Trustee Farrington moved that Ordinance No. 0-61-19, being an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 0-5$-22, be passed. Trustee Bochniak seconded the motioh. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Farrington, Bochniak, Gillen, Huxhold NAYS: Trustee Frank The President read a resolution (No. R-61-6) setting the fees to be paid for inspection of residential and commercial buildings as follows: (a) General Inspection $2.OQ (b) Electrical Inspection $2.00 (c) Plumbing Inspection $2.00 (d) Masonry Inspection $2.00 Trustee Gillen moved that the resolution be approved as read. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Farrington, Bochniak, Gillen, Huxhold NAYS: Trustee Frank The President announced that the Finance Committee will meet on the 4th Thursday of each month and the Public Improvement Committee on the 2nd Thursday. The President read a letter on Clean Streams 'Abek from the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago. Ty stee Farrington asked Eugene Bochniak to get a group together and in conjunction with the park oh Saturday to get the stream cleaned. Mr. Raysa stated that he is getting facts together to set up a complaint as discussed at the last Board meeting in regard to acquisition of the Utility Company. The President read a letter from the Buffalo Utility Company stating that a meeting of the Directors and Stockholders will be held August 16th to consider the offer made by the Village to the Utility Company. Trustee Bochniak moved that the meeting adjourn to August 10th at 8:00 P.M. Trustee Farrington seconded tr. motion and it was unanimously carried. 7;Zej2 Village lerk