1973-10-15 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 2887 10/15/73 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1973, AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 50 RAUPP BLVD. , BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS President Armstrong called the meeting to order at approxi- mately 8 :10 P.M. Those present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. In the absence of the Clerk, President Armstrong appointed Carol Hennenfent Clerk Pro Tem. President Armstrong made a motion to that effect which was seconded by Trustee Rech. The motion passed unanimously. The Clerk called the roll and found the following present: President Armstrong; Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll. Also present were Daniel Larson, Village Manager, Richard Raysa, Village Attorney, and Arnold Seaberg, Village Engineer. 1. Minutes of October 8 , 1973 Trustee Shirley moved the minutes of October 8 , 1973 , be L. approved as submitted. Trustee Mahoney seconded the motion but stated that on page 2885 under Driveway Variation the names of the six trustees were reversed on the vote. The ayes should be Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Driscoll, and President Armstrong; and the nayes should be Trustees Rathjen, Mahoney, and Rech. Also on page 2884 in the sixth paragraph he requested inserted after his name the following: "whether he personally objected to Mr. Harris ' request" . Trustee Rathjen requested, on page 2886 under Mill Creek Park, the minutes to indicate his statement regarding the discussions being carried on are not in any way bearing on another extension agreement. Trustee Osmon requested, in the discussion of the swimming pool inserted where Inspector Guard gives his report on page 2884 , the record to show that he requested the entire report be read into the record at which time the request was denied. A roll call vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: None The motion carried with corrections noted. 2. Warrant #274 Trustee Shirley presented Warrant #274 with one addition being the annual payment on the aerial ladder truck under General Government in the amount of $14 ,548. 98 . Trustee Shirley moved 2888 10/15/73 for approval of Warrant #274 as read and corrected. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion. After discussion, a roll call vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: None The motion carried as amended. Trustee Shirley stated that the warrant is corrected as follows : GENERAL FUND, General Government - $18 , 671. 16 ; GENERAL FUND TOTAL - $56 ,398 . 01, GRAND TOTAL - $239 ,839 .95. 3 . President' s Report President Armstrong stated that he had received a call from the School Board of District 103 regarding the proposal that the Navy may build a housing site on an inactive Nike site on Milwaukee Avenue which would generate some 600 children into their district. They have asked the Board to consider voicing an objection. President Armstrong stated he requested the School District to send a letter or be in attendance at next Monday's Village Board meeting to discuss this more fully. President Armstrong stated there was a meeting this afternoon regarding the Arlington Country Club Retention Basin and asked Mr. Raysa, Village Attorney, to review the meeting for the Board. Mr. Raysa stated that he believed the matter is straightened out but has been delayed; the delay is caused not by us but by the Sanitary District; and that we are in the process of redrafting the contract now. Dan Taggart of Arlington Country Club was concerned because of the project timetable for the Marquardt piece of property but Marquardt agreed that he would wait until next year to start development. Mr. Raysa stated what is being done now is redrafting the contract, resubmitting it to the sanitary district and the retention basin would be started on October 14 , 1974 . Lengthy discussion followed with Mr. Raysa stating that he has no reason to believe that these new arrangements will not be accepted by everyone concerned. Mr. Larson stated that the Sanitary District at this meeting did agree to increase their contribution portion of the amount involved by approximately $12 , 000. In response to a question by Trustee Shirley, Mr. Raysa stated that the Village has not paid anything toward the moving of the ►-- bridge on the Arlington Country Club. 2889 10/15/73 President Armstrong stated we certainly don't want to alienate anybody as it is a very important project for the Village; all parties involved have worked very hard in a spirit of coopera- tion; that we are delighted with their records and look forward to the consumation of the agreement. President Armstrong also stated that he received a call from Levitt Residential regarding the disposal of the sales office at their model site. Mr. Craig indicated that Levitt and Sons would be willing to donate the building to the Village for public use purposes if the Village will remove it from the ICI premises. President Armstrong feels it is something that should be pursued; he has spoken briefly with the Park District con- cerning it; and it is his suggestion that the Village and the Park District determine whether or not either have a use for it, where it might be located and the costs of moving it. He requested Mr. Larson to contact Mr. Crosland of the Park District to arrange a meeting. The building would be available about January 1st. 4. Village Manager' s Report Mr. Larson reviewed the Summary of Administrative Activities for the month of September, 1973 . In response to a question from Trustee Osmon concerning the allocation for gasoline, Mr. Larson stated that the allocation has been going up every month. 5. Standing Committee Reports Natural Resources Trustee Osmon stated that there was a meeting held Saturday with regards to parks in Mill Creek and that there will be another meeting relative to getting together with Chester Moskal at a later date. He requested that the fire study be put on the workshop agenda in November. Community Service Commission Trustee Rech stated that they are having the first official meeting of the Community Service Commission on Friday, October 19th at 8 : 00 P.M. Environmental Control Commission Trustee Rech eta ed t at the Commission has received a request from Mr. Jim-b.x3c , who is a new member of the Environmental Commission, to attend a workshop in the Chicago area on public waste problems and sanitary land fill scheduled for November 15 �-- and 16 at a fee of $35. 