1965-02-18 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE PRESDIENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COUNTIES OF COOK AND LAKE, ILLINOIS, HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1965, AT THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER, 150 N. RAUPP BLVD. , BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS. The meeting was called to order at approximately 8:20 P.M. All present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. l The Clerk called the roll and the following were found present: . President Farrington; Trustees Wilhelm, Rueckel, Racette, Marsh, Weiskopf, Huxhold Trustee Weiskopf moved the minutes of the meetings of February 4th and February llth be approved as submitted. Trustee Rueckel seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Trustee Rueckel then stated that he wished to give a vote of thanks to President Farrington and Trustees Wilhelm and Huxhold for cleaning up the trees on Lincoln's Birthday. He also thanked the Jaycees who have helped and are going, to continue to trim and clean up the trees damaged in the ice storm. Trustee Rueckel stated that there have been requests for a bridge across the ditch in back of the Alcott School. President Farrington stated this was something for the Plan Commission to review and asked Trustee Rueckel to see that they were given the information. Trustee Huxhold stated the Fire Department has started its second course in training in Deerfield. He also reminded residents of the Annual Pancake Breakfast to be held March 7th from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Questioned by President Farrington as to whether a financial statement is being prepared regarding cost of equipment, etc. , Trustee Huxhold stated he hoped to have it within the next board meeting. Trustee Weiskopf stated that a copy of the summary of budget expenditures for 3/4 of a year were distributed to each Board member. Trustee Rueckel stated that some 2 months ago hiring of another fulltime patrolman was turned over to Finance ; Trustee Weiskopf stated they have no recommendation at this time. OLD BUSINESS President Farrington asked that Trustee Rueckel check with Mr. Frank to learn the status of the street signs. Trustee Weiskopf asked the status of the school-park site in Unit 7. President Farrington stated that he had questioned Mr. Frank regarding this and Mr. Frank stated that Mr. Arman has not yet exercised his option to purchase the land but he has lost exclusive option. Mr. Frank stated that if the village was sincere in maintaining the zoning, he would instruct his attorney to draft an agreement for the protection of the zoning and if the Village Attorney agreed with it, he would submit his plans for Unit 7 and deed the property involved to the Village. 2 President Farrington then asked that the Board allow New Business to be discussed so that a few quick items could be taken care of since the remainder of Old Business will require lengthy discussion. There being no objection, New Business was discussed. NEW BUSINESS President Farrington then stated that for reasons outlined in a letter, Matthew Katrinak would like his resignation from the Police Department accepted. Trustee Marsh moved the resignation be accepted. Trustee Weiskopf seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. President Farrington then stated that upon the recommendation of the Park Commission, he would like to appoint Terrance Freese as a member of the Commission. Trustee Weiskopf moved the appointment be confirmed. Trustee Marsh seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. President Farrington then appointed John Kronberger as a member of the Park Commission, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner. Trustee Rueckel moved the appointment be confirmed. Trustee Wilhelm seconded he motion. On roll call the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustees Wilhelm, Rueckel, Marsh, Weiskopf, Huxhold NAYS : Trustee Racette President Farrington then asked the Attorney to check into the feasibility of franchising the scavenger service on an exclusive basis. Mr. Raysa stated he did not think it could be done on an exclusive basis. Trustee Marsh stated it was his understanding that the Village could contract with a scavenger service based on a competitive bid. Mr. Raysa stated he would give it some study. President Farrington then stated he had received a very warm letter from the Zodrow Family complimenting the Police Department for acting very quickly during the bad weather and ice storm with emergency service to the Hospital. They asked that the letter be made part of theVillage Records. (The letter has been docketed as Doc. #255). A letter has also been received from Judge John S. Boyle of the Circuit Court of Cook County expressing thanks for cooperation received from the Village during the first year of Circuit Court operation. (Doc. #256) A letter from the Children's Benefit League of Chicago was then read requesting permission to place taggers in the Villageon their Official Tag Day, October 1, 1965. Trustee Marsh moved permission be granted and the fee waived. Trustee Weiskopf seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. 