1970-05-11 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 1951 5/11/70 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , COUNTIES OF COOK AND LAKE , STATE OF ILLINOIS , HELD MONDAY , MAY 11 , 1970 , AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING , 50 RAUPP BLVD . , BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS . President Thompson called the meeting to order at approximately 8 : 10 P . M . All present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . The Clerk called the roll and the following were found present : President Thompson ; Trustees Felten , Gleeson , Thorud , Fabish , Cimaglio ABSENT : Trustee Armstrong Also present were Village Manager , Richard Decker ; Village Attorney , Richard Raysa ; Village Engineers , Hattis Engineering represented by R. Brandon . 1 . Approval of Minutes of April 20 , 1970 Trustee Gleeson moved the minutes of the meeting of April 20th be approved as written . Trustee Cimaglio seconded the motion . Upon roll call vote , the motion carried unanimously . 2 . Warrant #189 Trustee Gleeson read General Fund Warrant #189 in the amount of $13 ,029 . 91 . Trustee Gleeson moved that Warrant #189 be approved for payment . Trustee Cimaglio seconded the motion and upon roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . 3. Warrant #65 Trustee Gleeson read Waterworks Warrant #65 in the amount of $5 ,750 . 39 . Trustee Gleeson moved that Warrant #65 be approved for payment. Trustee Fabish seconded the motion and upon roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . 4 . Warrant #30 Trustee Gleeson read Municipal Building Warrant #30 in the amount of $908 . 94 . Trustee Gleeson moved that Warrant #30 be approved for payment. Trustee Cimaglio seconded the motion 1952 5/11 /70 and upon roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. President Thompson stated that Levitt and Sons , Miller Builders , Chester= field Builders and Schwartz Builders had made contributions for the purchase of many extra items in the building and he would like at this time to publicly thank the builders and developers for their contributions . 5 . Plan Commission Report The minutes were not ready , therefore the item was stricken from the agenda . OLD BUSINESS 6 . Petition/ Gerschefski property President Thompson read the plan commission recommendation ( Doc . #70-23 - Plan Commission # 70PC-102 ) regarding the property in question . The Commission recommended disapproval of the entire petition due to the request for "blanket" R-9 zoning on 5 . 16 acres of the 8 .86 acre tract . Mr . Mark Beaubien then addressed the Board and gave testimony as to why they felt it would be proper and reasonable land use . He stated the apartment zoning would be for 84 units and would act as a buffer between the residential and commercial . He stated they would covenant that the buildings would not exceed 35 ' and would be contained in 7 buildings or less . They also would present final plans and architectural drawings to the Plan Commission for approval . He stated the petitioner will offer a cash donation of $100 . 00 per unit to be paid upon the issuance of building permits , in lieu of land donation since they feel because of the shape and size of the property such a donation would not be feasible . An amended Annexation Agree= ment was submitted to the board . President Thompson asked that the amended agreement be reviewed by the Plan Commission at their next meeting and asked that it be given expeditious handling since the matter has been delayed longer than usual already . Following further discussion and questions , Trustee Cimaglio moved that the amended Annexation Agreement be tabled until the next meeting of May 25th . Trustee Gleeson seconded the motion and upon roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . 1953 5/11 /70 7 . Petition/ Wheeling Trust - Robert & Helen Brown President Thompson then read the plan Commission recommenda- tions ( Doc . #70-23 - Plan Commission #70PC-104 ) regarding the Petition of Wheeling Trust and Savings Bank under Trust #754 and Robert & Helen Brown , for annexation . Mr . Dennis Hettler , Attorney for the Petitioners was `./ then recognized and introduced a Plat showing proposed useage for the property in question . Parcel #1 includes lots 5 , 6 , and 41 , while Parcel #2 is immediately adjoining to the West, owned by Robert & Helen Brown . He stated it will be a neigh= borhood shopping facility 200 ' wide and 60 ' in depth . He stated Lot 41 will remain undeveloped and will be available for parking and other development . It will be landscaped and planted with densely thick hedge as a buffer to the residential area it abuts . He stated they have presently negotiated only with Jewel Tea Company . He offered testimony as to the need for such a center as well as the advantage to the village in increased sales tax . He stated the beneficiaries of the Trust , Raymond J . and Louis Brosio are present as well as the Architect , James Ray , available to answer any questions the Board might have . Attorney Raysa then stated that the Board will have to advertise for a public hearing on the proposed annexation not less than 15 days nor more than 30 days prior to the hearing , said hearing to be before the Board as a whole . Further discussion followed regarding the location of the parking area and road dedications , as well as set back from Dundee Road . Trustee Gleeson asked that prior to the public hearing , the road dedications be marked on the plat and the special uses requested be incorporated into the annexation agreement . Mr . Hettler stated he would have copies of a revised agreement seht to the Village Clerk immediately so that the board may review them prior to the public hearing . The date for the hearing is set for June 8th at 7 : 00 P .M . 9 : 10 P .M . President Thompson called for a recess . 9 : 25 P .M . The meeting was reconvened . 8 . Dundee Road/ State Highway Department Agreement ( Doc .#70-20 ) Mr. Raysa reported in checking with other Villages , it seems only Arlington Heights pays half of the cost of construction of traffic lights . Discussion followed concerning the 1954 5/11 /70 installation of the traffic signal at Buffalo Grove and Dundee Road . Trustee Felten felt the County should pay half since Buffalo Grove Road is a county road . Trustee Fabish did not think the Village should have to pay for the construction costs . Following lengthy discussion as to the need of the light , Trustee Gleeson moved the Board authorize and approve an expenditure not to exceed $23 ,000 . 