00 and asked for the concurrance of the Board to allow him to attend this workshop. Trustee Shirley 2890 10/15/73 moved that this request be granted. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion and a voice vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: None The motion carried. 6 . Committee of the Whole Buffalo Grove Park District Mr. Settani of the Buffalo Grove Park District presented their request to the Board that the entire 9. 76 acres adjacent to the Village sewage treatment plant be passed over to the park district. He stated that they are concerned because of the time element about losing the grants which were extended to them; that originally they requested 6 .8 acres and that the additional three acres requested is for access rights. The acres in the original parcel of 6 .8 acres has already been authorized to be passed to the park district. Mr. Kiddie of the Park District reviewed the area involved. Mr. Larson reviewed the general area that was being considered for a Public Works area subject to soil tests. Discussion was held concerning the feasibility of building a public works garage on this site. Mr. Seaberg, Village Engineer, stated that the available land left excluding the 8 acres of the park site is 16.7 in round numbers; the park district is requesting 9. 76 leaving a difference of 6. 92 which is the treatment plant and the adjacent ditch that runs along side of it; that it is estimated that the ditch takes about 2 1/2 acres of that 6. 9 leaving us a little over 4 acres of building land. Trustee Shirley stated that the Village did agree with them publicly but not by motion that we were discounting this area as a public works garage and he so moved that the Board approve the sale of the area as shown on their plot in accordance with their request and that if we so decide to put a public works property there we will be limited to what is currently the sewage treatment plant, subject to an easement of access to the sewage treatment plant. Trustee Mahoney seconded the motion. Discussion was held concerning the monetary loss to the park district, the loss of the site to the Village as a public works property and the added expense to purchase additional land for a public works garage. �•-� In response to another question from Trustee� aa Mr. Larson stated that he and Mr. Crosland could not find a time when both were available for discussion so they have not as yet worked out the details on the White Pine Ditch question. 2891 10/15/73 Mr. Setanni stated that the Park District is asking that this land be placed into a passive recreational area. Trustee Rathjen questioned Mr. Settani about the development of the White Pine strip and criticized the situation whereby the matter of granting the Park District's request was being dis- cussed at a date which made it impossible to discuss the matter because it was beyond the date for refiling and resubmitting for an extension of the federal monies. Returning to the question of the three acre site, Mr. Seaberg stated he felt this acreage could work for both the Village and the Park District, making \./ use of at least a part of it for parking area shared between the two. It could be used primarily by public works employees during the day and citizens in the evenings and on week ends serving a dual function. He also stated that an easement for a sanitary sewer to be constructed across the property is needed. Discussion was held on the amount of space needed for parking. Trustee Shirley amended his motion to include that both the Village Board and the Park Board commit themselves to a cooperative effort in joint utilization of what are called common areas for such purposes as parking as the site is finally confirmed and developed if, in fact, the Village decides to put a public works facility there. Trustee Osmon requested Mr. Settani to submit a letter to that effect. Mr. Settani agreed that a letter would be forthcoming. Trustee Shirley further amended his motion to include an easement for construction of a sanitary sewer which would come from Checker Road up to Farrington Drive. The motion was seconded by Trustee Mahoney and a roll call vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: Trustee Rathjen The motion carried. Mr. Raysa, Village Attorney, requested that he be provided with the legal description of the property to be conveyed and of the easement. President Armstrong directed the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary papers. Discussion was held on the participation of the Village in the moving of dirt from school property to the 5 acre site south of Twin Groves School . President Armstrong stated that no finances would be expended by the Village. Zoning Board of Appeals President Armstrong reappointed Ken Bates to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term of five years to expire as of September 27, 1978. Trustee Shirley moved the Board concur with the President 's appointment of Mr. Bates. Trustee Mahoney seconded the motion and a voice vote found the following: i 1 \ �I � I i I i i i 2892 10/15/73 l AYES: Trustees Shirley, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: Trustee Osmon The motion carried. Village-on-the-Lake Mr. Gerald Harker of Donald J. Scholz and Company requested conditional approval to start land development work on its Village-on-the-Lake Phase 1. Conditions being that only work of a land development nature such as moving of dirt be done and that no building construction begin until State and other approvals have been obtained. General discussion took place regarding restoration of ground cover, no building permits being issued, water ret ntion, road pr aration and true pre ervation. rustee Whoney, mo d to grant the request from Scholz and Company for the development with the conditions set forth in their letter of October 1 subject to further consideration that the Village Engineer or the State might have and to provide for restoration of the ground cover. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion. Trustee Shirley questioned whether the intent of the motion is to imply the Board ' s approval of the final plat of Phase I , which is the model area; asking to be allowed to start building immediately upon receiving State of Illinois approval or if asking for strictly excavating. It was concluded that approval of this motion would also mean approval of the final plat for Phase I. Mr. Harker stated they would be happy to have the Board approve Unit I on the recommendation of the Plan Commission with the provision that no building construction can start until all necessary approvals are in the hands of the Village. A roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None The motion carried. 10 : 00 P. M. The president declared a recess . 10: 15 P.M. The meeting resumed. ,I �I tins � I .... I 2893 10/15/73 Bank of Buffalo Grove The Bank of Buffalo Grove requests permission to install a water main under Dundee Road prior to the annexation of the property located south of Dundee Road. Mr. Seaberg stated that this would be more feasible to do now since Dundee Road is under construction rather to wait until the road is com- pleted. Mr. Seaberg also stated that just the casings would be put in at the present time. Mr. Larson stated that the main should not be allowed to be used until the property in question is annexed into the Village. Trustee Rathjen requested that the Village should be explicit in the language to the bank that this in no way refers to any kind of zoning or approval of any kind of plan. He also stated that the only justification for allowing this request now is that eventually the Village would have a water main under there and it makes sense to put it in while the road is under con- struction. Trustee Rech questioned as to who will do the actual construction Mr. Seaberg stated the bank will hire a contractor and that it will be done under the Village' s supervision. L.... Trustee Osmon moved that permission be granted the Bank of Buffalo Grove to install the water main under Dundee Road subject to the condition that the facilities not be used until the property involved is annexed into the Village. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion and a voice vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None The motion carried. II Cambridge Drainage Trustee Rech stated that there are no new developments but that she and Arnold Seaberg would discuss it briefly. She also stated that John Walker of the Flood Control Commission present. was Mr. Larson stated that he has just received the plans for the improvement of Route 83 and Hintz Road intersection for the storm drainage improvements from the State and that they are available for review by the Flood Control Committee. _ . -4, 1 1 1 _ 2894 10/15/73 Trustee Rech reviewed the reservations in her letter of October 4th to the Board regarding conditions of flooding from the Tahoe retention basin to the University Court area. Mr. Seaberg stated that the three lakes in the Tahoe retention basin would alleviate the flooding problem but not eliminate it. Mr. Seaberg also stated that since the Village had paid some monies for this basin that we ought to be assured that the size of the basin has included the 55 acres in Cambridge that drain into it. John Walker joined in the discussion on the Cambridge drainage problem. Mr. Larson said he would talk with George Passolt in Wheeling regarding this matter. Mr. Seaberg was directed to get the design of the Chesterfield and the Zale basins. Ordinance No. 73-43 President Armstrong read Ordinance #73-43 , an Ordinance Amending the 1961 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Buffalo Grove, as Amended. Trustee Osmon moved that Ordinance #73-43 be adopted as read. Trustee Rech seconded the motion and a roll call vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None The motion carried. Ordinance #73-44 President Armstrong read Ordinance #73-44 , an Ordinance Providing for a Change in the Names of Certain Streets in the Village. Trustee Osmon moved that Ordinance #73-44 be adopted as read. Trustee Rathjen seconded the motion. Discussion was held con- cerning if the Village has the right to a penalty if residents do not accept the house numbers assigned them. Trustee Rech stated she felt a certain amount of leeway should be allowed on the changing of numbers . A voice vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll `�- NAYES : None The motion carried. 2895 10/15/73 V... Ordinance No. 73-45 Ordinance #73-45, an Ordinance Amending Ordinance Number 0-62-11, Granting to the Illinois Bell Telephone Company, its Lessees, Successors and Assigns, Certain Rights in the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois , was tabled pending review by the Village Attorney. Ordinance No. 73-46 President Armstrong read Ordinance #73-46, an Ordinance Providing for the Regulating of Fire Lanes in the Areas Known as Golden Bear Family Restaurant, Berkshire Trace Apartments, Stonegate Apartments, Buffalo Grove Mall Shopping Center, Ranch Mart Shopping Center and Oak Creek Apartments. Trustee Osmon moved that Ordinance #73-46 be adopted as read. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion. A voice vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None The motion carried. Halloween Proclamation President Armstrong read the Proclamation proclaiming October 31, 1973 , as Beggers Night in Buffalo Grove. Trustee Mahoney moved the wording be changed from Beggers Night to Halloween Night. Upon a voice vote the Board passed the motion unanimously. Resolution #73-23 President Armstrong read Resolution #73-23, a Resolution Urging Preservation of Arlington Heights Army Air Force Defense Site (Nike Base) . Trustee Rathjen moved that Resolution #73-23 be adopted as read. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion and a voice vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Rathjen, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES : None The motion carried. 7 . Questions from the audience There were no questions from the audience. 2896 10/15/73 .... Trustee Mahoney moved that the meeting adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel. Trustee Osmon seconded the motion and upon a voice vote the motion passed unanimously. l Time : 11: 05 P.M. v Respectfully submitted, 9 Clerk ro Tem , APPROVED,€This ,mimi , day of , 1973. Alt( Li ill. •- Presi.ent r } I L