7d 7 3 The Clerk was directed to write a letter granting permission to the Children's Benefit League. Trustee Racette then moved that Ordinance 0-65-4 being an Election Ordinance for 1965 be approved. Trustee Marsh seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Mr. Raysa then stated that the order that was to have been presented to dismiss the suit filed by the Kildeer School District against the Village of Buffalo Grove was withdrawn. Mr. Conzelman presented a motion to file an amended complaint, listing two taxpayers in the district. The motion was not ruled on but in the event it is approved, we will have to present new data and the order to dismiss would have to be amended to take into consideration the new motion. If it goes to trial, it will mean an additional 60 to 90 days delay. Trustee Marsh expressed his opinion on the amended motion stating it was a wilful and wanton waste of funds. WIDENING OF BUFFALO GROVE ROAD President Farrington stated that at the last regular Board meeting, there was a great deal of discussion regarding the widening of Buffalo Grove Road. He asked whether there were any questions from the members of the audience. M . R. Dufern was recognized and she stated she was selected as a representative of the group. She stated the homeowners alongBuffalo Grove Road had a meeting and stated they are: 1. Unanimously against 4 lanes on Buffalo Grove Road even if they are not assessed 2. Unanimously against 2 lanes or 4 lanes if they are assessed since the entire Village would benefit by it She also stated that they have compiled a list of questions that they would like answered. Question 1: What is the exact purpose of Buffalo Grove Road being 4 lanes - what is the real advantage - what is the actual mileage between Dundee and the Bridge Answer: From Dundee Road to the Bridge measures 5400 feet - there are 5280 feet to a mile. The purpose is to connect Dundee Road to the bridge 7) 4 Question 2: Why cannot LIFT money be used by the Village to concen- trate on another exit from the Village Mr. Farrington stated use of MFT money that way is out of the question. He stated MFT Funds are limited. Question 3: Wouldn't the majority of the people like to see Raupp Blvd. go through to Dundee Road President Farrington stated that when Raupp is completed, it will indirectly connect with Dundee Road but not in a straight line. He stated that considering Raupp an exit and entrance road would weaken rather than strengthen their argument that widening Buffalo Grove Road would benefit the entire Village Question 4: Mrs. Dufern stated she would dispense with that question Question S: Buffalo Grove Road is residential - they feel it is not busy enough to necessitate 4 lanes and further feel the speed limit should be reduced for safety. President Farrington stated that the Board concurred and submitted a letter written to the Highway Department asking for a reduction in the speed limit Question 6: Can the Village legally assess the property owners or are they assessed by the County President Farrington stated Statute gives the Village not the County the right to special assess residents. Question 7 : In the event that property owners on the other side of Buffab Grove Road bring suit stated - they will not pay and are successful, will the burden of the widening fall onthe remaining residents. President Farrington stated this would be most unjust and such a suit would probably cause the entire picture to change. Question 8: What specifically are we paying for? Who owns the sewers - the Village, Buffalo Utility, or Homeowners. If it is Buffalo Utility, why don't they pay for it? President Farrington stated they are being assessed for the cost of curbs and gutters. The Village owns the storm sewers. He stated Mr. Frank will probably raise objections, also, because, he, too, will be assessed. 5 Question 9: How much money is in MFT at the present time, when are additional funds expected, and how much will be apent on Buffalo Grove Road if this goes through? Trustee Weiskopf stated that there is approximately $51,113.80 in MFT and it should increase by at least $1500.00 a month. President Farrington stated that if we go no further in study, we will never know the exact amount that will be required for curbing and guttering. Question 10: If it will cost nearly $40,000.00 why cannot the entire thing be paid out of MFT? President Farrington stated MFT money can be spent for just certain given purposes and there are other projects proposed which would be done through MFT. Mrs. Dufern questioned what these projects might be. President Farrington stated a bridge over the creek into the Park is of prime importance. Mrs. Dufern stated "that's very worth-while" and asked if it were not financed through MFT how would it be done. President Farrington� answered through special assessment. * Trustee Marsh stated he would like to explain that snow removal, street sweeping and sidewalk repair and maintenance all come out of MFT and if the entire project is financed through