1969-03-03 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 1535 3/3/69 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COUNTIES OF COOK AND LAKE, STATE OF 4 ILLINOIS, HELD MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1969, AT THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER, 150 RAUPP BLVD. , BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS (1./' The President called the meeting tocrder at 8: 07 P.M. All present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Clerk called the roll and the following were found present: President Thompson; Trustees Huxhold, Lewis, Felten, Gleeson, Thorud Absent: Trustee Wilhelm (Trustee Wilhelm arrived at 8: 23 P.M. ) 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 17TH Trustee Lewis moved that the minutes of February 17th be approved as published. Trustee Gleeson seconded the motion. Trustee Thorud stated that in paragraph 18 on page 1522, he believes that he seconded the motion and doubts that Trustee Lewis had seconded it as he voted against the motion. Trustee Lewis agreed with Trustee Thorud. Trustee Lewis then amended his motion to include the correction on page 1522. Trustee Gleeson seconded the amended motion. Upon roll call, the motion carried unanimously. 2 . LAKE COOK ROAD President Thompson stated that the Village Manager had listed five reasons opposing the proposed alignment of Lake Cook Road. The Presi- dent then read the five reasons and asked the Board for any additions. Trustee Felten stated that the water reservoir which would have to be removed requiring a great deal of expense to replace should be listed and also there is a right of way already dedicated versus the con- demnation by County. (L) Edward Fabish presented a map from the Lake County Department of High- ways which was submitted to the Plan Commission in June, 1968. Presi- dent Thompson stated that it would appear that Lake County and Cook County do not agree on the alignment as Lake County' s map shows the alignment as already in and proposed by the Village of Buffalo Grove. However, Mr. Arnold and Mr. Frederichs had stated at the meeting of February 24th that they had met with the Lake County Department of Highways. Trustee Gleeson stated that it appears that one planned 1536 3/3/69 study does not agree with the other. Discussion followed. Trustee Wilhelm arrived at 8: 23 P.M. Trustee Gleeson stated that the list does not mention the hazardous crossing of pedestrian traffic at Raupp Blvd. and the new alignment because there will still be a park in that area and there should also G' be something about the $250,000.00 worth of concrete and bridge which is going to be ripped up. President Thompson stated that the amended list of reasons will be presented to the Attorney, as directed at the meeting of February 24th, so that he can draw up a resolution. 3. BUFFALO GROVE DAYS President Thompson stated that there is a report from the Buffalo Grove Days Committee stating what they would propose for Buffalo Grove Days to be held in 1969 -- they propose a two day celebration, the first day being August 30th. President Thompson read the pro- posed plans. The President stated they have also presented a pro- posed budget with projected expenses and income. The President stated that the request is for an amount in the area of $1, 700.00. Discussion followed on the plans and projected expenses and Mr. Rubino, Chairman of the Committee, explained the proposed program. Trustee Felten moved that the Board approve the proposed budget for the 1969 Buffalo Grove Days in the amount of $1, 730 .00 . Trustee Wilhelm seconded the motion. Trustee Felten stated that if the Board would recall last year' s Buffalo Grove Days, there was less than six weeks to prepare it and that was too late to make a successful Day of it and he thinks in order to get the plans moving they need a budget to work with. Trustee Thorud asked about the net cost to the Village for Buffalo Grove Day 1968. Mr. Rubino stated that $1, 264. 50 was the net cost to the Village. Further discussion followed. Trustee Huxhold stated that he would suggest that a vote be taken as he doesn' t think the amount they are asking for is too exhorbitant. Upon roll call, the motion carried unanimously. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Felten moved that the Board temporarily adjourn to go into 1537 3/3/69 Executive Session. Trustee Thorud seconded the motion. Attorney Raysa stated that he would like to introduce Mr. Lang of Benjamin & Lang to the Board as he is present in the audience. Presi- dent Thompson stated that the Board is very familiar with Mr. Benjamin and that Mr. Lang is Mr. Benjamin' s partner. (—I President Thompson asked that the motion to adjourn be withdrawn tem- porarily so that the bids may be opened on the reservoir and pumping station. Trustee Felten withdrew his motion and Trustee Thorud with- drew his second. 