1973-05-21 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 2765 5/21/73 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES , ILLINOIS, HELD MONDAY, MAY 21 , 1973, AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 50 RAUPP BLVD. , BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS. In the absence of the President, the Clerk called the meeting to order at approximately 8: 15 P .M. Those present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Clerk called the roll and found the following present: Trustees Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll. Trustee Shirley arrived at 9 : 29 P .M. Absent: President Armstrong Also present were Daniel Larson, Village Manager, Richard Raysa, Village Attorney, and Arnold Seaberg, Village Engineer. Trustee Mahoney moved Trustee Osmon serve as President Pro Tem. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. 1. Minutes of May 14 , 1973 Trustee Mahoney moved the minutes of May 14, 1973, be approved as submitted. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion, and a roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None ABSENT: Trustee Shirley The motion carried. 2 . Warrant #264 Village Treasurer, Robert Collins , presented Warrant #264, in the amount of $68, 490 . 29 . Trustee Rathjen moved Warrant #264 be approved as read. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion, and a roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None ABSENT: Trustee Shirley The motion carried. 2766 5/21/73 Trustee Mahoney moved $250 be added to the Warrant for development of the Community Teen Center. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion, and a roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None ABSENT: Trustee Shirley The motion carried. 3. President's Report Trustee Osmon read a letter from the Buffalo Grove Park District expressing appreciation for the disposition of the Aspen Ditch problem without losing open space. 4. Village Manager' s Report Mr. Larson reviewed with the Board the summary of administrative activities for the month of April , 1973. Trustee Osmon requested the number of hours spent on sewer rodding be tabulated. Mr. Larson announced that the State Senate Appropriation Committee will be holding a hearing on May 22 , regarding Senate Bill 1047 which appropriates $150 ,000 for work to be done on the Wheeling Drainage Ditch in the Buffalo Creek area and the Arlington Country Club retention lake. He stated that he, Trustee Osmon, and Mr. Seaberg plan to attend and invited any other interested people. 5 . Standing Committee Reports Trustee Rech reviewed with the Board the seminar for newly elected officials which she attended on May 18 and 19 , and the seminar conducted by the Youth Services Bureau which she attended on May 21. 6. Committee of the Whole Sidewalk/Twisted Oak to Aspen Court Harry Stoner, 7 Aspen Court, stated that when he purchased his property, he was not aware that a sidewalk would be constructed along the side yard. He said that the easement was not shown on his plat of survey and that he was under the impression the side- walk easement listed on the deed was for the one in front. He felt the sidewalk would create a burden on his property, and requested the Board to consider construction of the sidewalk along the Aspen Ditch. 2767 5/21/73 After discussion, it was decided to have the Engineer review the situation to see if there is any other alternative which is economically realistic that does not interfer with any other persons rights. It was also decided to talk with Levitt to try to arrive at a solution to the problem. Frank Clayton, School District #96 Board member, stated that Twin Groves School will be a junior high school and will service the entire Lake County Strathmore area. Cambridge on the Lake In response to a question from Trustee Rech, Mr. Raysa stated that because the change in plan requested by Richard J. Brown for Cambridge on the Lake is a reduction in density, a public hearing is not required. It was decided to request a recommendation from the Plan Commission regarding this change. Village Board Compensation Trustee Mahoney moved discussion of Village Board compensation be tabled until a full Board can participate. Trustee Rathjen seconded the motion, and a roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: None ABSENT: Trustee Shirley The motion carried. Ordinance #0-73-27 Trustee Osmon read Ordinance #0-73-27, an ordinance amending building permit fees . Trustee Mahoney moved Ordinance #0-73-27 be adopted as read. Trustee Rathjen seconded the motion. Mr. Dettmer stated that this change in fees reflects a 5% increase . Mr. Larson stated that this increase is in compliance with annexation agreements . A roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: None ABSENT: Trustee Shirley The motion carried. 2768 5/21/73 Ordinance #0-73-28 Trustee Osmon read Ordinance #0-73-28, an ordinance amending electrical permit fees . Trustee Driscoll moved Ordinance #0-73-28 be adopted as read. Trustee Rathjen seconded the motion, and a roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None ABSENT: Trustee Shirley The motion carried. Trustee Shirley arrived at this time. Sidewalk/Twisted Oak to Aspen Court John Molitor, 1141 Twisted Oak, stated that he opposes changing the sidewalk easement from property which shows the easement on the deed to property without it on the deed. Housing Code Trustee Mahoney stated that the Board of Health recommends Bill Balling, Administrative Assistant, work with Mr. Dettmer to combine the best feature of the BOCA Housing Code and the USPH Housing Code for presentation to the Board. Koelper-DeMuth Property Ken Campbell of Levitt reviewed with the Board their proposed change in land use of the Koelper-DeMuth property to reflect more single family detached homes . Changes in the new plan were as follows : 1. Decrease in density from 157 to 141 2 . Water retention will be in the northeast corner of the property 3. Only one tap street to Arlington Heights Road 4 . Condominium area is now single family detached, but apartment area is unchanged 5. In the single family area all streets will be dedicated Mr. Raysa was requested to give a legal opinion on the subject of changing drainage from one watershed to another. Mr. Raysa stated that he would study this . 2769 5/21/73 Trustee Shirley moved this change in plan be referred to the Plan Commission for their review and comments and a copy of the plan be submitted to Paul Box for comments on the question of traffic flow. Trustee Rathjen seconded the motion. After discussion, Trustee Shirley amended the motion subject to referral for traffic study to the Plan Commission' s recommendation. Trustee Rathjen seconded, and a roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None The motion carried. There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Mahoney moved the Board adjourn to workshop after a recess. Trustee Shirley seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Time : 10 : 00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Village Clerk Passed and approved this 9 day of � 7 , 1973 . 7 V' age P si ent .,,„, 2/11 Li