00 as their share of the stop light installation and direct the Attorney and Engineer to draft the necessary resolutions and ordinances and correct the agreement as per the Village Attorney ' s letter so that we can enter into the formalized agreement. Trustee Thorud seconded the motion . Further discussion ensued as to the availability of MFT funds for the project and also the need of these funds for repairs to existing village streets . The Clerk called the roll and the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustees Gleeson , Thorud , Cimaglio , President Thompson NAYS : Trustees Felten , Fabish ABSENT : Trustee Armstrong 9 . Miller Agreement President Thompson then stated the Village was in receipt of a letter from Rossetti Contracting Company citing a 5% increase in the original contract price . The cost of the sewer installation to serve the Miller Property is $130 ,693 . 50 . This price is to be incorporated into the agreement proposed to be entered into by the Village and Miller Builders . The proposed agreement was then read . Trustee Gleeson stated he felt the Village should not be obliged to pay interest since the benefits derived from the construction of the sewer would inure to Miller Builders . The method of repayment was also questioned . Trustee Gleeson felt Miller Builders should bear the cost of the construction since the Village would put in the sewer when the bond issue sold and since Miller desired it sooner , the cost should be theirs . Following further discussion , Attorney Raysa asked for the opinion of the Board regarding the agreement so that he could further negotiate the terms of the agreement. The Clerk called a poll of the Board with the following results : Trustee Felten felt if the interest cost were eliminated the contract would not be objectionable . Trustee Gleeson felt the developer should be responsible for the entire cost . Trustee Thorud felt if the interest were eliminated the contract would be permissible and felt the Village had an obligation to provide sewer facilities under the preannexation agreement . 1955 5/11 /70 Trustee Fabish felt the interest should be eliminated . Trustee Cimaglio felt the interest should be eliminated but the Village should pay the cost when the bonds were sold . Trustee Gleeson stated that he felt the Village could cooperate with Miller Builders in recapturing the costs from other property owners who would benefit from the construction . `./ He stated he realized the Village had a commitment to provide services , however he felt there should be a certain investment on the part of the developer . Attorney Raysa stated he would contact the attorney for Miller to rework the contract according to the desires of the Board and report back with the results . 10 . Food Service and Food Establishment Ordinance Trustee Cimaglio moved the Ordinance be removed from the table . Trustee Fabish seconded the motion and upon roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . President Thompson called for questions regarding the proposed ordinance . Following clarification of the various sections and minor corrections , Trustee Felten moved Ordinance 0-70-8 be approved and passed . Trustee Cimaglio seconded the motion . Upon roll call the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustees Felten , Gleeson , Thorud , Fabish , Cimaglio NAYS : None ABSENT : Trustee Armstrong Trustee Cimaglio moved that the Clerk make copies available in pamphlet form in lieu of publication in the paper. Trustee Fabish seconded the motion and it carried unanimously . NEW BUSINESS 11 . Letter from Harris Trust ( Doc . #70-32 ) President Thompson_ read a letter from Harris Trust and Savings regarding coupons for May 1st interest on the Waterwork and Sewer Revenue Bonds . Trustee Gleeson moved the Board • authorize Harris Trust & Savings to detach and return the coupons to the Village Clerk for destruction . Trustee Felten seconded the motion and on roll call vote the motion carried unanimously . 12 . Proposed Amendment - Water & Sewer Ordinance Trustee Gleeson moved the proposed ordinance be tabled for the next meeting to allow trustees more time for study . Trustee Cimaglio seconded the motion and it carried unanimously . 1956 5/11 /70 13 . Farrington Ditch/Whistle Tube Discussion followed regarding the installation of the whistle tube . Manager Decker reported that no contractor responded to the Bid Notice published in the newpaper . He stated bids were then sought individually and the lowest one received was from Rossetti Contracting for $1 ,400 . 00 . The other bids received were for $2 ,000 . 00 and $2 , 100 . 00 . Mr . Decker recommended that the Board authorize him to sign the contract with Rossetti Contracting Co . Trustee Felten moved that the Village Manager be authorized to sign the contract with Rossetti Contracting to install the whistle tube , not to exceed $1 ,400 . 00 . Trustee Cimaglio seconded the motion and upon roll call the vote was as follows : AYES : Trustees Felten , Gleeson , Thorud , Fabish , Cimaglio NAYS : None ABSENT : Trustee Armstrong 14 . Communications President Thompson read a letter from Trustee Felten , Pollution Control Representative , (Doc . #70-33 ) , reporting that 23 Wheeling High School students and 1 Forest View High School student volunteered time and labor to clean streams within the Community . Nine truckloads of debris were removed from the Buffalo Creek . President Thompson read the names submitted on the letter and extended thanks on behalf of the people of Buffalo Grove . 15 . Miscellaneous Trustee Cimaglio questioned whether approval easements have been received for the street lights in Ballantrae . Mr . Decker stated he has not received them, to date . Mr. Decker then stated that the Village will go into a computer billing process for the water bills . He stated the lowest bid was received from Chicago Tabulating . President Thompson stated that the prices received were far below the cost which the Village now expends in having the bills typed and mailed by Village employees . 1957 5/11 /70 There being no further business and no questions from the audience , Trustee C inaglio moved the meeting be adjounred . Trustee Gleeson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously . TIME : Approximately 11 : 55P .M . Village Cl rk Approved this AS day of , 1970 . 1 "rz ezi Village -e'sident L