1974-11-11 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 4066 11/11/74 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 , 1974, AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS. President Armstrong called the meeting to order at approximately 8:15 P.M. Those present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Clerk called the roll and found the following: PRESENT: President Armstrong; Trustees Osmon, Mahoney, Rech , Driscoll ABSENT: Trustee Rathjen Trustee Shirley arrived at approximately 8:25 P.M. Also present were Daniel Larson, Village Manager, and Richard Raysa, Village Attorney. 1 . Minutes of October 29, 1974 Trustee Rech moved to remove the minutes of October 29, 1974, from table. Trustee Mahoney seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Trustee Osmon moved to approve the minutes of October 29, 1974, with the verbatim transcript , dated November 5, 1974, attached to page 4049. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion and a voice vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Osmon, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: None ABSENT: Trustees Shirley, Rathjen The motion carried. Trustee Shirley arrived at this time. Minutes of November 4, 1974 Trustee Rech moved to approve the minutes of November 4, 1974, as submitted. Trustee Shirley seconded the motion, and a voice vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Mahoney, Rech , Driscoll NAPES: None ABSENT: Trustee Rathjen The motion carried. 2. Standing Committee Reports Harper Seminar Trustee Rech reported that she attended a seminar at Harper College last Thursday evening at which Mr. Wexler, Attorney for N. I .P.C. I . and Miller Builders, and Mr. Glink, Attorney for Naperville, discussed new trends in zoning. She noted one Wisconsin court case discussed in which the court upheld an ordinance that prevented any building in flood plain. 4068 11/ll/74 Trustee Osmon moved to publish for public hearing by the standard operating procedure of the Village, which is the Zoning Board of Appeals. Trustee Rech seconded the motion, and a roll call vote found the following: AYES : Trustees Shirley, Osmon , Rech, Driscoll NAPES: Trustee Mahoney ABSENT: Trustee Rathjen The motion carried. Lake-Cook Road Agreement President Armstrong referred to a memo from Mr. Larson, dated November 6, 1974, relative to responses received from affected property owners regarding their preference as to the location of the proposed sidewalk along Lake-Cook Road at Weidner Road. President Armstrong noted of 19 letters mailed, 5 preferred placement of the sidewalk adjacent to rear property line, 1 preferred placement within the right of way, 3 preferred placement through the middle of the vacant property, 1 preferred placement closest to the road, 1 preferred no sidewalk, and 8 gave no response. Trustee Osmon felt that if a drawing depicting the fence had been enclosed, the preferences could have been affected. Discussion followed regarding the need of the fence. In response to a question from Nicholas Fisher, 100 Weidner Road, President Armstrong stated that the County agreed to install a fence along Lake-Cook Road on either side of Weidner Road for eight houses; that it is currently planned to install the fence at the roadside but the Village could request that it be relocated. Mr. Fisher could see no advantage to the sidewalk due to the small amount of people that might use it. In light of the fact that he felt it would be a waste of time and money to fence vacant land, when not fencing the immediate rear property lines , Trustee Shirley moved that no fence be installed in the area. Trustee Mahoney seconded the motion. After discussion , Trustee Shirley withdrew the motion because the sidewalk placement is at the edge of the road. Daniel Reese, 77 Timberhill , stated that he would mow the grass behind his property to the fence. Discussion took place regarding where the sidewalk should be located. In response to a question from President Armstrong, Mr. Seaberg stated the sidewalk would be located in the right of way, which is 100 feet wide, that there would be a 10 foot parkway and a five foot sidewalk. Trustee Osmon moved to follow the contour of the sidewalks on either side of this property being approximately 10 feet in from the curb line. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion, and a voice vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Osmon, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAPES: Trustee Shirley ABSENT: Trustee Rathjen The motion carried. 4067 11/11/74 Naperville Ordinance Trustee Osmon stated that the Naperville Ordinance had recently been upheld in court. At Trustee Shirley's request, President Armstrong requested the Village Attorney to review the decision and determine if Buffalo Grove's Resolution #72-35 be changed to an ordinance. Trustee Mahoney suggested that the review take place after the appeal is finalized. Other Court Cases Trustee Rech noted a recent court case, LaSalle Bank vs. Evanston, in which the court ruled that a development can be denied for aesthetic reasons alone. Trustee Shirley noted that the court had recently denied zoning to a developer represented by Mr. Wexler because the surrounding area had not yet been developed. He felt this case could have some bearing on the Stielow property. Stielow Property Mr. Larson stated that he and Mr. Raysa met with the Attorney representing the owner of the Popp property and with Mr. Wexler, discussed the proposed retention basin , and explored the possibility of including the Popp property in the annexation to the Village. 