5. BID OPENINGS FOR RESERVOIR AND PUMPING STATION WELL NO. 2 President Thompson stated that the bids received for the reservoir and pumping station at Well No. 2 would now be opened. The following are the bids received: Englehardt, Inc. Bond received $218, 139.00 Keno & Sons Construction Co. Bid check received 208,474.00 E. F. Mueller Bond received 209, 774.00 Lemont Structures, Inc. Bond received 248, 336. 90 R. L. O 'Neil Builders, Inc. 196, 713.00 Bond received The President asked if there were any other bids. Trustee Felten moved that these bids be forwarded to the Design Engineer for verification and for him to report back to the Board at the next meeting. Trustee Thorud seconded the motion and it carried -.1 unanimously. 6. TRUSTEE FELTEN' S RESIGNATION Trustee Thorud moved for the Board to reconsider the motion of con- currence made at theFebruary 24th Board meeting in regard to Trustee Felten' s resignation. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion. Trustee Felten stated that when he submitted his resignation a week ago he had a problem that had existed for six months and for some 1538 3/3/69 reason it cleared up all of a sudden for which he was very happy. Upon roll call, the motion carried unanimously. Trustee Thorud moved that the Board cancel their acceptance of Trustee Felten' s resignation submitted last week. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion and upon roll call, the motion carried unanimously. Trustee Felten moved that permission be granted him by the Board to withdraw his resignation. Trustee Huxhold seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Felten moved that the Board go into Executive Session for the purposes of discussing personnel. Trustee Thorud seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The Board returned to the regular meeting at 9: 22 P.M. 8. RAUPP DISPOSAL COMPANY President Thompson stated that we would take the next item out of order on the agenda and discuss the subject of the Raupp Disposal Company' s petition for an exclusive contract with the Village on home stops. The President stated there is a Plan Commission re- port along with a copy of a letter to Mr. Wilhelm, who is the Chairman of the Public Improvements Committee. President Thompson read the recommendation of the Plan Commission Scavenger Sub- Committee. Mr. Jim Raupp introduced his Attorney, Mr. Boubein. Mr. Boubein ex- plained the position of Raupp Disposal Company in which they would like to have an exclusive contract with the Village on home stops. Trustee Felten asked if it wouldn' t be difficult for other scavenger services to get commercial, industrial or apartments if they would not have any other service in the Village. Mr. Boubein stated that this would not necessarily be true as there are seven scavengers ser- vicing the Wheeling area and that from the standpoint of long range efficiency and fairness that some form of competition regarding stops other than homes be allowed. Trustee Felten asked if the use of the paper sacks as opposed to gar- bage cans would reduce the cost of the service. Mr. Raupp stated that this would have to be an experiment. The Regional Manager of St. Regis Paper Company' s Department of Sanitation explained the use of paper sacks and stated that the quality of the sacks is being 1 I 1539 3/3/69 tested in four municipalities at the present time. Mr. Bannister stated that the discussion should be broken down into three parts: (1) Mr. Raupp's proposal; (2) The possibility of changing to sacks; and, (3) Revision of the present garbage ordinance. , (.../ President Thompson stated that he thinks the proposal from Mr. Raupp should be first and then discuss the proposal of the bagging situation. He stated that the granting of an exclusive license to Mr. Raupp would require a change in the ordinance. Mr. Raupp had proposed that the Village might want to do the billing for the service which would save his company money which could be passed on to the customers. Trustee Huxhold stated that he thinks this would be for the finance committee to investigate. Trustee Gleeson stated that as far as the Board granting an exclusive franchise or anything of that nature that there should be a direct return to the resident either in cost or better service and that the bag will not reduce the resident cost. He further stated that there are claims that the bags will reduce the cost of pick up and that in exchange for the exclusivity there should be a return to the resident. Discussion followed. Trustee Huxhold moved that this matter be turned over to the finance committee for them to meet with Mr. Raupp, get the facts and figures and report back to the Board. Trustee Felten seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Trustee Huxhold stated that he hopes the Board will give serious con- sideration to the proposal from Mr. Raupp as he knows that Mr. Raupp has given excellent service to the Village and he would hope that prices would not have to be raised. Mr. Fabish gave Mr. Gleeson copies of ordinances which he had received from other Villages. 