1964-03-19 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COUNTIES OF COOK AND LAKE, ILLINOIS, HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1964, IN THE LOUISA MAY ALCOTT PUBLIC SCHOOL, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS . The President called the meeting to order at approximately 8 :20 P.M. All present stood and recited the pledge of allegiance. The Clerk called the roll and the following were found present : President Farrington; Trustees Racette, Marsh, Weiskopf, Huxhold, Frank ABSENT: Trustee Rueckel (arrived 8 :30 P.M.) Trustee Weiskopf moved the minutes of the meeting of March 5 , 1964 be approved. Trustee Marsh seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustees Marsh, Weiskopf, Huxhold, Frank NAYS : None ABSTAIN: Trustee Racette Trustee Racette stated that the fire hydrants have been turned the proper way. There are now 2 backhoes and a bulldozer on Melinda and Raupp. Public Improvement is to follow up on these . Trustee Huxhold stated the firemen will participate in the burning of the house across from the General Store on Buffalo Grove Road. It will be under the jurisdiction of the Long Grove, Lake County Fireman' s Association. The pancake breakfast was not the success it was hoped to be . Trustee Weiskopf stated the Finance Committee has had meetings and are going over the budgets. He will get estimates on the auditing of the Village Funds since we are now required to have a yearly audit. They approve the request of $100.00 for the park for grass seed and fertilizer to fill in the "bare spots" . Trustee Rueckel arrived and was present for the meeting. The Park Commissiaa reported a meeting next Thursday with Gordon Lind and the Park Counsellors . A teen-age program is being worked on. Trustee Marsh stated the amendment to the Police Ordinance was completed. The initial phase for preparation of the Spring bulletin was also discussed. OLD BUSINESS President Farrington stated that a petition for annexation and a pre-annexation agreement for the northeast corner of Buffalo Grove Road and Dundee Road is before the board. At the last meeting, it appeared that before action could be taken, the petitioners would have to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals since the acreage was short of the 5 acres specified in the Ordinance . Further perusal of the Ordinance revealed that when property abuts or is across from the same type of zoning, such requirements can be waived* President Farrington stated the Ordinance is inconsistent in this respect and should be amended. He stated we now have before the board a recommendation for a B-3 Zoning. Representatives of the purchaser were present at the meeting. The owners of the existing station could not be present, but will be notified of the public hearing. President Farrington then read the pre- annexation agreement and stated a public hearing should be set up. Discussion followed. Trustee Frank stated he did not concur that a public hearing should be set up. He stated it would be setting a precedent in signing pre-annexation agreements with everyone that wants to annexl;to the Village, large or small. He stated the only thing they are asking for is a commitment on the zoning and this could be done in some other way and in his opinion, they were asking for the wrong zoning, they should ask for an O&R zoning. Mr . Murphy stated he thought that Mr . E . A. Howard, Jr . , the purchaser, was entitled to protection. Under statute he can enter into a pre-annexation agreement. He has entered into a contract to purchase the acreage pending zoning approval. He felt he was entitled to the benefits of a pre-annexation agreement regardless of the size of property. Trustee Marsh stated since a pre-annexation agreement is a legal contract, he can see no harm in the board approving the signing of the agreement, under the circumstances, he would be in favor of it. Trustee Racette questioned what would be done with the balance of the land. Mr. Nash, realtor, stated the reason a gas station was to be put on the property is that it would help pay for the entire parcel and free the purchaser of part of the load of carrying the entire parcel until it can be developed. He stated people call about developing the property but he can make no commitments because he does not know what the zoning will be . He cannot `./ come to terms with someone only to find that type of zoning will not be granted. Mr . Raysa stated he had no "quarrel" with the agreement except he did not know if we could bind a private utility for sewer and water by signing the agreement. Mr. Murphy stated he would like to meet with Mx . Raysa to discuss these points before the hearing. President Farrington stated the utility needs certification to service that area, if they are not certified for the area the ICC requirement is not waived, property is merely added to the zoning that abuts it. must be petitioned. He stated he assumes that if the area is annexed and the parties are willing to pay their share, the owners of the utility would service the area because it is revenue to them. Trustee Frank stated that to get back to the main point, it is the zoning he is concerned with. Ale do not know what is intended for the remainder of the land. By giving the B-3 zoning we are authorizing a multitude of uses and in effect are giving them a "hunting license" . Trustee Weiskopf stated it seems we would be asking them to pick out a particular type of establishment to go in there . When they do come in they will plan the entire area but this is not necessary at the time of annexation. Trustee Rueckel stated that in reading the B-3 classification of the ordinance, it states nothing about requiring information as to what type of buildings will be constructed prior to zoning but section 4.1-4 states this shall be submitted within 24 months after application. Following further discussion, Trustee Rueckel moved that a public hearing be held on the pre-annexation agreement on April 10, 1964 at 1:00 P.M. at the Alcott School. Trustee Marsh seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follow: AYES : Trustees Rueckel, Racette, Marsh, Weiskopf, Huxhold NAYS : Trustee Frank Trustee Frank moved that at the time of the meeting a tentative site plan of uses of the property be presented as set forth in the zoning ordinance. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. President Farrington stated that plans for the park building are going to be re-checked and re-drawn by Raymond Rosene, a registered architect, without charge to the Village . On last Monday night, Trustee Frank, Trustee Rueckel and ?resident Farrington along with representatives from the Jaycees appeared at the Arlington Heights boardmeeting in connection with the proposed annexation consisting of acreage North of Dundee Road. The proposal was referred to Committee and will be reviewed on the 23rd of March and a pre-annexation agreement hearing will be held on April 9th. The Village Board is to follow through and attend these meetings. A resolution from our Village was read and will be acknowledged by letter . The resolutions on Glen Grove have been recorded as well as the Annexation Ordinances. Copies are being returned to the Village Clerk for file . The $40, 000.00 has not been received from Glen Grove and is now two weeks overdue. Trustee Frank stated he hoped this was not an indication of their performance on the remainder of the require- ments of the agreement . The Village Attorney and Trustee marsh are to meet to determine whether it is feasible to try to recover cost incurred by reimbursing the injured policeman. John Hooper, VillageE ngineer, stated the MFT Resolutions will be ready for the next board meeting. He also stated the corrected Zoning Map will be at the Plan Commission meeting on next Thursday. Questioned regarding the status of reimbursement to the Village for the Postman' s underclothing, the Clerk stated the letter had not been written to the developer . Trustee Frank stated a copy should be sent to pUblic Service since it was because of a utility pole that the sidewalk was not there. Trustee Rueckel questioned the status of the bond issue . Mr . Raysa stated he had been discussing with the Village Engineer whether they should begin work now, or whether it was still premature. He stated, however that he will prepare a general bond ordinance and further work will be done after the Engineer ' s report is revised. NEW BUSINESS President Farrington then read a letter of resignation from Sgt. Bruce Hopkins of the Police Force. Trustee Weiskopf moved the resignation be accepted. Trustee Racette seconded the motion. Trustee Marsh stated he wished to extend a vote of thanks to Sgt. Hopkins, who worked to help keep the Village in a relatively crime free category. President Farrington stated that 3 years on this Police Force is like seven on another . He stated Sgt. Hopkins was most loved by the children and after three years of service, it is evident that it was for no other reason than rendering a service to the Village. On roll call the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustess Rueckel, Racette, Marsh, Weiskopf, Huxhold, Frank NAYS : None Complying with statute, the following men were reappointed (1 newly appointed) to the Electrical Commission for a period of 1 year : Edmond Venetianer Robert Gleeson Norman Schwinn John Ryberg William Hennings �./ Statute requires that the fire chief be one of the members of the Commission. Trustee Weiskopf moved the appointments be approved. Trustee Rueckel seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Trustee Weiskopf moved that a sum not to exceed $100.00 be authorized for the park commission for the purpose of grass seed and fertilizer to start the spring season. Trustee Marsh seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. 3o President Farrington then read a letter from the Police & Traffic Committee recommending appointments to the Police Department. Prior tomaking the appointments, Trustee Marsh read an amendment to the Police Ordinance 0-60-3 . Trustee Marsh moved that Ordinance 0-64-11 be approved and passed. Trustee Racette seconded the motion. Following discussion the Attorney was given the amendment for his comment. He stated that as long as the Village Board has complete control either to appoint or not to appoint he could see no real harm in passing the amendment (creating a station officer) . Roll was called and the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustees Racette, Marsh, Weiskopf, Huxhold, Frank NAYS : Trustee Rueckel Trustee Frank then stated that this is a typical example of why committees should not draft Ordinances. The attorney was given only a few minutes to digest the ordinancd when really he should have prepared it. President Farrington stated the chair concurred that it should have been drafted and formally presented but committees should present to the Attorney their ideas so that he does not have to start from "scratch" . President Farrington then stated he had a letter from the Circuit Court and an invitation from Judge Boyle to dinner onMarch 25th for the purpose of the discussion of the court system. Police and Finance officers were included in the invitation. President Farrington then made the following appointments : Richard E . Ball - Sergeant, Juvenile Officer Henry E . Walker - Sergeant James T. McCartney - Regular Reserve Kenneth Roberts - Special Policeman Trustee Marsh moved the appointments be confirmed. Trustee Racette seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. President Farrington then read a letter from Bennett & Kahnweiler, Industrial Realtors, stating they are interested in securing Industrial property, asking several questions regarding the Buffalo Grove area. A rough draft of the proposed reply was then read and the board was asked to give their comments to the Cleik by the week- end of any changes needed in the letter. Trustee Weiskopf then stated the contrary to the report in the news- paper, the tax rate in Buffalo Grove did decrease when we dis-annexed from the Metropolitan Sanitary District. Tax rate in Buffalo Grove is 4.96 for everything but Bill's Buffalo House which is 5 .236. There being no further business Trustee Marsh moved the meeting adjourn. Trustee Racette seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. 7 Villa e erk