3. Questions from the Audience Golf Course Robert Bogart, 930 Plum Grove Circle, inquired as to the status of acquisition of the Golf Course. Mr. Raysa stated that he is to meet with Mr. Ancel on Thursday to remit the $1 ,000 payment and obtain the executed copy of the contract. 4. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Public Works Facility Trustee Shirley moved to table for one week discussion of the Public Works facility, pending receipt of the final agreement on the Golf Course. Trustee Rech seconded the motion. In reply to a question from Trustee Rech , Mr. Raysa stated that it was not necessary to conduct a public hearing regarding rezoning of the property located on the southeast corner of Raupp Boulevard and Lake-Cook Road where the Public Works facility is to be located because the property will be owned by the Village. Mr. Larson noted the property will require a special use and the public hearing would be before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Trustee Shirley expressed concern over the costs of a public hearing and felt the many open meetings held on the subject accomplished the same as a public hearing. Trustee Mahoney felt the longer construction is delayed, the higher costs will be, and opposed the public hearing for that reason. Trustee Osmon felt that if the Zoning Ordinance requires a public hearing, one should be held. A voice vote on the motion to table found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: None ABSENT: Trustee Rathjen The motion carried. 4069 11/11/74 President Armstrong read the Supplement to Agreement between Cook County, the Village, and the Buffalo Grove Park District regarding construction of Lake-Cook Road. Trustee Osmon moved to approve the agreement and the supplement. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion. After discussion, it was decided to make the following changes to the Supplement: 1 . Section 2. (e) to read, "Construct the sidewalk at Weidner Road, location to be approved by the Village Board." 2. Section 2. (f) to read, "Obtain approval of the Village of the type of fence to be installed at Weidner Road as well as its location. A voice vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Mahoney, Driscoll NAYES: Trustee Rech ABSENT: Trustee Rathjen The motion carried. Ordinance #74-35 Trustee Shirley moved Ordinance #74-35 be removed from table. Trustee Mahoney seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. President Armstrong read Ordinance #74-35, an ordinance repealing the Village Gambling Ordinance. In response to a question from Trustee Mahoney, Mr. Raysa advised that the Coin Operated Device Ordinance would not be in effect until 10 days after its publication. Trustee Mahoney moved consideration of Ordinance #74-35 be tabled until the Coin Operated Device Ordinance is in effect. Trustee Rech seconded the motion, and a voice vote found the following: AYES: Trustees Shirley, Osmon, Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll NAYES: None ABSENT: Trustee Rathjen The motion carried. Mail Boxes Trustee Rech noted that the Lake County portion of the Village has no mail boxes and asked if the Board could influence a decision in this regard. President Armstrong requested Mr. Seaberg to review the matter and recommend two or three locations for the mail boxes at which time he would send a letter of request to the Wheeling Postmaster. Betty Drive Trustee Rech requested that Mr. Larson contact Wheeling Township relative to the bad condition of the road in front of the Early Learning Center on Betty Drive. 4070 11/11/74 Lake County Residents Trustee Osmon stated that at a recent fire referendum information meeting, it was brought to his attention that many people in the Lake County portion of Buffalo Grove feel they have no representation on the Village Board. He requested that on the earliest possible agenda, the first item to be a dis- cussion with Lake County residents about any problems they might have, and that notification of the meeting be sent to all residents of that area. President Armstrong suggested that a letter be sent from the residents des- cribing what complaints they wished to discuss. Trustee Rech stated that there is a unity problem in the Village that must be worked out. She suggested that the April 15, 1975, election should be the means by which these residents obtain representation. President Armstrong suggested that one meeting be set aside as a "citizens night" so that all citizens of the Village may appear before the Board to discuss their problems. Trustee Shirley did not feel a special meeting for Lake County residents would serve any great purpose. He stated that the agenda of every meeting is printed in the newspaper and that all citizens are welcome to attend and air their views. He felt if a meeting for Lake County residents were held, meetings for other areas would have to be held; therefore, he did not favor holding special meetings for certain areas of the Village. Trustee Shirley moved to adjourn to workshop. Trustee Mahoney seconded the motion, and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Time: 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Vi lage Clerk PASSED • D APP:sv I this S day of / v- , 1974. 401 IFA41111 106.h:i1727. 4"1. illa•e esident I I i i i I i ! i i I . i ! i I i