9. MUNICIPAL BUILDING President Thompson stated that there is an addendum to the agenda tonight involving the Municipal Building. A letter has been received from Mr. Raccuglia stating that in the breakdown he had submitted to the Village on the extensions to the building he had not included the concrete estimate. The concrete estimate is $1, 324.00 which would bring the total expenditure on raising the building two feet and en- larging it by ten feet in the Fire Department area to $6, 905.00. Trustee Lewis moved that the Board authorize the additional amount of $1, 324. 00 for theconcrete. Trustee Felten seconded the motion. 1540 3/3/69 Upon roll call, the vote was as follows: AYES: Trustees Huxhold, Wilhelm, Lewis, Felten, Thorud NAYS: Trustee Gleeson The motion carried. 10. MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL SURVEY Trustee Felten stated that at the last Board meeting discussion on the Municipal Swimming Pool Survey was tabled. Trustee Felten moved to remove from table the discussion of the survey for a swimming pool. Trustee Thorud seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Trustee Felten stated that the Board had directed the Jaycee' s to pre- parea a survey for a municipal swimming pool and that they would like the Board' s concurrence as to whether the questions met with the Board' s approval. Trustee Felten read the proposed survey. Trustee Gleeson stated that he thinks a question should be inserted as to how much taxes the surveyed people would be willing to expend yearly and another question should be exactly how much each family would be willing to pay for each membership. Discussion followed. Trustee Felten stated that he would insert after question two a question as to how much would a family be willing to spend in taxes per year to finance the construction and after question four, how much would a family be willing to pay annually for membership. Trustee Gleeson stated that he thinks it is fine with those two additions. Trustee Felten stated that he had contacted a newspaper that is well distributed in the area to find out what a half page ad would run with an additional 1, 000 copies. The price quoted was $52. 00. Trustee Felten further stated that the method of survey would be that the paper would be distributed to all houses in the Village and perhaps the Jaycee' s could have a box for the survey pickup at the Ranch Mart Shopping Center. Discussion followed. Trustee Lewis stated that he thinks this should be handled by the Park District if and when it is formed. Trustee Thorud stated that perhaps the Jaycee ' s could distribute the survey at the time they conduct their semi-annual fertilizer sale. Trustee Felten stated that he will contact the Jaycee' s as to their further cooperation in the survey. Trustee Gleeson moved that the Board approve the questions as amended. Trustee Felten seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 1541 3/3/69 11. ARLINGTON COUNTRY CLUB PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT HEARING Attorney Raysa stated that the Attorneys for the Arlington Country Club had contacted him and stated that they would like to postpone the pre-annexation hearing and the Plan Commission hearing for at least a month so that they can complete the architectural drawings and some other plans and specifications in respect to their buildings. Attorney Raysa advised Mr. Fabish to be sure to note in his records that this matter will be continued to another date. Attorney Raysa advised the Board to meet on the scheduled date, March 13th, for the Public Hearing and then continue the matter to another date. Mr. Bannister stated that the Board could utilize the meeting on March 13th to discuss the changes to the Personnel and Administration Ordinance which was on the agenda for discussion tonight. President Thompson stated that since it is 10: 30 P.M. he would ask that the Board table those items pertaining to the Personnel and Administration Ordinance and the Business License ordinance to the meeting of March 13th. Attorney Raysa stated that on the license ordinance he would say that it is basically okay, he would like to Board to list the businesses they would wish to license and tell him the amount of the fees and he will set up the ordinance. Trustee Huxhold move to table discussion on the Personnel and Administration Ordinance and the Business License Ordinance to the meeting on March 13th. Trustee Felten seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. April 24th was the date set for the pre-annexation agreement with the Arlington Country Club. The meeting would start at 8 P.M. 12. FOUR MILLION DOLLAR BOND ISSUE Attorney Raysa advised the Board on the status of the four million dollar bond issue for the Waterworks and Sewerage System. 13. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Wilhelm moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lewis seconded l ) the motion and it carried unanimously. Village Clerk Approximately 10: 37 P.M. _ r APPROVED THIS ' 7 DAY OF,7x c,4_..) , 1969. President