1970-10-12 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 2078 10/12/70 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , COUNTIES OF COOK AND LAKE , HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 , 1970 , AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING , 50 RAUPP BLVD. , BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS . President Thompson called the meeting to order at approximately 8 : 10 P .,M ., All present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . The Clerk called the roll and the following were found present : President Thompson; Trustees Felten, Thorud, Armstrong , Fabish, Cimaglio ABSENT : Trustee Gleeson (Arrived 8 : 25 P .M . ) Also present were Richard Raysa, Village Attorney; Mr . A . Seaberg of Hattis Engineering , Village Engineers . 1 . Minutes of October 5, 1970, Trustee Felten moved the minutes of the meeting of October 5 , 1970 be approved as submitted . Trustee Armstrong seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 2 . Warrant # 200 President Thompson read Warrant # 200 being the General Fund Warrant in the amount of $ 16 , 702 . 02 . Trustee Cimaglio moved Warrant #200 be approved for payment . Trustee Fabish seconded the motion and on roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . 3 . Warrant # 75 President Thompson read Warrant #75 being the Waterworks Warrant in the amount of $16 ,654 . 88 . Trustee Armstrong moved Warrant # 75 be approved for payment . Trustee Thorud seconded the motion and upon roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . 4 . Health & Sanitation Report No action was required on the report and was for information only . 2079 10/12/70 5 . Progress Report/Flood Control President Thompson presented the report for information as to progress thus far . There will be a meeting on October 20 , 1970 at 1 : 30 P .M. of various governmental bodies to ( discuss the problem. • OLD BUSINESS 6 . Proposed Babiarz Annexation President Thompson stated that Mr . Loftus and Mr . Babiarz were present at the meeting . President Thompson then read the changes in the proposed pre-annexation agreement . Discussion was had on the Plan Commission Report . 8 : 25 P .M. Trustee Gleeson arrived and was present for the meeting . President Thompson stated he wished to reiterate his previous statement concerning water and sewer facilities to the area . The Village does not intend to put in offer-site improvements to service the area . Mr . Loftus stated it was his understanding that the Village does not have to provide said services . President Thompson asked that the record show that there were no objections from the Aptakisic Tripp School Board at the Plan Commission hearing and there were no representatives from the Board at the public hearing before the corporate authorities . President Thompson further stated that the Village intends to comply with the Metropolitan Sanitary District Ordinances reference water retention facilities and this will be a requirement prior to approval . He stated no building permits will be issued until plans for engineering approval of water retention facilities are presented. Following further discussion concerning availability of water, Trustee Felten moved the Board concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission and accept the pre-annexation agreement as corrected. Trustee Thorud seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Trustee Fabish stated he would ask that the height limitation of 35 feet agreed to by Mr . Loftus be incorporated into the agreement . Additionally , it was agreed that a sidewalk will be installed along Buffalo Grove Road to facilitate the children walking to St . Mary ' s School from the area . 2080 10/12/70 Trustee Felten then questioned the theater chain which expressed an interest in the area and wondered whether the Village could reserve the right to censor undesirable movies . President Thompson stated that was against the law and he would make personal comment at this time that some of the movies being shown by the Kohlberg chain are "lower than a snake 's belly" . Trustee Cimaglio stated he would comment that it is the people of the Village who decide , if they do not patronize such movies , they will not be shown . He further questioned what would be built , if, in fact , the theater did not become a reality. Mr . Loftus stated he did not know, but it would have to come before the Board before anything was put there . Trustee Armstrong then questioned whether the amount of money called out in Section 11 could be determined at this time . Mr . Loftus stated they would agree to $100 . 00 . Trustee Thorud then stated he would recommend the elimination of the last sentence in that paragraph . Mr . Loftus agreed to the elimination. Trustee Gleeson asked that the right of Law enforcement and establishment of Fire Lanes be granted the Village for the streets within the development . Trustee Fabish stated that he is against apartments and feels we have enough now , however , the layout of this proposed development is good and the commercial area is desirable , thus he cannot reject the entire package because of his dislike of apartments , per se . Trustee Gleeson then stated that discussion thus far regarding sewer and water has been that the Village is not going to provide the services . He felt discussion was in order to determine how these services would be provided. President Thompson stated that the Village will not accept anything that the Village Engineers do not approve or deem adequate . Sidewalks and street lights will be presented for approval on the plats which will be submitted to the Plan Co mmission prior to Village Board approval . There being no further discussion the Clerk called the roll on Trustee Felten ' s motion and the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustees Felten, Gleeson, Thorud, Armstrong, Fabish, Cimaglio NAYS : None 2081 10/12/70 Thereupon, Trustee Gleeson moved the Board direct the Attorney to draw the necessary papers approving the agreement , annexing the property and amending the zoning ordinance , said agreement to include height limitation, sidewalk along Buffalo Grove Road , $100 . 