1971-12-06 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 2412 12/6/71 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES , ILLINOIS , HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 , 1971, AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILD- ING, 50 RAUPP BLVD. , BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS . The President called the meeting to order at approximately 8 :30 P.M. All present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Clerk called the roll and the following were found present : President Armstrong; Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Vogt , and Mahoney. Trustee Fabish arrived at approxi- mately 9 :00 P .M. Also present were; Mr. Daniel Larson, Village Manager, Mr. Arnold Seaberg of the Hattis Associates , Village Engineers , and Mr. Richard Raysa, Village Attorney. 1. Minutes of November 22 , 1971 Trustee Shirley moved the minutes of November 22 , 1971 , be approved as submitted. Trustee Vogt seconded the motion. Trustee Mahoney requested that on page 2406 , under Kemmerly Annexation, second para- graph, just prior to the next to last sentence, the following be inserted: "Mr. Kemmerly expressed his willingness to accept the provision in the pre-annexation agreement which would require prior Plan Commission and Village Board approval in the event any use of the property were sought other than as a real estate office or other similar business or professional use" , and insert after the word "recommendations" the following: "and Mr. Kemmerly's expressed willingness to limit the use of the property to real estate or other business or professional use" . Trustee Mahoney further requested that on page 2407 , under Mill Creek Public Use Land, sentence five be stricken and replaced with, "Trustee Mahoney suggested that the conveyance from the Village to the School District might recite that the School District should within three years convey to the Park District a portion of the property satisfactory to both the Park and School Districts , or the property would revert to the Village. Trustee Osmon requested that on page 2410 , under Refinish- ing of Well #3 Reservoir, the following be inserted: "Trustee Osmon asked who on the Board had read the proposal before the meet- ing and f2.9pd tha therms were none , with the exception of Trustee Shirleyi, whb—arefeaiiit during the meeting, and that none had time to study it. A roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Vogt, and Mahoney NAYES : None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Trustee Fabish The motion carried with changes noted. 7/ 2413 12/6/71 2 , Warrant #229 Trustee Shirley read Warrant #229 , in the amount of $164 ,906 . 58, and asked if the payments included in the MFT Fund were the final payments on Raupp, Bernard, and St. Marys and on Checker Road. Mr. Seaberg stated that 10% is being held back for warranty. Trustee Shirley moved the Board approve Warrant #229 as read with the inclusion of directions that upon receipt of the final bill on Checker Road, the appropriate billings be submitted to the develop- ers involved in the Glen Grove agreement, subject to payment upon receipt, reimbursement to the Village upon receipt. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion, and moved to amend the motion to remove the payment to North American Air. President Armstrong stated that North American is performing according to their contract. There was no second to this motion to amend. A roll call vote found the follow- ing: AYES : Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Vogt, and Mahoney NAYES : None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Trustee Fabish The motion carried. 3. Standing Committee Reports Plan Commission Referring to the November 17 , 1971 , Plan Commission minutes , President Armstrong stated that Merrill Hoyt has resigned as Chairman of the Plan Commission because of the demands of his law practice , but that he will continue as a member of the Commission. The President accepted his resignation and commended him for his efforts on behalf of the Village. The President further stated that his replacement and other recommended appointments will be considered on December 20 , and that their suggested changes in the Zoning Ordinance and Sub- division Regulations be directed to Mr. Seaberg and Mr. Raysa for review and recommendations . Legislative Committee Trustee Mahoney requested time on the workshop agenda for Larry Grant to report on Home Rule. He further stated that the Committee is studying a proposed Carnival Ordinance. Public Relations Trustee Vogt stated that due to the change in the water bills , the newsletter will be sent separately to citizens every other month. Building Trustee Osmon stated that he and Mr. Dettmer had met to formulate a Committee to refer some recommendations to BOCA. 2414 12/6/71 4. Committee of the Whole Fence Variation Trustee Mahoney moved the Board deny the variation request of Mrs . Warren Frees , 685 Mc Arthur Drive, as recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals . Trustee Vogt seconded the motion. Pres- ident Armstrong asked if Mrs . Frees were present. She was not in attendance. Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Fence Variation Trustee Osmon moved the Board approve the variation request of Mr. Dale Legnaioli, 887 W. Bernard Drive, as recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals . Trustee Mahoney seconded the motion , and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Resolution #0-71-37 President Armstrong read Resolution #0-71-37 , a resolution author- izing a bank account at the Bank of Buffalo Grove for Motor Fuel Tax Funds . Mr. Raysa stated that according to State Statutes , the amount of the treasurer's deposits shall not exceed 75% of the bank' s capital stock and surplus . Robert Collins , Village Treasurer, stated that deposits will not exceed 75%. Trustee Vogt moved Resolution #0-71-37 be approved as read. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Resolution #0-71-38 Trustee Shirley read Resolution #0-71-38 , a resolution authorizing a bank account at the Bank of Buffalo Grove for general funds . Trustee Osmon moved Resolution #0-71-38 be approved as read. Trustee Vogt seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote , the motion passed unanimously. Trustee Fabish arrived at this time. Resolution #0-71-39 Trustee Mahoney read Resolution #0-71-39 , a resolution authorizing a bank account at the Bank of Buffalo Grove for the Water Fund. Trustee Shirley moved Resolution #0-71-39 be approved as read. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote , the motion passed unanimously. Medical Insurance Program President Armstrong noted the report from Mr. Larson which contained the benefits included in the present Blue Cross medical insurance and the proposals submitted by Travelers and Metropolitan. Trustee Shirley reviewed comparisons in the two proposals . Mr. Reilly of Travelers and Mr. Cosmo of Metropolitan were present and commented on their proposals . Trustee Mahoney suggested that because the 2415 12/6/71 difference in cost to the Village is not significant, the decision should be in the hands of the employees ; that a summary of benefits and costs could be submitted to the employees for their comments . Trustee Vogt moved information be gathered and action be taken at the December 20 meeting. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion , and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Well #3 Mr. Larson reviewed with the Board the need of repairs on Well #3. Trustee Rathjen moved a set of specifications be drawn for the rehabilitation of Well #3 , that the specifications be aimed at the increased capacity of 800 gallons per minute, and that the Village Manager be directed to send out bids. Trustee Mahoney seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. 10 :00 P.M. - The President declared a recess. 10 :15 P.M. - The meeting resumed. Village Committees (Document #71-77) President Armstrong reviewed with the Board a communication from Mr. Larson recommending that the standing Village Board Committees , other than Public Relations , Environmental Control , and Economic Development, be abolished; and that the research of policy alter- natives be assigned to the Village Manager and Village staff; and that when particular problems arise , Blue Ribbon Committees be appointed for specific periods of time to make recommendations . Trustee Mahoney stated that since the Legislative Committee per- forms functions beyond the easy grasp of the day to day admin- istrators of the Village and also not of sufficient significance to warrant an ad hoc Blue Ribbon Committee, it wishes to remain in existence; but, that the Committee will meet every other month. In response to a question from Trustee Shirley, President Armstrong stated that the Trustees ' sphere of influence and general respon- sibilities , other than those of Board meetings , would be to work with and assist the Village Manager in the particular areas previ ously assigned to each, and that it will be the Village Manager's responsibility to keep the Trustees completely informed when pro- jects occur that fall under their area. Mr. Larson stated that Mr. Collins has agreed to assist in the administration of the Finance Department. The President stated that the recommendation to form a Blue Ribbon Committee to make recommendations on a Municipal Code will be discussed at the workshop meeting. Scavenger Licenses Mr. Larson reviewed with the Board an application for a garbage disposal license to haul construction debri for Levitt and asked for the creation of a separate classification for a license for hauling construction debris or increase the permitted licenses from three to four. Trustee Mahoney moved the Board direct Mr. Raysa 2416 12/6/71 to draft what he deems an appropriate ordinance to cover this problem and submit to the Board. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion. Trustee Mahoney amended his motion to include Mr. Raysa to get in touch with the Village Manager this week and confer with him as to what would be an administratively feasible type of ordinance from the Village Manager's point of view and a legally enforceable type of ordinance from the Attorney' s point of view, and present the draft at the next meeting. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Beauty Culture Shops At the recommendation of the Board of Health, Trustee Mahoney moved the Board direct Mr. Raysa to prepare an ordinance to regulate beauty culture shops , substantially in accordance with that of Rolling Meadows . Trustee Osmon seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Buffalo Grove Fire Department (Document #71-78) Mr. Larson reviewed with the Board his recommendation that a main- tenance program on fire hydrants with the Buffalo Grove Fire Department be enacted at a cost of $5 . 00 per year, per hydrant for maintenance, and identification of hydrants at a cost of $1.00 per hydrant. Trustee Fabish suggested that this money could be turned back to the Village to be used for payment on the aerial truck. Mr. Larson requested that consideration of the atlas be deferred until he could obtain more quotes on the work. President Armstrong requested Mr. Larson discuss the maintenance program further with the Fire Department. Ordinance #0-71-29 In regard to the proposed ordiance regulating the weight of trucks traveling on Village streets , Mr. Seaberg recommended 12 ,000 pounds per axle on the following streets : Arlington Heights Road from Dundee to Route 83 Raupp Blvd. from Golfview to Lake-Cook Golfview from Buffalo Grove Road to Dundee Weidner from Lake-Cook to Beechwood Cambridge Drive from Dundee to University University from Buffalo Grove Road to Cambridge President Armstrong read Ordinance #0-71-29 , an Ordinance amending Ordinance #0-62-28 (Traffic Ordinance) as amended, including Mr. Seabergs recommendations . Trustee Osmon moved the Board adopt Ordinance #0-71-29 as read. Trustee Fabish seconded the motion. A lengthy discussion followed concerning the specified weight and enforcement. A voice vote found the following : AYES : None NAYES : Trustees Fabish, Shirley , Osmon, Rathjen, Vogt, and Mahoney ABSTAIN: None The motion was defeated. 2417 12/6/71 President Armstrong requested Mr. Larson to review the Ordinance . Kemmerly Annexation Trustee Osmon moved a special meeting be called for December 13 , 1971, for the purpose of reviewing the pre-annexation agreement on the Kemmerly property. Trustee Shirley seconded the motion. Trustee Shirley stated that the agreement should include a special use limited to a real estate office or other similar business or professional building. Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Traffic Signal In reply to a question from Trustee Fabish, Mr. Seaberg stated that the State has not issued the permit to install the traffic signal at the corner of Dundee and Buffalo Grove Roads . Ballantrae Sidewalks In reply to a question from Trustee Vogt, Mr. Larson stated the owner said that stone was put in for the Ballantrae sidewalks last Friday. Trustee Rathjen stated that this was done on one lot only. Associated Planners Trustee Vogt requested Associated Planners to make a progress re- port to the Board. Mr. Larson stated that this would be done at a workshop meeting. Naperville Ordinance Trustee Mahoney stated that the Wheeling Library District should be invited to comment on the Naperville Ordinance. Recycling In response to a question from Trustee Rathjen, Mr. Larson stated that the recycling project will begin the first of the year. There being no questions from the audience, Trustee Rathjen moved the Board move into executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation. Trustee Shirley seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote , the motion passed unanimously. Time: 11 :35 P .M. There being no further business to discuss , Trustee Shirley moved the meeting adjourn. Trustee Vogt seconded the motion , and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Time: 12 : 20 P.M. 2418 12/6/71 Respectfully submitted, Z////---- Village Clerk i Approved t• . ,��j day of ,�_c_2.,,,---!-L, 1971. AI ..1 A / Al&trk /4. - ...11r1 " 11. •e 'reside ' II