MFT, there would be no funds available for the aforementioned things. During the discussion that followed, President Farrington asked that the term 4 lanes be dispensed with and the road be referred to as a 40• roadway, which, in fact, it will be. It will not be 4 lanes of fast moving traffic since there is hope that the speed limit will be reduced. As far as parking is concerned, this was never discussed. The road will be treated no differently from any other road or street in the Village provided it is a paved right of way. Presently it is totally inadequate for vehicular traffic and the Jaycees ' survey indicated that it was a poor road. Trustee Marsh moved the board instruct the Village Attorney and the Village Engineer to prepare the necessary papers to take the rnod next step toward the completion of the project. Trustee Racette seconded the motion. Trustee Weiskopf stated that a letter should be sent to the County getting written confirmation of their intentions. President Farrington directed Mr. Hooper and Mr. Raysa to draw up such a letter. Trustee Rueckel stated that a Yes vote would not indicate, on his part, complete concurrence with the project since there are unanswered questions, but further information is needed before a final decision can be made. *** Correction: President Farrington asked that words Special Assessment be striken since he did not use that terminology. 7 O 6 Mr. Raysa then presented the board a Resolution to be used in lieu of the motion. Trustees Marsh and Racette withdrew their motion and second, respectively. President Farrington then read Resolution R-65-5. Trustee Marsh moved the Resolution be adopted as read. Trustee Racette seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. President Farrington then stated that at the last board meeting, an adjourned meeting, the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance was discussed. There were several unanswered questions which need to be resolved. Trustee Marsh moved that due to the lateness of the hour and inasmuch as we anticipate no further discussion on the B.G.Road, discussion on the Zoning Ordinance be deferred to the next regular board meeting. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows : AYES: Trustees Wilhelm, Marsh, Huxhold NAYS: Trustees Rueckel, Racette, Weiskopf, President Farrington The motion having been defeated, discussion ensued. President Farrington stated that at the last meeting, it was noted that the word 'major street' is used in the text but not defined under defnitions. John Hooper stated it was defined in the Master Plan, and there was no need to define it in the Zoning Ordinance. Trustee Marsh stated that since it is used, it should be defined. The Board was in general agreement with Trustee Marsh and Mr. Hooper stated it could be included. A very lengthy discussion followed regarding the R-10 Zoning along Buffalo Grove Road. Trustee Racette moved that the area from St. Mary's Parkway to Golfview Terrace be zoned R-5. Trustee Rueckel seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Trustee Weiskopf moved that the area from the Northwest corner of St. Maryas Parkway to the Creek be zoned R-8. There being no second to the motion it was not discussed. Thereupon, Trustee Marsh moved that the land from the Northwest corner of St. Mary's Parkway to the Creek be zoned R-5. Trustee Racette seconded the motion. to roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Rueckel, Racette, Marsh NAYS: Trustees Wilhelm, Weiskopf, Huxhold, President Farrington Since there seemed to be lack of agreement, Trustee Weiskopf moved the questions be referred to the Plan Commission and as many as can (of the board members) attend the Plan Commission meeting to discuss these points. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Wilhelm, Rueckel, Racette, Weiskopf, Huxhold NAYS: Trustee Marsh Trustee Marsh's Nay vote was due to a previously scheduled Police & Traffic meeting which was delayed because of an adjourned Board Meeting. 732 7 Discussion then followed on "CATS" (Chicago Area Transportation Study). President Farrington read a Resolution and an Agreement that the Village is to execute to become a cooperative Village for this Study. Mr. Raysa stated he saw nothing wrong with the Agreement since it does not bind or ask for money, only asks cooperation on transportation problems. Trustee Weiskopf moved that Resolution R-65-6 be approved as read. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion. On roll call the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustees Marsh, Huxhold NAYS: Trustees Wilhelm, Rueckel, Racette, Weiskopf Since the motion was defeated, President Farrington questioned the Board members as to whether they would like to have a representative of CATS explain the function of the Study to them. There seemed to be general agreement. There being no further business and no further questions from the audience, Trustee Racette moved the meeting be adjourned. Trustee Marsh seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Time: Approximately 11:30 P.M. (76-e--12Z Rosalie L. zubowski Villag lerk Li 7 3-