00 inserted in paragraph 11 , reverter clause , adoption of MSD policy reference water retention , police enforcement on private streets , clause reference their ability to provide water and sewer . Trustee Armstrong seconded the motion and upon roll call the vote was as follows : AYES: Trustees Felten, Gleeson , Thorud, Armstrong, Fabish , Cimaglio NAYS : None Mr . Raysa is to notify the Long Grove Fire Protection District reference the proposed annexation , as required by law. 9 : 15 P.M. President Thompson declared a recess . 9 : 30 P .M . The meeting was reconvened. 7 . Gas Lights - Cambridge Trustee Cimaglio asked that discussion be postponed for another week while he gathered further information . 8 . Personnel Policy Discussion followed concerning a proposal from Jon Theus to prepare a comprehensive personnel policy for the Village . Trustee Armstrong agreed that such a study would be beneficial , however, the problem of finances arises . President Thompson stated that perhaps the Board should meet with Mr . Theus to discuss his proposal and further Trustee Gleeson should peruse the financial situation reference the administration budget to see whether it is financially feasible should the Board desire to employ Mr . Theus . Further , President Thompson felt such discussion should be held in executive session and asked that the Clerk contact Mr . Theus to invite him to attend the meeting of October 26th . Trustee Cimaglio moved to table further discussion on the proposal until October 26th. Trustee Armstrong seconded the motion and upon roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . Trustee Gleeson moved the Board authorize an executive session for the 26th of October to interview Mr . Theus . Trustee Cimaglio seconded the motion. Trustee Felten questioned whether the Illinois Municipal League or 2082 10/12/70 Northwest Municipal Conference could not aid the Village in setting up a policy. Mr . Raysa stated he did not think the Illinois Municipal League did such things and President Thompson stated the NWMC does not . The Clerk called the roll and the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustees Gleeson , Thorud , Armstrong , Fabish , Cimaglio NAYS: Trustee Felten 9 . Miscellaneous (a) Trustee Fabish questioned whether anything had been done concerning the land fill behind the Bank on Buffalo Grove Road . Mr . Raysa stated he would try to determine something in the morning . (b) Trustee Fabish questioned what can be done regarding the Traffic Survey. President Thompson stated he has written several letters concerning the use of MFT funds without getting bids . He stated he has been informed that professional services do not require bids . Mr . Seaberg was directed to contact MFT to see what action the Village should take . 10 . Planned Development/ Gregg Builders President Thompson stated the Village is in receipt of plans and petition for a planned development to be constructed on the vacant land surrounding the Ranch Mart Shopping Center which is presently zoned R-9 . Trustee Cimaglio moved the plans be forwarded to the Plan Commission for their recommendation. Trustee Gleeson seconded the motion and upon roll call vote , the motion carried unanimously . 11 . Autocon Equipment/ Well # 2 President Thompson stated in order to standardize the equipment throughout the municipal water facilities , Hattis Engineering has secured a bid from Autocon for equipment for Well # 2 . Presently , Well #1 is so equipped, as well as the two private utility wells . Trustee Armstrong moved the Board waive the public bid requirement and award the job to Autocon for labor and material for a cost of $1461 . 00 . Trustee Cimaglio seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion carried unanimously . Additionally , it was suggested by J .P . Miller and approved by the Village Engineers that a change be made in the design of the Well House at Well # 2 which will facilitate removal of equipment should such removal be required for repairs . 2083 10/12/70 Mr . Seaberg stated it would also facilitate digging the well deeper should that be required . Trustee Gleeson moved the Board approve the additional expenditure of $ 396 . 80 and make the required change . Trustee Armstrong seconded the motion and on roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . 12 . Executive Session President Thompson then stated that in connection with the Flood Control Program, there is a necessity to discuss acquisition of land and requested that the board authorize an executive session . Trustee Fabish moved the Board move to executive session. Trustee Cimaglio seconded the motion and upon roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . Prior to leaving the council chambers , President Thompson called for questions from the Audience . There were none forthcoming . Mr . Raysa stated that he has been served with a Notice and Petition from a Mr . Haarr to appear before Judge Covelli reference the ditch being constructed to alleviate the flooding problem in the Cambridge Area . The hearing date is the 22nd of October , 1970 . 10 : 00 P .M . The Board moved into Executive Session 10 : 50 P .M. The Board returned to the Council Chambers . There being no further business before the Board and no further questions from the audience , Trustee Armstrong moved the meeting be adjourned. Trustee Felten seconded the motion and it carried unanimously . Respectfully submitted , �ettie-tAZ Rosalie L . Ka ubowski Village lerk Approved this / day of l/C 2 , 1970 . Donald J ompson Village President